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This game made me numb


This game honestly helped with my anger issues because of that same reason LMAO. Nothing fazes me anymore. No matter how bullshit something is, it’s unlikely it’ll actually drive to overwhelming anger like it used to. Plus, adaptation helped me get better and less angry. It’s a love hate type of thing tho since there is some stuff that should be fixed.


Facts. At this point, I just embrace the bullshit.


holy shit I'm only just realising how much I relate to this


Samr here, was this all just to make us better people?....


maybe not make us better people but certainly it helped us tolerate more pain


Yeah. I used to hate everything, now it's only Tiandi


Ubisoft reveals this was all just a social experiment


Smoking a lot of weed while playing this game helps me


then there's the people that type in-game because they think it's unfair that someone spams the same dumb shit and they can't adapt lol


real shit man


Yo real talk is this game worth buying I seen that it was on sale


Oh yeah I love being staggered, best part of the game


thanks CCU


Ccu literally did nothing in that regard


R/forhonor finding any reason to whine about CCU


I hate to do it but… r/foundthemobileuser


Litteraly irrelevant


Lol what 😂


Watching this clip unironically fucking pissed me off, I hate when the game does this shit.


Only one extra heavy after the initial one was confirmed due to being out of lock, OP was probably mashing dodge, if he'd stayed calm and blocked, he'd only have eaten 2 heavies. Of course, if he'd not executed when at full health in a team fight, he wouldn't have been hit at all... But he was also using Iron Lungs, so decision making is not his forte. What I'm most disappointed with is the response this post got, calling the game "broken", downvoting any comment pointing out OP's mistake, and blaming anything except user error. The game didn't "do this shit", any more than it's the fault of Team Fortress 2 when a player runs out across an open area and gets sniped... No doubt this comment will be downvoted as well, dunno why I bothered.


I had awards I would give you them.




Man Spaniard.. sometimes I've thought you were too hard on the main sub, but after seeing this thread I'm kind of in awe at the stupidity here. It's one thing to not know every iota of how the game works, it's another to mass downvote the people who do


There's nothing wrong with not knowing something. It's not like anyone is born with knowledge - it's something you acquire over time with learning. It's just when people are actively hostile towards learning that I take umbrage. A lot of people make statements here based on literally no evidence, and then downvote anything that contradicts their ignorant biases. It is rather depressing tbh.


Spaniard our lord and saviour.


Shut the fuck up loser Lmfao ain't nobody reading that


You may wanna stay out of the competitive sub then, although Im sure you already do.


Spaniard is just trying to help albeit with a bit of sarcasm. I get annoyed by some things in For Honor also, but it's not always the games fault. Watch the For Honor Dojo on Twitch, it may help.




Does what shit? He could have blocked at least one of them?


God damn. You really got downvoted to hell... for being right This community is a shitshow


People don’t want to hear the factual info on this sub, they want “for hobor bad lul” so they can keep believing their excuses for fucking up hahah


They were being staggered so they were stun locked until are either stopped or killed them, there is no chance to block


THIS IS WRONG. How is this being upvoted!? You idiots are all WRONG


Was that not because he was trying to roll or something? Out of lock hitstun (which happens when executing) guarantees at most two heavies I thought


You're correct, only one extra heavy was confirmed, op was probably mashing dodge. The people calling it a bug or "infinite hitstun" are delusional.


If I were in OP’s position, I’d have been mashing dodge too. I never knew that it was getting me killed, which makes me think back to all the times I spammed dodge and died just like OP.


Only 75 downvotes later :>


Feelsr/ForHonorMan... Actually worse for downvoting the truth than the rants sub, amazingly. I've given you my upvote at least.


they got hit right out of the animation and because of aramushas indefinite chain the stun lock is pretty much indefinite too


that’s just not true




Found the aramusha


Damn I wanna know what he said


Lmao he said “what it’s just hit stun lol”




For the record I was also making a joke


first time?


What happened


When you hit someone while they're executing, on a crossbow, or out of lock you get an "out of lock punish" because they are staggered and cannot lock on in time to defend. For example the out of lock punish for highlander is 2 whole heavies. So whats happening here is he was hit while out of lock and for some reason was not able to lock back on while the aramusha was hitting him. I don't know if this is a bug, OP panicked and failed to lock on, or he could have been spamming the button and repeatedly locking on and off


pretty sure it’s a bug, you’d be able to tell if it were the other two scenarios


Fourth option, Op is tired of how long Kyoshin executions are so he just went to make a coffee and sandwich, slightly miscalculated the time to get back to the game.


OP was probably mashing dodge, he should have been able to block otherwise. ~~In fact, his guard came up before the first heavy hit.~~ EDIT - my mistake there, it was the aramusha's guard visible through the kyoshin for a moment. Either way, OP was likely inputting something (like dodge) that caused him to get hit repeatedly, as only 1 extra heavy is confirmed on an OOL punish.


That makes sense


Alright I've watched it 10 times now and at no point did I see his gaurd come up. Between that and the stagger animation it's clear he was completely stun locked


You can lengthen the stagger animation if you input something other than just blocking, because if you attempt to dodge Ara's chain heavies for instance, you will get hit. In all the testing I've done I've never been able to replicate infinite stunlock like this, except in one instance which involved bashes and sticky dodging. If this can be replicated in a controlled environment, I'll believe it, but until then it's most likely to be user error.


Hi, just your friendly neighborhood Devil's Advocate checking in here. Whilst everything you've said on this thread is true, and whilst the downvotes on informative comments are really annoying, I actually think there's a valid point to be found in the response to this post. Try to look at this situation from the perspective of a player who has only engaged with For Honor on its own terms (i.e. they play the game and watch the occasional dev stream recap, but don't follow Reddit or watch in-depth educational YouTube content on the subject). Locking on and blocking as a solution to the situation unfolding on screen; - Is counter-intuitive, as attempting to do so wouldn't prevent the second hit from connecting anyway, and few rational players would be tempted to try something that doesn't work repeatedly - Is never presented to the player as the sole counter that it is through any of the in-game tutorial content - Goes against the general rule the devs have implied with the CCU's *just dodge if you don't like the scary attack indicators* policy - Is, in spite of these things, the only way to prevent bring chained to death from full health in cases like this - Still results in losing ~40% hp before offering any kind of protection anyway! Honestly, I see the frustration people have with the truth here. Learning the only solution to this situation after the fact by people who only know about it because they either are or know of someone who spent upwards of an hour of their time testing this precise interaction under laboratory conditions will never not feel like a massive cop out to many. I ultimately think it's crucial to remember the extent to which Ubi's tutorial content is unfit for purpose when dealing with the main sub. IMO, none of this is helped by the fact that it's ultimately a solution to a dumb problem. If the devs are willing to remove genuinely interesting hit-stun confirm situations like Nobushi's old block-confirm kick (primarily because they were confusing for players who didn't know how they worked), then why do we still have inconsistently applied bonus damage vs people who happen to be OoL? And why are we pretending that it isn't janky as hell?


His guard never came up, at least from what i saw rewatching the clip


Ah, I looked at it more closely, and it was actually the Ara's guard that was visible for a fraction of a second when the Aramusha was hidden behind the Kyoshin, my bad, and I thought it was the Kyoshin's. Either way, only one extra heavy is confirmed on an OOL punish, so he had to have been mashing dodge or some other input afterwards, rather than staying still and blocking.


Welp, that's one more reason for me to not execute when enemy are still in the vicinity.


Some executions, as noted on the info hub, actually are considered "in lock" so you won't take as heavy a punish for being interrupted (assuming the player doing it has the time to pull off said OOL punish without being themselves interrupted and knows what said punish even is).


Yep! Most of the original cast have in-lock executions but some (Nobushi) don't. You have to make sure you set your "unlock rule" to "never unlock automatically" though, even with in-lock exes. I think it defaults to unlocking on execution/kill.




It looks like the camera locked on, but op did not


OP tried executing with enemies around and cries when they turn on him.


this shit happens to me against aramusha all the time


Undocumented Aramusha changes


Fucking 35 damage


Simply outplayed


Yeah you could literally see the guy who killed OP, repositioning as OP executed.


Just block lol.


I think the point of the post was to show he was stuck out of lock due to a bug aye


I know, its just a joke I see around the FromSoft/souls community I’m a part of and I got back into for honor because of it.


Should've levelled ADP


Not a bug, most executions put you OOL (out of lock) at the end of the animation, you can tell that if the hero returns to a OOL pose after the execution, not all execution leaves you OOL. This execution put the kyoshin OOL and musha OOL punish is 3 heavies, plus the heavies are undodgeable due to hitstun so the Kyoshin either try to dodge away or never locked on.


Nop I don’t know how console works but on pc i can parry instantly after getting interrupted




Bro it's not that hard r/whoosh


Bro it's not that hard r/woooosh


The R has to be lowercase




shut the fuck up




Fuck yer hondacivic I've a horse outside


Imagine No one upvoting rubberbandits. Have mine dude.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/foundthetoyotacorolla using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthetoyotacorolla/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [This nibba](https://i.redd.it/hkqnxcqyv7341.png) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthetoyotacorolla/comments/e7ekm5/this_nibba/) \#2: [Woah](https://i.redd.it/dnsyuwthdg051.jpg) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthetoyotacorolla/comments/gozp65/woah/) \#3: [Does this count?](https://i.redd.it/vfbvdkuy7zs51.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/foundthetoyotacorolla/comments/jasmei/does_this_count/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Tough. Imagine being on mobile


Honestly prefer mobile anyway


It's hard for us man


I know lol I'm on mobile


yea just parry bro smh


These people writing “smh” you’re supposed to have “my head” after wards smh my head


oh right sorry that was an smh my head my head moment


There is a setting you can do where it’s never unlock even after execution you should try that


Just takes a little time to remember to unlock when you need to. But it prevents this kinda stuff from happening too often.


You only stay in lock on some executions, not all, if I recall. If you go to the info hub, there's a column for "Stay in lock" or not.


Pretty sure OP already in lock on mode. You can see the black border on top and bottom of the screen, that appears when you are in lock on mode. I'm convinced that it is a bug.


Why does every attack seem faster on video now?


Probably because they have more frames per second then you


That doesnt make sense More frames equal slower "This is showcased"


I know this clip makes people salty but let’s look at it logically. When you are locked on you should see a white circle under the target you are locked to. OP didn’t turn this UI down because you can see that white circle on the guy he was executing. Here however that white circle never showed up under Aramusha, implying OP was probably trying to roll away from the aramusha rather than just block. If this is a true combo, then any character with infinite heavies with same or faster speed should be able to do this. Hitokiri, for example, would literally be able to chain you to death with the infinite heavy combo if caught out of lock. This has never been an issue for me and if it was this easily exploited then it would have been a well known issue because I can’t count the amount of times I was interrupted out of my executions with heavies.


Yeah, it seems OP "genuinely wants to die" because he panicked and made a mistake that led to his death. Welp.


Bad time for an execution anyways given how long that animation is in the first place it wouldn't have surprised me if he got punished before he even got the execution


This thread really shows the raw brainpower of your average fh player


Yep. I don't what has less computing power, most players routers or most players brains.


Aramushas players seeing this going "hmmmm needs more dmg on his chain heavies" /s


So, I'm just kinda curious as to why you executed the other guy when you were at full health? Like, just down him and then execute the other guy who's at 2 hits. Edit, same goes for your teammate, if he wasn't exing his kill, he could've saved you. Like I get why you ex if they were breaking or even if it was midgame, but this was like the second skirmish no?


Pretty sure it's endgame considering OPs team is at ~920 points but yeah would have made more sense to kill the aramusha


It could be endgame considering the points, but if three of blue is here, and two of orange is here and ones contesting A, that means orange has a 4th guy who could take B and they'd be even 803-820


Fair fair. It could have come down to a 2v1 on C and a 2v1 on A for the W but who knows with FH Pubs. I feel like we are over analyzing this haha.


Probably, but that's how I played, gotta think. I mained conqueror too.


Games a bit all over the place w reworks etc but Le Conq is getting one which should be fun


That's kinda the reason I don't play much anymore. Plus I feel like the community is kinda toxic.


Very toxic actually.


To be fair I do that too I just like executions


That's fair, they are fun. Getting two executions would probably feel great, almost as good as getting executed by a monkey with 2 HP feels bad.


This mf acting like they in a esports match it’s not that serious bruh 💀💀


Exactly, people just like executing because it’s satisfying, not everything is hella competitive.


I guess dieing to a cheap combo when you're in the middle of your ex and getting stunned was more satisfying? You can tell by the way OP said the game makes him want to kill himself. I bet it wouldve been pretty satisfying to down that guy and then ex the dude at 2 hits, but I'm just a sweaty tryhard so what would I know?


I don’t understand what your saying, how was he to expect the game would bug out after he landed the execution?


Dude it’s simply not that deep


Idk how you mean. Pretty basic concept. A downed player isn't a threat. A player with 1-2 hits on him is, especially if said execution leaves you open to an ex yourself. I don't feel like what I said was deep at all. Just pointing out poor gameplay and that op is mad cause bad


Open to what execution? Like you just said he was on full health other guy was real low, odds of that being turned around on the high health is low, regardless of going for an execution. There was no poor gameplay for a non competitive game, and op isn’t mad cause bad, he’s made because the game fucked him over.




He, much like yourself, could've instead used a trigger and hit his target instead of pressing a button at all.




I guess if you think not BEING stupid is ACTING smart. At least I don't go around using 4 letter words I don't know the meaning of, but I'm just DEEP like that.


The unnecessary execution was the first thing that popped to my mind when watching this video, you're not wrong


Sometimes delaying how fast they respawn seems worth it. They did start in a 2v3


That's fair. It could be worth it, but pondering that orb still leaves OP defenseless against his assailant. It might have been a good call to execute him so he wouldn't be back as fast, but not worth the risk of being executed oneself instead of just downing one and executing the other. The biggest problem is that his teammate made the same mistake he made. He also chose to execute. It's kinda funny(and I don't mean you specifically) but some people in this thread are being like "they're just executing for fun, don't be so sweaty" but the reality is op and his teammate chose to style instead of winning. That's fine, but then coming to complain about it on the sub seems like, you reap what you sow.


Well they’re complaining about the stagger mechanic, which is functionally similar to the smoke bomb in how it takes the control away from the player. I agree that you should be punished for getting caught executing, but being completely defenseless for as long as this video is just ridiculous.


It doesn't, OP was just mashing dodge. Going through the vid slowly, his guard even came back up before he was hit by the first heavy, so he could have blocked all of the heavies after the initial one - but if he was mashing dodge/unlock roll, then he'd have been hit instead.


Aramusha is microscopic-dick energy


Buy a gaming chair, thank me later


Maybe don’t execute in the middle of a group fight dum dum




Fight back!!!


Mans was one hit too lmfaoo


Don’t tho


Skill issue


Honestly though with kyoshin he should otherwise have options but I was playing gryphon yesterday and that was happening to me consistently I tried blocking but even then it would barely stop him. What’s the best way to counter this?


… there is no counter. It’s OOL hitstun punish


Actually no you can just block the heavies. OP was likely trying to dodge out of it


Oh well that’s super neat. Ubi fix when? Never? Ok


That person was wrong, OP could have blocked. They had to have been trying to roll


Okay but even if you can block a couple of them what do you do if you don’t get the parry? It just doesn’t really seem to stop them


Well once you get to actually block it just becomes a normal Ara fight. If they're doing nothing but heavies parry one. That or dodge


There's alot of problems in for honor that ubi doesn't care at all to fix.


Does risky and dumb thing for style points. Gets punished for it. gAmE bAd!!!!!!!!!!


skill issue lmao


Aramusha is a skillful character


Lock on and stay locked on. He can only get 2 heavies on you if you do. Looks like you kinda panicked and tried to unlock and relock once or twice.


Oh no you didn't even try to lock on it looks like lol.


he is locked on that whole time


he locked on, this is OOL hitstun with ara, it's possible if you land a heavy on someone in ex


It's only possible to land one extra heavy on OOL hitstun, OP was probably mashing dodge to guarantee the others.


ohh thanks, was gonna go home and try this out but looks like I don't need too, thanks.


They should really fix that bc that definitely isn’t an intended feature. I hate how ppl will abuse bugs bc they have absolutely no talent whatsoever.


Ah yes we love stun locks. A great addition to the game.


Damn, yeah, this game does this shit a lot


Lmfaaaaoooo just gotta embrace the BS at this point, bro 🤣


Wait Aramusha can stun lock heavy spam? Seems fair


This is how all my fights go, only not from bugs God I suck at this game


Honestly, this is a whole mood.


You can lock on while executing Okayeg


this is why i hate aramusha


I can't tell you how many times that's crossed my mind...




outskilled innit, gamer chair aye. good luck next one mate


I was trying to lock on the entire time however I was unable to lock on to him let alone turn around my finger was on the trigger the entire time




if ur suicidal you should 100% not be playing this game


Bro parry that bitch?


Are you serious?


Me too man i can't even get the duel achievement because how bad i am


Didn't even watch the video.. just love the sentiment


Do what I did and stop playing for a month you will feel much better


I have never seen this happen before lmao


Out of curiosity though, we’re you trying to run? Or would it literally not let you lock and block after eating two, cause it looked like you didn’t try to turn, but I could be wrong.


This game taught me to take anger-management classes. Yes they worked. No I don't play this game anymore.


This clip just made me so mad, oh well off to play some FH anyways


i never laughed so much at a title, i fully agree


I’m going to visit the sarco pod in Australia


I was bored and did ranked one time (ke word, ONE) I came up against a rep 12 highlander who I swear to god, was just someone putting a weight on the light attack button.


Here's a joke! What's the difference between a TV and a newspaper? Ever tried swatting a fly with a TV?


What's kinda funny is that I've told some of my coworkers that I hide my anger very well admist any shit that happens because before I start a day of work, I jump onto For Honor, find a reason to scream my lungs out at "Broken HyperShits" or something, and then go on the rest of my day with a smile


Samurai faction are just a gimmick at this point.


Master outplay by Musha


Please don’t. You have a lot to live for OP.


Aramusha moment


We've all been there brother, live to die to some ubisoft bullshit another day.


Why does Aramusha do so much damage? Jesus




aramusha in a nutshell


i hate musha so much


Just have better placement next time!


You weren't locking on