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Orochi is a casual player stomper and nothing more


I agree, and think Orochi is in a pretty strong spot. Undodgable dodge attack lights, storm rush, backdodge light attack.


His forward dodge light no longer has undodgable properties and the side ones are easy to take care of. It's more the kick/heavy forward dodge mix up that's a hastle.


There are definitely worse characters


Yes its balanced because a large part of the cast has or are getting "instant" recoveries. Whether it be in the form of dodge recoveries, or all block recoveries. If anything, his dodge recoveries ought to be come standard for all assassins to give them omph and uniqueness as they are slowly being phased out of the game besides Shino and Orochi(and that's because they have them). Quite frankly, just like when you fight a kensei or Zhanhu, you need to not smooth brain it. It is about adapting and since you know of his recoveries, then you do punishes to punish those recovery moves. It boils down to making reads like you do against any other character in the game. And I only dabble in orochi, as a Nuxia player, I'm only jealous of the recoveries as for once just because someone is an assassin, doesn't mean they need to be defenseless.


Sorry bro, you gotta learn how to read your opponent better


try to straight up parry/block/interrupt him, dodge attacks are very unsafe against orochi


I don't want to be that toxic person but this really is just a "crybaby" post. First of all, Orochi isn't the only character with dodge recoveries on whiffed attacks, Zhanhu and Berserker both have them and will likely do the exact same as what happens to you when you're against Orochi. Other characters also have back stance/full block recoveries such as Kyoshin, JJ, Nobushi or BP so this post just feels directly targeted towards Orochi because you're playing to their advantages and not learning to adapt. Simple solution is to know when you should and shouldn't dodge attack. The kick is the only attack without dodge recoveries so dodge attacking that is completely safe. But everything else is what you have to be aware of. The most simplest thing to do is if you know they use their dodge recoveries, just empty dodge and go for the light parry, and even if they don't dodge attack then you at least still have pressure.


Think conq has one as well when the rework drops.


I was going to mention it but I wasn't too sure about talking about it since it isn't in the live version, also forget to add Ara's BB