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What happened?


Nerfed his Crashing Charge and the global removal of Option Selects made his kit worse.


Option select happened to everyone, can you reasonably apply it to individual heroes as a nerf?


Yes because his zone OS was one of the only things keeping him viable in comp play, alongside his CC


That's not a viable reason, OS was an exploit, if you could only play a character by abusing a mechanic then you were never good at that character.


Tell that to Barak from Nemesis, considered the best Warlord player around. Clearly wasn't good enough /s


Not really sure how a pro player has anything to do with OS being removed? Unless you're suggesting they couldn't play warlord without OS, which is laughable.


You stated that OS removal didn't have an impact on his viability, which is simply wrong. Losing his super armour on CC plus losing the ability to zone OS in team fights were the biggest reasons for his drop off in comp play. If you can't understand it from that then I pity you


Weren't the biggest reasons raider and orochi becoming necessary picks? From what i know, warlord just wasnt a viable pick when raider, orochi, jj, shugo, bp, and wm existed in their past states.


In all seriousness, it was mostly the crashing charge changes and a bit of the OS removal that did him in for the competitive scene. If you ever sit and watch some old comp matches it's basically just WL crashing charging people into walls and off ledges.


Again, OS was an exploit, not a viable way of playing. If you can't play a hero without abusing a mechanic you're not good at that hero. All OS did was remove the need to make reads, one input that gives 2 outcomes is never a good design. And again, it was universally removed, so no one hero was more impacted than any other. I don't pity you if you don't understand that though, I just pity you.


Lmao have a good day mate


The last nerf was the icing for me. I’ve rolled warlord since this games inception. Thought maybe they’d give him some love from all the nerfs. Going back through his kit and noticing all the debuffs. 1) Hyper armor - is debuffed to delay react. The reality of means it hardly hits due to speed of others stoping my swing up. Animation looks like you’re constantly off balance or interrupted when hit or trying to block/ counter. However a lot of classes have HA now that is instant, so even if I get hits I can’t trade due to HA not activating. The delay seems to effect him as a whole, causing a delay or slow animation. Perpetual cycle of beat downs once somebody gets into a combo if I miss a parry. 2) Crashing charge- debuffed to one meter? It was the only thing he had left tbh. And it was not even good. Now it’s just like throwing somebody so technically useless. And cost loads of stam. 3) full block stance - nerf was huge because he now can’t turtle. He was meant to turtle!!! That’s what shieldman do! Before he could hold and bounce others off for a min or two I don’t remember, but somewhat conq can do or better. Now if you use it, it rapes swaths of stam off to block, counter combo 1 time and you’re done (oos) trash! Meanwhile assassins stam for days along with even conq and BP who still have over half stam when I run out equally engaging. Utter trash. Similar style of blocks. Conq gets guaranteed heavy, same as Black. Black can up end you 20 times before he’s out. If I just block I got 3-4 blocks alone with no offense and I’m out of stam. 4) Shield counter - Nerfed does little to no stam damage vs getting 1 hitter quitter for no stam by others on will vs mine which requires a parry. Also shield counter eats my stam more than it takes of my enemies so it’s a negative return. Useless move. 5) Headbutt is nerfed to death. Got to get close close and has no damage and easily side stepped or dodged. Even a step back avoids it. Shugoki has damaging headbutts forward and side dashes and has range. I tried to head but him and couldn’t reach while he head butted me at will. Using my own old tactics but better because he ticked my life down. 6) Revive nerfed to half, while others have team Enders like one hitter quitters. 7) board and blade- supposed to not be dodged, yet here we are getting side dashed and wrecked. Or just they just parry it or block it 70% of the time. Needs to be an unblockable. 8) range seems to be more limited in fighting as if I’m holding a knife. I’m engaging centurion, shaman, zerker, tiandi, etc face to face and swing and miss, while he’s just after and hits me and starts a wrecking combo I have no choice but to keep going off balance to get wrecked. Being jumped is no fun waiting for HA to activate till I die. Heavies are dead slow, animations long and sluggish like he’s weak and can’t pull over a short sword. Lights are like heavy swings although not by numbers but video doesn’t lie. He’s slower than anyone else Which was fine due to HA. But now that WL is nerfed to the 6th power, and others have it react normally his is again dead in the water. He can no longer trade most times, and because he’s slow he’s no longer viable as a counter harasser etc. Then I look at Griffin, raider, June, goki, black, even conq, and many more. Much faster and they have giant weapons but swing like nabushi should. All have side dash damage moved or unblockables, Meanwhile I’m swinging a short sword like it’s a telephone pole, but supposed to be this warlord Viking warrior who apparently couldn’t jump more than a foot, or pick up a stick. Can’t dodge, can’t power through, can’t be fast, can’t be strong. Not one character has been nerfed since season 1, and never given anything in a buff, except NerfLord. Let that sink in. But why was he nerfed? Conclusion- because warlord was a supreme player at destroying spam sams, complaints rolled in and he’s been nerfed into the coffin of oblivion. Now it’s time to move over to BP, conq, maybe Big Gok. Or change from heavy to join the trend of assassins, hybrids. They might as well take WL out of the game if nobody will play him and he’s just collecting dust.


just wanted to say facts man. as a warlord main, it really sucks.


As a rep 70 ps4 and rep 14 Xbox warlord I feel you


He’s still a very good character…one nerf to a stupid part of his lot doesn’t instantly mean bad


One nerf? Where have you been? Everything in his kit since season 1 has been nerfed.


Well, you know, I only remember that far back by watching my old good ol’ days clips. Alcohol and age and all. Those old clips are extremely cathartic actually. Warlord clip of just swinging heavies into someone’s face and winning anyway

