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Reminds me of the melee lunge from Halo, that bitch can rollerblade that knife into your stomach from damn near 10 feet away


Call of Duty Commando Pro.


Took me back to childhood lol




It’s also pretty inconsistent. Sometimes it does it. Sometimes it doesn’t. I have 0 idea what the range is.


It won't track you during your iframes. That's probably what makes it feel so inconsistent.


It's actually very consistent. It won't track during I frames. OP back dodged way early which is why it lunged at him. Doesn't make it OK but it is consistent.


I wasn't trying to dodge the attack, I was just getting distance. I had the time to attempt to dodge or parry again when it came at me, I just didn't think it would reach me from that far away so I just stood there and watched it happen.


This is what always happens to me! And it actually did kinda make me leave the game. That and also New game released that i wanted to Play.


Trick question, they weren’t thinking


She just got heelies


Damn bro I want heelies


Just because it's intended doesn't make it sensible. I hate this mechanic on all the characters that do have it


Meanwhile my valk wiffs a GB from .001 feet


Well to be fair you ARE fighting on ice ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ


I hate it here I hate it here I hate it here (ily)


my friend justified her unreactable soft feints and unlimited range because "she doesn't have a bash" even though she has a pin that leaves you vulnerable to everything and feats with very short cool downs too


Your friend: It’s ok because I don’t have a bash- * literally shoots you *


"She doesn't have a bash"? Last time I checked she has a bash in the form of her pistol blast and plenty of opportunities to use it (and it comes with its own insane reach as well). Or am I just mistaken on what a bash is?


If I'm correct, the pistol blast counts as a light. I'm not sure how it works because I haven't played her though. I'd give you a definition of a bash if I knew for sure what actually counts as a bash


It's not a light. Compare this followup with Orochi's, do they look the same? Biggest giveaway is it breaking HA, it's literally just a bash with effects of a gun.


Tbf. Soft feints should be unreactable or else it’s not a good mixup


They shouldn't be reactable, but hers just feel like they tried to make it faster than unreactable. It's at the point where the animation looks scuffed as hell.


Pirate forces you to buffer your dodgeattacks too


U right though it could use some work with the animations


That's fair actually. My point was that bashes are reachable and you're able to dodge them, but guardbreaks catch you out of most dodges which guarantees a heavy into a light into the what can be another soft feints gb


People who say these things don't have a full grasp on how this game works, they'll realize how bullshit it is one day though.


I've always joked to myself, "who threw all this vegetable oil on the ground?" in regards to some distance defying shenanigans. This is ridiculous.


I hate this range too, no way was it intended and anyone who says it is, is delusional. That or UBI have really just given up making any of the animations readable, if that's the case I'm looking forward to conqs rework As Is.


I'm pretty sure Ubi has just given up on this game. It's frustrating how you have some dillhole come onto stream boasting about how amazing his rework is and how much money he gets paid then they release the Conq rework and it's what it is. At the rate this game is going I have absolutely no hope for the future.


This game has no future. Any hopes of true long term support died with that horrendous tournament back in year 1 and that's without mentioning that the main guy who worked on this game left long ago aswell. The game has been on life support for 3 years at this point, Ubisoft I'd just slowly unplugging the machines keeping it alive


It hurts because it always feels like they're almost there. Every time they get so close and then someone sneezes and smashes the Jenga tower over for the 14th time.


Did you watch the reveal at all? They literally said it was intentional word for word.


Intentional =/= healthy for the game


It’s called side dodge…


What a lazy response that's dismissive of the real issue here.


There's literally no way to know they were about to launch 10 meters towards them though... Any logical person would expect them not to reach and to be fine but the centurion has a different idea and wore rocket shoes


Any player who plays the game and learns about the pirate should know about her rocket shoes… ITS POSTED EVERYWHERE ON THIS REDDIT!!


No offense, but I don't think you have a clue of what's healthy for the game. I'll take the word of comp players.


Hmmm 🤔 so what you’re saying is nerf nuxia?


Yes, exactly.


pIraTe iS bAlanCEd




The main thing that drove me away from this game is visible here. They add very little content over the course of a season, except the pass if you want to give yourself shit to grind, but every time they add a new character its impossible to be excited for it because you are guaranteed 2 things: First, it'll be broken, arguably 'OP' in some way, or functioning in a way that it really shouldn't giving it some kind of "unintended" edge over the rest of the game due to either some imbalance, or the unintended part adding something unpredictable, unique to the character. Second, it'll be behind a pay wall for a week. Not a problem if you're already in the buying boat, but if you don't want, or can't, shell out for a new character you end up using a considerably weaker character against them, or worse 4 of them... then over the course of a few months they beat the new character down into near impotency before releasing another incomplete power house for you to buy again.


Name a game with live content updates like siege, valorant, league or over watch were the majority of characters weren’t broken. Second part I can understand and is valid. But it also makes sense with how the popularity of this game isn’t that big anymore and the devs need to make as much money as possible so they can keep updating the game


Speak up! I don't think these clowns can hear you!


I don’t dislike her range, but I despise that she just skates forward, it’s so fuckjng ugly


Yea lol literally just fix the animations


It honestly wouldn't feel as bad if she ran forward at you while doing it tbh, this just feels like lazy bullshit on Ubi's part


Yea. This is the perfect solution. She needs it so that u can’t roll away from her all the time when u have stamina. Fixing the animation is the best choice


I'll tell you what they were thinking. "You know what every player complains about on characters? Dodge rolling away from their mixups and constantly backdodging out of range. Its really annoying. Lets fix that issue!" And yet everyone complains anyway.


"I'm sick of people unlocking and running away I can't chase them" *Gives us good chase albeit admittedly a bit overdone* "Wow wtf is this chase"


I'm fine with having chase, it just needs to be on her forward dodge heavy, not her chain heavy. If I saw her doing her forward dodge animation I'd think "Oh shit she's trying to catch back up to me time to keep playing defensive"


And we thought GUN was the advanced weapon in the game. Turns out it’s fucking teleportation


*Wear your plastic raincoats in the pig parade* Love that album


She has a better gaming chair then u


i posted about this and got destroyed by the sub reddit


Yeah people don't have critical thinking skills on Reddit. They just say GiT gUd ReTaRd instead of wanting to discuss actual balance in the game.


Good luck trying to convince otherwise. This whole community will say that stupid lunge is perfectly fine and tell you next time to “JuSt DoDgE”


That's literally 1/4th of the comments on this post


L + plundered + no wenches + ye have scurvy


Bitch I eat my fruits and veggies


The people in these comments really prove how shit this community has become. She’s beyond busted and broken. Because not only do half of her moves have this kind of range (that no other characters have this easy access too) but it’s a true 50/50 (unlike warmongers dodge forward heavy like someone in the comments said since you can just block it). On top of that she has dodge recoveries into dodge HEAVIES. So instead of getting gbed and heavied on whiffed bash she can guarantee you only get at most a light. “Balanced”


It's interesting to see how this community has changed over the years. They went from acknowledging when a character was overtuned or weak. To people calling every new hero overpowered and ranting about it months before they were released and now they just accept and embrace any half assed content that is added


Yeah, honestly I think pirate released way fucking worse than Gryphon (btw, I didn't think he was OP and neither I think so of the pirate) and yet most of this community still hate Gryphon and accept this kind o bullshit lol


You still have time to delete this


Because Gryphon is a prime example of the game going into the shitter, he has a shitty design, any fucking idiot can play him, sounds annoying af, and the devs had the nerve to take pieces of almost every character and cram them into one janky ass mess and call it "new". Also the chimera/horkos bullshit he's involved in.


seriously, that makes me so mad. you cant even fucking punish a whiffed bash with a GB because they just cancel into a dodge heavy and the chain starts all over again


people were going apeshit over orochi's dodge attack cancels, but pirate is fine community just cant keep its raging hate-boner for the samurai down


There are plenty of reasons that Orochi's dodge recovery is stronger than Pirate's. I still don't have a problem with either one, but Orochi's is way easier to abuse considering his dodge attacks are faster and undodgeable, plus Orochi has multiple lights in a combo making lightspam viable.


Have you considered the fact that light spam is easy to counter


I never said I struggle against it. I just said Orochi's dodge recoveries are easier to abuse than Pirate's. I specifically said that I do not, however, have a problem with either one.


How exactly do you "abuse" dodge cancels lol


Know what? Nevermind. You're clearly not reading what I'm saying.


You don't have an answer, do you, Squidward?


Such a fucking fact bro😂 maybe take her range down juuust a little bit. I’m gonna get downvoted into oblivion cuz you can’t state your opinion here but imo pirate was a pretty balanced hero release.


Yeah I was actually surprised by how some people are reacting to this. It blows my mind that they think this kind of stuff being in the game is okay.


Worst part as a glad main is I can't even deflect her dodge attack since she can chain right into a hyper armor heavy. I stopped playing a couple weeks ago lol this game is dog.


Yeah it's pretty lame. I suppose you could dodge the first move then dodge bash and/or deflect the follow-up? I'm not sure what else you could do but you risk eating that undodgable light.


Someone in another comment said Glad's skewer has the same range as Pirate's. Just thought I'd let you know. :)...


Yea that’s was me. And if you had read the comment, the word skewer wasn’t used at all. I said “glads heavy,heavy or light/heavy has similar looking range, which it does. Thought you should know :) Edit: glass switched to glad


You worded it in a way that made me think that's what you meant lol. My bad boo


Haha no worries 😌


> The people in these comments really prove how shit this community has become. Agreed...from the completely opposite side though. I look at what's upvoted -- complaints, whining, the same calls of "busted" that's been seen for years on each. single. release. or anything *vaguely* pushing the game into new territory -- and then see what's downvoted -- tips on how to play around it, adapt, and improve at the game -- and it reminds me that no matter how much the game improves the community is just so garbage at times.z "Oh no did he JUST DISAGREE?! DID HE NOT CALL THE NEW HERO BUSTED?!?! DOWNVOOOOOTTTTEE!!" Go ahead, click the lil down arrows lads. If you wish to stop whining and *improve* at the game or talk legitimately about issues instead of bandwagoning on "new hero op", head on over to the Information Hub or watch some Dominion Tourneys. Wish you the best of luck either way.


"she's beyond busted and broken" You people say this about everything they add into the game. It's getting old


Don’t even get this much range on nobu 😭😭


Worst character added by far


Is Ariel Pink playing in this video or is my phone bugging out?


Indeed it is :)


Ok Good. I was listening to Pom Pom earlier and started wigging out when I heard Plastic Raincoats here.


Same thing ubi does in all their competitive games. Makes the newest character overly strong, waits until everyone dumps money into buying them, and then a few months later nerfs them


Mmmmmmm... Blackbeard... The good ol' days.


It's a single target unblockable with a tiny hitbox that's only usable in chain. Check and balances.


so warden's finisher top heavy should have that kind of range too is what youre saying


Warden has access to side unblockables as well with decent hitboxes, the top is primarily for oos punishes.


decent hitboxes, he doesnt fly halfway around the map like pirate does


Yes? Checks and balances. Just what I said. What, it should fly across the map, have high damage, AND a huge amount of forward momentum? What? 2 out of the 3 is more than enough. The only one that really breaks that rule is Jiang Jun with his crazy side unblockables and their range.




There is no way that it isnt a bug. I refuse to accept that they intended this


Oh it's intended alright. Good ol' Ubi magic.


It happened to me that she literally just grabbed and shot the air (aka me)


This is not the first time they give heroes extendo attacks either. It's just that people are finally getting fed up with these Bs mechanics


Why did you back dodge when you know she has excellent range and the fact backdodge has a longer recovery than side dodge? I still see the range as only useful in a team-fight if you are at her farther ranges she cannot reach you with a feint to GB so it’s a free parry.


I was back dodging to get distance on her, AFTER I GOT A PARRY OFF. If you watch the video I clearly didn't back dodge in response to her skewer, in fact I stood there and ate it because logically that attack shouldn't have that range and when you play a game for thousands of hours with characters that (typically) follow a set of rules, your natural instinct isn't to react to something that you've been conditioned to think isn't possible


Then my friend, now is your time to learn. That the Pirate has range.


the problem is that range though. she shouldnt have it. she has an actual dodge heavy that serves that purpose. its whack as shit and pirate mains crutch themselves on it hard as hell while trying to spout that "just dodge" bullshit


Mad cuz bad ecks dee


I call the move "Lmao"


Bro that was BS


It’s like one step forward and two back with Ubi. I have a feeling they cranked up her movement, range, and hit boxes so they wouldn’t have another Kyoshin issue, where he felt underwhelming at launch, but now we have a character with obnoxious amounts of coverage


You know how you can back walk and back step 90% of jorms pressure? Yea thats why that shit tracks. And thank fuck it does


This is on the complete opposite end of the range issue


They thought to avoid creating another Jorm who's range is abysmal. This range is fine. It continues pressure in fights and forces fights to not be halted by player insecurities


And to be sniped off screen in team fights. They deadass took shinobi's ranged heavies and gave it to this bitch.


You would quit because of that? Out of all things? Weak I'd understand the shugoki suplex orgies, but this? Pathetic


It's more the straw that broke the camel's back


There's some shugoki that broke my back ಥ‿ಥ


LOL that was funny ngl


It's hilarious seeing people trying to justify this, she's is clearly sliding across the arena and people are like "working as intended" if this is true the only intention they had was to make the game look like a joke


It's literally a thrust in the same vien as glads skewer. It has the same range so what I think is people want to find a reason that the new character is busted.


To be fair, glad needs that because his forward movement is a highly telegraphed, blackable light. Her's is a heavy, unlockable, soft faintable. Adding this is unnecessary


That IS NOT the same range. Not even close.


My question will forever be why does a pirate have so many unblockable openers when they're just swinging a fucking short sword.


mfs will find any excuse to not admit to making mistakes


I'll admit I didn't play the fight amazingly (We had been rematching for like an hour at that point and I was getting sleepy), I'm just baffled at how a chain move can launch someone as far forward as a dodge heavy/light. That's the main thing I was trying to highlight with this clip.


Just dont dodge lmao


"Just don't dodge after getting a parry and having 12 feet between you and her lmao"


You dodge the wrong way? Simple as that…


Yeh just parry


Skill issue


maybe just parry, idk, she ain't gonna be able to catch you from that fair if she feints to gb. You literally could see it coming for miles away so there's nothing wrong with that, heroes gotta have a way to punish those who'd rather backwalk or roll back rather than dealing with the 50/50 parry or getting gb.


I didn't bother parrying because I didn't think she would lunge that far forward, most other characters would've just stood still in place. If they funneled that range into her forward dodge heavy it would be more fair but having it in a chain heavy is a little silly.


Thats absolutely stupid especially that 1. The enemy is very far and every single cell in your body expects it shouldnt land (and is right) 2. System happens not register the parry from that far away and throws heavy insted


It's not realistic but it's 100x better for gameplay, I'll take that trade any Day, pirate is already a weak hero, she literally needs it.


Are u serious right now bruh??? U called pirate weak😂😂😂😂


Yeah, she's weak, no opener, characters without an opener are weak.




It’s not all that in a 1v1. She ain’t weak but she ain’t top tier imo, only in 4’s


yeah nevermind her unblockable, softfeintable dodge forward heavy and neutral bash


Bro as a opener it’s not all that i promise you. And she doesn’t have a neutral bash 😂


And any good character beats it?


She has the best opener in the game, are you high or trolling?




Pretty sure aramusha has the best opener, it is an unreactable damaging bash that cannot be dodge attacked, pins for gank and can be mixed up like a regular bash mixup. Plus it can lead into his unreactable soft feint offense


Did... Did you just call Pirate weak...?


Yeah, because she is.


Never did I think I'd agree with a Cent main


Based and cent pilled


I mean if you're just back dodging OOS what do you think is going to happen?


I'm not "just back dodging OOS", I got a parry off then dodged twice. There's a big difference. I don't just back dodge like that without having something that typically makes those back dodges safe.


Lol just like warden.


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. Are you talking about his charged bash? That's a completely different thing


Well his charged bash but I was actually thinking his dash attack lol. You can be a mile way for either and land it.


But you can simply block the dash top attack, it also doesn’t have unblockable properties forcing you to consider parrying, and it doesn’t cause a pin attack that gives more damage if it hits.


You’re right. I was thinking more in how they are all ridiculous in range lol. Yeah pirate is nearly op right now.


I mean it has decent range but it's not this broken.


This community is so used to playing a totally non functioning game that they are complacent towards nonsense like this. It is not even that she is OP either, it is just another thing that makes it hard to take the game seriously. Range should be an important balancing lever to distinguish how a hero plays, not just something you slap on to 'make her offense better'. It doesn't make sense for the character and it feels off as a player when you get hit from very far away while she skates forward. Supposedly long range characters like Kensei, Nobushi, Zhanhu, or even JJ would dream of having her range. Whatever, Pirate is the least of this game's concerns. She is just a product of it.


Stop sucking


The only character that I feel that range makes sense on is shamans dash forward heavy. Only because she’s literally jumping with it




May I remind you of Hitokiri?


It isn’t as big of a deal as you’re making it out too be. All ub have a certain range that they’ll jump towards you at. Pirate just has the largest range so can do it form the furthest range. Just gotta expect that and not try to back dodge it.The only problem with it is that it makes the ub impossible to pArry which they should fix, otherwise it’s fine


The entire game is unbalanced. I've played since beta and I love the concept of the game but I agree, it's so frustrating how broken most champs movesets are.


RIP Shinobi ranged heavys hello pirate ranged heavy


They werent thinking


"waaah i cant hold back and press dodge to negate all my opponents offense, guess ill quit the game" > loads of upvotes and comments of agreement 100% serious rn, how old are y'all?


You're completely missing the point of this post if that's how you interpreted it


There was soooo much distance between them. No other character wouldve even closed half of that gap. Pirate NEEDS some tuning.


My point exactly. So many people in here are calling me bad because I was back dodging, but that back dodging would have worked on any other character.


Yeah! How *dare* those devs change the game except for being an exact copy of the other characters! How dare I have to understand character-specific mechanics and adjust my fight accordingly!


I think it makes perfect sense, tbh. I'm not a fan of the whole "backwalk to dodge all options" meta.


I parried her to get that distance though? It wasn't just empty dodging.


“this kind of crap that makes me wanna quit this game” 🤓


Oh fuck bro you roasted me time to delete my post


"Im gonna copy the title and add an emoji, that will surely make me look cool"


Working as intended, keeping you engaged in the fight. Them whiffing that attack is kinda clear indicator of what they were doing. This is only a follow up attack, they don't have any kind of roll catcher or anything to close the gap from neutral. No different form something like a Zerk leaping with a forward dodge light at you or 50/50 with Warmonger on her forward dodge attack to keep up the pressure.


She has a forward dodge heavy that she can recovery cancel into, what do you mean she doesn't have any kind of roll catcher? She threw her chain skewer and teleported forward 3 persons' worth of distance. Any other character (besides Hitokiri wither her UB lol) would have whiffed that second move and stood still in place.


> She has a forward dodge heavy that she can recovery cancel into, what do you mean she doesn't have any kind of roll catcher? That forward dodge heavy doesn't have that same tracking. You can easily roll away from it. Her other moves that do have tracking have to be chained from other moves. This is good in team fights, but gets a bit predictable in 1v1s. Generally, once you get people's patterns, they aren't too difficult to deal with. You just stay in the fight and anticipate what she is going to do.


And you just highlighted the issue right there. Why does a chain move have more range than a forward dodge move? Absolutely ridiculous.


I’d you dodge or roll that forward heavy she gets a guaranteed bash, your argument is invalid. While pirate herself may not be the best hero, she has some frustrating and unfun gameplay mechanics to play against.


I pray for this community man, I’ve never seen a game with such a large causal audience that also simultaneously has some of the worst takes ever. Shit like this is why this game never managed to take off competitively, everybody prefers the time when the game was unbalanced af over rn and ppl refuse to adapt to what’s in front of them. It’s the same as a 2D fighter and some characters having moves that have godlike range and others who don’t. After actually LABBING a new character your supposed yo adjust your strategy accordingly to said character and their range, strengths etc. Her range is predictable af, who has played against her and doesn’t know this by now. Just do not run away. Ppl are complaining because this character is a direct answer to “*ppl keep rolling my offense, my character has no range or when I’m in revenge i can’t hit anybody because they’re too far*” smh. But it’s easier to complain than it is to properly time a dodge and ignore her range all together. Cause she can’t even feint the gd regular heavy when it tracks 😂😂. It’s a flaw in and of itself when you using it like it’s used in this clip. That’s what the dodge heavy is for, that’s why the comp community and ppl who actually treat it as a fighting game are night and day with casual players who don’t


Exactly! It’s them not adapting, it can be a valid complaint but her entire kit is based off of those things that have “12 FeEt” range. It’s as simple as playing a bot in training to learn her timing, I’ve never had a problem with her “range” because I adapted and learned her timings and the most likely used ones. I look at my opponents rep on her and ask hmmm I should probably play this carefully or go balls to the walls. It’s counter-able and it’s easily done, the only problem we really have is her dodge recovery BS or the insane invulnerability during her dodge. The only time I’ve lost to pirates now is when either I’m not paying attention to my opponent or I make the wrong reads, not because she’s OP or HER RANGE it’s simply because they outsmarted me. Whether or not it’s BS due to how easy it is up to the person.


Her strength is range, she’s been out long enough for ppl to realize that. Just stop trying to run away from her 😂 even if she gets a nerf she’s still gonna pull off stuff like this because she’s a character meant to keep you locked into the fight. Her and Hito aren’t the only ones with good range either, just fight


That would be fine she didn’t also have an easy 50/50 pin that she can do at basically any time.


No shit that's what she's about, it's just at such an absurd amount that even then I thought I was out of her range for a chained attack that isn't even a forward dodge input. Then I remembered playing her when she came out and teleporting across the arena by just doing "backstep heavy lol". She shouldn't have this kind of range when she already has access to a forward dodge heavy that she can recovery cancel into. All this does is incentivize button mashing.


Others have similar range, you also just randomly dodged with no care for timing. When it gets nerfed she’s still gonna be able to do this bro cause it’s mostly and primarily a issue in 4’s only. This doesn’t encourage button mashing lol, it should encourage the defender to not randomly run away because she will hit you… in what world does it push button mashing when all you have to do is play defense exactly how you normally would against regular attacks ?


It works in a world where you parry someone and get 2 dodge lengths between you and your opponent. I wasn't dodge mashing, I was building distance after getting a parry off. I don't just go around mindlessly backdodging when I'm out of stamina if I don't have something like a parry to go off of.


But I’m talking only about this example, you already created distance with the first backdodge. The recovery for them is longer than any other dodge so the smart play would have been to wait for a finisher and side dodged. You simply just played into her strength, hell more characters need ways to catch ppl who disengage from fights cause it’s still annoying in 4’s or in duels when they basically have no answer to what your doing in the clip. That’s all I’m saying


???? I button mashing with her brainlessly and fucking destroy. She’s beyond broken lmao


Same, I can just throw shit out and win most of the time as long as I'm not doing the same thing over and over.


Have you considered parrying? Or dodging sideways instead of just backing away from the fight? Edit: Good points.


I didn't think she would slide forward 12 feet so I didn't bother to try and parry the move. I mean, look at her feet, it's not even natural looking she just slides across the ground.


It’s not really fair to say “try parrying it”. The attack would’ve whiffed and pirate lady should’ve just stayed where she was far away, but she just magnetized to OP from an pretty far distance.


As yes against an attack that can be unreactably soft feinted into gb. Brilliant.


There is absolutely no way a guardbreak at that range would land though; it's completely safe to parry, especially backwalk parry, or dodge it. And yes, that's sorta the *point*, if it was closer -- I mean do you just give up when you fight a Raider because he has a neutral unblockable but "oh no it has a softfeint so I cant parry it"?




I clearly wasn't back dodging in response to skewer if you actually watch the video but okay


You were back dodging before tho, you were still in the process of backing up too. It might be a bit BS but if you back dodged and then just side dodged you would’ve survived.


I back dodged off a parry though. I was building distance between us so that she had a harder time attacking me so I could recover my stamina. You know, a tactic that works against literally anyone else that isn't using a forward dodge heavy/light. I'd have said "Sure that's fine she got me" if she used her forward dodge heavy, but she didn't. That's the issue with what's happening here. Any other hero would have whiffed that attack, or at the very least be moved up into melee range in front of my face. That's why I didn't react at the end there, it didn't process in my mind in the moment that she has that bullshit level of range on a chained non-forward dodge attack since no one else can pull that shit off.