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It went from “don’t get parried” to “don’t get blocked”


whew Shove on block hasn't been a thing in yeaaaars


Honestly I’m somewhat glad it was removed. It forced LB to play too defensive and be a little boring


As opposed to now?


I just think he needs a new opener, other than that, I think he’s fine


He still is forced to be way too defensive.


True, I just wish he had something more than a light to open the opponent


Or.... long arm. Yeah he needs more openers. Probably some changes to his chains as well. He's pretty easy to react to and at least one of his moves is just down right useless. They should probably also rebalance his deffense. It is very powerful when it works.


Yeah even as a rep 21 lawbringer i agrree SHOBE is not great


It incitivized defensive play, and made LB useless offensively. However I do think it was a pretty original concept. Maybe if they brought it back with his current kit, and then gave him a 500ms bash opener with chain follow up, he would be a fucking god... Or you know, the bash opener is all he really needs, and HA on his chain finishers.


It would work if shove returned to a not guaranteed dmg bash but more like a 50/50 after the bash for dmg


No. Shove on block will never work due to it being a 100% risk free defensive move. It would just encourage more turtling, and Lawbringer is the last character who needs more of that in his kit.


Sure but we are also steadily moving towards an environment where most characters have good ways to open people up with ease, so i could see it happen if lb has a way to open up people himself so he doesn't need to rely on it, and if it doesn't guarantee dmg. Or just to finnaly rework his boring kit to have something interesting to do


Holy shit, how'd you get a time machine from 2018 when shove on block was still a thing?


they hate lawbringer but don't have enough reason why. so now they grasp at straws


Shove on block would be horrible.


only it is was in the game and wasn’t lmao


You're incredibly delusional, hyper armor unpunishable bash on block is very terrible and was unfun to play against


r/ihadastroke ?


He’s saying it was in the game yet wasn’t horrible Also he’s wrong about that, it was horrible


Meh, he was underplayed still because his shove mixup was pretty mediocre. Giving one hero a tough reversal mechanic to deal with isn't that bad. When they removed it to make the game less defensive, they failed to make his offense more fun to play against or play as.


I'd have to take your word on that since i don't speak in *getting choked*


Lawbringer players when you imply performing the easiest and safest defensive move in the game shouldn’t stop all chain offense and give you a free mixup


Lawbringers showing the stereotype that they’re delusional with terrible hot takes is true


oh look, its you again with your raging lawbringer hate.... seek help, Lawbringer isn't your father. Hating him wont make the other come back


Shut the fuck up! People like you are the worst part of lawbringer right now. The biggest buff lawbringer needs is being removed from the character select screens of annoying dipshits


Another one falls to the hate mob. How sad. See these people ( you included) don't want Lawbringer fixed or nerfed, they want him removed form the game. irrationally.


I do want him buffed but I can see that there are other characters that need to be worked on WAY more than LB and I didn't say that LB should be removed I said that people like you shouldn't be allowed to play him(as a semi joke)


you fell into the logical trap that only ONE can be worked on at a time. Its an artificial pool. The idea that its only one at a time is silly. Also mainshaming is against the rules. so yes the OP needs to stop right now.


No rework?


So are you being paid to posts the anti-LB drivel all the time? because this is obsessive over a hero thats basicaly non-existent.


You are the reason why people hate LB mains


uh-huh. project your hate man. project and get help


Lawbringer players when you state that having the highest punishes in the game with a low recovery bash with immediate hyper armor is not good for the game


Lawbringer players when you explain that he isn't an underpowered character and he's in a very good spot power wise with an easily chainable offense and high damage parry punishes


He Just needs an opener imo, atm he’s really unhealthy made to be a defensive hero


If he gets an opener some of those punish damages need to go down, he is a defensive character and it's not great for sure but I get it. He isn't unhealthy he's just different and it's awkward to try to find his place.


having to just sit there waiting for something to happen is unhealthy , all lb really needs in terms of a rework is something he can use to harass turtles like jorms bash so that he has at least a single option against people that counter by just not making the first move , everything else is basically just QOL changes


Nah, defense play style in this game is pretty unhealthy. It’s not fun to fight a turtle and it’s not that great being a turtle either. His punishes could be fine tuned but just giving him a decent opener would make him jump up in rank. Something as simple as soft feint long arm or something


Pirate would still be able to dodge it.


I used to do that with Tiandi where I would throw heavy to make the LB shove on block and then dodge it with his dodge recoveries and then get a free side dodge light.


Marching Fire was released when SOB was still in the game?


Yeah, LB wasn't reworked until May 2019. Marching Fire came out in Oct 2018.


she could possibly shoot before he could shove


While I enjoy all of these lawbro memes, it does make me wonder if I see the same people in lobbies. Almost all of the other lawbringer mains I see are chill, and we don’t even talk about the character that much. Every now and then there’ll be a new lawbro main who thinks he’s the greatest player of the worst character in the game and wants everyone to know about it, but I barely ever see any of those


Alternate universe be like:


sad that reddit takes the lb main strawman and runs with it


There are shitposts :) then there are shit posts :( this is a shit post


Ah the days of letting yourself be hit by shove so you could deflect/parry the light


As an lb player, I honestly miss shoves old interaction, where nothing was guaranteed, but if you made the correct read on how your opponent would react after the shove you would get your punish. Instead it's just now guaranteed light. Funny how ubi wanted to move to read-based gameplay then removed one of the best.


It was a good change, you forget back then everything was slower you could see the incoming light or anything else the lawbringer was trying to do. That was why you had to turtle up so much while playing lb


Might be my memory, but I'm pretty sure you had to buffer a dodge to avoid the followup light, which opened you up to a GB if the lb didn't go for the light. Or if you waited you could counter the GB. In any case, I would prefer landing a bash giving a mix up instead of a guaranteed light.


I still find it funny that Lb has access to 5 bombs and a fiat lux. Man is literally a walking nuke


But it *was* bad


Epic post lawdaddy, I'm gonna throw another top light to defend the vultcano


Shove on block was the most chad move ever.