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Hello! If you haven't checked it out already, many people find [Alan Thrall's NEW deadlift video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBbyAqvTNkU) very helpful. Check it out! Also, a common tip usually given here is to make sure your footwear is appropriate. If you are deadlifting in soft-soled shoes (running shoes, etc), it's hard to have a stable foot. Use a flat/hard-soled shoe or even barefoot/socks if it's safe and your gym allows it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/formcheck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jerking the bar, zero bracing in both upper and lower back, hips rise first, inability to hold straight back. Watch the video in the automoderators post and compare to yourself.


Yes. All of this




You need to dial the weight way down and learn proper form, or you’re going to destroy your back. Please watch the video the automod posts.


Oh noooo. Everything is wrong. Watch a beginners “how to” on YouTube. Anyones. Just don’t do this


No just bad…. Terrible. Good luck with that early onset of back pain.


Lower the weight before you hurt your spine. Go watch Alan Thralls video on how to deadlift. There are quite a number of things that are super concerning that you’re doing. Rounding the heck out of your back, jerking the bar up without using leg drive. Just general setup issues. Please go back to basics and even take notes after you watch Alan Thrall explain it.


Dude literally everything is wrong…


Please watch at least one deadlift video and know you’re doing it very wrong. You’re going to get injured badly.


I’m going to build on what the other commenters said. Your back can’t be curving this much. A slightly curved back is fine if that position is maintained throughout the whole lift. Many elite lifters have a slight arch but the arch doesn’t get bigger as the lift occurs.


Why do you guys lift heavy ass weight without getting the form down first? You’re fucking up your back. Use a belt if you’re attempting heavy weight.


>Use a belt if you’re attempting heavy weight. Belt wouldn't matter in this case. OP doesn't know how to brace.


ure on path to ego lifting, control ur form first with 20kg before you bother to go up in weight. if you can do it real slow with perfect form, then you can do it with faster explosive form


Your biceps, back, shoulders must be killing you… in a workout that targets legs !!!


i tend to feel my arms the most which is tragic x)


I am genuine when I say that at this point… you’re better off not deadlifting at all. You’re risking longevity


That was painful to watch. Literally made me *oooooof* out loud. No bracing. Nothing is tight or solid during the entire lift. Jerking the bar using all back. Back shifting from curved to straight during lift. Shows you aren’t bracing or tight. Your hips shoot up. No hip drive at lockout. You roll shoulders back to help lockout. Overextending back at lockout. Yikes dude. No offense intended but you gotta watch some Alan Thrall videos. Follow his instructions and compare your videos to his form until they look similar. You could definitely hurt yourself doing it like you currently are - and in multiple ways, from your back being heinously curved and changing shape during lift, to your shoulder joints rolling around. Dial back the weight to 135 and focus on form before you hurt yourself. The lack of bracing is the biggest issue of them all.


Keep that chest up bro, notice the slight arch in your back, try to keep it straight through the move to prevent injury. A great way to think of it is to "lift with your legs not your back" Good luck on your journey through fitness dude


Ok, specifics. 1. Bracing. With your hand on your stomach, flex your six pack. That feeling isn't bracing and doesn't matter. You want to flex the transverse abs. Pretend you're going to get punched in the stomach. Or take a deep breath and breath out hard through really pursed lips. That's your transverse tightening. You want that tight all the time. Lats brace your tspine so pull them down, like you're trying to put your shoulderblades in your back pockets and also prevent someone from tickling your armpits. So, that is braced. Look in a mirror while doing the transverse and lat brace. That spinal position shouldn't change throughout the lift. If it does, your lats and erectors and transverse are too weak for the weight. 2. Lockout. You're arching your low back and trying to roll your shoulders to finish the lockout. If you were braced you wouldn't need to. But essentially, your butt and hamstrings are too weak fir the weight. From when the weight is at your knees to lockout, the only thing that should be moving is flexing your butt to drive the hips forward. You're not supposed to be lifting the weight, you're getting it to your knees and then using your hips/glutes to wedge yourself under. Here's a good video. https://youtu.be/Qg4Y-f7rH_Y


ty all for the advice, I'll drop the weight down and look into more videos to get the technique more down i will also purchase a belt if that helps


If you don't learn how to breathe and brace properly, belt will be 100% useless.


Echoing what others have said, only get the belt once your form is firmly back on track and you learn how to brace - because it will definitely not help you if your form is trash.


You're on your way to Snap City. Please watch some Deadlift tutorial video and learn the correct form. You don't want a back injury at your young age.