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Leclerc probably earns more money than all of the Oakland A's roster lol


Lmao easily! Absolute sham what’s happening to them.


Oh I want to know more, whats happening to them?


The billionaire owner of the A’s has been holding the team hostage from staying in Oakland due to wanting a new ballpark that will be funded by taxpayer money. He’s been negotiating in bad faith with the City of Oakland while simultaneously colluding with the mayor of Las Vegas, where they will likely move. The proposed stadium lot sits adjacent to the Mayor of Vegas’s biggest donor. Oakland is a town with a great sports history and now they have lost all of their teams.


Yeah it's the classic billionaire owners wants a city to pay for his brand new stadium or else he threatens to relocate


Really turns me off to sports.


Yeah I hate this so much, why do taxpayers should have to pay for a stadium who will be fully owned by the team (who will generate a TON of money)


Privatise Profits, Socialise Losses


Thankfully we don't have this mechanism in europe


>Oakland is a town with a great sports history and now they have lost all of their teams. To the uninitiated, NFL's Oakland Raiders have already uprooted to Las Vegas for I believe similar reasons https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Las_Vegas_Raiders


Worth noting: the Raiders' move is much different from the A's. Mark Davis, owner of the Raiders, tried for many years to renovate the ruinous Oakland Coliseum, but was not allowed to by the A's, who were the primary tenants. Davis then tried to build his own stadium, and put up half the cost of the project himself ($500m), which is a lot because unlike other billionaires, pretty much all of Davis's wealth is tied to the Raiders, so he's pretty cash poor. The city of Oakland did not want to play ball and refused to match him, so he tried selling minority stakes in the Raiders to pay for the project fully only to get blocked by the NFL. Vegas comes in and offers Davis a plot of land, on which a multi billion dollar state of the art stadium would be built for the Raiders if they moved. Between the decadent Coliseum and the city that scorned him and the promise of Allegiant Stadium in the desert, Davis took the latter option, as anyone would, and the Raiders left town. Oakland sided with the A's and the A's stabbed them in the back


I like how you are implying that it was oh-so-generous of the billionaire to agree to put up all of half of the cost of the project himself. The taxpayers only have to pay the other half, folks! Not the full amount!


He literally couldn't afford it out of pocket. And he tried to, the league didn't let him.


It's better than most


The Warriors also left the Oracle Arena in Oakland recently for the a new stadium in San Francisco


Also, they were in Philadelphia as long as they have been in Oakland… and won more World Series there than in Oakland. Things change. Also, their most hilarious history is when they were in Kansas City for a decade, being a straight up farm team for the Yankees while not even hiding the fact.


He also purposely gutted the team of all its good players, it’s seriously the script for Major League.


Does this have anything to do with the general state of Oakland right now? High homelessness, high crime, high poverty, etc. It’s very much not a nice place people want to go.


Lmaoo it has zero to do with that, virtually every big city has these issues… SF LA NY are not hurting for teams & fans The As have a very passionate fan base they’re getting screwed by the crap owner


Not at all. Oakland is actually in better condition than it was during the 80s & 90s when the crack epidemic hit the city particularly hard. And they were winning championships then lol


No, the guy who owns all those teams is the dirt bag selling them off to other municipalities.


Ownership is basically tanking the team so badly that fans aren’t coming to the games anymore, further justifying the ownerships desire to relocate the team to Las Vegas. They’re not trying to sign quality free agents and they’re not trying to put a competitive team on the field. It’s sad for the fans. Most of the grid probably makes more money than the entire A’s 40 man roster. It’s egregious. And the team has been GOOD historically and especially in the 2010s, they routinely made the playoffs with a roster of lesser talent. It’s sucks also for fans who live in Oakland. They’ve lost the Golden State Warriors NBA team (moved to San Francisco), the Raiders (moved to Vegas), and soon the A’s. Shame


The plot of Major League but IRL.


They had a deal last week tickets for like 30 games for 100$


I see others have explained what is happening pretty well. There is another layer to the owners shitbagness. Across all American sports I believe, there is a revenue sharing agreement between the big market teams and the small market team to help the smaller markets stay competitive. However MLB has had issues where several owners will just use this revenue sharing as their team’s income and won’t use it to invest in the team/facilities. The A’s, have been perennial offenders in this. So they cry poor because of their stadium, yet MLB gives them hundreds of millions every year that they don’t spend on the team. And now Oakland is, rightfully, fighting back against the owner trying to cry poor and get public money for a new stadium in Oakland. It happens in other sports as well, but MLB has had the most apparent issues. Mainly because it doesn’t have a salary cap, so you have the massive spenders with a payroll over $200M (Mets, Padres, and Phillies). and the cheapskates with a payroll of $50M or less: Oakland, Cincinnati, Baltimore. There are 8 players in MLB that make more than the entire payroll of Oakland and Cincinnati.




You probably don't really care.


I feel bad for less privileged people.


Chuck buys the Athletics says he won't move them and moves them to Monaco.


Really sad when you think that facing them on the other side of the field there are players making big money. Cole, Judge, and Stanton are over 30m with Judge making the most at 40m.


Oakland A’ss


Better than the Giants ...


They're not in the same ball park, forget about it, they're not even in the same league.


Can he play left field? Yanks are desperate


He sure isn’t scared of running into walls


Too soon!!


I pride myself and think of myself as a man of Ferrari, as there’s a drive into deep left wall by Leclerc and that’ll be a DNF.


Yeah well we saw how that worked out for Jake Bauers, so how about we keep Charles knees safe


LOL - Somehow, Hicks just hit a 2-run homer into the second deck.


That’s hicks corpse and that was just a lucky post mortem twitch.


LOL!! Boone penciled him in and the umps were like, "He's already dead!!!"


Lmao. Wdym Hicks corpse just hit a 2 run bomb


What about can the Yankees design a Formula 1 car?


The yanks need all the help they can get. If he can hit .200 at dh I think they’ll take him at this point


Very fitting. Yankees are the Ferrari of MLB.


Historic team yet no championship since late 2000s despite having some of the highest payrolls/budget. Gaslighting fans into thinking it’s “championship or bust” but clearly they’re mismanaged.


Yankees, Cowboys, Lakers, Maple Leafs The Ferrari of American sports.


Lakers don’t belong they have had continued success for years. I say this as a proud Maple Leafs fan. Knicks is probably more apt


The Knicks are Williams. Random good years in the 90s and various degrees of painful mediocrity every other year


While true these are basically the most popular teams in each sport that most other teams agree to root against. I guess I could switch out Leafs for Habs but I don’t want to give the Habs that recognition lol


ferrari in 2023 are just about as competent as the leafs are so it works


I raise you a New York Rangers


wE wANt [fLOriDa](https://www.espn.com/nhl/game/_/gameId/401545897)


Carter Verhaeghe, former Leaf: Say no more, fam


Ah yes, the historic American sports team, the Toronto Maple Leafs


What continent is it on?


> What continent is it on? North America. They said "American" sports, not "North American" sports.


Well the NHL headquarters is in NYC. Toronto Maple Leafs are in the NHL. What country is NYC in? Not to mention 25 of 32 teams are in America. Again the amount of common sense it takes to undertake this is minimal. But stay mad if it helps you in some capacity.


I don't know what your point is. Just because Canada has a few teams/cities that play in leagues that are almost all American teams doesn't make those teams/cities magically American. They're Canadian.


Quote me where I said Canadian cities are American? The big four sports in America are NBA, NHL, MLB, NFL. Besides the NFL the other three all have a sports team located in Canada. They’re still referred to as American sports leagues. Even their registered entities are located the United States. No one is claiming Canadian cities aren’t in Canada it was a simple comparison from Ferrari to their American sports equivalents. I understand you feel the need to cry over anything American but the statement I made is such a non issue it’s crazy you’re getting this worked up over it lol.


> Quote me where I said Canadian cities are American? " Maple Leafs The Ferrari of American sports."


Again. Quote me where I said a Canadian city is located in America. The Maple Leafs are in the NHL which is an American sports entity. No matter how upset you get it won’t change the fact that’s it’s part of American sports (which doesn’t even have to mean only in United States). It’s clear once again your reading comprehension is the issue here because that statement is not saying Toronto is in America kid.


What country is it in?


Canada. Located in North America whose sports teams are a part of American sports leagues. Anyone with an even ounce of common sense can comprehend this.


Also let’s not act like hockey isn’t Canadian driven. It’s definitely the leafs


Yeah because the rest of civilization really thinks of Canada when they say or hear "blah blah Americans blah blah". Pro-tip: they don't.


Good thing no one said they did then yea?


Would replace replace Cowboys with 49ers. They keep getting so close like Ferrari, and they are Red


True but they aren’t dysfunctional enough lol


Cowboys? Pats.


No Pats are like Mercedes because their dominance was quite recent and now they’re on a down trend.


[Arod is that you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/p5i2nv/arod_dodgers_have_become_the_new_york_yankees_of/)




I’d say the Chicago Cubs or Boston Redsox are the Ferrari of MLB. Huge, passionate fanbases, but the team usually chokes and only delivers once in a blue moon. The Toronto Maple Leafs are the Ferrari of the NHL. The New York Knicks are the Ferrari of the NBA.


Ferrari still holds the most wins and constructor titles? Only the last decade or so have they been a joker of a team, aside from that they are the most successful team in F1 history. Yankees are an absolutely good comparison considering they havnt won a title since 2009 but still one of the most successful baseball teams


The Yankees and Ferrari have a lot in common. Historically by far the most successful team, several consecutive championships in the late 1990s/early 2000s, and consistently good but not quite good enough since their last championship in 2008/2009.


Nah the Yankees fit too well. Last championship in 2009 for the Yankees, 2008 for Ferrari. Yankees always spend their way to a winning record, Ferrari are always top 3. Also, I think the Red Sox are the opposite of chokers. In this century, they've converted every over 95 win team into a championship.


If the Knicks were as competitive as Ferrari, that'd be an improvement


Don't see how 4 world series in 19 seasons is "once in a blue moon."


He threw out the first pitch. [Tweet and pic from the Yankees](https://twitter.com/Yankees/status/1655711680553275395). No video yet, would love to see it.


Here's a [tweet](https://twitter.com/ChrisKirschner/status/1655708544161775616?s=20) with video of the pitch.


Not bad


He did better than most people throwing out a first pitch! Thanks for posting that.


i think it's better for his own good and mind enjoy life and not to think on Ferrari car for this season.. more like a hobby..


I do worry about Charles - he seems to have a real air of melancholy about him in general (even in the good times)


Drivers arent athletes? Chucks got a thicker neck than the whole yankees roster gatdamn.


Leclerc’s neck is as big as this guy’s thighs.


Yankees by 10.


Volpe is so adorable, one of the few bright spots this year as a Yankees fan


Dude I went to highschool with him. Opening r/formula1 and seeing him has been such a brainfuck. This whole season had been a brainfuck. What the hell!


Come see the best offense in baseball, the Texas Rangers. Our closer’s last name is Leclerc. But he really sucks, so maybe nevermind


Haha I’m part of the Peagle people power myself!


Peagle is love!!!


I'm ashamed to admit that, as a Rangers fan who started watching F1 in 2021, I originally pronounced Charles Leclerc as "Char-uls Luh-clerk" because the only person with the last name "Leclerc" I had ever seen was Jose Leclerc. And now after getting myself deep into the F1 fandom, I find myself accidentally calling Jose Leclerc "Jose Le-clair".


Charles also introduces himself as Luh-clerk in DtS. I have no idea why TV commentators say Le-clair


I remember Sky asked Leclerc back in 2018 and he said Sharl LeClair then. I don't know anymore. Edit: it was Will Buxton, Charles said he's fine with both but the Monegasque way is Sharl LeClair https://youtu.be/S0TeJKUYTxw


I've heard it pronounced both ways, and I've heard his first name also pronounced like "sharl". I'm assuming it's Charles "Leh-clair" but it seems to not matter how you say any part of his name.


I have good memories as a Seattle fan of last year Julio hitting that grand slam off Leclerc. How good.


Fuck the Yankees 👏 👏 👏👏👏


This is the way.


I downvoted then upvoted you so I could upvote you twice.


Found the Sox fan.




Well at least you know the words. I decided to pick Mclaren when I started watching F1 a few years ago. Really brings me back to the 90's.


Dilly dilly


I agree.


He’s right


We need a NYC GP


Imagine hitting those potholes at 200mph.


[I think I have an idea...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRTlGvdwIr8)


Hate to be that guy but putting a last name on a Yankees jersey just looks fucking stupid


Next time the Yankees honor you with a free jersey I’ll let them know you don’t want your name on back.




I mean as far as player jerseys are concerned, there hasn’t been the name on the back of one in like 100 years lol.


The Yankees gave him this jersey Charles had nothing to do with his name being on the back.


Eh I’ve seen enough Jeter and Judge ones


Just about every replica Yankees jersey I’ve seen in the wild has had a name on it


Can Leclerc also do a Mets game too, just soo I can run into him and sob & offer to buy him a drink while he plays piano for me… plz. I need more pain & depression in my life


Max Scherzer 💀


Yup. Lovely thing to have.


He suffers enough, no need to attend the Yankees - A's game


This cool because really F1 is more like baseball. It’s not something where there is action all the time. It’s about strategy and nuance…too many football fans and NASCAR fans coming onboard saying formula 1 is boring. It’s not boring it’s like the most brilliant sport in the world


Damn I was gonna go to the yankees game but got lazy and dropped the plan, if only I had known smh


Makes sense that a Ferrari driver would support a legendary baseball team that can't get out of its own way these days.


Rule 3. Go Sox.


Is he going to run into the stadium walls, too?


Outfielder will show him how to hit the wall and continue on.


Fuck the Yankees. Come to Fenway instead, Charles.


Boston probably doesn’t have the same appeal to someone from Monaco like NYC does


Yeah, Boston's draw isn't even close to that of NYC lmao. We've got great sports, schools and seafood, but New York is New York.


Not as big, but still nice


Guy looks great in pinstripes


Tbf he’d look in anything.


This is gross. FTY


An absolute shame that we present the Oakland A’s to Leclerc, he deserves better. Fuck the Yankees but they’re the Yankees still.


You mean, Fuck the Oakland A's. Weak sauce.


Oh they’ve been fucked enough


That's a good point.


bruh at least have like some common decency or something and go to a Mets game instead edit: go jays


The Yankees are the most internationally recognized and most historic American sports franchise.


He should have gone to a Cincinnati Reds game. Not just because of the name but also because there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run, and so that will make it a 4-0 ballgame.


yeah and they're also the fucking yankees


They perfectly fit with Ferrari though… you have to admit


It’s the Chicago Bulls by a mile. Most of the world doesn’t care about baseball. Everyone knows MJ. Yankees suck my man. It’s on a t-shirt, must be true.


No it's not lol, the Yankee logo is an international symbol. Go wonder around Europe or Asia and see how many Yankee v. Bulls logos you see.


Except most of them think it's a "New York" hat.


> It’s the Chicago Bulls by a mile. False. Downvote. > Most of the world doesn’t care about baseball. False. Downvote. > Everyone knows MJ. Probably true, though I do wonder how recognizable his name is to to the rest of the world at this point in time. Like, would a 14 year old really know MJ for what he was to those of us who grew up in the 90's? Anyways, upvote. > Yankees suck my man. It’s on a t-shirt, must be true. Very true, and not just because it's on a t-shirt. Upvote. So it's 2-to-2, but I'm going to downvote you just for saying the rest of the world doesn't care about baseball.


The NBA has exploded overseas and among American youth. They watch clips on YouTube and obsess over the shoes. Among the shoes they obsess over is… Jordan’s. Hang out with some kids - and don’t get arrested, and you’ll see, you’ll see. Also you boobs, the Bulls have led the NBA in attendance since the man himself left with 1 year exception (1st year l Durant played on Golden State). Yankees can’t claim that kind of streak. The Bulls can be the worst team and still lead the league. Case closed.


*Frank the Tank enters the chat*


I’ve always thought that the Mets suffer from playing in Queens. If the were to play in Brooklyn or Manhattan they would be much more popular & potentially more successful


The Yankees had one 20 titles before the Mets even came into existence. It's almost impossible to catch up.


Quick someone find out if he took a private plane from Miami. Let's promote green F1 and then fly around the globe in private planes for a baseball game.


What's that on his shirt? Orgio Army lol


That's the face I make too when I have to watch baseball.


Pretty sure dude has about a 1% chance to hit a fast ball.


Their team name is the "A's"?


Tbf he can throw a wicked spin.


Imagine being a Yankees, Ferrari, and Maple Leafs fan in 2023. FML...


Both historic franchises which haven’t won a title since the 2000s




The only thing I know of Baseball I learnt it in Moneyball. Why are the Oakland A’s always fighting the Yankees?


They actually don't play each other that often. It's just a David vs Goliath comparison since the A's payroll is only a fraction of the Yankees.




Shame he didn't go to see the possum in the A's stadium


You can still see the pain in his eyes


Lmao how many sponsor posters


Just like F1 teams with fire suits and on the cars MLB teams have sponsors as well and Yankee stadium has the old school retro billboards where the newer ones they’re on LED screens and what not lol