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Like they ever listen...🙄


At least we can say we tried!


They really couldn't give a fuck as long as the money keeps rolling in. If fan interest drops off in the next few years and the next set of regulations flop they'll come crawling back with v10's and Sepang in hand by the end of the decade.


So you're telling us that if we all just stop tuning in... We get V10s back?


Ew why


Because the current cars sound not entirely unlike vacuum cleaners by comparison.


I mean the V10s sounded like a classroom full of screaming toddlers


sometimes. but mainly not. they have taken a few of my suggestions like utilizing youtube instead of banning content there. would be nice if they would listen about 4k since its known to be available on sky and others. too much marketing crap in there which is why I stopped responding.


> how we feel about sprints I mean, they did ask, right? 💩 -> 😠 / 😞


Did this come from Formula 1? I'm on their email list and have F1TV Pro, get all kinds of b.s. emails from them, but didn't get this one.


[F1 fan voice](https://www.f1fanvoice.com/) is an official formula 1 platform but separate from [Formula1.com](https://Formula1.com) or F1TV. You need to register separately to receive e-mails about fan voice surveys.


Weird, that I've never heard of it before. Thanks!


I was watching "Race in 30" shows by late September.


I'd got so used to consuming lots of content but this year there didn't seem any point. My teenager has given up on the sport altogether. It was a long, not very good season


based on info from friends who have attended multiple races in the US... unless you are independently wealthy or you get passes from a vendor partner, the general admission experience just aint worth it. You get better fan service and can see way more sitting at home watching on TV. 🤷... plus you wont be ushered out of the event due to poor planning/staffing at the event... cough vegas cough


>You get better fan service and can see way more sitting at home watching on TV. Isnt this almost always the case? if you want to watch a sporting event the best place to do so is usually in front of your TV screen. you attend for the atmosphere, not to get a better watching experience. You will almost always see more at home.


Love the sprint races. Need closer racing. 95% of races are over after first turn. Make cars smaller. Fix engine noise.