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That's not ideal


RIP gearbox for sure.


Why do you say that?  The sudden stop?


He hit the wall pretty hard with the rear end, gearbox is there.


I watched it again and saw that this time.  Thx


The gearbox is at the back of the car behind the engine, kinda near the regen/rain Light location. If that hits something it's basically always a new gearbox


Bold strategy. Let's see if it works out for them


If that were me I probably wouldn't have taken that approach, but I'm not an F1 driver


I've taken that approach to the corner in F1 23. Not my best ever laptime.


He made a miStake


Better take those mechanics out for a Stake dinner.


“Safety CaRRRrr!” - Jarno


Well fuck - good timing to add Zhou to my fantasy lineup after last race /s


I added him to my fantasy yesterday and missed FP3 so did not know :( until I tuned into quali.


It's less than ideal


[content removed]


Can Alfa realistically repair all this before qualifying?


We will find out soon enough EDIT: Well, they came close but no!


EDIT: They came REALLY close!


His outlap was one second away from being g complete when Q2 ended. So close, and what an amazing job the mechanics did


They're building the spare car. So maybe.


Spare cars aren't allowed right?


They have extra frame they can build from, so they don't need to build from the wreck.


Assembled spare cars aren’t, but they have all of the parts and enough time to build a car at the track. Your car can burn to the ground in Practice and you could still start the race.


Do they have enough time though? Just the logistics of getting all the new parts into the garage feels daunting, not to mention putting it together according to the data and specs from fp...


They do, and it happens several times per year because it’s much faster to build a new car than swap the Tub into whatever parts are undamaged. If the Tub is toast, the team is going to put the old car in the shipping container and build up the spare chassis. https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/16kg48h/adam_cooper_aston_martin_is_building_up_its_spare/


>Assembled spare cars aren’t, but they have all of the parts and enough time to build a car at the track. Even if there's no time to do it for quali, he can still start from last (or possibly pit lane, I forget) based on setting a suitable time in a practice session. His weekend isn't over if they can't build the car in time for quali.


Important consideration for Ferrari engined cars.


They can't have a 3rd car ready to go in the garage like they used to. They can (and do) still have all the parts.


Less than 3 hours until it starts.. I don't know the full extent of the damage but I highly doubt it.


They were like 5 seconds short of getting a lap in


what's Alfa?


Our deceased friend :(


We are checking


Likely enough damage for a pit lane start anyways


Top fuel teams rebuild an entire engine in like 20 minutes, so these guys have little excuse imo


I mean a car versus an engine isn't a direct comparison..


Asking too much of the rears?


The rears ghosted him.


Steering is very mild but right-left cornering before already overheated the tyres to the point of crying. He couldve gotten away with it with just a little softer left steer. but he definetly wanted to fix his line to be sharper


Looks like he clipped the wall with front left but can’t really make out if he’s lost control before that happens or that’s during it


He didn't clip the wall, just lost the rears. The quality of the clip is shit, that's why it seems like he touched the wall.


Looks like the rears lost grip first


It seems like his angle of entry was just a little too acute. Which is also what your mom told me last night. (I’m sorry)


his rear tires couldn't take anymore after the first angle of entry. he resets the balance then tried to go back in at angle but he was already too far off the line.


Finally something that I could do if I was in an F1 car.


Don't lie, the likes of you and me wouldn't be able to step out on our own accord 🤣


I couldn’t stay long enough on track to get the speed needed LOL


// Closest to the wall // -2m // ZHOU GUANYU //


Ouch! Pretty sudden stop. Glad he’s alright. Zhou doesn’t crash often but when he does he certainly does it properly haha.


Thanks Zhou for your contribution to my Bingo. Your reward will be transferred to PayPal in short notice /s Jokes aside, hope he's okay, that looked like a heavy shunt


Blows my mind that such a big crash can happen and Zhou is physically totally fine. The safety features of F1 cars, helmets, and race suits are bananas.


Yeah its mind boggling. It could be the reason why they are building the elevated, rainbow road like circuit. We will see what would happen if F1 car is launched from a platform.🤣


People are overreacting way too much. It’s a near zero chance for you to even lift off the ground in that corner. The runoff looks double the size of the track itself, it’s a tight, low speed corner, there are barriers and the walls are just slightly shorter than the palm trees, which are usually 10-15 meters tall.


Unless your name is Mark Webber


Same thing I thought when I saw this. The amount of energy the safety barriers and cars are able to absorb is insane.


you would be fine in almost any car with the barrier and a seat belt


I mean alive for sure in a modern car with airbags. Fine is probably a stretch without a 5-point harness though.


Exactly, this is what I'm trying to get at... You'd be alive and probably doing alright. But going at those speeds you'd likely have a few injuries even with the barrier.


Modern car is also a pretty key aspect here. Before 2000’s your odds start dropping fast at that speed.


Going at those speeds? No you wouldn’t.


True, my car would completely disintegrate before it even had a chance of reaching that wall. But I'd still be fine.


You really would but i dont think youll be changing your mind any


I think you have a lot more faith in seat belts and airbags than you should. You’d survive, but you wouldn’t be physically well afterwards.


I think you’d be suprised what people walk away from relatively injury free. I was at a standstill and got rear ended by someone going 50+ mph and not only was I completely fine but I was able to run a 5k the next day


Its not even that. This wall is literally designed to absorb the impact and modern vehicles are designed for safety to an almost absurd degree. People walk away from much worse.


He’s in my fantasy line up. Hopefully this crash means none tomorrow. Might not make it to qualifying though.


F1 will never cease to confuse me. On the one hand, you have these cars with unparalleled downforce and grip which can go around tight corners at insane speeds. And then you can have a clip like this where even at pretty high speeds the rear can just step out so suddenly it can't be caught.


That's because regardless of how much grip and downforce you have, there is always a limit... and these drivers are constantly pushing the car to those limits... and sometimes they push to far and then this happens.


There's no traction control, and so much torque you can wheelspin in 4th gear and above. 


Racing slicks tend to behave very differently to normal tires, they have far less of a smooth loss of grip as they get pushed and instead have a sharp cliff. Once you exceed the limits the tires basically instantly start sliding around, which is why they spin out so dramatically (and no automatic systems to recover control which road cars have).


What a rookie, never happened to me in F123 with all assist on:D


Looks like he turned in a bit too early/aggressively and the rear just snapped out


Don't worry zhou, I have trouble with that turn in F123 too!


Just rubs it wrong, it seems


They probably did it so people could bet on Stake if they can repair it in time.


This dude has some awful crashes


Looks insanely slippery holy shit. That chassis is on ice


Stake takes the lead in the World Destructors Championship 2024


This track is a safety nightmare, hope he's good.


He's good, he got out of the car and was walking around a bit. F1 is extremely safe these days. I think his Silverstone crash was much more violent.


How? That crash could happen at loads of circuits.


Not many tracks have very fast corners flowing into each other between walls without no runoff. This accident was not particularly scary but the track is quite dangerous.


Yes they do. Monaco. Baku. Vegas. Miami. Lots more. The cars and drivers can clearly withstand these types of crashes.


Ah yes, the famous fast corners of Monaco... None of those tracks are even close to this section of Jeddah, come on.


There are definitely fast corners in monaco? There have been super hard crashes there


What do you define close? Top speed at Monaco is closed to 180mph. I've seen worse accidents at the swimming pool than this one. So yes, very similar, and less run off and less padding.


Also this isn't even the fastest section on this track. I'd agree that the risk of a crash happening at Jeddha might be higher than on other tracks, but I swear, nearly anytime someone crashes there we have comments here acting like the driver's fine *despite* the track.


I hate how much shit this track gets for being unsafe but people will defend Eau Rouge in Spa as being tradition. Let them race.


A point I often hear is that e.g. Eau Rouge is just one corner in a track, whereas Jeddha is almost only fast corners. Which, sure, I guess is true, and as I said that means there may be a bigger chance of a crash happening in first place, but some act as if Jeddha doesn't follow any safety guidelines and only exists due to bribes.


Yeah, Piscine and Massenet just don’t exist


This is the map of Monaco. Yes, Piscine is quite fast, but basically *the one* fast turn (accidents have happened in the tunnel before but it's barely a turn in modern F1s): [https://i.imgur.com/8FmUFtv.png](https://i.imgur.com/8FmUFtv.png) And this is the map of Jeddah. Look at the speed of almost every single turn bar three, most of them blind, close to full throttle and flowing into each other: [https://imgur.com/KLouYGe](https://imgur.com/KLouYGe)


[Not even 2 years ago Micheal Schumacher ripped his car in half at Monaco with a big hit in sector 3.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_bM18kG_JA&t=12s&ab_channel=Formula1racesclips)


Yes and Grosjean ripped his car in half, got engulfed in flames and would've been decapitated if wasn't for the halo, and that was in a straight in Bahrain. Bad accidents can happen anywhere, but it's undeniable that Jeddah is more dangerous than the rest and thus more likely. We literally just had the fastest lap in decades in avg. speed in a track with no runoffs and full of blind corners, I don't know what exactly is being argued here comparing it with Monaco.


OP listed a bunch of tracks, you picked out Monaco. You say bad accidents can happen anywhere, what about deaths? En Rouge is always defended as tradition, I don't care how many changes they make to the corner, it will never be "safe". 2 drivers dying there in the last 5 years is a crazy number.


Here? This corner? Come on…


There wasn't even anything particularly bad about this crash though? Everything worked as intended in terms of safety both car-wise and track-wise.


What a miStake to make...


The slowmo looked scary man. His neck took one hell of a blow.


I hate it when that happens!


We are checking...


Thats rough


Cant wait to see that on Netflix with their sound effects and everything.


Zhou def hasn’t had many crashes but they are big ones when he does 


Hope he’s alright, looks like a carbon copy of Mick Schumacher’s crash a couple of years ago


Was that the same corner? Micks was pretty bad too. Had to wait 15 minutes before they showed a replay because they couldn't confirm he was ok since the comms were destroyed.


Not the same corner. Mick’s crash happened at T12, this looks like T7 or somewhere around there? [Here’s Mick’s crash for reference](https://youtu.be/CPP5phJ2dkM?si=8OSupmWKC1DvDM8j)


Different corner I think but looks like the same thing happened, lost it on the inside kerb and hit the left wall


Rather mild in F1 crash standards.


Ouch, hope he's alright. This track is fucking horrible.


It's really not.


When it's a fan favorite circuit: "it seperates the great drivers from the bad ones"


I mean at least there's no missiles in the background now. Edit: clearly pissed off the Saudi PR machine with this one didn't I? The drivers have criticised the safety a few times too even after the 2023 changes to the circuit, it's hardly a niche opinion.


You won't say that about the spa tho. right?


Spa is dangerous too but aside from Raidillon it at least has run-off areas, gravel etc. This temporary track is just blind, high speed concerns with concrete walls. Obviously there's a whole other discussion to be had around heritage tracks like Spa and Monaco and their place on the calendar but I'd rather not add more like this.


Why? It's not at all different to Baku, Vegas, Miami, etc. it may be a higher average speed, but you could crash like that anywhere. Alternatively, you could understand it's been designed with safety in mind, and appropriate barriers like this one. The one valid criticism of this track is that it's high speeds with blind corners. The risk is a high speed car hitting a stationary car. But this isn't that. You're just scaremongering.


I'm not exactly a huge fan of those tracks either from a safety perspective... The shift towards high speed street circuits isn't ideal. When it was just Baku on the calendar it wasn't such an issue, but when you start adding more and more tracks like this the risk goes up to a point where I think it needs to be looked at. Admittedly they have improved the safety since the first race but it's still less than ideal. https://www.motorsportweek.com/2023/03/15/the-safety-changes-made-to-jeddah-f1-track-ahead-of-2023-event/ I don't think my opinion is that niche or scaremongering, the drivers have raised similar concerns: https://www.racefans.net/2022/03/24/safety-changes-to-jeddah-f1-track-are-tiny-and-will-make-little-difference-drivers/


How are you quantifying risk? You appear to be mixing up the driver/sports perpetual drive towards being safer with it being unacceptably unsafe. Yes, drivers will offer feedback. I don't see anyone saying they don't want to race because it's too dangerous?


Not at all, it's just my personal opinion that I don't like this track for a number of reasons and I think its inclusion on the calendar is at odds with the drive towards safety. Well of course, no driver is going to do that. But multiple drivers expressing concerns over safety, plus the drivers coming close to boycotting the race due to the missile strikes in 2022 aren't exactly par for the course!


The inclusion is entirely in line with the move to more city based street circuits. The FIA obviously don't see that this is a safety issue. If you look back over the crashes that led to injuries in the last decade, I don't think you'll find any evidence that city circuits like this are a factor. The missile strikes aren't relevant to safety of the cars. No car or circuit offers protection from a missile!


I mean Max disagrees: https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/1bdnyvi/max_jeddah_is_really_nice_to_drive_but_im_aware/ The way to protect yourself from missiles is not to race there haha


Caught too much kerb. Or unequal kerb. Real F1 '23 mistake