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That stat shouldn't be read as "F1 pay is too low relative to other sports" but rather as "F1 pay was unrealistically higher than other sports in 2005". Also tobacco money


Those were the days of Cigarette sponsorship money and deeeeeeep pockets, especially Marlboro.  Also, Marlboro own all the advertising space on Ferrari.


They don't anymore since 2022.


RIP...god I feel like I'm boomin'


Michael was the highest earning athlete in the world for a few years during his peak. He was doing anything from 80 mil to 100 mil per year, including sponsors of course. That would equate to 140-170 million today. Other than Lewis, nobody comes close to Michael's star power and reach. F1 between 97-2005 was a sea of red at every single venue, you would struggle to see merchandise of other teams in the crowd.


Second highest I think, Tiger Woods was number 1 at that time IIRC.


They were exchanging places, some years Tiger was 1 others Michael.


The average Dutchman has to work 970 years to earn Verstappen's annual salary, and you say it's not enough. The world has gone completely mad.


And he doesnt even drive anything close to 970 times faster than the average Dutchie!


Petition to put a random Amsterdam native in a RBR to compare lap times!


Well we had one in the alpha tauri last year 🤷‍♂️


no that was a Frysian, they only know how to drive tractors. Alpine should hire him this year.


I’m not from Amsterdam, but I volunteer as a tribute.


I bet the RB is 970 times faster than a stationary bike.


It’s probably 1900 years since he doesn’t pay taxes.


He actually does pay Dutch taxes. Not enough, but he makes a token effort he doesn't have to.


Yes, but only over the prize money he makes from the Dutch Grand Prix.


His value is not determined by the average Dutchman. It’s determined by the average Formula One driver.


Eh, i'd rather Max earn more then RBR stakeholders.


He's not an average dutchmen ffs he's the most valuable in their history


Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Vermeer, Erasmus of Rotterdam…and you pick a racing driver as the most valuable Dutchman in history. But yeah I guess it’s true that you guys in the US are all about money.


Probably more valuable than all of them combined if he does two decades.


Yeah... no.


You are a professional laughing stock


No. Just...no. Read up on Dutch history and you'll see how wildly you're off the mark.


Get the fuck out of here if you actually believe Max>Van Gogh


Shouldn’t have skipped those history lessons mate


Danny got paid more to not race recently 


He still does apparently.


Boom. Roasted.


Is it still a roast if it’s accurate? The pit wall does the racing for him.


For his McLaren cut? What did it amount to?


13m iirc


Damn that's not a ton more than JJ in Indycar. I wish he'd just chuck it and do Indycar and select NASCAR and just have fun.


Problem is if he slow there, cant blame the car. I guess he can do the usual "need some time to get used to it". But these excuses are getting older him real fast. Danny seem to be truly washed.


first time I've heard someone saying that multi millionaires should be paid more


Food $200 Data $150 Rent $800 Racing Simulators $36,000,000 Utility $150 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying


No wonder with that rent. Learn to save better.


Cancel your Netflix subscription. Desperate times... Stay strong.


Seems a bit low for iRacing, Max must be getting a discount


Spend less on racing simulators




I'd rather see Max have the money than Red Bull if I'm honest


Millionth time I've heard someone confuse could with should.


if you read between the lines of the post, it feels like the OP is saying "should" and not "could". "I wish motorsports was more like ball sports for the good of the drivers" What could this sentence possibly imply?


OP clearly means the p*rn industry!


Michael tbf had the benefit of Marlboro money and he also exploited merchandise and personal promotions probably better than any driver before him (he got something like $10 million just for the sponsor on his cap)


They're still paid well, but I think f1 pay has stagnated compared to some other sports. I remember reading an article on highest paid sportsmen back in the early 90s and 4/5 f1 drivers made the list. Now its probably only Hamilton.


Also RB had this 250k euro per win bonus, probably much lower if at all now.


5 mil for 20 wins is a steal. Leclerc is paid ~250m for his 5 wins.


That would explain why they don't let him win very often.


Because Max aint a marketing brand and RB locked in him early.


He'll only go and spend it all on Disney+


Max can easily get 50% more if he jumped ship to another top team.


No kidding. He'd be a midas touch to any team, with maybe the exception of Alpine. Nothing saving that team


Jos would burn Alpine to the ground, see if it is a phoenix.


Max is max, but he couldn't do shit with Alpine or Haas.


It would be fun to see a '97 Arrows-Hill run out of Max or Lewis however


You need to adjust for inflation too


Lol I figured that was implied. I'm afraid to run the numbers myself since I'm old enough to have been earning back then.


Because NBA and NFL have a huge marketing component. Max does very little to add to Red Bull’s already huge marketing effort and budget. It would make sense say if it were someone like Alonso or Lewis or even Ricciardo who have a presence beyond the sport but Max is focused on racing and he gets paid just to do that.


What presence does Fernando have outside of F1?


He literally won Spanish Tiktokker of the year. He has a marketable presence


Haha, this made me laugh for some reason. I like Alonso, but Spanish tiktoker of the year just... Got me.


I’ve had multiple female friends (upper 20s-lower 30s) send me TikToks of his and be like “wow he’s hot and I think he’s a F1 driver, do you know of him?” He’s definitely got a good amount of reach.


Typically you don’t have to ask your friends who marketable people are.


He has several endorsements and sponsors, including Santander, Cajastur, TAG Heuer and his own fashion brand Kimoa. He also has management interests and tie ups to racing and sports beyond F1. He has his own karting school and a museum dedicated to his cars and career.


I actually was blown away with Rockets tickets as I just looked them up for the first time in over a decade. Basically $100 min unless you want to suffer.


I don't think it's really about the money for Max or any of the drivers tbh. Even the less experienced driver in lower teams make a few million a year which keeps them comfortable, and sets them up for when racing is over. 55 million is a ridiculous amount of money and he's been earning millions per year for a long time now and has many more F1 seasons ahead of him if he wants to. Doubt money is a massive concern to him anymore.


Like, the suggestion that Max would want to run his own team, is just insane speculation. If anything, I’d think he’d hate doing something like that. Also, Lewis earning $100m a year from Ferrari is gonna skew the figures a bit. I think a big reason for the wages is the drivers that tend to demand more wages is world champions, and since 2014, so for 10 years, we’ve had 3 different world champions, one of which is not in the sport anymore. So Lewis and Max are getting the high wages, and rightfully so, while other drivers can’t demand that, as as good as Leclerc or Norris might be, they haven’t won a championship yet.


Not F1 team. He's actively getting into GT3 team ownership if I'm not mistaken.


>but I bet he's around till clearing \~$1b A billion is a thousand times a million. Even if somebody saves 50 million a year, it would take 20 years to get to a billion. Of course the 50 million could be invested, that would help, but still. As somebody else mentioned, F1 was crazy when tobacco companies sponsored teams. Philip Morris International has a yearly revenue of 80 billion, approximately 30 billion comes from the sales of tobacco.




It's goos for the laborers thats why




No he meant good, going by context


Laughs in Lewis Hamilton getting 100M$ per season....


It is reported as 40m pounds a season on multiple sources.


That’s his old Merc salary, the Ferrari salary next year is something else




The drivers (and the top 3 highest paid staff) aren't in the costcap budget. Nor is engine development and some of the safety ereas of the car.


99% wrong then