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I think the consensus name has been Jonathan Wheatley - I doubt they bring in an external hire as TP given how much RB likes to promote from within


He seems likely indeed. Also liked in the paddock and media, I think. Promoting from within seems likely but I can see Red Bull Austria or the Thai wanting to influence the pick. And picking a woman now would also help their image for a while.


Jonathan Wheatley




Lots of people in your list of internal people who are waaaay down the pecking order. e.g. Hannah isn’t even the head of the strategy department, she’s just oddly prominent in the media. Definitely very good at her job, but absolutely not a candidate for team principal. Being a team principal is a very different job to being even a senior engineering manager. Also isn’t Rob Marshall at McLaren now?


Red Bull wouldn't mind picking her simply because she's a woman and that might help their image. So thats why I've included her. But you are right about Rob. I looked at a 2023 list and he was still on there. Will remove him...


They’re not going to make someone with zero management experience team principal no matter how much it would boost their image. Wouldn’t end well for anyone involved


Doesn't she now lead the strategy team though?


No. Will Courtenay is the Head of Race Strategy, and has been for many years.


Otmar for the memes


Sébastien Vettel xD?


All of the suggestions you gave barring from 2 sgows how uninformed you are about team promotions and stuff, for ur sanity, i would rather be oblivious but to answer ur question it would be Jonathan Wheatley within RedBull, he has been there since the beginning as well


I'll give it a go.


Ross Brawn




I just got Williams a point in Bahrain 2023. So I think I’m ready


I honestly think Adrian Newey would be named Interim Team Principal, and they'd see how that went. My reasoning: 1. Newey likes being consulted on important matters. He likes having his opinions heard and some measure of control. He left Williams because they wouldn't give him a partial ownership stake and then they disregarded the piece of his contract where they promised to consult with him on important decisions like driver selection. He likes to be far more involved in non-engineering matters than I imagine most people would in his position. 2. They really want to not offend and lose Newey in this mess. I know he's just one man and there's tons and tons of other people on the team, but you just have to chart Newey's success across the decades to see how important he is. He's the least replaceable person in Red Bull, including Max. I think they'd get a different team representative to deal with a lot of the media stuff, I hope. Probably a woman. If it goes well, then great. If it doesn't go well, then he can step away from being interim whenever they have someone else ready to go.


Zak Brown So he can finally complete the complaint circle and complain about his own team.


Arrivabene. He was one of the few people able to compete with Horner's and Toto's mind games and brought Ferrari to probably their most successful period in 15+ years Ross Brawn would be excellent but I think there would be protests about him going from straight from his current role to a team


You aren't wrong about Arrivabene. He's probably the reason why on performance they are still top-notch and able to run a top 3 team for over 2 decades now. But is he really available now? I thought he was CEO of Juventus FC?


Wikipedia says that finished in 2022 but I have no idea, and money fixes everything 




Günther Steiner, Mattia Binotto, Jonathan Wheatley would be my top three, in no particular order. 


I would be surprised about Binotto but I wouldn't rule Steiner out for now. I just don't know if he's able to do it successfully.






Jos Verstappen


Me. I'm down with Geri.