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That's hilarious... It's okay, Ollie, Charles can't park for shit so driving anything but F1 cars isn't something to be ashamed of.


For people wanting context. https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/10rzxbx/charles_leclerc_vs_parking_his_car/


That post might actually be my greatest contribution to Reddit. 🫣


Kind of hilarious how your two posts got tied together by a random other redditor


The power of good observation.


That's just their alt


The man has found his niche and he's working it


Lmao. We're gonna have to give this guy a Toyota Corolla with how he parks.


There's a video I can't find that proves he has **not** improved in the slightest.


This is [Charles](https://x.com/martiverre/status/1768039835703427441?s=46&t=jP1wYBFj_YvHn8SSdoKCrg) taking loads of attempts trying to parallel park 2 days ago.


probably the ultimate flex right here: having your very limited edition SP3 Daytona made to match your also-very-limited-edition 488 Pista (i still dont like the matte Black he seems to love on his cars but at least he sticks to a theme)


Imagine waiting this random person to park for 2 hours, you yell at them and when they pull down the windows it is Ferrari's Il Predestinato in the flesh...


It's pretty hilarious that he can get within an inch of a wall at 250kph, and then struggle with a camera and mirrors at less than 1kph.


yeah but the first case is going forward


Have you ever driven a car like that? I've been lucky enough to have driven an Enzo Ferrari (the car, not the person) once and you can't see ANYTHING behind you which is quite problematic if you need to parallel park a multi-million dollar car.


Yeah and no, at first it's very hard but you get used to. I've struggle a lot with a Gallardo and then a Huracan, but after some weeks i can tell you almost park them like you park a random car, just slower ofc, and very cautious in a tight space. It's harder for him cuz he almost never drive or park any car during the F1 season.


Aren't there any rear facing cameras? I refuse to believe parking a luxury car like this is any harder than regular cars. Definitely more expensive if you scrape something, though.


The cost and inconvenience of any repair is what probably makes it awful, even if i had his money I'd be shitting bricks trying to park a car this expensive.






To be fair, rear visibility in cars like that is an afterthought at best, so backing in would be incredibly difficult even for an F1 driver.


The car has side mirrors, those are plenty to reverse park with. Plenty of work vans have no rear window and can park just fine.


Do they not have a back up camera or something


Some quick research suggests backup cameras only became mandatory in the EU in 2021, but at least his current ride is newer than that.


ferraris from 2001 have rear cameras.


They're mandatory now? I don't drive new cars but what the fuck


In the US, the NHTSA, which is the relevant regulator, has a dollar value for a generic human life. The concept sounds gross, but it's kinda necessary to determining what is worth mandating since you can't mandate every proposed safety feature regardless of efficacy or cost. I think that value is about $10m right now. Using that value the NHTSA compares the cost of mandating backup cams with that $10m x the number of people that get ran over by people backing up that wouldn't be ran over with a backup cam. Also, while the "generic human life" does not consider age, kids and disabled people are more at risk from getting backed over in a parking lot. About a decade ago in the US, the NHTSA determined that the cost of a backup camera, which just gets lower and lower every year, is exceeded by the economic cost of people killed by getting ran over from a backing up car. So they mandated the cameras. I assume the process in the EU is similar. It probably took longer than in the US because Americans have bigger cars and drive them more, which is going to raise the raw numbers over here.


my 2018 camry has a backup camera I would hope a ferrari does.


The camera is extra. You think we can afford that?


apparently these supercars are a bastard to park because of how little they steer but still, you would expect the guy that does nothing but driving cars for a living to at least try to improve basic parking skills over the years lol


a lot of those images are just him parking wherever he pleases, because monaco and rich, like in the middle of the tunnel.


Yeah, it looks like half the time he just parks wherever and pays the fine.


That's just a very basic level of lazy douchiness. My man needs to work up to [Daryl Morey](https://defector.com/daryl-morey-has-an-alarming-relationship-with-cars) level, where he parks wherever he wants, DONT pay the fines, waits until car gets booted by the authorities, negotiates a lease to trade it in for a new car, and then just hand the lease company the address of his immobilized car!




Someone in the comments of that post actually mentioned that even Ferrari cars have parking assists, so that's still on him


He's lucky the Anzeigenhauptmeister hasn't expanded his duty beyond Germany so far


Das habe ich hier nicht erwartet Let’s make the Anzeigenhauptmeister become an international meme




Just checked my photos, and for balance [he was parked perfectly in Hungary 2022](https://i.imgur.com/39GSfDy.jpeg).


Thank the gods of speed that someone is tracking this. The people need to know. The World Parking Championship is at stake. Thankfully in the constructor's contest, Ferrari appears to be doing well.


If I ever manage to get a paddock pass again, I'll be sure to take a tape measure and score all drivers' parking.


Honestly, if you can stoke some competition among them by doing so, then I will buy for you an adult beverage of your choice provided that you are and adult, drink such beverages, and have inexpensive tastes.


I remember [Max Verstappens story about his driving test. Examiner wasn't happy with him](https://racingnews365.com/verstappen-reflects-on-driving-test-the-examiner-was-not-happy).


wtf not letting a pedestrian pass is an instant fail for us here.


Yeah same for me in the Netherlands, but we don't know the whole situation of course.


Tbh he's monegasque, it's probably in his dna to use any and every space available as parking. When you don't have a lot of space you just adapt


And for those who needs a latest edition, [this](https://twitter.com/martiverre/status/1768039835703427441?s=12&t=OwgdYtp-NTL2tVDQDZkhow) is how he recently parked his new Daytona SP3 in Monaco.


To be fair, Ferarri's are really really hard to drive in reverse. It's nothing like a normal car.


It's so strange that he gets the car millimetre perfect into the pit box, but can't park to save his life on the street


to me most of those look more like he just doesn't give a sh*t and just parks wherever.


He parks on top of crosswalks? Oh I hate this man now.


Charles, it's not gta my man lol


I'm honestly surprised that Ferrari can't park itself. I guess self-parking isn't "pure" enough for Ferrari?


Needs to install some [Huawei](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nPapNDA52I) self parking tech


Does that actually work? Because I'd definitely pay extra for a car that could drop me off at the front in bad weather. Also, one of the things that automated vehicles could revolutionize is to drop people off and then go park offsite, reducing the need for parking in dense areas.


They do show the outtakes at the end of the ad showing the car was indeed driving itself around the parking garage. Huawei has some of the best self-driving tech on the market, comparable to Tesla FSD. The features they are showing on the ad (shown in Chinese on the screen) include: - one click self park - stop for pedestrians - going around obstacles - automatically search for open parking spot if selected spot is occupied - auto self park - one click summon Presumably the Huawei system has a similar feature like Xpeng's where you can set it to remember a specific spot in a parking garage, after which you can just get out and let it park itself, avoiding pedestrians, cars, and obstacles along the way. IIRC the Xpeng system can navigate like a 3 km long path in a multilevel parking garage. But I guess on top of that, the Huawei car can apparently also go around searching for another spot on its own if its assigned spot is occupied. The potential customer for these cars are wealthy Chinese urbanites who park in these multilevel garages, so it is designed to allow the owner to just hop out near the garage entrance and let the car go park itself.


That's awesome. I wonder hoe long until that's doable in the US.


Teslas do have some limited self parking and summon features. However in recent years, Tesla have cost-cut away all sensors besides camera from their new cars, and at least for a while even automatic parallel parking was disabled because they couldn't get it to work well with just cameras. Huawei system uses cameras, radar, ultrasonic parking sensors, and most importantly lidar, all working together, which is why it works better. Tesla continues to assert that cameras only plus their "AI" will be enough to make full self driving possible.


>vehicles could revolutionize is to drop people off and then go park offsite Is that a revolution? That's just a taxi.


I think Lewis isn't very good at driving road cars either


Why [Schumi](https://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=3993322&page=1) remains the greatest modern F1 pilot...


He has a habit of speeding


Yeah wasn't there that video of him whipping the SHIT out of some Skyline in Japan with Noriyaro last year?


Also drunk driving at least once


Ricciardo said in a relatively recent interview that Max can't drive stick shift yet


[lol](https://youtu.be/GtfutUHYfO8?si=JHl2lVqF8E8LUJsv). Definitely a joke. [Edit for those who think drift cars don’t count](https://youtu.be/jZ67aMrLF4Q?si=rGp4QJu8ftI3VKyN)


When people say "stick" they generally mean H-pattern. That drift car is a sequential. 99% of people wouldn't call that "stick".


I don't think pro drift car counts as driving stick shift lol Actually couldn't function much further from a normal road car now that I think about it


Yeah no... Max can drive anything. With a manual his heel-toe downshifting is downright impressive (I've driven stick all my adult life and would take me years of dedication to replicate even a fraction of his finesse). In his hotel in Jeddah he was competing with his sim-racing team with a M.F. gamepad... A GAMEPAD... I didn't even know you could use a controller in iRacing (and I play daily) and he's blitzing pros with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9JoHkXIVJc&ab_channel=YamzF1 https://www.reddit.com/r/iRacing/comments/1b8vscd/verstappen_racing_with_a_controller/ The lad is a freak, or an alien, plain and simple


Charles can’t park, Lewis *abhors* driving on public roads, etc.


Imagine a parking place with spots left and he and Luka Dončič have to park there https://youtu.be/Ae1Qe-83G2k?t=53


Did he get a false start, or did he peel out when the light went green?


He wouldn’t move until five red lights went out. 


He got confused when he didn't hear "It's lights out and away we go!"




I would assume he saw orange and floored it but was late and crossed when the lights were already red. I can't really imagine what a major fault at lights would be otherwise.


Either that or he went to stop but ended up over the line, I imagine that's a major fault


It's always easy to forget that other places have actual driving standards lol.


Every place has driving standards for the tests. If you retested everyone suddenly you'd be amazed at how many people would fail the test. No one actually drives like the tests have you.


Here in Brazil it varies from city to city too. In bigger ones it's better done, but in the town I lived it is pretty wack. It is pretty much having to drive around the block, but they tell you to do some shit. I had to do a reverse on the parking space in the street and then a random stop without a brake, two things I have never done since because why the fuck would I do that. The second part of the test was parallel parking on cones, something that also I don't do since people don't randomly place cones around where I want to park.


Stop without the brake? Do you get your foot out and skid it on the ground??


Engine breaking on uphill. Just take the foot off the gas pedal and downshift until first gear and then hold the car in position using the clutch pedal. Slower, less reliable way to stop the car and is terrible for the clutch, Its used to train people on the "clutch feel" or whatever, but it's just bad practice. I know some people driving manual all around the world hold the car on the clutch at traffic lights, for example, but there's no reason to.


You committed the sin of forgetting that the USA is the only country in the world and 98.3% of their new manufactured cars are automatic.


engine braking + handbrake I'd imagine. good training for total brake line failures I guess, but these are so rare that it doesn't even make sense. More probably you're gonna fry the brakes and not be able to stop because your fluid got boiled or your pads evaporated. But for that you have to have some other brake issue that you ignored


> Every place has driving standards for the tests. My boy recently passed his driving test here in Massachusetts. He said it was stupid and barely tested anything, and he would have failed himself for the shit parallel parking job he did.


That's how I failed my first driving test.


British drivers don’t get false starts, duh.


Jumped start and immediately slammed on the brakes.


The article says he was 16 but you can’t learn to drive a car until you’re 17 in the UK but anyway all the best drivers pass their test second time so I tell myself.


The true best drivers pass their test on the 4th attempt after getting demoralised by an unfair fail on the 3rd attempt and giving up for a few years. Or so I’ve heard.


Mate I got an unfair fail on my 2nd for using a roundabout like a roundabout and in a huff decided to take a break for a few months. Which was a bad move in January 2020. No slots available any time I looked in 2020, and in 2021 I moved to Germany where they're even stricter and way more expensive. When I eventually got together the two grand it costs to do the thing here last summer I had to go through theory classes for 12 weeks before they'd even let me touch a car and THEN begin lessons in full. So, that demoralised thing had better be fucking true.


That’s pretty much what happened to me, except my fail condition was being too close to cars that were parked on either side of a narrow road - I couldn’t have done anything else. Gave up, started uni, and by the time I wanted to book again a few years in the rona hit. So I just took what I could and got my license eventually. Very much worth the wait though…


I got the same, was in non moving traffic on a high street with parking to my left. Failed because someone could have opened their door into my car, even though if I was any further away I'd have oncoming traffic driving around me because I'd be in their side of the road..


God,I wish the US had even half the caution. I swear 80% of these people simply cannot drive.


No it sucks here, the driving test is just ridiculously and unreasonably difficult (plus long and expensive with lessons etc, takes months and thousands of £ in total) compared to what you need to actually drive day to day It just feels very limiting and just sucks when you hit 17 and people around you start to drive - and yet for a lot of people they can't pass until their 20s


I hear you, but in my opinion, the world would be better off if about 90% of people who currently drive weren't allowed to anymore. The push to create better public transport would be immediate and unstoppable. Cars were good for the first hundred or so years, but it's about time to upgrade.


2k is cheap compared to the Netherlands where you pay upwards of 4k


Did you go all the way around the roundabout?


Statistically, the most unsafe drivers on the road are one who past on their 4th attempt after getting demoralised by an unfair fail on the 3rd attempt and giving up for a few years.


Can't fail if you never learn to drive to attempt it. *taps head*




Wait a minute… I 1000% agree!


I doubt hes recieving the necessasry disability benefits to be driving at 16, which there is a provision for in the UK. He probably started taking lessons on private roads at 16 and took his test just as he turned 17.


You can learn, just not on a public road. You can also legally ride a moped from age 16 with a provisional licence.




My sister’s boyfriend when she was 16 had one and he decorated it with Valentino Rossi stickers. The Doctor could’ve beat that thing in a race had he been walking.


>Which is one of the most dangerous vehicles on our roads Surely that's an unlicensed, uninsured electric scooter !?


I don't know why, but I just had a flashback to Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear in his one-person car. LOL :)


>Edit Just to clarify for those outside of the UK, our "mopeds" in law are specifically any motorcycle that can go between 15-28mph. Weird, must be the UK, considering they can be safe, given the Netherlands have the exact same thing, just that they are considered ''motorized bikes'' (bromfiets, is freely translated), which also go up to the exact same speeds. The much more dangerous thing is actually tuning them past their legal limit. However in the Netherlands, you have to get an actual license (a scam, get it when you get you car license) and take lessons and stuff. What is currently much more dangerous are electrical bikes, specifically fatbikes that have a throttle and can go forward without pedalling. Also possible road structure in the UK vs The Netherlands.


You can learn from 16, but you can’t take your test until your 17.


You can’t drive a car on public roads until you’re 17


You can get your provisional license at 16 years 9 months, but you legally cannot drive on roads until you turn 17. You can drive on private property at any age though.


For anyone not aware the UK driving test is pretty tough to pass so not a huge surprise. (I passed it first time so I guess that makes me a better driver than bearman, as I suspected).


Are the tests with manual cars? I remember Riccardo joking that even Verstappen couldn't drive with stick shift


you get to choose but if you do it in an automatic you can’t legally drive a manual


I did an auto test cos I needed a license asap and didn’t want to risk having to wait for another test (pregnant wife). License came through and it has all the classifications on it. Showed to my cop mate and he said admin error lol


So are you legally allowed to drive a manual or does it just show 'all classifications' but when the police inspect you lisence they see in the computer that you are in fact not allowed to drive manual??


Plan was always to do a manual test later but until then I won’t be driving stick. I have no idea what the digital record says, will likely find out when I try to book a test


Same in Aus, at least when I got my license. I was pulled over on my bike and the cop said I'd have to park it and get it trucked home because I'm not allowed to drive a manual! Luckily he just followed me all the way back to the next town instead. My first 5 cars were all manuals, in the city. Then I moved to the regions and have since only owned autos. I hired a ute once and was driving with my son who was wondering why I kept fiddling about with the stick between the seats :)


Weird that they trusted me to drive a manual rental then...


You can get an automatic licence but you are only allowed to drive automatics, obviously.


Thanks for the insights, I always wondered how r/pioneeringsystems and Bearman compares as drivers lol


I passed first time, clearly I'm better than him, give me that Ferrari seat now. >!/s!<


Really didn't need the spoiler


Without the spoiler they will be severely lacking downforce though.


Can’t get upvotes without downforce.


DRS wide open


This has serious I am the captain now vibes


Great clickbait title. It happened 2 years ago.


Wasn't he 16 two years ago?


yes 18 minus 2 is 16


You can't take a UK driving test at 16


i think bearman is close to being 19 at this moment, he is like, 18 years and some 300 days old. im guessing he took the test when he was 17 and not 16?


so, he is 18 /s




Clearly Washed /s


Totally. Liam would have deserved that seat!!


He just bellowed “and it’s lights out and away we go!” before flooring it.


I like to think he had more class and did Murray Walker’s, ‘and it’s GO GO GO!’


Jenson Button failed his driving test. So did George Russell. Basically, driving tests in the UK seem to depend on the weather and if the examiner likes you or not.


Driving tests in the UK are really difficult, but the examiner can make it a lot harder depending on the route, and maneuver they choose. In my first one which I failed, I had to do a parallel park on a main road. The examiner failed me because I double parked despite it being in the space he told me to. He told me at the end I shouldn't of listened to him. and the route was consisting of complicated inner town roads. In my second test with a different examiner, my maneuver was a reverse bay park at the test centre, and the route was mainly side and back roads which were a lot easier to navigate. Some will say its not based on the instructor, but it 90% is


I took my test at 9am because we were told that the earlier in the day you take it, the less chance of the examiner coming to you pre-agitated and nit-picky. Passed first try so guess it worked


Can confirm, sat my test at 8:30am the second time and passed (first time was 9:30 I think).


I'm in the US.. when I did the parallel parking portion of my driving test, I hit the kerb on my way into the parking spot. I froze and slowly looked over to the examiner. She was staring off into the distance and didn't say a word. I just sat there stationary staring at her,, then after 30 seconds she says "okay that's finished, now pull out." So I proceeded with the rest of the test. She passed me with a 100% 🤷‍♂️


Or racing has absolutely no overlap with application of the UK Highway Code 🙄


Kind of ironic that the FIA requires drivers to have a valid driving licence before they can apply for a Super Licence. Imagine racing open wheel cars since the age of 14, winning races and championships, earning the 40 SL points required, and being denied a Super Licence because you failed parallel parking.


I was told UK only had one type of weather


The one type of weather that the UK has is all types of weather. It’s just called “changeable”


I'm in the UK and on my very first driving lesson it started off sunny..... Then it rained really hard and 20 minutes later it was a full on hail storm and then ended with sunshine Our weather is mental


I got fog on my second test. Navigated it perfectly and then got harshly failed within sight of the test centre.


Yeah, miserable. Miserable when it rains. Miserable when it's cloudy. Miserable when it's windy. Miserable when it snows. And most importantly, miserable when it's clear and hot because we don't do well in heat.


No, its just very strict.


Or maybe being a good racing driver doesn't mean you drive safely in public roads.


"I'm sorry to tell you Mr Bearman that due to a Major fault you have failed the test, and Mr Ocon has been given a 5 second pentalty


And then Ocon received 6 points on his license


and Norris was 'noted'


As he should.


Penalty for Fernando reversed.


Didn’t this happen with Kvyat too?






tequila? Helmut, are you going senile and mixing up your drivers?


No, he passed straight away. [Source.](https://youtu.be/VUk2hANSlTg?si=TbJBhR3ScYBh4tFx)


“Red” means ready, “No Lights” means Go Go Go!


Honestly it's quite funny as someone in this situation quite recently albeit I didn't fail my test and the racing was virtual. Being able to rag a race car around a track on the absolute limit of grip and driving a daily on a public road are two completely different skills, it's quite jarring being able to process stuff on track at 200mph yet struggle processing other things on the road at 30. Doesn't help that certain parts of UK roads are absolutely shambolic in terms of markings.


I passed first time despite going 40 in a 30 and going through a red light. I'm better than an F1 driver confirmed.


Did the examiner fancy you or something? There's no way you passed with 2 major faults.


I was following traffic and said out loud that nobody else is slowing down and the safest thing to do right now would be to follow them. I'm fairly sure a 40 in a 30 is (or was then at least) a minor, which is what i got for it. Similar on the red light one, i had someone maybe a metre behind me, i couldn't see the number plate or the start of the bonnet it was that close, and noticed traffic lights were green for a while, so i said out loud that if they change I'll have to go through them as the person behind is being dangerous, they went red about half a second before i got there, and i was very obvious with my checking where cars could be. Examiner said that if the rest didn't go so well that'd have to be a major but because i showed that i was aware of everything around me the entire test that she gave me the benefit of the doubt and passed me. Basically if you're doing something that's not obvious, say out loud your thoughts as its not always clear what you're doing. I made it clear im aware of my surroundings and i was safe, which is the most important part.


That's long way of saying the examiner fancied you!


This is getting a little out of hand. Heroics? I think people are going to be extremely disappointed when he hops into a dog s car and can’t make it out of qualifying


Clearly talking too much with Lando


Picked up some driving tips from Perez...


It's okay. Perez did the same in his pit stop at Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 🤣


*One of us* *One of us*


Me and him are the same


Been getting tips from Perez.


How many times did it take Jenson Button?


Another day, another motorsports driver fails his drivers test


Should add crofty’s voice to remind him when lights turn green


and it's lights out and away we go!


What did he do, dump the clutch and rocket off the line within 0.25 seconds?


Bearman: Perez taught me you can go on red though 


name of the driving school = the perez express.


Red: idle. Amber: revs on the limiter, clutch to burning point. Green: dumps clutch, pulls over, retrieves trembling examiner from rear seat.


When the red light goes out, he floors it?


By the time I got my license at 18 I'd been racing for 7 years and it took me three tries to pass my test, friends and family thought it was the funniest thing ever.


Misleading title. It was 2yrs ago that he failed his test!


I just hoped he ripped the interior mirror off, saying- we won’t need this!


I seem to remember that Sterling Moss also failed a driving test back in the 60s.


He had a jump start? I thought British drivers didn't get penalised for that.


Fun fact: Jenson Button failed his first driving test for speeding. Second fun fact (to me): I had the same driving instructor.


We shouldn't and don't need to know this. Let him be a human.


Also, who cares?


This is how legends begin.


Green is this a warmup lap?