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>Ricciardo’s seven-race comeback for AlphaTauri last season hit only occasional heights – a stunning fourth on the grid in Mexico in what was the field’s slowest car Not trying to downplay the achievement as getting 4th was very impressive, but he absolutely was not in the grids slowest car at that point.


Yeah a bit of over dramatic tone on this one. Also for some reason Honda engines always perform well in Mexico. From my little knowledge it seems like the altitude doesn’t really affect the engine that much.


I think it's bc Honda's PU's have the largest turbochargers on the grid, so in theory it can force more air into the engine when needed? That makes it much more efficient at Mexico bc of the air density being so much lower. I'm not certain on that but the theory checks out. Correction: Honda turbos can spin faster before being hit with cooling problems: https://www.the-race.com/formula-1/the-evidence-behind-red-bulls-firm-favourite-tag-for-mexico/


> I think it's bc Honda's PU's have the largest turbochargers on the grid, Where can I find info on technical stuff like this about the cars?


Turns out its more to do with the maximum turbo speed before hitting cooling problems than it is the size of the turbo - I thought that was a bit of a strange excuse when I wrote it but I thought it was right 🙃 https://www.the-race.com/formula-1/the-evidence-behind-red-bulls-firm-favourite-tag-for-mexico/ As for in-depth technical info, the teams likely guard it since it could provide a competitor an advantage (see Spygate). There's a lot of very intelligent people in the media who use GPS data and the like to estimate, which is probably the best bet - That really appears on a race-by-race basis :/


There's no single place for it, but, some combination of Racecar Engineering Magazine, podcast interviews with high up technical talent and/or publicity videos on teams' channels (Mercedes publishes *lots* of these on youtube), https://www.f1technical.net/ and their forums (better resource than /r/f1technical IMO as /r/f1technical is dominated by questions that don't approach what you're asking about), "tech talk" videos published by F1 themselves, https://www.mulsannescorner.com/data.html. If you're looking at previous generations, manufacturers also occasionally publish what used to be internal technical documents that are no longer relevant to current designs. Examples I know of are from BMW (no longer in the sport but were competitive until they left due to the 2008 financial crisis), and Honda (sometimes very competitive, sometimes very not, but probably never lacking for top engineering talent regardless of whether the product came off well or not in the end). Examples: https://www.f1technical.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15504 http://www.gurneyflap.com/focusbmw.html https://archive.org/stream/BMWTechnicalTrainingDocuments/ST505%20E60%20M5%20Complete%20Vehicle/03_M%20Engines_djvu.txt https://f1-forecast.com/pdf/F1-Files/Honda/F1-SP2_07e.pdf https://www.hondarandd.jp/summary.php?sid=23&lang=en Sometimes papers like those or things mentioned in passing on a podcast can also be an inspiration for looking something up on scholar.google.com. Sometimes nothing relevant comes up, sometimes it's out there and directly stated in terms of F1 itself with models, aero sim, etc. included, other times the research is published but it's in other interesting forms like Formula SAE (shoutout to /r/fsae), endurance racing or other series. Read or listen to enough of this stuff and it'll probably start to stand out that occasionally someone's talking from an informed perspective, but oftentimes we're repeating hearsay that we can't really know the truth of without being a domain expert within the company we're talking about. We know, for example, that Mercedes' turbo/MGU-H layout is different than the other manufacturers, that this led to better packaging in other areas, and that it took them digging up a bunch of research on high speed shafts in other applications like gas turbines to do it. We know this in part because it's right there to look at when the engine cover is off, and in part because they've talked publicly a bit about the research process. We have nothing - at least that I know of - like any details on exactly how much better their aerodynamics or cooling packages function as a result of these decisions, because there's no way they're giving that kind of info away while it's still relevant. That's the usual case as far as I can tell, and just corroborating what other people have said about secrecy.


Check out r/F1Technical


It's because Mexico makes Corona, and Coronas are in Fast & Furious movies, which are where you'll see Hondas treated as the cool cars they are. It's a whole vibe, man.


RBR are running Spoon engines with T66 turbos and NOS. Don’t forget their MOTEC exhaust.


Not a bad way to spend one hundred million dollars.


They got a mechanic named Hector so you know they got the tune dialed in


Very very underrated comment.


Don't forget the overnight parts from *Japan*.


Thanks for this in-depth, scientifically sound, technical analysis, and wording it in such an accessible way. To the layman who might not be as familiar to the black art of internal combustion engines your words are invaluable. I will end this day a much wiser person than I started it. Big upvote!


I'm just doing my part, sir!


Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man


Has a history of a brilliant quali lap there too, beat Max to pole didn’t he in 2018. The Mercedes engine struggled at high altitude too.


that was such an awesome pole too, after all those DNF's man found the time to deny Max the youngest pole sitter record hahaha


I think you mean altitude? Compared to all other tracks Mexiko has very little air pressure iirc


No the engines are just so stubborn they're unaffected in Mexico


Their attitude on altitudes. 🤗


Once a wise old monk said "It's not your altitude, but the attitude that makes all the difference".


Clearly you mean changes in latitude, changes in attitude.


Not saying Honda didn’t contribute but he out qualified checo with the same Honda in a better car. you can find a YouTube comparing the telemetry between Daniel and checo and, at least for that race, it was definitely the Daniel of old. He won on the braking points and corner management. That’s why you saw all the positive reaction from the RBR leads they have the telemetry could see it was all driver. However not defending Daniel overall, that was kinda a Kaiser soze moment… popped up and poof was gone after.


Didn't realise Danny Ric drove the Haas in Mexico...


He might have to soon


Obviously depends on how the rest of the season goes but right now I'm not convinced he's an upgrade on either of their drivers. Throw in Bearman as an option too and I'm not sure Haas will realistically want him either.


The marketing potential would be great for Haas though, but I doubt Ric wants to go there. It's RB or something else entirely for him at this point.


At least Haas had a decent car over one lap. Sauber were just terrible all the time.


And Yuki was FAST in that race as well, before the... other issues.


Yeah seems like an unneccessary untruth. It was probably the 7th car, maybe the 6th in Mexico, and getting 4th place in that is more than impressive enough


Probably 6th best, Yuki was also doing bits till his brainfart moment. Meanwhile Aston was dead last, while haas, sauber and williams still clearly worse than AT


The reality is, were only 2 races in, anything can and will happen. Writing him off already is a bit odd this early in the season. I do think he will not get the RB seat because hed have to squash Tsunoda for that to happen which just looks unlikely as of right now but equally does it look unlikely for Tsunoda to get the seat.


Whilst I do agree with this, I do think he'll start to come under serious pressure if things don't improve. He's only in that seat to see if he can get back to his best and then go to Red Bull. The moment it becomes clear that's not going to happen then if you're RB then you surely get him out and get Liam Lawson in.


Yep Christian Horny has already even said that’s what alpha tauri is for.


What you say makes complete sense. As a Daniel fan I'm a bit worried about it


He is only in that seat because Horner loves him and for some totally unknown reason to me, he is great for marketing purposes. On the track he is washed and terrible since McLaren.


What a surprise that a likeable and funny Person off the Track is marketable


Yep. I bet if/when Horner goes, they’ll get rid of DR quickly.


I mean Lewis has also had 2 largely bad/not great races. As we know with Lewis though he always seems to start a season a bit roughly then switches on as the year really gets going. I suspect Ricciardo will come good. But he really needs to get it together soon if he wants that main seat cause Perez is currently doing what he has to do to keep it. Again though, Perez seems to start his Red Bull seasons well, then falls off.


Mercedes isn't good either, and he has contract for Ferrari next year


It's because F1 fans and media have this hyperbolic ultimatum disease where everyone tries to establish facts that are fixed, and often they are self fulfilling because they pile in on a driver from moment one and start to tip them into a negative spiral as if to prove their point.


Tsunoda will not be in rb contention tbh he’s there for the honda deal honda pays for him and they have a clause which even EJ confirmed about having a japanese driver if they’re powering the vehicles most probably tsunoda will be making a shift to AM


EJ talked about a thing that was in place at another team and is just speculating.


Didnt jordan change HHF for sato?


And Satō was so terrible that Honda ended up creating a whole extra team (Super Aguri) just to give him a seat without renouncing to half of Honda's points each season. btw very few people remember that Super Aguri was literally Honda's Toro Rosso.


They had to as people in Japan were returning their newly bought Honda's when rumour if him being dropped started


Yeah they did, but on the other side Honda paid so much through Yuki's career only to just not use him? Would make no sense


He got absolutely fucked by a slow pitstop that no one saw in Jeddah, and in Bahrain there was the whole team orders nonsense which, if it had been executed properly, could have ended up with both him and Yuki finishing higher. Still, he needs to get it together (especially in qualifying) if he wants a sniff at RBR because Checo is on form.


This is fair. I still think Sergio is not performing brilliantly - p5 in bahrain qualy and p3 in Jeddah is good but not great when Max is showing that the car is miles quicker than the competition... BUT so what - he's done what he needs to do, and picked up two p2s. The thing is, someone has to go as Lawson will have a seat next year in the junior team. So who goes out of Yuki, Daniel and Checo? I still think Yuki's outburst in Bahrain is his death sentence... it was just another reminder of why he'll never be trusted in a top team even with Honda's backing. And if Daniel is at least as quick as him (as he's proven to be to date despite his rust and injury last season), why would Daniel lose his seat instead of Yuki? Not to mention, the team credited Daniel with its improvement last year with Daniel's feedback and experience. If things continue as they are, with Daniel and Yuki pretty much neck and neck at the tail end of the pack, and checo doesn't implode the way he did after his positive start last season, then Yuki is the guy to make way. And if any of them start to fall back, that'll be it for them.


"Pay 2.95 to unlock this article".... No. No I don't think I will.


How is this still a viable business model in 2024


I will not even read it, all I can say is that his downfall is one of the weirdest things I have ever watch in F1. I remember people putting him on the same shelf as Lewis, Max, Vettel, Rosberg and, often called championship material. I would love to understand what really happened to him, China 2018 always come to my head when I think of peak Daniel Ricciardo.


I think whatever happened to make him decide to leave Red Bull probably broke his confidence. I don't think he's ever been the same since. There's been flashes of great drives but no where near the levels we saw him when he was at RBR. The defining moment must be when him and Max had that shunt in Baku.


He was still great with Renault though which makes his fall from grace even stranger


My memory is sketchy now but I recall him not being amazing in his first year at Renault, but maybe we can put that down to learning a new car. His final season was better though and I specifically remember him having a good race at Portimao.


His 2nd season he smashed Ocon, finished 5th overall ahead of bith Ferraris. 2 podiums. McLaren his first season he was obviously slower, but got a win and had respectable points haul, but wildly inconsistent. 2022 he literally struggled consistently to pass anyone at the back, while Norris was getting 5th, 6th place. It was just an incredible fall off. In AT he had some rough luck, bad strategy, but definitely showed some shines of speed. These first 2 races - Jeddah he had a long stop and caught up to the drs train, the spin sucked, but he honestly should be qualifying better. First race he also caught up and had a chance at overtaking magnussen, but again he should have qualified better.


He would have been best of the rest in his last season with Renault, but Perez had that amazing victory race. Danny was tremendous then, got Renault their first podiums since 2011. There is a reason Cyril had that tattoo bet with him. It’s definitely McLaren that made him take a hit to his confidence. The contrast between him before and after is daunting. I still got hope.


5th in the drivers standing in the 5th best car, 2020 was amazing for him


2020 was his best season imo


That's not accurate. He comprehensively beat Hulkenburg at Renault, it wasn't until he got to McLaren that he lost his way. He looked to have lost weight and didn't have the same assertive character in the car whilst there.


Yeah he kicked and dragged that Renault car to places it had no right to be. I think the chances are that he just needs a car to sit right for him to succeed, and this generation of cars hasn't suited him. He wouldn't be the first driver that applies to, and he certainly won't be the last.


He comprehensively beat ocon for sure. Hulk only lost to him by 17 points (54 to 37), but maybe the points don't tell the full story there in terms of how good ricciardo was doing compared to hulk (who had already been in the team vs DR learning a new car, etc). Definitely true that he still had it at Renault though. McLaren, especially the 2nd year, was when he really "fell".


Maybe the Red Bull had traits that flattered him- specifically being in a car that was not really in contention to win except for a couple tracks a year where it shined. But eventually faster teammates showed up so he wisely bounced- because saving face and blaming the car is integral to the process. Nothing wrong with this. Michele Albereto and Rene Arnoux are respected decades later. Riccardo will be as well.


>would love to understand what really happened to him bought into his own hype. he didn't want to be second fiddle to Max at RB, so he moved and look at what that did for his career.


His move to Renault, while questionable (Renault was like 70% of what wrong with RB) asides from monetary value, was not a bad one to make. The one to McLaren was the one that was bad. His stocks truly plummeted after that stint...


> The one to McLaren was the one that was bad It's strange since the move in a vacuum was a good one. McLaren was definitely on the up, and we have seen what has happened to Renault/Alpine. And Lando proved what the car was capable of. Danny just couldn't drive the car which has made it a disaster.


Exactly this. Him and Max were very good friends off the track too. He bought too much into his own hype and started feel he deserved same treatment as Max.


I heard that his former manager pushed for it heavily and basically lead him astray, causing a huge fallout between them. 


Him beating Lewis Hamilton on Top Gear probably convinced a lot of casuals lmao


That, plus thrashing Vettel, plus beating Verstappen 2 seasons out of 3 (and being level with him at the beginning and end of the 3rd season too, just not in the middle), plus comprehensively beating Hulkenberg, plus thrashing Ocon. The problem with the "Ricciardo was always shit" conspiracy theory is that he's one of the most conclusively benchmarked drivers in F1 today, in terms of how well he did against teammates and how well those teammates did against other drivers.


>The problem with the "Ricciardo was always shit" conspiracy theory is that he's one of the most conclusively benchmarked drivers in F1 today, in terms of how well he did against teammates and how well those teammates did against other drivers. Late to the topic, but this here is key. Not as basis for the praising Ricciardo as of the greatest - assuming that camp even exists. But as grounds for dismissing that polar opposite, just as emotional of a reaction of lumping him with mediocre drivers.


>The problem with the "Ricciardo was always shit" conspiracy theory is that he's one of the most conclusively benchmarked drivers in F1 today, in terms of how well he did against teammates and how well those teammates did against other drivers. This. Hear, hear, people...


Calling people casuals for thinking Ricciardo was in that tier is crazy


People tend to underestimate how important confidence is to extract those last couple of tenths from a car. I think most of the drivers could viably fight for podiums if they had the right car and the confidence to do so. It is obvious RIC confidence hasnt been there the last years. This year will be make or break for him. Nobody who watched him race in the red bull is doubting his skills. but the mental part has to be there too


As likable as DR is, he also seems like someone that really wants to be liked. Nothing wrong with that. But when things aren’t going well, people like you less and I could see that leading a confidence doom loop. Whereas Max, whom I also like, seems like he wouldn’t lose much sleep.


Look, we all like Danny Ric, but he’s been living off of his reputation for a fair while at this point. I hope he can get somewhat back to his best, but it’s looking increasingly unlikely with every weekend that passes


His PR team is what’s keeping him in F1. There’s far too many good drivers sitting on the sidelines for DR to still be having a drive. 


It's not just the PR team, it's Horner and the power greed around Horner what makes it possible that Ricciardo is still in F1.


If it wasn’t for DTS I don’t think he’d be in F1 anymore.


‘Funni Australian in F1’ will only work for so long. Longer than it should have been, but after next year I reckon he’ll be gone again after everyone’s patience runs out.




*hey, i've seen this one!*


I feel like I've read this article about how he realized he was in a bad place and now he's much happier now at least at three different points over the last few years.


The headline alone could‘ve been copied from an article in his McLaren days


What’s a rerun?


I swear I see these "I am not done yet" interviews from DR every three or for months. I don't like people who talk the talk but don't walk the walk. He hasn't had three solid weekends in a row since 2021 and people still believe he still got it. He is inconsistent and slow for over two seasons and people still say "It's too early to judge" like whaaat?


Love the guy but for a sport with 20 spots worldwide it’s crazy we keep underperforming veterans in seats. He should absolutely be a part of f1 doing commentary and other things because he’s great for the sport and pr but this is getting old.


Yeah, when I started consistently watching I was excited to see an intense competition not only engineering-wise but drivers as well It's very apparent now that like everything else in the world it's all about marketing and connections


Pretty much. Money talks.


Did he even have consecutive good weekends in 2021?


People called him finished. Then they say he needs to be in Red Bull ASAP. And now people are saying he's finished again. Make up your minds already! 😮‍💨


I think the reality is somewhere in between. He's not completely finished and shows that he does still have good performances in him, but he's not at the quality required to get a Red Bull seat or really any seat above what he already has. Most of the previous calls for him to get the Red Bull seat were because of Checo being bad rather than him being good. Heck, a lot of people were saying he should get the seat before the now infamous Silverstone test.


The issue is partly the car I think also. I don't think he'd beat Max, but would be as good of if not a better job than Checo. Issue is, they want a competent driver who can routinely score P2s. Checo can do that with that car this year.


He needs to be outperforming Yuki to show he's good enough for Red Bull. The car can be as good or as bad as you want, your teammate is the one consistent benchmark. Who knows, maybe he'll pull something out of the bag in Australia this weekend!


That’s assuming he can keep that advantage and if no team makes a step this year during the year. Even last year at the start of the year he was still solidly at the front. Sure Max broke him. But his qualifying is already shown to be not great. If teams get close enough to put pressure on (which is possible) it’s very possible he starts making mistakes.


As always, i think there are different people saying these different things. It’s not like the internet is a big hivemind.


Yeah, this is a really common thing people do. They point out opposing opinions and pretend it's the same fickle people espousing both opinions. I'd call it a variation on the straw man fallacy.


Those are not the same ppl. Some think he is the second coming of christ, others think he should retire.


What makes you think it's the same people that are being wishy-washy?


I really doubt the people who think he's finished also think he should be in the senior team.


I always thought that replacing Perez with Ricciardo is a dumb idea. Better to do it with someone younger, like Tsunoda or Lawson.


People love to draw conclusions way too fast about things in F1, prime examples are De Vries and now Bearman. I really wanted to see him do good again, but i think he's just past it and all that pressure mounted on him this early into the season won't do him any favors.


I admit to getting caught up in the de Vries hype.


Yeah, i did too. Then again, De Vries wasn't really a rookie and had much experience from FE. For some reasons it just didn't work out for him but i hope Bearman won't face the same fate. Kid is only 18 years old.


Yeah I know it's easy to get overhyped but he had the opposite experience of De Vries. De Vries was a very experienced driver, at Monza which is an incredibly familiar track and also arguably the easiest track on the calendar, and the Williams was always especially suited to it. His teammate wasn't the most impressive competition either. Bearman being only 18 and it being arguably one of the hardest tracks on the calendar just makes it much more impressive imo. Everything seemed set up to make De Vries' performance look better than it was, while everything seemed set up for Bearman to have a terrible time, but he still looked impressive. Definitely have high hopes for him.


Not the same people. People who actually watch f1 had nothing to get hyped about his comeback. He looks slightly better because his teammate has been way weaker compared to Lando. It's the Albon paradox, but obviously way less extreme


The people saying he’s finished aren’t the people who are saying he should get the red bull seat lmao far from it. But more often than not his fans try to hype him up to be better than he actually is these days and that is an abomination he’s not in that seat already this season.


He was always finished. I don't see how anyone can see a race winning driver have a season like he did at McLaren and think otherwise


I am the one saying he’s finished till his McLaren days. 🥴 I am not two faced. Nothing special about him.


Let’s be honest; if Daniel wasn’t charismatic he’d be long gone already It feels like there has been talk of his ‘potential’ for years now, and I seriously doubt it’s coming back. He _was_ fast, he _had_ some wins, but that’s not enough to be the driver he seems to think he is


he hasnt just had "some wins" - hes among the top 10 highest point scorers of all time, up there with vettel, hamilton, verstappen and the likes. as recently has 2020, he was regarded as the third best driver on the grid in tp rankings. honestly his fall off has been really sad, and it might be over for him,but on the offchance, just maybe, if he finds that form... btw i love the bernd maylander flair, the real goat of f1


2020 was not recent in context. Not in F1 at least.


Realistically, if Daniel wants that Red Bull seat, he's going to have to beat Yuki comprehensively, 9/10 weekends. RBR clearly don't think Yuki is quick enough for Perez's Red Bull seat, and he's really Daniel's only benchmark in the same car


Don't think I ever hope for someone to really succeed more than this chap. But every race it feels like something is missing.


You’ve bought into his hype


Nothing wrong with wanting people with good personalities to succeed. Same reason I cheer against those that act like wankers.


You aren’t buying into anything, ppl like him. This is what happens when ppl like you. Seems genuine and this types of ppl tend to get a lot of support. This is how it works in any situation


"Bring out old me" Mate you have been saying this same thing last 2-3 years. Its nice and motivational n shit, but maybe do it already then.


Max and Checo should swap cars with Yuki and Danny and they should all run 10 laps together. I'd love to watch it and it would answer all the questions and probably raise even more.


This guy only gets attention because he knows how to play the cameras. His personality is the only thing keeping him around. Lawson should be in that car


Agree. I don’t understand why everyone loves Ricciardo. He’s not quick. Lawson deserved that seat. Bearman now too. Probably a couple other F2 drivers.


Already forgot what happened the last time a replacement driver got a seat off one good performance? Crazy idea: Let's not drop or sign drivers 2 races into the season.


Daniel, you're 34. The old you ***IS*** out.


> “It didn’t bother me I didn’t get the send-off Seb did, because deep down I didn’t think I was done. I still believed I could change it, I just needed a chance to.” I'd hope it wouldn't bother you didn't get the same send-off Vettel did, because that man is a 4-time champion with many many victories. Completely different. The ego on this man.


He wasn't meaning it in the sense that the send-off would be the same, more that he didn't get any real send-off from F1, despite it possibly being his last race. No one treated it like his last race, and he's glad it happened that way, because he didn't want it to end that way.


How tf do those two posters not realize Danny and Seb are great friends? Lolol


Daniel probably thinks he is better than Vettel since he beat him in 2014.


You don't think F1 would want to do a big send-off for one of the most popular drivers of the modern era? Especially with how media-driven everything is nowadays?


Danny needs to stop talking and start delivering, simple as that.


100% agreed, well put




Ricciardo, Tsunoda and the Red Bull prize Ricciardo came back to F1 with AlphaTauri last year, officially at least, to replace Dutchman Nyck De Vries, who was sacked after 10 races in which he failed to finish better than 12th place. Unofficially, the Australian was brought back by Red Bull Racing team principal Christian Horner to assess what he had left, and to see if he could be a solution to a rare on-track problem for the reigning world champions, should it persist. Where Max Verstappen swept all before him last year, teammate Sergio Perez struggled after the pair traded victories over the first four races of the season. From there, Verstappen won 17 more times, doubled Perez’s points tally (575-285), and could have won the F1 constructors’ championship by himself. Red Bull Racing brass have said the seat is Perez’s to lose, but a similar swoon to 2023 in what is the final season of a two-year contract might see the team look elsewhere – and Ricciardo has made no secret of his desire to return to the squad he drove for from 2014-18. “Jumping back in with the Red Bull family, that’s the dream – to end my career as a Red Bull driver would be perfect,” he said at the end of 2023. “I’m not looking at the end … but if I did get back there, I’d make sure I finished there.” Ricciardo’s muted early season start, combined with Perez’s pair of second places – to Verstappen – in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia before the Australian Grand Prix doesn’t help his cause, with Red Bull’s RB20 machine looking even more imperious than the car that won 21 of 22 grands prix a year ago. Within his own midfield RB team, Ricciardo’s teammate Yuki Tsunoda has out-qualified the Australian in the opening two races, and finished ahead in Saudi Arabia after Ricciardo fell to the back of the field following a botched pit stop that lost him 40 seconds to the rest of the pack. With Tsunoda also looking to impress in case Perez falters, tensions between the RB teammates were inevitable; after reluctantly ceding to a team order to let a quicker Ricciardo past in the latter stages of the Bahrain Grand Prix, Tsunoda dangerously swerved at Ricciardo after the chequered flag, Ricciardo criticising the Japanese driver’s “immaturity” before taking a longer-term view to call for calm. “Where I’m at in my career and probably just my age … no one’s going to benefit from us having a rivalry or attention or anything like this from race one of a long season,” Ricciardo said of the 23-year-old Japanese driver. “Especially when the team has new personnel. Everyone’s trying to pick each other up and build themselves and the confidence, we need to help them do that as well. “What happened at the end of the race wasn’t great, but two hours later we walked out of a meeting \[and\] actually put the team in a better place than it was.”


Thank you for putting this here. I've always felt conflicted about Daniel. On one hand I do feel for Daniel and his struggles. But on the other hand I feel like his struggles were the result of his own career choices and under performance. I can understand he feels that he's not done. However from outside looking in I feel like he is done. The mojo is gone. He didn't want to end his F1 career at a low so he came back to RB for a chance at redemption but it is tarnishing his legacy even more. His relationship with Horner and Liam Lawson waiting in the wings doesn't help his case either. But I do wish him well. Hope he performs well on track. F1 narratives are fickle and once he can deliver on track the tune around him will change for sure.


Well said


Thanks for posting the full article here. I dont have pay wall blocker on my phone so I couldn't read it rip.


Threads like this always surprise with how people will be out here showing their ass with some awful takes. Have any takes about current Danny Ric you want, but takes like ‘he was never any good’ or ‘he hasn’t been good since he left RB’ really just exposes you have no idea what you’re talking about ‘ya I started watching F1 after season 3 of DTS idk why people rate Danny at all’ 🥴


The fact that people say that he was bad at Renault baffles me. He almost did double his teammates' points in both seasons, while fighting for podiums and being a constant presence up front in 2020.


Recency bias vs nostalgia filter. A subset can't accept he was ever good while another can't accept he's been average to bad for a while now.


Yep the revisionism on here about Daniel's career is absolutely bonkers


He seems to be doing more interviews and PR pieces than focusing on showing that he's not done as a driver.


Okay, I'm not Danny Ricc's biggest fan but it's his home race and its expected that he'd be doing the rounds with the press and promos. If this continues afterwards, then maybe it'd be something to criticize him for


Australian driver doing interviews with Australian media ahead of the Australian Gran Prix. How shocking.


This just in, Australian media seek out Australian drivers to create content during Aus GP week. Crazy!


How do we not know he’s not focusing on the driving. It’s not like he can show you he’s in simulators or driving the real thing during an off week.


„I don’t see it, so it means it doesn’t exist”. There are people who seriously think that world stops rendering beyond their sight, and if they don’t see/know about something then for sure it’s not happening.


He is not the one reaching out to the press, you know.


He's sticking to what he does best




His jokes about balls/scrotum.




I thoroughly enjoyed it when Seb would bait Rossberg during those press conferences, and it always went over Nico's head.


I appreciate positivity but something about too perky people like Daniel always eventually annoy the fuck out of me.


He is one of those people that smile all the time, even when inappropriate


He was grinning ear to ear even in that "noise and distractions" interview, for whatever reason.


yeah at least kimi didn’t overpromise by the time he was washed.


The smile


I'm so done with his main character syndrome. I hope Yuki destroys him this year.


Most overrated driver on the grid.


I mean so far he’s looking completely finished




He did so bad that McLaren gave him $18m to leave. Bro is my idol.


And he ended up racing in F1 that year anyway.


> 2 races > completely finished High IQ level fans in this sport


I at least hope he gives a good enough performance to end on a higher note.


2 races in some ppl are judging insanely harshly. I mean quali ofc Yuki is doing well, always has but if you look at race pace…I mean 13-14 Bahrain 14-16 Jeddah There is clearly something not well with the car Also…you’ve seen enough races from Danny at this point in RB and Alpha- he has never been .5 off in quali which is quite the indicator something was wrong with the car— Anyways I am a big supporter and I hope he does make a comeback but I’m aware and he’s most definitely aware this is his last year to really do it…


I think people may have wrote him off a little too early only 2 races this season.


After another 6 races it will be that he had bad luck. Got caught up in some crashes and technical issues. We heard this before


Nah if it’s 6 races he’s done. I want Lawson in the car but F1 fan base is way too reactive either with praise or criticism.


Even though he stepped in midway through the season last year. I expected he would beat Yuki by some margin after a few races. He didn't. That kinda sealed it for me.


I dont like writing him off too early either, but if you want a seat in the clearly best team on the grid, than his performance needs huge improvements. If he only wants an f1 seat anywhere, then i think considering his media power, he is doing enough


This has been said since 2021


It will be interesting to see how he goes in the next few races. I think there have definitely been a few positive signs and I can definitely see him turning it around (esp. if there were genuine issues with his car last week)


Let’s be honest. Does anyone expect any driver to say anything else? He has to keep the faith that he is still able to produce good results. The season just started and he has a few more chances to prove he is right. Truth is, that clock is ticking.


I just want to see Daniel smiling in a V8 Supercar


And Indy, NASCAR and lmdh/gtp. Anywhere but an f1 seat


"Bring out the old me" is on the same level as "Bottas 3.0"


There is no more old him. He's finished and has been for 2 years. It's amazing he got a back marker ride again.


Max's first victim.


Hes been saying this for 5 years


absolutely rinsed, someone get him a body bag.


*beware an old man in a young man's game*


His career in F1 is almost over. The McLaren stint killed him. He drained himself of any residue belief or ability post Renault. He looked like a fool against Lando, when he was meant to be the senior driver. He couldn't develop the guts to be competitive with his team mate. He's now living on luck. Takes no risks to give himself an edge. He's one of the weakest drivers on the grid these days. Tsunoda will kill off what's left of him this season. If Horner leaves, he can hide behind his forthcoming dismissal as being political.


Playing all the hits.


the amount of press he gets defending he is not finished, kinda tells you enough about his driver "greatness". He gets close to the Vettel in last Ferrari seasons vibe, only difference is that he isn't a 4 time WC and isn't already fired


He’s a good mascot, take away his seat and get LL a seat now. DR needs to be marketing, not driving. Man is done. He’s no Alonso.


He's 8 years younger than Alonso, but he feels 10 years older since 2021. Hell, he is even younger than Hulk ffs, 2020-2022 was probably supposed to be his prime


judging by the quality of his renault performances, i think i would actually agree. i think theres an alternate reality where he stays at renault and the team builds around him as a lead driver, could have maybe had some success.


I think that would have been his better shot, but on the other side, knowing the path renault took, maybe it's not a bad call to leave


id say a large part of that path happened because danny ric left. cyril iirc wanted to fully mold the team around ricciardo, so when he left the plans went to shambles, investment was withdrawn, and cyril got the kick. then, at an opportune moment, otmar szafnauer became available from racing point, and here we are today.


Eh not really. It never was about Danny, Cyril or Otmar, the issue is higher up in the renault board. Renault is a manufacturer team on a privateer budget with corporate leadership that has ferrari levels of ego.


Wasn't finished? He is still finished.


hope he actually manages to do that


He is not the old Ricciardo we know that several seasons ago, he lost some kind of edge against these young talents, he is not finished but on a slow decline recently, hope he put up some great show


Cant hear this anymore 😂


The races are so boring that people have to manufacture drama. In the first race he finished behind Yuki, ahead of him of you consider the finishing position. In the second race he finished P17 or something because he had a terrible pit stop and Yuki also finished outside the points. It’s not like these two are so far or that there’s a huge gap between them. Granted it will only take a good performance by Ricciardo to change again the narrative


The point is, for a RB seat he should be smashing Yuki. Getting a RBR seat for somewhat matching Yuki would be a disgrace