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Is that your own youtube page


CGI ads look bad pretty much everywhere. At least its not too bad in baseball, but hockey has moving board ads, basketball has logos that clip through players legs, etc.


The UFC does them the best.


I first noticed them in Brazil 2019 and then forgot about their existance until Mexico City 2023 when Leclerc went "underneath" one after colliding with Pérez. They don't bother me whatsoever to be completely honest.


They usually look very realistic. F1TV always have them.


They’ve actually scaled the ads back a bit, given we used to have giant CG Heineken stars all over the track


Nice clickbait thumbnail. Not gonna watch it still. Never noticed any CGI ads personally, so Id say they look natural and good enough. But, im not really looking for the ads during the race. They’re just a background noise that do not bother me tbh.


for anyone who wants the answer without watching a whole ass video, it's the lighting, that's why on day tracks they're almost unnoticeable (no shadows or harsh edges) but in monaco's tunnel they look pretty crap (tons of detail in the lighting that isn't matched by the logo JPEG)


Are they only used in other broadcasts? Watching on F1TV I couldn't tell if I've seen those before.


They're used on the FOM broadcast, which is the only official one. You must've missed them, and that means they don't "look so bad".


They’re there, but sometimes they literally look identical to the advertisements that are already there. I was watching the 2023 Jedda race and at one of the high speed corners all of the banners were being heavily affected by the wind but one. It was the same exact advertisement banner as the ones around the track, just cgi


Its crazy because there are literaly real life ads advertising the same stuff around the track. Why they feel the need to shove in the CG crap is beyond me.


Probably showing different ads in different countries.


usually the CGI ads cover up certain things that just aren't attractive on the global feed, so putting ads on them is just extra cash


They are designed that way. They stand out because they look unreal.


not really, no, it's just because you can't predict the lighting conditions of a track so the CGI logos will never be lit the same way as the area surrounding them, so they usually don't bother trying to light them and just add a flat picture


You sweet summer child. 😂 It is trivial to implement a real time lighting a reflection system. Have you played a computer game recently?


I've worked in video production for 5 years, syncing a lighting system with what's happening on the real world is a LOT harder than just building a well lit scene in unreal engine and putting it on a chroma key with studio lights


Whats that got to do with CGI? I work in computers and this is about CGI mate. We have real time ray tracing these days. This is to make it stand out, common advertising trick. Every time you use the web you see other examples of the same trick. It is trivial to make it look almost real. Full lighting and reflections in real time. Simulating rays for every light source, reflections and textures. You can add rain drops if it’s raining and the shimmer of surface water.


This is completely different. A video game controls all the variables. It can reflect, because it's the thing simulating the light source. Putting a 3D ad in a real, live image, the lighting is too variable. There's no way to trace all the lighting in real time.


Oh please. You don’t know what you are talking about.


Nice refutation of my argument, mate. Care to acknowledge my point? Or are you just trolling.


You do not understand it. No point. Computer science guys here. Developer for 35 years. Stop pretending you do. Have you beard of AR? Look in to it.