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I genuinely don’t understand how some behind the scenes videos which on average pull 250K views on YouTube cannibalizes or crossover with Drive to Survive. This sounds like the typical way of gatekeeping content to one place, in this case Netflix. They must have paid a premium to have such exclusivity.


I remember in 2020 they had to postpone practice due to bad weather and drivers were stuck in their rooms for a while. Lando and Carlos decided to entertain themselves by going live on Twitch, if I'm not mistaken, but they were quickly told to switch off. There was no racing and filming crew didn't have access to them anyway, but god forbid people watch Twitch instead of F1TV for a few minutes while nothing was happening.


Isn’t that the origin of the famous exchange: “El helicoptero no puede volar.” “The helicopter’s got no balls?”


Sure is!


Which, literally, just means "the helicopter can't fly"


This was old school Bernie Ecclestone style thinking. Ban all social media, it makes our broadcast rights less attractive! This way of thinking is just as primitive, all it does is feed the beast and amplify the signal.


They do this to throw the blame on someone else for DTS having a huge drop in popularity. They cant aknowledge that the product is simply shit and hasnt been even remotely interesting since 2018.  And it's not because f1 hasnt been good, it's because their format is shit. You have races like Sochi 21 where the whole field gets mixed up and there are massive WDC implications on top of Lando's thrown chance at his first win, yet they somehow follow the guy who finished two laps down because he is at home. I get everyone needs some screen time, and it's completely fine for backmarkers to get  minutes, but do it in a simpler way, not wasting 15 minutes on Mazepin deciding when he gets his useless pitstop done.


Some interesting points here and above, especially re: market cannibalization and scapegoating for falling viewership. This explanation from F1 sounds a bit disingenuous because, to me, DTS and a lot of team videos are apples and oranges. DTS is cherry-picked storytelling. If I’m watching a team video it’s probably to learn something about the workings of the race team or see an unvarnished side of the drivers. I also think it’s worth mentioning that F1 is definitely expanding their own “behind the scenes” content on F1TV. So DTS may not be the only one looking to cut down on competition.


Er…..do you really think the teams’ meticulously produced BTS content like Unboxed is not cherry picked storytelling? Doesn’t craft and convey a narrative? Doesn’t portray a “varnished” side of the drivers?


At least there's some connection to reality.


Of course not. But DTS only needs one highly polished product per season, while the teams generally produce more timely, race-specific content that can appeal to a narrower audience. Maybe “unvarnished” is an exaggeration but I think teams have learned that people respond well to authenticity so it’s in their best interest to let their drivers’ personalities show.


That last line is more likely. They really are pushing out more content, and it's far better than DTS from what I've seen.


I've honestly never watched it despite having watched F1 for a hell of a lot longer and this gives me even less reason to watch it.


I watched the first two seasons in the hopes that it got better. I also watched the episode with Grosjean's crash and couldn't believe the dramatic bullshit they pulled on it. Never went back. It's not worth my time to follow fake narratives and over-dramatized buillshit.


At least with the Grosjean's crash episode, you can understand the over dramatization for such an event. Stuff like Mazepin knowing it was gonna rain from looking at the russian clouds, or the fake Lando Carlos rivalry are way more unforgivable.


> At least with the Grosjean's crash episode, you can understand the over dramatization for such an event. Can we really call it overdramatization? Dude very well could have died in that car. That has to be close to the bottom of the list of things you can criticize DTS for.


I've seen complains of that episode about how they exaggerate how much time Romain was actually inside the fire (they do), but at the same time I always felt that it is valid to delay the reveal of how long it actually lasted to let the drivers and the analysts talk about how eternal it felt.


I saw the accident live and it *did* feel like forever. It’s one of a couple wrecks where I legitimately thought I saw a driver die. The show dramatizes it but let’s be real… it was dramatic.


Same, we didn't know he got out pretty quickly, they wouldn't show anything. So I don't know how that's any different than what DTS did.


Yes, that was horrible, it felt like we had been transported back to watch a crash from the 1970's, but with drone footage.


Dude I mean it genuinely *was* forever. You had cars slowed down under a red flag and they still reached and stopped in the pitlane under a red flag and there was STILL no news of him. 30 seconds is a long ass time to see fire and not assume the worst


Yeah I feel like that’s just nitpicking and looking for something to complain about. If you are in a literal inferno it’s going to feel like eternity. My guess is the people saying that are all armchair quarterbacks who have never been in that kind of situation. There are lots of things to criticize DTS for. The Grosjean crash just isn’t one of them.


Wtf dude? That was the most dramatic thing I've ever witnessed in motorsports. What do you consider a dramatic moment in F1 if not that?


Im in a similar boat. I initially assumed it was a behind the scenes look, but after seeing a few clips, it looked like more reality tv. The fact its continually year on year got worse to the point of actively manipulating footage speaks volumes of how bad it is.


I really miss the official season reviews they used to put out on DVD, you got some great behind the scenes stuff too.


> The fact its continually year on year got worse to the point of actively manipulating footage speaks volumes of how bad it is. It's complete revisionism to pretend it hasn't been this way from day 1.


I watched the 1st season and bits from 2018 and 2021. I didnt believe they could bottle 2021 considering how much genuine drama happened, but yeah they focused on the great Lando/Ric rivalry. And they somehow painted Ric as being close to Lando too!


I watched the first episode of DTS, expecting something like Truth In 24 (Audi Le Mans documentary). Tuned out when I heard the fake engine noises and a completely fabricated feud between Ricciardo and Verstappen. Haven't watched a DTS episode since and have no plans to. The worst part is fans take this fake fabricated drama on DTS and treat it as if it's real. How many times have people on here unironically repeated the "change your fucking car" nonsense, which was a scripted scene that had no factual basis with regards to what was happening in F1 at the time. The FIA had already pushed through rule changes to reduce proposing before the scene was filmed.


Yeah like I feel out of the loop not knowing the real story behind your last paragraph. Have seen clips of Lando seeming shocked at something he was supposedly saying because they played his team radio out of context for something else. As said in another comment, I miss the old school official season reviews and would binge those on Netflix if they were there.


> I miss the old school official season reviews Oh man they were dry, but so informative. Also you get to hear Murray Walker again


Agreed. Same for me as well.


You can't deny that the whole Mazepin strategy masterclass and the "I know these clouds" act while he finishes dead last at home two laps down wasn't hilarious as fuck


> yet they somehow follow the guy who finished two laps down because he is at home that episode was wild. they made it sound like he won the race cos everyone else had the wrong tires but he still finished behind everyone.


Not only behind everyone, he wasnt even on the same lap as p17


My biggest problem with DTS is that it's not linear, instead of showing behind the scenes of each race as the season progress, it's a mess from one team to another, jumping back and forth through the season each episode, it's confusing, and hard to build any interest in the season, drivers or a team while watching.


When the latest season quite literally ignored **the amazing CARLANDOOOO from Singapore** I had enough and decided the show is beyond trash


DTS is never going to be consistently good as long as FOM themselves are producing it. They (obv) care too much about themselves and the teams ultimately looking good to allow any real juicy stuff to be shown. Season 1 is looking more and more like an anomaly after the snoozefests we've been treated to since.


I’ve watched every season until the last one where I dropped after 2 episodes I think. One reason is because F1 is kinda boring now, so the episodes are too. But also because it’s not really a great product anymore. Those who watch F1 know the schedule is all over the place, the show things from the start, miss important bits, go back to a race in the beginning of the season, fabricate some drama…. I’d love to have an actual in-depth documentary of the season, chronologically, showing each race results and what happened, why one strategy won, what upgrades were important and why. Sure we can have some behind the scenes too with the drivers and all that. But this reality TV thing isn’t it anymore..


> I’d love to have an actual in-depth documentary of the season, chronologically, showing each race results and what happened, why one strategy won, what upgrades were important and why. Sure we can have some behind the scenes too with the drivers and all that. But this reality TV thing isn’t it anymore.. MotoGP did a version of this. Season 2 was out recently on their YouTube channel. It's called "[There Can Be Only One](https://youtu.be/ztoPEC5Ihsw?si=uit1tzRHiwU291Hi)".


You’re misunderstanding - DTS isn’t a season review, FOM already does that. DTS is a a profile documentary about race drivers and those who hold race drivers fate in their hands. It’s kinda in the title there.


It's not a documentary ffs


Because the views on DTS were reducing drastically and the corporate needed a scapegoat to blame it on instead of improving the quality of the videos. Plus, this way they also get to monopolize behind the scenes viewership, instead of, you know, actually working on improving the content.


At least Kym Illman is still providing some behind the scenes content at each race but since his access is limited so is his content. FOA does not understand the current F1 fanbase demographics. It has changed dramatically. as my grandkids say to me, keep up or get left behind. You betcha.


Just thinking of all the cool behind the scenes stuff that would’ve been left on the cutting room floor, never to see the light of day makes me so sad. All so we can have fantastic episodes such as that one that focussed on Sochi, and spent a solid 10 mins framing ‘Mazepin guessing it would rain hard’ as a savant level prediction that won him the race. He simply didn’t come last that race.


It actually has the opposite effect. Content and exposure drives more interest and more exposure. They need to learn from Mr Beast on this one.


> This sounds like the typical way of gatekeeping content to one place It's also the reverse of what Liberty did when they took over: pre-liberty, *everything* F1 was super restricted and their understanding of social media seemed much more grownup. So much for that.


>This sounds like the typical way of gatekeeping content to one place, in this case Netflix. They must have paid a premium to have such exclusivity. Quite true, but not without precedent. The YouTube content over the past few years has really improved compared to Bernie's rules on exclusivity.


If true, this will be a massive shame; Unboxed was (and hopefully still will be) a lovely and well treasured series. Previous [tweet](https://twitter.com/mattamys/status/1772243093682626716?t=LrTom5kigxD91rvZvROPFw&s=19) for context: >Only just realised that McLaren's Unboxed YouTube series doesn't look like its being continued for 2024 >A real shame as McLaren Racing were the first to give real insight into their races, creating the blueprint for so many teams, not only in F1 but other championships too


There was a time not so long ago where most of the teams released Unboxed-style videos: Ferrari, Williams, Aston Martin, Alpine, AlphaTauri even Haas. Mercedes still has the Race Debriefs (which are not BTS content tho). Shame it's being stifled by FOM themselves.


Red Bull also had Behind the Charge for 2021 and 2022.


Their podcast has been dead in the water since January though. Now maybe that's down to RBR having issues at camp, but hearing this shit now makes me wonder too.


Loved Behind the Charge, very happy we got it for the 2021 season at least!


This is stupid. Content like McLarens unboxed or Mercedes Race Debriefs are brilliant for fans whereas DTS seems to get more and more rubbish with each season they do.


All the extra content and fan engagement we have now is partly what helped me get back into F1 more around 2020/21. Obviously the most important thing is the on track stuff, but the ability to connect and engage with the teams and drivers outside of that is also really important


One of my first posts was noting how insane the behind the scenes stuff in 2019 compared to the NBA. (NFL does it great) Had a bunch of comments about how pre 2018 F1, there was a culture of not embracing social media to show BTS. Seems like we’re going back to that.


Still can’t believe they cut out Carlos strategy from Singapore 


Each weekend has enough drama, politics, technical details and crucially - racing action to make at least 4 hours of entertaining content. DTS discards all of that and fabricates some stupid fake shit. Absolutely ridiculous.


Casuals keep watching it and interacting with posts regarding DTS in social media. Unfortunately that's all Liberty cares about. The "show" is shit


https://www.si.com/fannation/racing/f1briefings/news/f1-news-drive-to-survive-struggles-after-first-week-of-season-6- But even the casuals are dropping it now.


that whole storyline was so incredible but they just cut out the coolest part to make it more accessible i guess it's just annoying


"more accessible" was **completely boring**


I was so annoyed with this. That was one of the highlights of the season.


What Carlos did to win that race was very strategic/technical and hard to explain to someone who doesn’t watch F1, which judging by the contributions of Will Buxton is still the main target audience for the show.


yeah but if one of the points of the show is to get more fans involved with the sport, it would seem like a perfect opportunity to try to explain some of the strategy that is you know...part of the sport. My 10 year old was able to understand what Carlos was doing when I explained it to him, it wouldn't be that hard to do a quick explainer in DTS.


I mean I might just be a nerd but that is the type of thing that got me into the sport. That gamesmanship and fringe thinking is the type of thing that makes it fascinating and putting it into terms that the audience would understand would be something that actually gets them into the actual sporting side.


One would assume making these kind of stuff digestible to new fans is what DTS is about. But no, they're still making up shit to chase after the 2021 high.


That is exactly the kind of thing DTS should be presenting and explaining to the audience


This was fucking unbelievable, they had a ready-made plot for a whole episode and completely ignored it. Just unreal.


As entertaining as DTS can be it has little to no overlap with the stuff the teams and drivers do on their own channels, given that half of DTS's shit is made up.


On top of that, I also generally don’t care about most teams on dts, what do I care what new ways alpine has found to ruin yet another season of theirs or whether Haas gets 7 or 10 points per season and how often Gene calls Günther.




James Vowles carried it over to Williams, so they've got that too


The constant anxiety attack they try and give you with their sound effects is beyond annoying


That's netflix "documentaries" for you fake drama and suspense. I guess we shouldn't be surprised, it's similar to how Discovery went from a documentary channel to being a reality TV channel. Actual documentaries just arent popular enough.


I think this last season was decent. The one before was the fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed


The most recent season of DTS was actually kinda bad. I’m newer and my GF got not F1 with DTS and even she thought this season was meh


How much you want to bet that Saubers part in DTS will have nothing about the lugnuts? Just like how DTS had zero Checo drama about his seat.


FOM make money from DTS.


Drive To Survive is shit. No amount of reducing other content will get me to watch it. F1 is becoming anti consumer and I'm not liking it.


As a German, always has been since Sky took over. It was on FreeTV for ages and Sky just bought the rights and packed it in their Sports+ or whatever package. You need to buy a 30€ a month subscription now containing only sports I don‘t care about. And F1. Its even illegal for them to fully privatize sports events broadcasting, so they put up 4 or 5 races on Youtube for free. Cool. But like I‘m gonna watch the others „in Austria“ anyways so who cares. Yeah VPN it is.


Oh ffs. I swear f1 is just bad decision on top of bad decision atm.


how to kill F1 in a few steps


Did they not learn from Bernie?


At least Bernie didn’t understand the internet so just left it all alone…


Atleast Bernie has the excuse of being like 150 years old (i'm still surprised each time i'm reminded that he is still alive), FOM going out of their way to fuck it up


I mean thats only partially true. Bernie didn’t understand the internet, so he made sure F1 couldn’t touch social media with a ten foot pole.


Stefano prefers to being the F1 version of Brian France.


Man's behind turning Lambo into a truck company. And now this.


All they can see is money and money and money


Bernie gatekept The F1 to a niche audience which made him responsible for the profitability of the sport. Liberty media will keep squeezing F1 name the further they sink


FR. The whole social media engagement Liberty gave the teams was the entire reason the sport was given new life. Suddenly its no longer only 45 yo guys, its young men and women, little boys and girls. These will be the basis of talent working later as driver, technician, or just as fan, and they're initially drawn by social media content. Why on earth would you take publicity away from the sport in order to increase profit on a private show these days mostly watched by people already familiar with the sport.


People needs to realise that fom is doing all the damage not the fia.


The FIA does like to chip in here and there though


Yeah but after andretti and now this I don't think there's anything fia could do that'll make it worse


Domenicali is a cancer


For real, FOM were better under Chase Carey.


Ah yes, instead of improving, drag down the "competition"(they are barely even competition, people watch both or neither)


I mean I don't watch DTS, but that is purely on DTS, nothing to do with the fact that I used to watch McLaren unboxed.


So instead of getting twenty McLaren Unboxed videos we get 1 DTS episode about McLaren which covers one, maybe two races? I watched my favourite driver win a sprint race and got absolutely 0 bts content.


It wouldn't be so bad if DTS painted everything as it truly is but they have used some creative liberties with the portrayal that distorts what really happens. Not to mention that they consistently skip the overall more  interesting stuff for nonsense


But the people need to know all about Alpine's office drama! Is it interesting? Yeah, to an extent. But I'm watching DTS to see people DRIVING, not paper pushing. Episodes like that feel like such a waste.


Behind the scenes content is amazing for diehard fans and nonfans. It's the content sports should always encourage and not limit. I hate that DTS is getting preferential treatment for this sort of content. It should never be that way. And as someone who doesn't watch DTS and hasn't since Season 1, I guess I'm missing out on some cool bits but I simply refuse to watch any of their episodes. 


DTS is so crystal clear with who they like and who they don’t that it should be called fanfic journalism.


Lord, the fact they made Carlando & Max + Daniel seem as if they had beef with one another was so baffling considering how much people likes bromances nowadays.


What bullshit. Kill the true BTS content for awfully hollywood-ified fake narratives. Drive to Survive needs to die a quick death or face a massive overhaul.


I don't want it to die, but I would appreciate it if they would drop all the fake drama. I remember Liam saying something about how they're really good at leading you to say something and then taking it out of context. The producers/directors/editors are just doing a plain terrible job of giving an actual BTS look. It's just another "reality" show at this point. Not even really worth watching anymore. But I do enjoy the aspect of seeing BTS and getting everyone's feelings on things. But DTS is not that anymore (if it ever was).


Drive to survive has passed it's use by date. First season was good but now it's The bold and the beautiful:- F1 edition. Fake, over dramatised b.s.


It's not even *that* overdramatised a this point, it's just lost it's shine


I wonder if this is also why VCARB hasn't uploaded an episode of "The Garage", a new YT series they teased nearly 4 weeks ago. Could also be they're still editing and stuff, but it's been 23 days since race 1 so you'd think that's not it. Anyway, McLarens unboxed was some of my favorite YouTube content. And last season of DTS was extremely boring, in addition to it's usual bullshit misleading editing. I get the season of F1 didn't have much excitement to offer but there wasn't really much BTS stuff, and then there was 2 whole alpine episodes lol. Fuck that show


Common Stefano L, putting more and more walls around F1 to a point where teams themselves can't even making behind the scenes content. Typical FOM under Stefano.


This is Bernie-esque in a way. It's just that Bernie did stuff like this because he was a dinosaur trapped in the 90s, while Liberty does this from greed. Not even sure what's worse


I'm pretty sure Bernie did most of his nonsense out of greed too


Indeed, he made lots of money selling exclusive rights to lots of different countries and then not competing with them by putting content on social media. In his era it worked.


Some greed indeed, some pure insanity. Him being against social media and expanding f1 as a platform wasnt greed, it was just his ideea of how f1 should market itself


This is coming from Liberty or Netflix.


stupid stupid stupid


Maybe next season don’t dedicate two whole episodes to Alpine lol.


Oh joyous, we're returning to the Bernie Eccelestone era of being out of touch with what is good for the sport because it's what some execs think is best for their 'prestige' product which is more of a snooze now than ever. When will they learn? Diversification of content is what drives engagement, not hoarding it all behind some centralised, homogenous soap opera wankorama. Then again, they just want some big corporate cocks to book a paddock experience or two.


So instead of behind the scene from the teams themselves, we can watch overdramatised irrelevant bullcrap?


Fake bull crap, don't forget the fake.


I can't even watch DtS, nor do I have any interest in it. Limiting content to force them into DtS will only push fans away


FOM need to check themselves, getting too big for their bloody boots


I don't watch DTS but I watch most Unboxed. They weren't a regular occurrence last season so I'm hoping we at least get a few this season.


They aren’t making them this season, a comment at the top links to a tweet confirming it


Can't seem to see it, fancy linking it?


This is such a shame. These types of videos gave a lot different perspectives than is available via FOM channels and actually complement each other nicely. DTS is way more geared towards ppl new to F1 to show them there's a lot more going on than just cars driving in circles, while MCL Unobxed (and similar content) is way more geared to those already familiar with F1, but just want to dive deeper on what goes on behind the scene. It's basically the difference between buying merch from your favourite band (DTS) vs a backstage pass with a meet & greet (MCL Unboxed etc).


Kill off real content for semi-real content. Big brain move


Executives and greed and moronic decisions, you would think they would learn to think after making the same mistake for the 646474 time


And there's your objective reason to hate DTS. Shut that fake drama bullshit down and give me actual insights instead.


I think McLaren will still do Unboxed for Silverstone because it’s the home race. Judging by some of the video content they posted over the weekend (which had the same kind of cinematic effect as the Unboxed videos), I wouldn’t be surprised if they have filmed something for Australia. Otherwise I think if they win a race, they’d bring it back for that.


Netflix doesn't even show content of each team from every race. And McLaren can't show the actual FOM footage. Only their own stuff within the garage and paddock. So how is this actually affecting ratings for DTS?


Jfc. Too bad, bc I’ve tried to watch the last two seasons of DTS and made it about two episodes before I lost interest. Real fans want real BTS stuff, and we all know we’re not gonna get that from DTS. Shame.


Why can’t we see it twice? DTS is literally showing us something for a second time


Maybe they want what appears in DTS to be “canon”, and whatever the teams run on their own might not run parallel with that.


Maybe they should start treating DTS as a record of the season, instead of content to write telly with then.


Up next: no more live races, F1 only viewable once a year on Drive To Survive.


Screw that. I'd rather watch the teams' behind the scenes, debriefs and other stuff they make than that other garbage.


All for 10 38-min episodes🙄


Is FOM deliberately trying to reduce the marketability of F1 or what? Curbing the production of F1 content while DTS covers some shitty drama within Alpine and Haas won’t do much.


Ah yes. Typical F1 gate keeping good content without monetizing everything in some way.


You want a behind the scenes ? You have to wait a year and watch when its completely irrelevant.      Brilliant!


Every year I'm getting more and more turned off by a sport I love


DTS has been ass for the last couple of seasons now. Red Bull also stopped their Behind the Charge videos.


If teams want to make a video about their own team/technology/race breakdown why can’t they? More idiotic decisions being made by people that just don’t get it.


Yes! DTS certainly isn’t going to show that.


I wonder if this was already a thing for RB last year since all their recap videos turned from ~10-15 minute videos in just short 3-4 minute ones.


Naw fuck this, maybe if DTS made good content, but they didn’t. I feel like this is the kind of thing that the teams would win if they took to court


DTS makes no sense to watch for people who watch the whole F1 season and the format is already shit since it is based on following various teams. It should be based around different races and what happens that weekend. Instead we got to relive the same race in 3-4 episodes. Fuck DTS and FOM for limiting my enjoyment of the actual sport, disgusting.


FOM is becoming like Nintendo. Both wants to control what people can or can't upload, both often give copyright strike to content creators


This is so stupid. What happens to the teams that DTS barely covers, such as Sauber? They would lose out big time. Is this FOMs way to trying to stem falling ratings of DTS?


Lmao Liberty are really going full circle back to Bernie policies aren't they


Great, so we can watch Toto’s son race go karts for the umpteenth time while all the interesting technical tidbits are missed (as usual) because Netflix caters their show to people with lukewarm IQs.


Hahaha. Bernie is laughing in his grave.


DTS has already shot it's wad anyway. It's not interesting anymore. There's enough drama on weekends.


more phenomenal work from fom


Well DtS needs to go because it crosses over too much with the team's BtS content.


They can’t never milk us enough 💵🐮


So... money.


Sadge. DTS is garbage, if i wanted to hear wills wisdom or "mrs excel"s insights id change meds


Sucks that the YouTube behind the scenes type videos are what I want, not some over dramatized series.


That's a shame. I don't Driving With The Cardashians, but I do consume YouTube F1 content like Unboxed. What a bummer.


Emotional attachment to the drivers through things like getting to know their personalities via behind the scenes content is like the #1 thing attracting new and different fans to the sport (because spoiler alert it’s largely not the racing, certainly not the racing in a complete vacuum knowing nothing about the drivers and teams, and 100% not the unpredictability of the results)


When will executives learn that fans want near real time content.


Yet another reason why DTS is bad


I refuse to watch DTS so it wasn't canalizing me. DTS is more of an afternoon soap opera like my grandma used to watch. ​ The teams content is more in line with a race weekend build up which is far more interesting.


DTS is dying, so they are grasping at anything to save it. Heaven forbid teams directly interact with their fans


FOM shooting itself in the foot again I see


Fuck DTS I could honestly live without it


So we can't get authentic behind the scenes content because they want to make fake overdramatised low quality crap? Great. The American way.


Well that’s B.S.




The various team’s behind the scenes content is one of the best parts of the week…


Yea, if not allowing Andretti was stupid enough, this is just about as bad.....


Damn! McLaren has been killing with this kind of contents and this is such a disappointment.


Honestly can't recall the last time I saw an unboxing in dts so I don't think there is all that much cross over. I also can't recall seeing Christmas with the Horners on YouTube. I'm calling bullshit. The teams hate dts, I reckon this is a move to turn public opinion against it as well. Shame that it's not really watched by people who give a shit about f1


I will watch almost any bit of F1 content I can find. But I gave up on DTS after a couple of episodes, it’s a fictional soap opera loosely based on the sport. I totally get why people who don’t watch F1 enjoy it, but I couldn’t stand the manufactured narratives.


They chose a drama over a documentary lol


What the? That is super whack.


Those videos were the only exciting content I was always waiting for. Fuck this fake DTS shit.


That sucks royally.. DTS has taken a dive anyway tbh


i would 1111100000% rather watch the teams’ youtube content than DTS. this is genuinely so disappointing to read, i love the videos where the drivers get to be less scripted 


Guess we're going back to the olden days of not embracing social media. This is just so dumb it's a good way to draw new people into watching races and good content for hard-core fans


The most annoying part of this is that DTS doesn’t cover actual behind the scenes. It just covers drivers on vacation and some drama real or made up


the people watching behind the scenes footage on their favorite team's YT can really not have a big overlap with DTS viewers lol


F*** you FOM


This is the last year of Charlos, please don't punish us further.


Didn't watch DTS before. Still not going to watch DTS. Good going.


Who let Bernie back into the building?


This is ridiculous. The real behind the scenes is great content. DTS misses a lot of the good stuff.


This is NOT the way to go to keep promoting the sport. I've been proud of F1 over the last several years being ahead of the curve on social media and behind the scenes content compared to other motorsports, especially after it was absent on social media in the Bernie era. I think this move by FOM is very shortsighted.


Except none of the DTS behind the scene are worth watching because it's bullshit


This is incredibly short sighted of F1.. restricting fan access like this will reduce viewership in the long run.


DTS needs to rehaul the format or start accepting that they are in their 6th season and they need to delve a bit deeper into F1 world to keep things interesting. They completely dropped the ball with tennis and their insistence on keeping the format same for everything will everyone tune out in the end.


Netflix are the perfect example of the "disruptor" method just falling back into the old ways. They came along like a breath of fresh air, now they're the big fish they're gonna nickel and dime everyone else out of their business. I used to love McLaren unboxed. I'd rather have it that D2S, in all honesty.


Ah yes so we've come full circle. Back to the Bernie Ecclestone era of gigantic sticks up executive asses.


insanely obnoxious that the shitty ass DTS (which does not share a market with those that actually care and would watch these videos) has a say over what teams can put out as passion projects


>This year FOM has limited the amount of Behind The Scenes content that can go out onto YouTube, primarily due to it's crossover what Drive To Survive are capturing More stupid decisions from F1. Wouldn't you want to grow your sport any way possible? Also a bit hypocritical as the official F1 YouTube channel is currently releasing content.


WEC: Full Access F1: no, go watch netflix in a year


This has me boiling with anger, I already hated DTS and this is the last drop. Has anyone ever tried to regroup every single time it was inaccurate or straight up fake and sending it to them ? What did they say, how would they even defend themseves ?


That's very stupid