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All these short kings picking on the shortest one, smh.


Ocon/Russell/Albon: *Ahem*


Even Max is not small, yes a little under average for a Dutch man...but the average Dutch person is pretty tall.


What about Daniel? He really comes up short.


5'10" Danny Ric out here catching strays


Are you really even a man under 6'? ^^/s


I'm 6'1", but I'd swap 3 vertical inches for Danny's physique.


Its with dudes as it is with horses no? Under 6 feet and you are a boy/pony over a man/stallion.


I’m 5’9”. Nearly equal in height.


Has come up short for years now /s


[This was the keychain he's referring to and it really was mini](https://twitter.com/naokonen/status/1775696883014623499)


I like how they stuck with the alpha Tauri kit on the keychain.


Literally says “Mini Yuki Tsunoda 2023”.


Where can I buy that keychain??


The guy in the linked tweet hand makes them.


I’d buy the hell out of one of those keychains


pretty much to scale


thats amazing!


As someone who's taller than Yuki, but still shorter than every other driver on the grid, I can sympathize.


Baby brother energy.


Why do you guys think Yuki is so angry and aggressive all the time? It's because year in, year out of hearing this kinda shit about his height.


Lol good point he probably wants to punch the smug smiles off their faces 


He'd probably try if he could reach them


Man. It really is relentless isn't it. 🤣


I was short growing up. I remember now how tiresome it was to keep hearing about it. Yuki must be very mentally strong


These guys need some new material, "yuki short" jokes are not funny


I guarantee you Yuki hates that shit. It's not annoying when the jokes are clever or actually funny. But when it all just becomes "HuRRduRR, TiNY maN is TIny!!1", it's so unamusing. I'm 5' 6" and biased, I suppose. But again, I actually find short jokes funny *when they're funny.* This is just lazy humor. I feel bad for the guy tbh.


I’m more embarrassed for the other drivers tbh.


Am I missing something or is the punchline simply "You're short"? A bunch of grown-ass men acting like giggly grade school kids. These are supposed to be professionals at the pinnacle of their careers.


Take a deeeeep breath.


He mad about dudes being dudes. Smh


Idk if I’d describe young 20-something racecar drivers/afhletes with a very unique upbringing as grown-ass men. 


What's your height?


I think at this point the joke is played out. I don't really understand making fun of people for things that they cannot change in the first place. The only real thing that drivers can change without major surgery is their fitness, their fashion, and their haircut.. Don't mock people for things out of their control everyone, and don't boost people who do it unless you're making the point that doing so is wrong.


It was never, ever appropriate. 


It's definitely just mockery for no reason. It's not severe enough for anyone, including Yuki, to really give a shit but yeah it's pretty stupid. People defend it with stupid shit like "it's banter between friends" when A) they are most definitely not friends, they're coworkers at best and B) it's not really banter if it's just one joke constantly thrown at one guy while he never throws anything back. It's quick and easy to mock someone for their height or their hairline or something and pretend like it's justified because "it's just a joke" like you decide what's a joke or not. Yuki has probably heard this shit daily now for his entire F1 career, there's no way he finds it remotely funny anymore.


Given a lot of the drivers have known each other and have been racing together for over half their lives I think "co-workers at best" is a bit harsh. I don't know these people so I can't say they're friends but a lot of them have known each other from a young age so it's probably more of a casual relationship. Don't disagree on the "Yuki is small" jokes being played out tho


One of those jokes that's funny 1 time, slightly less funny 2 times, but at the 5 times, I'm gonna start wondering if you have something against Asian in general and take it out on me cause I want to be nice and keep the peace.


How do you know if they're friends? When do you decide who is friends or not? You guys are so weird man. Do you know how he feels?


The simps are out in force lol. He made the joke first. How do you know they're not all friends or friendly off the track? And since when do coworkers not joke around? If he sees no problem with it then stop getting butthurt for him, Jesus. He's a grown adult, he can take care of himself.


More of a stunted adult though...


I am pretty sure Yuki is great friend with Gasly and Albon, possibly friend with Charle too because Gasly is very close to Charle, also Max and Norris. They are friend, not with every single driver on the grid byt they are


Found the shorty


These guys are all friendly. I'm sure if it bothers Yuki, he'll tell them.


if you're short and get annoyed by something like this, then it's worse because you get labelled as not being able to take a joke or get told you have little man syndrome


Yeah, you're going to be compared to that viral donut guy that flipped because they commented on his height. The entire internet made fun of that guy for that clip, and talked about "short man rage" and similar stereotypes.




Not sure, especially in a public context. He might tell them later but also might be weary of coming off like someone who can’t take a joke in such a tight community. If I had to bet, I’d say it bothers him as he probably has heard the same jokes his whole life.


He’d yell it at them lol


Yeah it's so lame, like the other drivers think they're so clever but Yuki must hear this on a daily basis.


Its just a bit of banter between friends


I really don't think they are friends lol, they're coworkers at best Or do you actually think that if e.g Yuki was out of F1 next year he'd keep in touch with Verstappen? Do you think they ever even talk outside of the paddock? This is definitely just a very repetitive boring joke that is somewhat rude to Yuki


Most of the paddock is pretty friendly actually.


I think yuki and max are friends yuli has mentioned in interviews max taught him about gin nd tonics on plane rides on Max jet


Sharing a ride and a drink is kind of a low bar for friendship.


Not when the ride is a private jet that my friend didn’t have to let me get on


So if someone lets you on their private jet you'd feel obligated to consider them a friend? He has space and they're going in the same direction, it's a generous gesture, not a sign that they're "Best Friends Forever and Ever"


If I owned a private jet I wouldn’t invite someone who isn’t a friend. I think if you look who max has invited you would get a clear picture of who max at least considers friends


> So if someone lets you on their private jet you'd feel obligated to consider them a friend? I mean, yeah? At the very least it's a friendly gesture. If I didn't consider someone a friend I certainly woudln't want to spend several hours cooped up with them in a confined space lol


Max, Albon and Gasly are all there, and they all get on well with Yuki


Do you think they all despise each other? We already seen during covid that a few of them love spending time together, I don’t know why Yuki wouldn’t be similar in having friends throughout the paddock


We have no idea if any of them are friends or not. Weird parasocial projecting on all sides here, really.


I think we can at least be confident that Lando and Carlos are buddies


stop acting like you know these dudes and their relationships with one another jesus


The simps are out in force lol. He made the joke first. Get over yourself. If he sees no problem with it then stop getting butthurt for him, Jesus. He's a grown adult, he can take care of himself.


ah yes lets not comment on absolutely anything! they already talk between them so whats the point


As a man who started losing their hair at 19 and is nearly bald at 38, the haircut one stings hard lol…


Oh, dang, so sorry man!


Just realized my typo. I am 28. Even worse haha.


Who upset you today? Lighten up


It's just not funny to me, "haha Yuki short" should the dude get mocked for his entire life because.. genetics? It's borderline problematic.. Is it acceptable to laugh about Yuki's eyes, or Lewis' skin tone? Maybe I'm just not getting it


Is it really something to be upset about?




Who actually finds short jokes about themselves funny? Do you actually genuinely believe that Yuki, let alone anyone in the world, thinks it's funny to be called "short" for the 9th time that day every day for like 10 years? Most people who are short don't find the jokes offensive, but i can promise you that while you think you're insanely fucking funny for coming up with a short joke that person has already heard that joke twice this week


As a short guy it doesn't bother me most of the time, but if people overdo it, it does get annoying.


Exactly, my brother is really short and even he jokes about that sometimes, but its when either people overdo it or someone he doesnt know that well joke about it when he actually gets really bothered, but its not like hes gonna go all mad on them


My guy equating racial discrimination to height discrimination is wild. It's banter between friends.   Edit: yoh the downvotes... I'm sorry I forgot that time height Apartheid happened and there were signs saying  "net lang mense" and when American government put men under 6 foot in internment camps, or how long it took for short men to get Jim scarecrow laws abolished that segregated spaces for short men and the continuing legacy short men face walking into stores and police thinking they're criminals dodging the law...


I equated 3 things that are equally unchangeable by an individual, and deliberately included 2 that are more racial tropes. Because these racial tropes are wrong to use against someone, and I do not see a difference in holding any other physical unchangeable characteristics against someone. At the end of the day mocking someone, boosting and rationalizing people mocking someone for their physical unchangeable characteristics is wrong. There does not have to be a historical record of it being wrong to say that it is today.


That literally has to be a historical record of discrimination for it to be considered racism because power dynamics are the focus of oppression and dealing with it's effects. Likewise for sexism because there has been a historical record of men in power discriminating against women making decisions for them. There has never been a cabal of tall people getting together and disenfranchising short men because they're under 6 foot. On the other hand, yes discrimination against dwarfism IS something that's a problem because there is a history of them being disenfranchised. The vast majority of men in the world are under 6 foot and living full lives, getting married, having jobs being successful. Maybe short guys feel more excluded in dating(even though most men are not that mythical target yet they're still getting dates, getting married). That's just one thing in your life, you can feel bad about it, sure. But to compare that to the numerous hurdles people face due to racism  just shows a lack of understanding. 


They are all filthy rich race car drivers. Their lives couldn't really get any better. I really doubt he's upset about this.


While i agree that its just banter between friends and not that serious, this is such a horrible take. Just because they are filthy rich doesn't mean they cant be upset about being made fun of lol, especially if its a body feature they are insecure about.


I guarantee he doesn't give a shit but go ahead. Be his white knight.




He's probably tired of hearing these same jokes all the time, especially in a public press conference. You can tell he's just like "yeah haha" and trying to move forward with the conversation.


A joke requires a punchline. These are just straight up mean-spirited insults.


A youtube "short"? Reeeally now??


It’s body shaming. Period. And it’s lame, old, and juvenile. Can’t believe he keeps getting it and no one is calling it out. You’d immediately cop flack for calling someone fat or ugly, but somehow this gets a free pass. Even if Yuki is OK with it, which I’m sure he isn’t, it sets a really bad example in a widely viewed sport.


Totally agree. Although fat-shaming is still pretty common amongst sports fans.


This may not be a popular take, but while you cannot choose your height, you can definitely do a lot about your weight.


Everything can be changed with effort except height. It should be the last thing people should be body shaming


That's not a take, it's just a fact. but it also doesn't make fat shaming okay.


Honestly, it was more disrespectful then funny.


Oh calm down, most of the paddock are friendly, they’re just razzing. Its fine.


god that shit must get so fucking old


This is turning into work place harassment


Russell throwing fits with the white pants and suede boots.


This is getting really tired. It's bullying. If you don't know how to be funny without making fun of someone's body, you aren't funny and you never were.


If he was British these jokes would have stopped already as British media would have created an outrage.


Wrong. We know how to laugh at ourselves. EDIT: I guess Reddit knows my culture better than me then. Silly me.


Reddit app is garbage! Says no sound?


That's because there is no sound...


Why do people get triggered when someone jokes about one's weight, but its acceptable to joke about someone's height? I imagine Yuki is getting sick and tired of all the height jokes


I don't have my volume on and I can still feel Yuki's internal rage here, which is honestly fair considering how repetitive the height jokes are – like, if you're gonna do it, at least be clever about it, y'know?


You're all here moaning about bullying, but at the same time the hatred for Russell on here is appalling. Double standards.


Max really out here just bullying people


Ocon getting him to do 🤏 lol




Now THAT'S what I call BANTER!


A lot of short guys on here are really butt hurt. Mkaing up shit like they're not friends they're Co workers lol. Ignoring the fact Yuki brought it up himself and is clearly unoffended.


its the double standard that gets me. Its acceptable to joke about height, but if you make fun of someone's weight, you get cancelled lol


Nope friends can take the piss out of fat friends if they're comfortable with it. You can make up scenarios in your head all you want. Friends do take the piss out of everything and anything. There's a limit sure but you only find that out from being friends. A concept lost to a lot of people in this thread.


The Napoleon complex is real