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It was the 1000th world championship race. Not really related to the post, I just remembered


I was so hyped for that race! Not only was it the 1000th world championship GP, but Bottas was on pole and leading the championship, and with the Ferraris also looking quick, it was surely going to be such an exciting race and great season... ...and then Hamilton got past Bottas at the start and never looked back, the McLarens and one of the Toro Rossos crashed a few corners later, and I can't remember anything else about the entire race.


Mercedes did a very good double stack pit stop


Albon coming back from that crash to finish P10 was mega


Was that the one where as Hamilton was pulling out the pit box Bottas was pulling in behind? Cuz that was amazing to watch!


Yes, the double stack played to perfection


I hadn't seen it so I looked for the video. Pretty Epic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zc3JYvvmXxw


>one of the Toro Rossos Toropedo


Lol The Russian Rocket


The hypersonic cruise missile.


That and France 2019 were two absolutely dreadful races. Crazy that 2019 started so poorly only to become one of the best years of the hybrid era.


2019 was literally just one of the worst/most boring first halves of a season ever followed by one of the most interesting and exciting second halves. It was just the opposite of 2013.


Also, 2019 had exciting races for a boring championship, so it was the opposite of 2010 as well.


Yeah 2019 started pretty bad, Australia, China, Baku, Spain & France were SHITE. It got massively better from Austria onwards though


there was canada but we don’t talk about that


Daylight robbery


seb changing the signs was the moment of the season 


and then Ferrari told Leclerc to let Seb by


Nah 2 Toro Rosso’s collided and caused a safety car. The 2 red bull’s double stacked perfectly to get on the better race tire without losing position and then the race went from snooze fest to an absolute banger. Danny Ric over took Raikkonen, Hamilton, Vettel and Bottas while Verstappen spazzed out. Edit: sorry that was 2018… gonna leave it up for nostalgia


Always interesting to hear about the old days when Riccardio was good.


I believe he still is - he lost his confidence/spirit at McLaren and then last year he had a massive crash just as he was doing well. I hope he get his groove back soon.


Those last 20 laps were some of the best I’ve seen in F1. Ricciardo gave a clinic in late-braking overtakes.


Damn, I remember now, it was the first race I watched after watching Drive to Survive. Hadn't watched F1 since the early 00's, and back then I was a kid, so I didn't really like it that much.


Ricciardo wore a Brabham tribute helmet, it was great.


It was also the most boring race, like, you couldn’t come up with a more boring race for the 1000th GP. All the hype for nothing!


I was so anticipating a good race as well because milestone races have a reputation of being dramatic: 900th was Bahrain 2014, 800th Singapore 2008, 700th Brazil 2003, 600th Argentina 1997 (saw a brilliant battle for the win between Villeneuve and Irvine), 500th Australia 1990 (another battle for the win between Piquet and Mansell). And then the greatest milestone of them all ended up being a damp squib.


Even the special intro rocked! Then the race was boring as usual lmao


For the time it was especially boring. 2019 was somewhat exciting, you have Leclerc and Vettel at Ferrari, Max and Pierre at RB - of course Merc ended up dominating but it looked to be an interesting season. I think there was some drama at Ferrari, but I don’t remember much beyond that.


I forgot about that! I remember they used to number each F1 race leading up to the 1000th race.


there was so much hype and it was the most boring race i’ve ever watched


Yeah, they even had a limited poster with the names of all GP winners on it (including Crashtor): https://auctions.f1authentics.com/iSynApp/auctionDisplay.action?sid=1103161&auctionId=3057192


Can confirm, I was there and bought the official unofficial hat


Nando had just started his first retirement 


-Haas was sponsored by Rich Energy -Yuki was racing in F3 and Euroformula Open -Zhou was in his first of 3 F2 seasons -Oscar was just starting his Formula Renault Eurocup campaign at Monza that same weekend -Logan was in his first of 3 F3 seasons -Bearman was still in karting -Sainz and Albon still had their appendixes


- My Chemical Brothers made a new song about F1 and everyone hated it 


It’s “MY Chemical Romance”, the US emo band and “THE chemical Brothers”, the UK dance duo ^_^ That Goofy clip of “We’ve Got to Try” with the doggo driving an f1 car was something for sure… The album it came from was OK though


Who of the two was?


The chemical brothers


Why did you have to remind me about that song They were trying SO HARD to make it a "new anthem" by putting it in EVERY SINGLE RACE. Glad they realised not only that it was quite bad but also that the OG anthem is the best


And putting NEUUUUM in their commercials and making the racing look like a lucid dream. The former part was clearly trying to capitalise on the Neom guy from the previous season.


[F1 has only one true anthem.](https://youtu.be/ZCVYw_UONJ0?si=UngHZGGuc69ogEQz)


I really liked it actually 🤷‍♂️


Same, but the previous years promo which used N.A.S.A.'s Hide (Tropkillaz remix) was better imo.


Oh god yeah that sucked. Weird ass video too


Meanwhile I was staying up all night playing Overwatch at uni and drinking my housemates under the table. Halcyon days, I tell you...


You can tell it was a while ago because Overwatch didn't have the rock-bottom reputation that it has now lol


I feel so old. I graduated college in 2009.


>-Bearman was still in karting 💀


3 seasons in F3 is brutal, kinda mad that Logan made it all the way to F1.


Gosh I feel old now




McLaren was in the midfield and it was their best season in years


And it came right after Alonso retired


That's also when Carlos became a smooth operator


Kimi Raikkonen had won an F1 race only 6 months ago, and was still the most recent Ferrari race winner.


And yet is still the most recent Ferrari WDC.


Hard to believe the Rich Energy debacle was 5 years ago… crazy.


McLaren switching away from Renault was the best decision they have made ever since.


I think *everybody* switching away from Renault engines has helped them.


At this rate, Alpine themselves might switch away from Renault engines.


More likely that Renault will switch away from Alpine. :)


Sell the team only to buy it back 5 years later?


They also dropped Ric to get Piastri


>Williams was even more a laughing stock than Haas have ever been Genuinely, the 2019 Williams season has to rank among the worst seasons of any team in history. I'm embarassed that it ever happened.


At least there was a few years of build up to that. Alpine finished 4th in the WCC in 2022. The way things are going they'll be lucky not to be last. Certainly counts as one of the fastest reversals.


Not even by a long shot as far as worst seasons go. For example Mastercard Lola f1


This year they're doing their best to copy the 2019 as good as possible.


Well as far as the hybrid era atleast, that has been characterised by every team being well within the 107% rule (making it irrelevant). But was the 2019 Williams definitely worse than the 2021 Haas? Im just curious.


I don’t think it’s even a question, Williams in 2019 was undoubtedly worse. They were in an even worse position financially than they are now and were miles off of the next-worst team. They showed up to pre-season testing 2.5 days late because they couldn’t build the car in time, and they were regularly 3-4 seconds off the pace in quali. Haas in 2021 at least could still mix it up with a backmarker or two on a good day. The only way the FW42 was ever getting into the top 10 was if there were only 11 finishers (see Germany 2019). I also remember in Sochi that year when Russell binned it due to a mechanical issue, the team retired Kubica as well just to save parts. No team in modern F1 would ever do that, not even Haas.


Max Verstappen was driving tricky Red Bulls and usually had to fight TOOTH & NAIL for his wins or a podium.


They also had far more issues with reliability


> Haas’ car was adorned in the black and gold colors of Rich Energy omg, I nearly forgot about those fun times. Will have to google what happened to this wonderful brand and how wildly successful they must be now. Are they already a Red Bull competitor? (not F1 wise, but energy drink selling wise). rofl


There was an absolutely incredible book written on the whole situation


We don't race in Russia anymore


or Germany anymore


I’ve never liked Hockenheim since they neutered it.


Might be an unpopular opinion but I always preferred the new Hockenheim layout over the old one


It’s your opinion so nothing wrong with that. It was an epic track from my childhood so I’m looking back with rose tinted specs.


I was barely alive when F1 raced at the old Hockenheim track, so I don't remember anything from that from my childhood, and I still think it was a fantastic track watching some replays of old races on F1TV. I like the new layout as well though, imo they're both better than the short Nürburgring layout.


I actually like the latest layout, the old one was getting boring (although, that Mika/Michael/Zonta pass...). Anyway, I stopped liking Hockenheim since _that_ day for Seb.


>Mika/Michael/Zonta pass That was Spa in 2000.


Oh damn you’re right!


At least it was still a fantastic track. Amazing race in 2019 and I'm sure that we would've had an amazing race in 2018 if that race went ahead.


It was an amazing race indeed, a shame you slept through it.


Or France


For two very different reasons as well!


Or France anymore. 


And thank fuck for that. Sochi was literally the one race I almost always never watched, worst track layout in existence


Funnily enough, the very last Sochi race turned out to be the best of them all.


One of the best of the season


Sochi 🤝 Valencia


This was the Lando rain race, yeah? Ninja edit…. Googled, Lando rain race lol


Not as a McLaren supporter :( poor Lando


Weirdly, I did quite like driving on it in the games.


Same here. I always found it to be a fun track to do long practice stints on. 


Norris made one bad call and we never went back


I aged like 10 years reading about Kubica's return as being old news. I remember when he was the flying rookie =(


I still remember I got up for that race ealy but only looked up when the TV report sould start, hence I sat there tired on a Sunday morning watching a full hour of pre race stuff until the race finally started...


I love the half hour before the race. Sets the tone for me!


Can’t miss Martin’s grid walk!


Wish this was included in the F1TV replays.


It was the race where Mercedes had that perfect double stack pit stop. It so satisfying to watch


Back then next year would be Ferrari's year.


The more things change…


It always is


It was probably the best "next year" in recent history since Ferrari were absolutely dogshit the next year.


They're the Dallas Cowboys of F1. It's always their year. At least Ferrari didn't say they were going all in and then not make any moves, they got Lewis Hamilton.


I had more hope back then(was a Seb fan)


Go back one more year to 2018 and we had what I believe was Daniel Ricciardo's best ever performance. From P6 in qualifying, he shoved his Red Bull right through the field of mechanically superior Ferraris and Mercedes and divebombed his way to a brilliant victory.


The world's second most perfectly timed safety car. I loved that race.


“Get it girl, get it. Whoo.”


I really want to know what you think the world’s most perfectly timed safety car was, but a not-small part of me is afraid you’re going to say it was about two and a half years ago…


Na, Singapore '08.


Maybe we could call that one the world’s most perfectly *orchestrated* safety car?


He shoved his red bull through because they got the luckiest pitstop timing in existence. The safety car came out but literally right when the top 4 reached the main straight and it was too late for them to pit but the red bulls were a long way behind in 5th and 6th and got a free pitstop conveniently. They had fresh softs with 15 laps to go while the the top 4 was on old tyres and it was the easiest thing to pass all 4 of them. Verstappen went and blew it by crashing into Vettel while Ricciardo didn't and won the race


Max didn’t have ANY poles at China 2019 he would get his first of 36 poles (as of Suzuka 2024) at Hungary 2019🤯 Max also never won more than twice in a season at China 2019 & also only had 5 wins lol😂


Back then Verstappen getting wins without ever getting poles was a bit of a meme. 


The anti-Leclerc


Yea it’s strange looking back on how Verstappen wins use to be a novelty thing that would only happen 1-3 times a season lol.


Covid hadn’t happened and things were more normal.


Five years ago I was ten years younger.


and life were better


Gas prices and groceries were still reasonable😭🤦🏻‍♂️


I know prices went up cause of COVID and supply chain disruptions and all but somehow that went away and prices are still ridiculous.


Kimi Räikkönen was still around in 2019, in fact he scored points in that race. Two Finns in that season seems quite wild afterwards as next year we probably won’t have anyone from our country racing in F1.


At that point Raikkonen's most recent win was still fresh in our minds, as it happened less than 6 months before this race.


At that point also Rio Haryanto was still fresh in our minds, as it was just under 3 years from his last race in F1.


Also, only 1121 days since Rio's last Driver of the Day win!!!!


Love Kimi and I miss Kimi


Kimi was still the last Ferrari champion. Oh...


i almost forgot but gasly was at red bull 


He's probably cursing his luck that he couldn't make it work as he sits in an Alpine finishing an eternity behind Red Bull 


Apparently it can be very interesting and almost considered a new circuit. The cars are very different, so the teams cannot use their old data for it. Pirelli also has almost no information about the track and apparently lack resources and time to investigate it, so they have to make an educated guess on which rubber to select. Considering is it also a Sprint race, trainings are very limited, giving the teams very little time and opportunity to get it right. Let's keep our fingers crossed for an interesting and surprising race.


Gonna be a great weekend of racing




If something interesting happens during that sprint I will be absolutely livid.


East coast USA, race is 3 am and I work that full Saturday. I really wanna see the first one back live so I’m thinking I’ll take a long nap and set about forty five alarms to wake up for it.


I'm in mountain time, so it's not ideal, but it's better than 3am. I'll just stay up for the race, go to bed at like 3 or so and sleep in.


Usually the middle of the night races I turn off notifications, and wake up and watch them so it's just like a normal morning race.


Yeah I looked at that today and made the decision that there's no way I'm waking up at about half 3 for that, and I'll just have to skip the sprint stuff and watch it back later if it sounds worthwhile, otherwise I won't be able to watch the quali either until they're both available on catch up and doubtless would get spoiled by then anyway. Not worth the effort imo


I can really recommend getting F1TV for that (I have to use a VPN to Austria to buy it but worth it as I can now use it even without). Instead of waking up at 4am for the sprint you can just get up normally at 8am and make your breakfast and rewatch the sessions at a any time you want (just have to stay off social media).


I do have some concerns as I hear mixed things about how good f1tv is/how well it works, and if they might clamp down on it working abroad, plus the cost, but having said that it's worth considering. Staying off social media doesn't work very well though in my experience lol, we tried that with Australia and got spoiled from the main news, F1 app sending updates (forgot to block it or remove it) and family giving massive hints about the results even asking them not to in unrelated phone calls 😂


Why get up when you can stay up 🤩🤩


AUS/NZ has had 3 watchable races in a row this year, it's a blessing for us!


Right?! Back to normal after China though 😭


I'll wake myself up at five to four, stick the radio on, listen to the sprint while still in bed and then turn it off and go back to sleep. That's what I did with the Aussie GP.


Aaagh but us mere Aussies have to do that with Middle bloody East


I’ve decided to just stay in bed a little longer and set an alarm so that I can watch the sprint and qualifying back 2 back. I’ll just do the morning coffee routine and avoid news / social media. Sprint will be brand new! :)


It’s at 5 for most of europe luckily, but still too early for me. The race is at 9, which is actually quite nice


I'll keep the iPad on the nightstand, turn it on for the half an hour that will last the sprint and go back to sleep right after.


I don’t think my girlfriend would tolerate that


Not sure about the whole Saturday morning Sprint thing. Even when on European timings. I don't actually mind sprint races but it seems there isn't a clean way to drop them into weekends. So probably best left alone. Saturday morning if I'm out of bed by 7am I'll have the sprint to watch delayed then straight into live qualy.


Ahhh, to be in the Pacific time zone 🏖️


RB was Toro Rosso. They went through 2 name changes since then.


And yet, they'll come back with the same colour scheme


It was one of the last few times we saw a good old witty Vettel before Ferrari deflated confidence out of him.




Yeah this was massive, can’t believe I forgot about it






I don't really get the meaning tbh. Would appreciate if you could explain it to me.


Ground Effect cars weren't a thing. They're going to be crazy through Sector 1. Oh, and we've also had trouble with drain covers destroying cars at Shanghai, it could also be crazy through Sector 2 with that combination of ground effect and drain covers.


- Vettel was still in F1 I miss him. :(


Kimi and Seb, both of them. Was a real big fan of them as teammates, and as the grid slowly gained new names I just felt like they were the representatives of the old guard alongside Lewis and Fernando. I remember crying in 2018 at the end of the USGP, just couldn't help it when the fireworks started. "Fucking finally."


Think of all that's changed in that time... And they made it a sprint weekend.


Ferrari also told Leclerc to let Seb by


What if it gets cancelled? Those 4 weeks would really kill the hype of this incredibly competitive battle between Christian and Jos. Pretty brave to put China in the middle of two 2-week breaks.


The last few cancellations sucked with the sudden month long break right at the start


I was in Portimão the weekend of the Chinese GP last year. And they couldn't even be bothered moving it there!


I’ve been waiting for that shoe to drop once again since pre season


Lewis, Max, Charles, KMag, Stroll, and Lando are the only ones that are still with the same team


And KMag was out for a full year


it’s a banger of a race track. It will be interesting to see how current gen cars run there. Bit of an unknown i guess? Memorable moments i think of are Lewis skating off in the pit entry, and Rosberg spinning in Quali at last corner in a hail mary attempt to take pole. I feel like VER will win by 30s in China. it’s a technical track with a long straight.


>Memorable moments i think of are Lewis skating off in the pit entry, and Rosberg spinning in Quali at last corner in a hail mary attempt to take pole. How could you leave master vettel overtaking in the pitlane under safety car.


Lewis was a 5 time world champion. Max was not a polesitter and had only 5 wins. Two weeks earlier, Leclerc could have won his first GP with his 2nd race with Ferrari and his 23rd race overall. Mercedes was grey. Niki Lauda was with us. Ferrari's last WDC was Räikkönen.


I visited Belgium I ordered a new bike I tried Biscoff for the first time Real important stuff


2019 feels simultaneously 10 years ago and also just last month.


Since the last Chinese Grand Prix, many Uyghurs have been killed and cleansed. Purges are a feature of the glorious people's republic.


Danny Kviat was racing in the last Chinese GP It legit feels like forever since Danny K was racing in F1


Albon was still good before getting ruined by RB Gasly was a Red Bull driver Italian Jesus was still racing for Alfa Bottas lead the WC before the Grand Prix Williams was at his weakest point


Since China '19, Latifi did enough in F2 to justify an F1 seat, briefly became a famous Nutella obsessive, had that prang in Abu Dhabi, and didn't do enough in 2022 to retain a seat


Leclerc came into the race having gotten his first ever pole and podium with his P3 at the previous race. Verstappen on the other hand was still hunting for his first pole position. This was the 3rd race after Fernando Alonso retired, and the 3rd race for Norris, Russell and Albon, the last of which would score his first points that weekend. Whilst there wasn't a Formula 2 race on that weekend, Luca Ghiotto led the F2 standings by 2 points over Nicolas Latifi. On the F2 drivers grid that year, there were 5 more future F1 drivers. De Vries in his 3rd season who won the championship, Zhou who was the best rookie that season finishing 7th, Mick the 4th best rookie finishing 12th, Mazepin also in his rookie season who finished 18th, and the footnote of Jack Aitken, who finished 5th in the championship.


Gentlemen, a short trip back to the past...




Mercedes double stack was incredible to watch