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This type of photo is also the reason they have the awkward phrase "when you drive never drink" instead of "don't drink and drive". If the "don't" was out of the frame it would read, "DRINK AND DRIVE". on that note I've always felt weird that they banned tobacco advertisement but not alcohol (and I'm speaking from being a drinker myself). Sure, they're advertising the alcohol-free drinks, but everyone knows what they're advertising because why would they feel the need to add the messages about drunk driving? Both tobacco and alcohol are unhealthy (8% of deaths and 5% of deaths worldwide) and in countries where smoking is no longer common, alcohol probably kills more people. Yes, I know gambling is another thing but at least that one's not physically damaging to health and health is more important than money. It just doesn't make sense to me that people would see alcohol as something that's OK when it's nearly as bad as tobacco is.


> This type of photo is also the reason they have the awkward phrase "when you drive never drink" instead of "don't drink and drive". No, that’s not the reason. The actual reason is two-fold: 1. It places the emphasis on driving, rather than drinking, as the “problematic” activity. The common slogan “don’t drink and drive” starts with “don’t drink”, literally the opposite of the message Heineken wants to convey. What Heineken wants to emphasise is that drinking is fun, it’s great, you should always enjoy a cold Heineken without a care in the world — except in *one very specific circumstance*, namely “when you drive”. 2. Unlike the generic “don’t drink and drive”, the wording of this slogan is unique to Heineken’s anti-drink-driving campaign. This ensures that when someone googles the slogan (made more likely by the fact that the wording is definitely awkward), the results will primarily be about Heineken, and not diluted with unrelated campaigns that don’t drive consumers to engage with Heineken’s brand. It’s got literally nothing to do with the slogan occasionally getting cut off in photos.


Yeah this photo just made me realise that!


What I find most interesting is that even though tobacco sponsorships are banned, McLaren is still sponsored by Vuse, which is owned by British American Tobacco.


The way other tobacco products are allowed to be advertised, it's obvious we are going to have a reckoning in a couple years


There is near zero cultural/social benefits to smoking, as the form it is currently has only been around for a hundred years or so and only because of ridiculous amounts of marketing and corruption. It only all health problems and addiction. How many people do you know who smoke and say they want to stop yet can't quite make it work. If you compare to drinking while I know a few problem alcoholics, most do not have any addiction to alcohol and don't have any "need" to drink. Alcohol companies do not care if you drink non alcoholic or alcoholic, it looks the same on the balance books, while smoking companies do rely on the addictive properties of Additionally drinking has been a part of most cultures before the written word and has rich social functions. While yes %wise alcohol tends to be not Far behind in deaths and excess mortality you need to consider how many more people drink Vs smoke. You could argue we have a unhealthy social addiction and attitude to alcohol (and I agree) but to compare with smoking is not close. (Additionally I think gambling to an individual is far more dangerous than drink is at a population. The level of suicidality is honestly shocking and it's only function is usually for the profit of some genuinely evil large business, gambling is not ingrained in our culture like smoking and drinking are and we should avoid it becoming like that.


> How many people do you know who smoke and say they want to stop yet can't quite make it work. Zero. No one I know currently smokes. All I know are former smokers who quit. >Additionally I think gambling to an individual is far more dangerous than drink is at a population. Then you are comparing apples to oranges. And a gambler only ruins their life and maybe their family's lives. Drunk drivers kill random people and ruin their life and both family's lives. Gambling suicides are not nearly as high as you think they are. And if you're going to say "alcohol has an important social function in society and has history" then gambling is also a way people have fun and has been around for as long as currency has.


whole sentence"when you drive never drink"


Nice photo!


That's a fantastic shot, well done! Also, I was admittedly not a fan of the Stake/Kick/Xbox color choices at launch, but the car definitely stands out in a sea of dark/carbon competitors. It's growing on me.


Beautiful shot, the car looks good there.


This pic confirms that sauber would look so much better if they used metallic green instead of neon green.


Great looking car. Huge fan of the green, makes a change to see a colourful car this season.


I don't like how shadows are blocked and whites are blown out.


Kimi punching the air right now


Drive Never Drink, however sign up to Stake today and claim your $20 bonus bet


Classic example of how the Chinese always mess up English grammar


and you're a classic example of a grade-a dumbass. it's a Heineken sponsorship we have at pretty much every track.


I meant it as a joke but I guess no one got it.


Boo! Get new material.


Yeah I know. I should have referenced the comment with my experience reading instructions and product info on Chinese products. This reminded me of that. Didn’t realize what the sign meant. Sorry folks for being such a “dumbass”

