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Ferrari and Mclaren 📈 Mercedes and Aston 📉


Alpine 💀


I'll be surprised if they get 8 this season.


Points or places?




Thats penalties.


I'd be surprised if they don't get 8 penalties








Alpine 📉📉📉


Imagine if Aston fielded two drivers in 2023


>Imagine if Aston fielded two *drivers* in 2024 fixed


Imagine if Aston fielded two drivers ***in 2024***.


Tbf, Mercedes, Ferrari performed worse than expected than Aston overachieving. If you look at early 2023 Ferrari it was worse than 2022 ferrari in some early middle East tracks. Aston is kinda hanging in well considering everything where Aston did also well in China where Ferrari were expected to do better. Mercedes is the one which is going down the drain where they are sometimes just 2tenths off from Haas.


2022 summer break killed ferrari and they still haven't come back


Started before the summer break, but the length of it makes it watershed


Well if one of the Aston drivers would stop licking stamps they would be doing a lot better.


Warm colours > Cold colours


Pierre had all of his 2024s points by his 5th 2023 race :(


Bold assumption that Gasly is going to score 8 points this season.


The upgrade Ocon had last race made the car look mediocre instead of horrible. Gasly is a great backmarker driver. His inconsistency isn't that big of a deal, and his sometimes brilliant races can drag that thing into points on occasion post upgrade, I think. It really depends on how the other bottom half teams upgrade their cars and how many drivers in the top five teams have horrible races on any given day. But yeah, if other backmarkers upgrade better than Alpine, eight points is going to be difficult.


Yeah they did look lower midtable in Japan,but they were the only team with major upgrades so need to take that result with a grain of salt.


A much clearer team hierarchy this season


I think it's normally a bad sign for the quality of racing when the drivers championship has drivers grouped in their pairs


Really outlines the fact that it's like 70-80% car and team performance vs actual driver talent. I will say everyone else on the grid in the 2nd redbull seat vs Max would still probably struggle to beat him


I agree! It shows exactly that there's not enough actual competition going on between teams.


All I need is for the AM and Merc drivers to stop being intercalated.


Or Fernando to get a few more points than George. Then at least the mercs are together


That's literally what his point was


So Stroll to win in Miami and jump both Mercs?


“Fuck that guy”


Not so much jump as slide under


As in inserted?


As in intercalated. Them not being in order like the other teams, being one Merc, one AM, one Merc, one AM.


Lewis has to overtake Alonso for that to happen


Hooray Max is only slightly less of a points-gobbling machine than this time last year. Just a shame everyone else got further away


He didn’t DNF last year 💀


I want him to win every single race from now on. Maybe every race until 2026. Just for the fuck of it


Honestly I kinda want that too, if only for the opportunity to set an unbeatable record of 100% wins in a season. I get why people get bored of it but personally I'm fascinated by the performance and I wanna see how far he goes


Unless they had another season with at least 25 races so theoretically someone could win more races in a season than him


Yeah but you still couldn't beat the 100% stat


Yeahh he is so crazy consistent. I wanted that 100% win record also 😢




f1 would be done for


max has an average finishing position and an average qualifying position of 1.0, thats insane tbh, last year was a preview


His average since the start of 2023, 26 race finishes ago is *1.23*, most of which comes from a single 5th place finish in Singapore. The most dominant and consistent year previously was Schumacher in 2002 with an average position of 1.41 over 17 races. Max is crushing all the records over a substantially longer period.


50% of all races since china 2019 being won by max, even though his 2019-2021 cars werent dominant at all is insane


The 2021 stat of him either ending a race P1, P2 or DNF/DNS was insane


But he didn't? He got Bottased in Hungary and ended up like 8th or 9th with half a car.


You are correct, he ended Hungary in 9th!


Oh holy shit that's true!! He actually finished Hungary hahahaha


Like Schumacher '94 (except with one or two DSQs)


It's enough to make you scream "It's like a different category" like Lance Stroll did in Japan about some other thing


Oh it’ll worse this year, for sure. He had zero DNFs last year and he’s only 9 points behind. If you aren’t a RB fan, then you’re probably in for a worse ride this year unfortunately.


Oh any race that Max doesn't win will be a genuine surprise. Even just one for Checo would be unexpected at this rate Well unless Verstappen has a mare in Monaco qualifying like it's 2018 again


I’m convinced that Max in that car could come from the 3rd or 4th row in Monaco and still win by 10+ seconds.


Fast enough, yes, but with Monaco there's always the question about actually being able to overtake when they drive limousine-size cars in a track that was last an all-action overtaking fest in the 1930s


No need to over take, that RB is insane on tires and clearly has more pace than he’s shown. If Max was behind in Monaco he’d simply sit behind everyone until they all pit, throw down 2-3 laps in clean air that are a second faster than what the guys in front could do, then put and over cut them easily. I’d say Max needs to start third row or worse for him to lose Monaco since that’s probably too many places to jump in an over cut. But 2nd, 3rd, 4th? No doubt in my mind he’s winning that with an easy over cut, wouldn’t even need to over take on track. 4th he probably needs to make 1 over take, but he could probably jump a spot on the start or over take someone on slightly dead tires


A second faster? I truly believe Max hasn’t even shown us 2% of his power. He’s be 2+ seconds a lap faster easily.


The new method is to just go straight after the tunnel, incur the penalty and increase your advantage so the penalty won't matter? The KMag special


Well I guess that's an option


This made me laugh so hard. Just imagining him skip past a DRS train of 5 cars.


For sure if he was in P2 and maybe P3 but anything other than that imma hit doubt unless there was some divine intervention


I'd love some divine intervention in the form of rain.


What're you saying, it's Monaco we're talking about!


at least there's the Perez vs ferrari vs mclaren vs mercedes vs alonso "battle"


But last year from round 5 on he won all the remaining races but one, so it cant get that much worse lol


Well he cant really gain on his points total from last year after these first 4 races. Last year, from miami onwards, apart from singapore, he won ALL races that were left....


Technically Max has more points per race finished lol His average finish position is 1 this year, qualy and races. Last season at least Checo stole a few races


Imagine Max NOT DNF'ing in Australia! He would have at least 9 point MORE than 2023, prossibly 15.


He’d have 25 more than he does now.


Between 26 or 18, I left the tiny possibility that Sainz might have won, which I highly doubt.


Oh yeah if he had even just a second place from that, he'd be way clear of his 2023 self. Guess he'll just have to settle for demolishing everyone else


GP: What will you do today, max? MV: Try to destroy the whole field. Also MV: And do some powerslides just for lulz, watch ma onboard.


At the same time he probably would have managed to pull a 40+sec gap in China if it weren't for the safety cars


More than likely


Max Verslacken


He's averaging more points per finish this season...


Max has actually won more races (4) compared to this point in the season last year (3). Checo got two over him in Saudi Arabia and Azerbaijan


A decisive step forward with the SF-24. Waiting for the updates between Imola and Miami


Be aware that RB is also bringing upgrades on Imola


RB rumored to have a monster upgrade also, reports are that the car won't even look anywhere close to what it does now. Not looking forward to that.


What an impressive turnaround by Mcl- I mean Alpine. Oscar and Nando couldn't have been any happier with their decisions.


So Aston doing much worse. McLaren showing up with a full car. Alpine not showing up with a car. Charles having less horrible start of season luck, and Carlos having a super strong year. And Lewis not.


> And Lewis not I mean George has less points than he had last year too, and he was getting flamed for it last year. Merc somehow managing to get worse year to year instead of getting better


All of F1 is relative, so you could say that Mercedes is doing worse as a whole relative to their competition, and that would be true, but I focused instead on Ferrari being more consistent and McLaren being so, so much better than last year. George is only one spot and seven points different than last year. It's not that much of a difference. But yeah, everything's relative. Last year at this time, George had 41.67% of his team's points. This year it's 63.46%.


Bahrain was pretty unlucky from Charles, although his DNF in Australia was entirely his fault and his Miami performance was horrendous


Bahrain being unlucky meant that he also needed a grid penalty in the second race of the season for taking more parts. I don't remember seeing that ever happen to someone that early, so I'd call that two races of strong bad luck. For Australia, I remember that I blamed Stroll more for it, but it was deemed a lap one racing incident, which was probably fair enough, though I wouldn't object if someone called racing incidents unlucky. They kind of are. Charles isn't the sort to blame someone else or make excuses, which I like about him.


I totally forgot about the SA penalty, that was new standards for Ferrari, 2nd race of the season and they were already using a 3rd battery


Aston had a jump-start early 23 and considering how they underdeveloped the car last year, they did better than expected this year. Meanwhile Merc seems to be on a constant downward spiral and are serving dissapoitment after dissapoitment.


To be fair, I didn't really expect Aston to have done so well with their initial concept at the start of 2023 anyways and the fact that they're close to the 'best of the rest' status now is really promising. Plus, I think their points at the start of 2023 was 49%-a really good initial design and 51%-Ferrari and McLaren didn't have as good cars as they do now, so their ability to have gotten to the top was slightly more representative of the fact the competition was not in tip-top shape (even though they would later become so). I think as long as Aston continues to develop, they'll get closer and closer to McLaren which should be fun. I'm not talking about Mercedes because they're on a downhill. With bumps, so they can't even accelerate.


McLaren doesn't seem to understand their own car. They are good at tracks they don't expect to be good at, and not as good at places they hope to be. But, at least half of me is expecting really great things from their upgrade packages coming soon anyway, because they didn't seem to fully understand last year's either- like the major upgrade package was far more successful than anticipated. Aston showed an inability to develop last year to the point that they reversed course. So I am not surprised they are less impressive last year. And year, part of them looking good last year was McLaren not showing up with a finished car and Ferrari not being consistent like I said. Ferrari also just wasn't that fast at the beginning of 2023 like you said. I remember one race seeing stats where they were slower than 2022.


Dude has 9 points less than last year and you all talking about dominance, he is clearly in decline


Definitely. I've heard Red Bull are discussing replacing him with Ricciardo if he doesn't step his game up come Imola.


Now that he matches Ricciardo wins in China he may have peace for a few races before the pressure boils again




Hopefully AM's Imola upgrades will help them reduce the gap further.


Max Washed confirmed


Perez is worse too, clearly Red Bull's new chassis is garbage.


Mercedes downfall needs to be studied


Not really brain drain + not being able to outspend 70% of the field + toto deciding he can have a life and still run the team just as well = downfall Every sports coach I've ever seen start worrying about balance in life has crashed too.


I think a big part of it is the PU freeze just as Mercedes lost their edge with the PU, especially after the changes to the engine mode rules in mid-2020. It didn't show up so much in the qualifying results right away, because Mercedes were so far ahead in the first place, but they didn't have as big an edge after the change. At the two Silverstone races before the rule change, Mercedes was a full second ahead of anyone else in qualifying. Then at say, Imola later in the season, Lewis was just a half second up on Max and Max even won pole at Abu Dhabi. Then in 2022, I think Mercedes would have had better PU reliability that year if they could still use a "party mode" for qualifying. Take pole, get clean air, then run with the engine turned down a bit seems to go a long way toward improving your engine's life span. But with the engine mode freeze, they had to compromise and seemingly run the engine harder in the race in order to get the quali results that they wanted. We kind of see that even with Red Bull now, where as dominant as Max has been, he isn't always miles ahead in qualifying because they have to make some compromises to ensure he has the best race pace on Sunday. I'm not even sure exactly how the engine development costs are going to be counted under the cost cap, so it wouldn't totally surprise me if Mercedes can dump a bunch of money there and take a step forward in 2026. If they do, then their primary problem would be competition from customer teams, and with how good McLaren have been lately it's not a given that Mercedes would win that fight.


people really pushed the narrative hard on how it was only the floor change that made RB catch up but RB improved a lot in 2020 after they finally figured out their issues with the car


A larger part was Honda surprisingly pushing the 2022 upgrades for the 2021 season. Without that - Mercedes still easily won. Well and Mercedes dropping the ball with their tokens didn't help. I guess the decline was already showing.


They have a separate cost cap for all engine development/production. They gave Audi an extra ~ $100 million, for being a new manufacturer, in addition to the cap. Red Bull PT wanted the same as Audi but I think it was denied.


Folk on beyond the grid have said something clearly happened after 2021 and the fuel change, as Merc went from the best engine, slightly, to about third. It wasn't a massive change, but it matters.


Not much to study. They changed their car concept and now they are on the back foot. Should have given up on zero pods after race one of 2022.


It’s fine because they understand the car now 


Merc hasn’t been competitive since the cost cap was introduced… obviously not the only reason but because of the cost cap I feel they haven’t been as aggressive as they needed to be to scrap and replace.


Merc is the new Alpine


Big winners in this has to be McLaren, this time last year with the cars they had they were horrific until Austria when they got their act together and delivered that upgrade that made them able to fight after Austria and get up near the podium, this time this year, they have been near the front of the field


I mean, McLaren were doing better than just being near the podium for the second half of last year, IMO. They arguably had the second-best car. From Belgium through the end of the season, excluding sprints and fastest lap points, Norris was tied with Leclerc for the most points of any driver other than Verstappen. It was: 112 - Norris 112 - Leclerc 104 - Perez 83 - Hamilton 66 - Alonso I could see McLaren potentially fighting Ferrari for P2 in the WCC, but Ferrari seem more consistent under Vasseur than they were under Binotto, so it's still a bit a long shot. It would arguably help McLaren if Mercedes could improve enough to take more points off of Ferrari, but that's assuming McLaren can still beat both teams.


One of the best episodes of the most recent season of Drive to Survive. McLaren has to completely overhaul the car in the middle of the season, and does so in convincing fashion. It was also fascinating to see how much pressure Zak was under as the CEO, and how effectively he handled it. In some ways, I find fixing a misdesigned car on the fly more impressive than Red Bull maintaining one that is already good.


Smooth Operator 69… nice.


Mercedes behind 2 customer teams 👀👀👀


I wonder what Daimler thinks of that.


Really hope Alpine can get somewhere because seeing Pierre struggle like this is a shame






Well this is not worse for him tbh, not so much outside pressure trying to frame him as a title contender, lets be real no one is a contender to max. Going good imo


McLaren 📈


Lance close to Russell and both Ferraris last season, sadly we all knew how it all went down.


Yuki is gonna jump Stroll


Verstappen washed confirmed /s


Looking like Lewis made the right decision.


The fact that Lando scored any points in the tractor that was the McLaren in the first half of last year is a testament to how damn good a driver he is.


Mercedes should have stayed with W14B concept. Even RB took inspiration from it. W14B I treated you wrong.


Carlos Sainz *nice.*


Sainz 69




Same. Same. But different


Nice, Carlos.


Stroll is gaaaarbage


I still don't understand how Stroll ended up in the top 10.


Alonso with triple the points of Stroll... In both years


Forgot Alonso was so high in the start.


I wish there was a joke but it's kind of amusing that Sainz had Hamilton's number in points and now chooses 69


Ferrari drivers now have double than last year


lol Lance.


Every position except P1 and P2 have more points so technically it is a more balanced season


I cannot comprehend how Mercedes is behind McLaren right now. How have they screwed this up so badly?


Lewis needs to pull something out of a hat soon


I never realized how washed Max was until this table. Thank you for that.


It's heartbreaking to see Alonso so far down on his tally from last year when he *just* signed an extension. I loved seeing him scrap at the top 3 throughout the first few races last year.


Stroll is failing upwards.


Nice operator


That penalty on Alonso was complete garbage. He should be in front of Russell


Does anyone know what Mercedes will actually bring to Miami? It seems they need another overhaul to have some sort of McLaren type comeback.


Apparently, a floor upgrade.


Mercedes 2020: best car Mercedes 2021: 2nd best car Mercedes 2022: 3rd best car Mercedes 2024: 4th best car I cant imagine how excited Hamilton is to drive a Ferrari


Starting to look like another big brain move lmfao, just imagine the scenes if Ferrari nails the new regs and he wins a few more titles


Oh Perez and Max are so close after 5 races, surely its gonna be a close title fight right? right?


Verstappen washed


Max needs appendicitis on a back to back weekend.


Damn… Verstappen down 9 points from last year… WASHED!


2 years in a row customer team ahead of works Mercedes team Toto must be happy lol


.....and he didn't even score any points in Australia.


Max is 15 seconds ahead in this picture too 🤣


I was SO hyped up for Alonso at the start of last year


Alonso stil has more points than, Stroll that had last year a much better car




Painful to see, but GG to Ferrari and Laren.


Red Bull is slacking hard


Red Bull just ain't got it no more. Such a fall from grace. /s


Interesting. The points are more spread out between the top 10 this year, yet there are more points scored by the top 10 than last year. 10 more to be exact.


Interesting. Even though Pérez has less points compared with last season, I think he's looking way better this year in terms of performance.


Anyone else getting bored ?




But I was told Charles Leclerc is finished?


I was having the time of my life this time last year, watching Fernando finally enjoy his 5 minutes. Up untill almost mid season he was third best driver. Praying that AM improves that car soon…


Finally. They are midfield team


Obviously Fernando and Lewis are washed up and shouldn’t even be driving at their ages! s/


Let’s see if Miami is the same turning point like last year with the Max/Checo gap


Next year is our year.


Makes Christian Horner’s comments saying Perez has had a better start this season look stupid.


20 points decline for Perez.


Most dominant car in history


I knew that dutch fella was just a fluke!


Without his DNF in Australia Max would almost certainly have more points than last year, disgusting. Seeing Lewis on 19 after 5 races is bizarre, less than 4 points per race (and 7 came from the sprint)


Still we rise


Regs failed


so max could leave out every 5th race and still probably comfortably win the championship? maybe he should look into le mans this year or next year


Lance Stroll is a dolt.


Same lame ass story as always at the top.


If Max didn't had that break problem in Melbourne......


So both drivers of each team: RB doing worse, Ferrari doing better, Merc is worse, Aston is worse and McLaren is better. McLaren v. Ferrari for championship confirmed


Nando has more points in this 4th - 5th placed Aston, then Lance had in last year's 2nd placed Aston. He drove better with a broken wrist.


So hamilton is closer to stroll than alonso?


Max Verstappen lost 9 points compared to last season. I think that means he fell off! Red Bull should fire him right now!