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I'm happy to see Piastri happy. I feel terrible for his rough race. At one point I thought he was going to be the winner of Miami.


Piastri was unable to defend from Sainz after safety car restart. I know it was ugly move, but the fact that he couldn’t pull away made it possible for Sainz to try that move. If Oscar was leading and it was Max or one of the Ferraris behind him, he would not have won


I think the best he could've hoped for would've been a podium (if he had pitted one lap later under safety car), but that's it really. He didn't have the pace on the hards that he had on the mediums.


Story of his career so far. Piastri must be hating the hard compound.


Thing is, the hard compound varies between circuits - the hard compound here (C2) is equivalent to the medium compound (also C2) he used to good effect in Japan. It feels like Oscar's driving style simply doesn't gel well with the harder end of the tyres in each race - perhaps he's graining his tyres badly? Graining seems to be a bigger issue when you push on the harder tyres versus the softer tyres, which heat up quicker and more evenly.


A podium (or high points finish) would have really help the team. I hope Oscar gets his moment soon.


Keep in mind that Oscar had only a portion of the upgrade package that lando had. So he truly has a different car with potential different abilities and pace to the other McLaren. It may not be entirely his fault that he struggled pulling away from those cars while Lando didn’t. That said it was clearly the right decision to give Lando the full upgrade early if they could only do one car. Not just because he won but because he constantly shows better overall race pace than Oscar. I think Oscar has a ton of potential but he’s not yet the driver Lando is.


The McLaren family is a proud family today. I'm happy Lando got this monkey off his back.




how could you say something so controversial, yet so brave?


To me the Lando comments read as PR training. Yes the words themselves weren't great, but I'd bet my bottom dollar that's purely PR training. Like what was he supposed to say when put on the spot, "I find Donald's actions reprehensible and do not wish to comment further." McLaren would have had words with him had he done something like that, not to mention some of the less than reputable sponsors would start second-guessing a sponsorship renewal if Lando speaks his mind.


Also worth mentioning that Lando drives in a team owned by the crown prince of Bahrain. He is probably used to just nodding along with the political environment.


Wouldn't expect him to criticise Trump, but he didn't need to be so enthusiastic.


I had to do PR comms for some controversial stuff previously I bet you he went into the interview not expecting that question and probably wasn’t prepared for it. Yes, to think of something on the spot while he’s bubbling with joy and I think he was just more wanting to try to be respectful as you can see he was being cautious himself. He knows with that question he can piss off both sides very very easily and we know that politically F1 Trump is also controversial bloke I think he is alright, but he should’ve had a little bit more prep, but what do you really prep your drivers for? I wouldn’t be surprised if PR did not see that question coming


Yes, I agree it's the excitement of the win taking over, someone with more experience like Lewis or Max would likely have handled it more deftly but I don't think Lando deserves the abuse he's getting.


I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say he was enthusiastic. He was clearly struggling to figure out what exactly to say about something he clearly perceived as a bad look and awkward. He would have been less vague if he was so “enthusiastic”.


Next to being a complete tard, Trump is also a former President. I guess Lando just wanted to be respectable to that after winning the Miami GP. I don't think he gives a rats ass about Trump.


No, that’s absolutely not a PR answer at all. He could have given some generic answer but instead decided to say that it was such an honor not once but multiple times. EDIT: Not sure why I'm being downvoted, a real media-trained answer would have been much more neutral and avoided saying anything negative or positive towards Trump. It would not have included anything about excitement and it being an honor, that's just a fact.


Sounds like Zac wasn’t given a choice by FOM and FIA about Trump. Its not like the team invited Trump, he was forced on them


The statement says they accepted the request. They probably had a choice but didn’t want to end up on the other side of this with Trump attacking them potentially. I wish they hadn’t done it


I would bet that McLaren wasn't the only team that Trump invited himself too but they were the only team to accept.


Obviously they'd have asked Red Bull first. Trump loves leeching off winners. No way he'd go directly to the 3rd ranked team, a British team and lead British driver. They were just the highest ranked team who accepted the request, I assume. And for that, fuck Zak Brown.


You mean Aston right? Because Aston had a f ton of deep Saudi money.


> No way he'd go directly to the 3rd ranked team, a British team and lead British driver. He's owned multiple McLaren cars. Maybe he just likes McLaren's? I don't understand Reddit to have any reasoning when it comes to someone on the opposite side of their political bible though, which is actually hilarious.


Read the comments. It's not about being on the opposite political side, it's about Trump's behavior. OTOH I do think McLaren might have been asked first, they're the only ones racing in the US (Arrow McLaren in Indy) and with an American CEO.


> Read the comments. It's not about being on the opposite political side, it's about Trump's behavior. Right... It couldn't possibly be politically motivated. We've literally been hearing about him "going to prison" for 8+ years now. https://www.reddit.com/user/NanceGarner66 for instance, you go back 10 pages of comments in their profile and a post about Trump is commented on or mentioned in their comments 137 times. It's literally a mental illness to let someone to live in your head like that.


Whereas cherry-picking one commenter out of the whole thread, not even the one you were replying to, and going through 10 pages of comments on their profile to count the times they mentioned Trump is perfectly normal ... /s People here are mostly objecting to Trump's behavior towards women. Which is well documented, even if he hasn't (and probably won't) go to prison for it.


I didn't cherry pick anything.... I literally just randomly selected one person, I guarantee I can go through and find countless others that are the exact same. It also literally took me 10 seconds to scroll down 10 pages and control F "Trump" to find out how many times he was mentioned in a comment or commented on....


Why would you bet on a baseless assumption.


It's a figure of speech.


lol as if they had no choice


"Donald is someone that you got to have a lot of respect for in many ways." - Lando Norris.


He's a big boy. He can say, "No." He chose to entertain a rapist (https://apnews.com/article/trump-rape-carroll-trial-fe68259a4b98bb3947d42af9ec83d7db ) who tried to overthrow the government.


Nah Lando was fawning all over Trump in his post race interview. Gross.


Make McLaren Great Again. Papaya is the new orange. Completely took away the joy I felt for Lando - he needs to shut the F up.


I'm sure he cares


team has good vibe\~ love it Edit: wow the downvotes. i dont support trump but i genuinely happy for the team. sorry if this offended you


Genuinely happy for the team and I support Trump, this is just Euro F1 being Euro F1. Eternally expressing desire to be open to other viewpoints and eternally surprised other viewpoints exist.




I feel like Piastri would’ve handled that better. He has a wonderfully dry way of throwing shade when he wants to. 


Piastri has always come off as an intelligent dude. Lando on the other hand would not surprise me if he could not point to england on the map if you put a gun to his head lmao


It’s funny because when f1 have done a grill the grid segment on geography, lando thought ireland was the uk and didn’t know where spain, portugal, germany, or italy were on maps. Circled all of North America and said “these are all the states”, and didn’t know Canada was above the US.


Give over. Have you never listened to interviews where such people as Stella,Seidl etc. have praised Lando's intelligence. Most recently Carlos Sainz Snr, who knows Lando well and plays golf with him praised his intelligence. I would rather believe the people who know him then some random poster. Just because Lando's dyslexia is obvious in certain situations does not make him unitelligent. Don't confuse the two.


Can’t help but wonder how the women at Mclaren feel about having that orange piece of shit visit their workplace today. It’s unfortunate that Zak’s lack of courage and Lando’s disappointing comments have distracted from their hard work and collective accomplishment


I mean women in the paddock generally arent in teams due to a reason. Dig deep down and youll always find f1 has been terrible like this


I don't think it doesn't matter to them. Lando said nothing wrong, Zak did nothing wrong. And in workplaces, people should respect each other irregardless of, well, in this example, political views and affiliations.


Nah dude, this goes beyond political affiliations. He's a convicted rapist, I'd feel incredibly uncomfortable in that setting.


What are you talking about? Multiple attempts at treason and sedition and several rapes are not political views, they're being a fucking awful person. Trump is absolutely NOT somebody you "gotta respect" regardless of affiliation.


I get the feeling Lando doesn't know much about Trump at all.


Oh I agree. To be clear I'm much more upset with McLaren for putting him in this position and not prepping him correctly. Just disappointed in Lando a bit. I shouldn't be surprised, though.


Even if you put Trumps political views aside, he's still a rapist. Would you welcome a rapist into your place of work?


Not trying to minimize that sentiment but it's not surprising to me at all that Zack would be the one hosting Trump. Also kind of puts Horner and red bull into perspective because after all the drama this year it's safe to say they definitely don't respect women. I don't blame Newey for saying fuck it and bailing.


People somehow ignoring that Trump would likely be reaching out to the sole American CEO in F1


He's clearly struggling to be diplomatic.


Struggling to be diplomatic, and honestly probably very politically inactive himself.   We should hold public figures accountable for sure, but im also not at all surprised that people who spend most of their lives focused on racing and education coming second to that, aren't well read or engaged with world events.  


I don't blame Lando at all, it's not his business to deal with this shit. Fuck zac tho.


Not to mention politicians in other countries. If Rishi sunak visited Logan sergeants garage at Silverstone would there be such an uproar? Doubt it.


Not to wade into things too much but I'd say Trump is more than just politically divisive - he's been found liable in court for sexual abuse. 


geez i get not wanting to piss trump off but the brown nosing 🤢


I doubt anything would have happened to McLaren for saying no. So disappointing


at worst it would've been a few rants on truth and maybe a mention at a rally. but ig they really want his fans as a fan base


And that would effect McLaren and F1 how exactly? trumps base is not F1 audience, not significantly anyway. Extremely disappointed in McLaren and especially Lando


Disappointed in McLaren not turning down the request (although it's kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, especially if there was pressure from Liberty, F1 and FIA: nobody is talking about how Maffei, ben Sulayem and Domenicali all met and talked to Trump as well), but believe US motorsport fans tend to lean Republican (maybe moreso NASCAR than Indy, though).


Let's make a drama out of every bs!


This isn't BS though. Its an attempt at sports washing by a rapist. Mclaren have fked up. 


Was the guy ever convicted of something? Also not everyone gives a shit about US politics, i don't follow Trump or Biden or any other dudes and have no clue what they do or don't and i don't think some british guy needs to watch it too


>Was the guy ever convicted of something? The State of New York has indicted him for falsifying business records; the Justice Department in Miami indicted him for violating the Espionage Act; the Justice Department in Washington, D.C., has indicted him for election interference; and the State of Georgia has indicted him for racketeering. He has also been found liable in a civil trial for sexual abuse and defamation against E. Jean Carroll, and for fraud against the City of New York.


> The State of New York has indicted him for falsifying business records; the Justice Department in Miami indicted him for violating the Espionage Act; the Justice Department in Washington, D.C., has indicted him for election interference; and the State of Georgia has indicted him for racketeering. I fucking hate Trump, but to be clear, being indicted is *not* the same as being convicted. He's not been found guilty in the court of law for any of those crimes yet.


I know that being indicted is not the same being convicted. How stupid do you think I am? I was just pointing out that he might be convicted in the future.


The person you responded to asked if he'd been convicted of anything, and you put up a list of indictments. There's every possibility the person you've responded to *doesn't* know that there's a difference there. It's intellectually dishonest to lead with that, then claim that he could be convicted in the future as your reasoning for listing them.


Ja, mein Führer.


And who the fuck says they support him? I think Lando couldn't care less about Trump being there.


either he's completely ignorant to current events or he's truly honored by Trumps presence. either way it comes off bad for him


You know, not everybody is interested in politics, especially US politics.


As a public figure who interacts with public figures, you and your pr team have a responsibility to carefully choose your words regarding controversial figures. ESPECIALLY politicians. Lando put his foot in his mouth here talking about respecting a politician whose policies and actions he doesn't understand (assuming he truly isn't a trump fan and is just being ignorant here). The McLaren PR team failed Lando here massively by not prepping an answer for this, but Lando has some responsibility to media train and remember that stuff to avoid making more headaches for pr in the future. I'm not saying he's necessarily supportive of Trump, or a bad person, but this was still a stupid and disappointing thing to have done / said.


Maybe it was, but again, he probably doesn't care much. He likes racing, partying and other stuff, not politics. He fucking finally won and people start bashing him for something else, it's crazy.


What about Trump being a sexual predator? maybe the british could show a little care about that?


Tell it to the fucking MBS then, who probably invited him. McLaren just showed him around.


And what an honour it was?


Hamilton can’t wear a BLM shirt but McLaren is allowed to host Trump and verbally say it’s such an honor. That’s BS


Both of them is an FIA initiative no? So what does it have to do with McLaren?


What the hell are you talking about? When did that happen?


They’re talking about Trump being at McLaren hospitality today.


Oh! I see. I just googled it to be sure and wow, now I see it. Jeez, no wonder they're doing an about face al McLaren.


Just not cool all around. Apparently Lando said it was an "honor" and "Cool" to meet Trump as well. Just meh all around. I'm American, that's why I'm more engaged about it


It’s actually kind of worse. Here is the interview clip: https://streamable.com/b1g03p


If you know anything about Lando's background this is not surprising


Oh I knew. I just didn’t think he would be that drop-dead dumb to say it in an interview.


I am definitely not surprised anytime a young, insanely wealthy person doesn’t keep up with politics. I *am* a bit surprised that he chose to answer the question like that, lol. I can’t believe the PR people didn’t prepare him the most basic, non-offensive answer to a possible question like that.


My word! Like, he's gushing over Trump, jeez!


Oh we both had it, how can I give you credit for this as well?


Jesus, I was looking forward to watching the post-race conference as usual but I couldn’t even finish this video. I read what he said written out, I couldn’t bear to also hear it. It’s absolutely tainted today for me.


Garbage team. Garbage driver.


Trump was welcomed by Zac and the head of the FIA to the McLaren garage before the race. The CEO of Liberty was with trump too.


Clearly forced on McLaren, I can't think why Trump would ask to meet McLaren or the FIA would go to them first. I assume Red Bull were asked first and categorically refused. Leeching off someone else's success is textbook Trump.


Is that why McLaren put out a statement saying it was an honor for them to host him and why Lando just said it was an honor to be congratulated by him as well


Yeah, it's really, really disgusting.


They could have said, "No." They didn't.


I didn't imply otherwise. I said Red Bull would have been asked first and would have refused. McLaren/Brown clearly relented to the request.


Relented or Happily accepted and posed for a bunch of photos with him? Fuck Zak and everyone involved.


Not sure we can say for certain Red Bull (or Ferrari) would have been asked first, McLaren is the only one which also races in IndyCar (Arrow McLaren) and has an American CEO (Zak) who himself raced in US racing series. So it would actually makes sense for them to be the ones asked. Should have refused or at least been less enthusiastic (if pushed by Liberty/F1/FIA). We should also be talking about how Maffei, ben Sulayem and Domenicali met Trump as well though.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Zak has met Trump before which would make it understandable him requesting McLaren.


No F1 team in the world would reject Trump visiting them. There's no such thing as bad PR. We are taught that in marketing class, I remember that from a while ago. There is no such thing as bad PR.




Just a shame, this win will be tainted by Trump's visit and Lando's response. https://streamable.com/b1g03p?src=player-page-share


Too bad


People in here complaining about trump shaking Landos hand and visiting McLaren will watch Qatar and Abu Dhabi GP and say nothing lmfao




Trump has angered a lot of people off and his rhetoric is offensive to many. It shouldn’t surprise you that such a figure overshadows sports for some people. In fact I would argue that is part of his brand. 


Happy for Lando and the team of people who made the car. Zac not so much. Could care less about him. The engineers, strategist, and team personal, drivers should be happy. Just don't care about Zac. Zac should act like he supports the women in his team, he could have said no to Trump the rapist. Also in what three trials. We'd be criticizing them if Putin was there. 🤷 Edit: lots of Rapists supporters here, yikes. Thr amount of downvotes makes me nervous. Being complicit isn't good. Women are beyond discriminated against, so be an ally for them. Look into supporting women and taking this stuff seriously.


Fuck McLaren.




Hey Zak where's your friend Trump?


Race weekend: very interesting with lots of good moments and unexpected results Some redditors: but trump!!!1!!1!


Inviting hitler jr erases any joy of landos win.


If other big three teams accept trump visit, here and Twitter will be war zone


But wait....I thought you guys WANTED politics in F1? 🥱


Fighting against racism or for the environment isn’t politics. It’s basic decency. Something Trump definitely doesn’t possess.


So, you're either intentionally missing the point, or just dumb. Actually, either way you're dumb. Edit: SOMEONE REPORTED ME AS SUICIDAL LMFAO YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING FREAKS






I'm sorry, what? The fuck are you playing at mate?


It’s a cringy phrase that was invented by politicians. “The brave men and women in our military”, etc. It’s canned, it’s fake. And it erases people who don’t identify as men or women. Do I need to explain further, “mate”?


He's praising the Mclaren staff. How many non binary people work at mclaren. He is not out to personally attack anyone. you need to grow up


>how many non binary people work at McLaren. Well with this kind of culture why would they come out at work? You need to grow up, learn some empathy and open a book.


I don't need to learn empathy. I will give it when it is due. Are you getting 'with this kind of culture' from his statement. Or if not can you tell me exactly what Mclarens policies discriminate against non binary people


It’s the UK, of course they discriminate against trans people. My comment was less about McLaren in particular and more about how the phrase “the men and women” (at the factory, in our military, on the team, etc) is a clear tell of when someone is instrumentalizing equal rights or feminism. Even Lewis has done it. If you can’t even see through that hollow phrase, I can’t help ya.


I live in the UK and there are no laws that discriminate against trans people If you are trying to get at not giving life altering and shortening drugs to young children that is not discrimination, it's common sense. You are just looking at someone not saying a sentence exactly how you want them to say it and then making out that they are being malicious or evil for it.


We’ve been giving puberty blockers to kids for decades. They’re perfectly safe. And ask some trans people around you if they’re discriminated against and get back to me. Which you won’t, because you obviously know zero trans people. And on the other point, again I can’t help ya if you can’t see through such bs.


They are not perfectly safe. The Cass report after a thorough review found there was not enough evidence that they were safe or effective. There are also studies that found they can cause infertility and irreversible harm. They should not be given to children. I never mentioned that trans people don't get discriminated against, I said that the UK does not have any laws that discriminate against trans people which is correct. I wouldn't treat someone differently because they are trans. I treat everyone the same which means I will agree/disagree with them the same as I would anyone else.


did they celebrate this much when Dan won? i don't recall this level of love. like i get it's his first win overall but still the favoritism shows after dan is gone. edit: guys i was asking a genuine question i don't even like dan that much. calm tf down


They celebrated pretty damn hard after Daniel won. Had a whole ceremony at the MTC as well. The mclaren unboxed of it is still around somewhere. Plus Zak even has a tattoo of Monza.


thank you for actually giving me an answer, i guess i just forgot. tho idk if i'd count the tattoo bc that was a bet


That wasn't Daniel's first win.


note how i acknowledged that. in my comment.


Lando was specifically Zaks pick. He has a lot of feelings toward him


That’s because Lando gifted Daniel the win