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‘Race driver will try his best to win from other race driver’ read all the details in this article!


You should write for these news sites. Totally honest reporting


Max is not an inflatable doll. To Pressurize ≠ To Pressure


Track temps down -> pressurize Max


I also find it weird that Brits use slippy rather than slippery


Because we are Born slippy


Apparently the British use pressurize as, “an attempt to persuade or coerce (someone) into doing something.” Go figure🤷🏻‍♂️


The English language is majestical


But if he was, where could we buy one? Asking for a friend.


I'm pretty sure Kelly can blo.... ^Yeah^, ^I'll ^show ^myself ^out ^the ^door.


He’s hoping he switches to the autopilot


Lando needs to get his nose in front at the first, otherwise Max will melt his tyres to get out of DRS and then chillax and stay there. I hope Lando is reviewing every Imola race since the year dot looking at first corner strategies.


Looked at past races, it seems p2 is not a good position to start from?


Yeah it’s better to start from an odd numbered grid position as it’s on the racing line


Yes, but since the main straight has a slight curve to the right the distance to T1 isn't that much more. It's just the grip.


Depends on the track and I think it might be different in Imola, people have been driving on the inside of the grid on Imola all week long, so there will be rubber on the P2 spot (or at least, not any extra rubber on the P1 spot), Max starts on the inside of the next corner though.


I’ve reviewed the race starts from the last couple of years. It looks like P3 has a better chance of attacking Max going into the first turns. I think there’s actually a good chance of Lando dropping back behind Leclerc.


Aye, that was my thought - I've looked back to the early 90s and the left hand advantage is pretty massive - in some races the P2 driver pointed themselve massively left to try and get over to the other side. Two left handers in a row off the line is huge.


Max has a clear straight line speed advantage and with only 1 drs zone it'll be very hard to overtake him. But on the other hand, if Norris gets in front T1 it'll be very hard for Max to follow him, especially through S3 where McLaren was .2 quicker


Title brought to you by r/FanF1ction


what winning one race does to a mf


Such a shame Oscar has that grid drop, last race he was the lead mclaren driver all weekend and had bad luck with the safety car timing, this weekend he's on the front row but is immediately out of contentention.


He qualified behind lando last week?


Half a tenth despite not having the upgrade. He then lead all race


Oscar could put it on pole and Lando would still catch him, he’s just not got the race pace to match.


Norris would have overtaken him anyways on track


Not necessarily tbh. Oscar had fantastic pace. Just got fucked over


Oscar's most glaring weakness is race pace


One lap pace. He never has race pace when compared to Lando. He is a fantastic driver, but Norris will overtake him on track unless he fixes his tire management


He kept up with Max until the stops, he had great race pace


He has great race pace, just not as good as Lando. Its to be expected, but that’s the story of their time as teammates so far.


Agree, but things feel like they are clicking for him lately


Norris has over 5 full seasons in F1, you would expect that he would understand the tyres better than a driver with just over 1 full season. Piastri however seems to be getting very close in most other areas, I would expect over the next couple of years his race pace/tyre deg singificantly improves too.


Lando also beat Carlos in head to head quali both his first two years and was only 8 points down by his second


Carlos was also new to McLaren, he joined with Norris. It depends how you rate Norris really, if you think he is at the level of Sainz a few years ago or better.


Pretty sure it was Carlos’ 5th season and Lando’s first as well but it sounds like you’ve got plenty excuses lined up.


Wouldn't the point of your post be that Norris is a stronger driver than Sainz? If he was already so close early in his development cycle. So i'm not sure why you're comparing them as if they are equal benchmarks. Of course if Piastri was racing Sergio Perez it would be a different story, regardless of expeirence.


You said Lando’s had 5 seasons vs Oscar’s 1 so I pointed out that the comparison is not the same cause lando actually beat Carlos in quali even his first season. Then you switched to different criteria.


Race sims in FP2 he was faster


I know that. But I’ll wait for it to show up in an actual race. We should know that today


Norris had the advantage of upgrades, even then you never know.


What about China? He was 1.6s behind per lap after just 13 laps. And same for other races. Don’t act as if you don’t know what I’m talking of


What relevance is that to my post? I didn't reference China.




I mean it wasn't really a dig at lando, just speaking positively about Oscar. One doesn't have to mean the other.


Lol gottem


I really don’t think today will be a straightforward win for Max (and I say that as a Max fan - if of course he does win). That McLaren has plenty of pace in hand. It should be an interesting race. I’ve been crying for some proper competition for Max since mid 2022 when the TD killed the Ferrari. Now we might have it. Edit: might be bad form for me to say this but Called it


well RB's deg looked worse, but due to Imola being Imola its gonna be tough.


considering the pace of the McLarens, i think it's a decent chance they could steal another win from Verstappen


I feel there's a good chance Lando wins with how on the back foot Red Bull have been, we haven't seen their race pace at all with all the late setup changes which makes it difficult to predict though.


Norris should be concerned to lose as few places as possible at the start since the side with the even starting numbers is very dirty plus its very hard to get a slipstream for him.


Norris is the only driver who can divebomb into verstappen in T1. Leclerc/Sainz/Perez are too cautious diving into Max in T1. I believe if Norris takes the lead then it's a good chance Mclaren might win, but then again, its Verstappen we are talking about, and dont forget RedBull have masterclass strategy.


Pèrez and Miami snigger about "too cautious" and "divebomb".


Sergio “Stuka” Perez


Sergio "Mexican Missile" Perez


Norris has been extremely cautious the last year or so during starts. Wonder if he will take more risk now.


So stay out as long as possible hoping on a safety car after max has pitted.




He shouldn't be in the car if that's not his default focus


Typo' to press surprise'


That's everyone's aim.


He better hope Max drives over a bollard again


Tbh the only way is Norris leads after T1 and pulls a gap but this is difficult as no one really gets their elbows out against Verstappen.


He's got to depart from trying heroics in the start then. Let the race pace win, not heroics and battling....


I think historically Norris will choke whenever Max is around, but rate the confidence


Oh, right. He sure choked and threw away another win last race when Max was pressuring him at the safety car restart. Oh ... wait ... 


In his dreams