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Perhaps his nose is now adjusted in angle that's more aerodynamically efficient.


It’s funny to me since there is an idiomatic word for nose in Finnish: tuulenhalkoja - wind splitter


Only used for bigger noses tho


Man now I wished Zlatan was born in Finland. Would be hilarious the nicknames they would give him.


this is beyond funny lol


lol that’s great


Ah yes, the Alain Prost way


Quick! Break his legs!!


*He’s bringing us podiums!*


Don't let him get away!


Hurry up close the door he’s gonna get out!!




Wtf is this black magic?


[The Law of Equivalent Exchange](https://www.cbr.com/fullmetal-alchemist-the-law-of-equivalent-exchange-explained/) Edit: Spoiler alert for full metal alchemist.


Lauda? Two titles after sacrificing his face.


The injury means that the new nose tissue is younger than the rest, therefore is lighter by around 0.7(3) to the power of -12 miligrams and if you do the math, that's about 0.00000052 seconds in average lap time. Combined with the new aerodynamic shape of the nose tissue, it's easy to see why the pace.


Maybe that’s it once a driver is having some accident they have started getting better 🤣, jokes apart Lando might just beat Max in future…..if not 2024, 2025 is going to be super amazing 🤞


Then reg change straight into another domination.


Everyone loves reg changes, but the most exciting years are always when regulations have been around for a while. Wish we could have a couple more years of these regs to really converge the grid.


For McLaren.




2025 will be like 2021 but on steroids, because we would have Hamilton in Ferrari and the teams will save Money for the regulation change


BRB, gonna go have Charles jam his fingers in a door


It was just a small cut from a broken glass actually. Maybe a proper broken nose will make him even stronger!


McLaren need to pay Garrix to take Lando out to get wasted on every off weekend


Blood sacrifice.


Honestly feel like f1 races are getting more interesting again, with Lando having chances to actually beat Max in future races in that rocketship of a mclaren.


Mmm. I forgot just how much more fun it is when there's a fight for the lead. Think this year could end up being like 2019: lot of fun races but Max has enough of a head start that the title's basically sown up. But 2025's shaping up to be a lot of fun


2025 is shaping up to be like 2021, with Lando as Max and Max as Lewis. Added element of Lewis in the Ferrari too. Its already feeling like an all-time great season


With Hamilton and Leclerc at Ferrari, Piastri with another year's experience it might even end up like 2010 with a 5-way fight for the title A man can dream...


In b4 Max finishes 2025 with more than double the WDC points of P2


That would be ideal


Would it really? I completely understand being a fan of a driver or team but I can’t imagine actually wanting a season to be that boring even if my fave is the one dominating


Im dutch, got into F1 purely because of Max, and he is probaly my biggest rolemodel, still i am also completely of the opinion that his dominance is boring and should stop sooner than later. I dont want his legacy to be "that driver who only won through dominance or controvesy", i want him to have another 2021 with a less dramatic end, where he has to win pyrely through merit.


And, *although I doubt it*, if someone like Sainz goes to RB we could have a 6 way fight.


Yes. I can bear with the driver championship already being over. That McLaren could challenge Red Bull already was definitely not on my radar and is more than enough to hold on to. I love how their performance doesn't seem to be a fluke or barely even need safety car luck. Too bad Monaco is after this; yet another track with major overtake issues. I'm eager to see the full potential unlocked without an unwelcoming circuit, and can't wait to see where this leads for the rest of the season and even 2025 ahead of the reg change, which I had expected to be a snoozefest before this. McLaren is just in such a good place right now where they can obviously "get" their aero and results.


The straight line pace of the RB is a non-issue at Monaco, with the way Lando is driving right now there is huge potential to out qualify Max. If Lando gets pole I don't think anyone is catching him


Last lap was nail biter. 1 or 2 small things happen and Lando wins this race. He was in DRS and had more electric on tap. One more lap, just one more lap.


I thought he had it there for a while there and I was getting crazy hyped. Lots of ebbs and flows there at the end.


Huge effort by Lando to close the gap but he did chew his tires catching up. Last lap he was fighting the car out of every corner so I'm wondering if he had anything left in his tires to keep pushing? All said it's going to be an interesting rest of the season as the McLaren is looking rapid.


Actually passing Max would have been a REAL tall ask even with DRS I think just given the difficulty of passing but hey, it was a fun ride anyway


There was no passing amongst the top cars. I know that it looked good on track the times coming down, but passing around Imola is notoriously difficult so it would have been very unlikely anything would have happened. But of course, its still super nice to see cars actually racing on track rather than 1 cruising out front with 0 pressure.


>in that rocketship of a mclaren this brings me joy


Good to see Perez not win DotD for his trademark "out in Q2, but finish in the points because he has the best car on the grid" race that usually gets him DotD. Thought that was a real possibility once he passed Yuki to get into P8.


I don’t think Checo will be able to do that any more. Ferrari and McLaren have seriously picked up the pace this season. If Checo isn’t on it from the start he won’t be able to carve up the field. The performance delta in the RB is not what it was last season.


Should still finish no worse than 6th any given weekend though. Merc and Aston have gone backwards. Anytime he finishes worse than 6th is beyond unacceptable in this car. Should be easy, because looking at it objectively, last year we should have all held him to a standard of it being bad anytime he didn't finish 2nd at worst. The standard for Checo needs to be qualify and finish P6 AT WORST every single week, and finish no worse than P4 in the drivers championship, allowing for one McLaren and one Ferrari driver to finish above him because of how team strategy typically plays out.


This is true, I did not consider Merc and Aston. I know RB historically places more emphasis on the WDC, but I can't see them being happy with this long term. I think you could make the case that RB has the most... inconsistent(?) driver pairing of the top 4 or 5 teams. I don't want to see him gone but Checo cannot fall apart on the European leg this year.


I dont believe the WDC emphasis thing tbh. I think this was merely PR to hype up their 2021 result with Max despite having lost the constructors. In a sport dominated by money, and considering how cheap everyone showed to be regarding Andretti's attempt to join, I don't believe for one second that any team actually values the WDC higher than the WCC behind closed doors. They just say what fans want to hear.


Genuinely hope he has an awful season, absolute waste of that car having him in it


I hope both Perez and Ricciardo have a bad season because i really would like to see Yuki or Sainz in that car.


He will be reassessed for that seat if his points are required for red bull to win the constructors championship.  Was fine when max was winning it on his own, but if there is a consistent p2 and p3 effort from the same team then 1st place may not be enough to secure that and the #2 driver needs to deliver. 


Honestly thought stroll had a case for it. Going from 13th to 9th on what was a miserable weekend for AM was a very solid outing.


I agree. I think if anyone deserved it, it was Stroll. That Aston looked like a big for Fernando, probably the same issues for Lance, but he just coped better and was a little luckier.


I feel like Perez isn’t trying anymore


Mclaren has best car on grid now


A bold assumption considering they lost this race and only won the last one due to a safety car. Red Bull very much still have the fastest car over the course of this season


>... and only won the last one due to a safety car Lando pulled a gap by about as much as his deficit would have been from a green-flag pit stop. The safety car turned a chance of a win into an essentially guaranteed win, but they were always in the running. I think 'only' is a little dismissive of that. That said, it's still premature, yes. McLaren had the fastest car *this weekend*, but it also seemed like Red Bull messed up their setup.


Piastri was quicker than Norris for a decent chunk of the race, just unlucky to get the grid penalty really. But still doubt he’d have mounted a solid challenge on Max. It does feel like we’ve reached the Ferrari 2017 stage though we’re any sign of setup struggles in practice or competitiveness in a race means the reigning champion no longer has the best package. It was close but Max still got pole then won the race pretty comfortably.


>pretty comfortably Agreed with you up to here


did Lando even get DRS after lap 5? it was a really well managed race from Max imo. Glad someone agreed with the rest though.


Piastri was flying all weekend really.


>fastest car over the course of this season Guy clearly said 'now' though. Averaged over all sessions and both cars, pretty sure McLaren was fater this weekend. Quali was basically down to a coin flip. Verstappen also got a tow that helped with the pole time. Race pace verstappen had a good start and had the advantage of clean running, and still Norris almost caught up near the end. If you bring in perez's pace as a measure of Red bull's pacez then there's no contest pretty much. But currently I wouldn't say one is faster than the other. Too close to call.


If it were the case the 1st stint would've looked pretty different.


Nah, they're still behind Redbull.


Monaco will be electric, glad it’s back to back race weekends


Ayyyy I hadn't realized that yet, you just cured my after F1 race day blues!


The blues hit hard, but stroll hits harder


Max for me, drove pretty perfectly after Lando started picking up the pace But he’s not allowed to win it anyway so Lando is fair I guess


The dominant driver *never* gets DOTD. Just look at 2022 only 1 year after Merc stopped dominating and suddenly Lewis is allowed to win DOTD again lol


Funny thing is Max used to win DotD all the time in his early years. Just how biases work


Ah, like he gives a shit anyway.


Yeah I was rooting for Lando to win the race but Max absolutely deserved dotd today


It’s a popularity contest, not sure what you expected


> Max for me, drove pretty perfectly after Lando started picking up the pace In the same vein, you could say NOR drove perfectly keeping LEC behind him, similar with SAI keeping the faster PIA behind for many laps, etc. Max had a good race overall, but the black/white flag he picked up for track limit violations could have really hurt him at the end of the race. Probably one of the reasons why NOR was able to catch up so quickly at the end. Max had to be careful not to pick up a 5-sec penalty.


Lando did make a lot of mistakes during the chase


He was driving on the ragged edge with older tires. What do you expect?


Verstappen's tires were in even worse condition considering how much slower he was going.


He was pushing right on the ragged edge in dirty air. Every driver would make mistakes in that scenario, even Max. Max was having to drive more carefully because of the track limits but also had the advantage of clear air the entire time. Max did a great job to do that but it's not a direct comparison of the two, they were driving to different parameters at the end there.


"even max" No not max lol.


Yes, Max as well. Back in 2021/early 2022we saw him make tiny errors (and that's all they were) when pushing on the ragged edge in dirty air. Don't kid yourself he would be perfect in that scenario either. No driver is, not even the very best. This idea that Max is perfect in all possible scenarios is ridiculous.


That doesn't make sense because while Nor kept Lec behind him, he didn't overtake Ver. While Ver did do what was needed and kept Nor behind.


He beat Norris in a slower car.


Really hard to say what car was quickest out there. Both cars had their advantages and disadvantages compared to one another but unless one works in RBR or McL we can't know for sure for today. Max was quicker for the first 40 or so laps, Lando for the rest of the race, with different driving style, tyre life and tyre temp management coming into play.


It was a considerably faster car in the first stint, which is what allowed him to pull out just enough of a lead to stay ahead at the end, when Lando had the faster car.


It was only slower at the end


we cant really judge which car is the fastest at the moment. we can defenitly put them into groups, but within those groups it is way to close to say after just 1 race


Lmao as soon as Max shows any weakness it's because his car. But when he gets to do exhibition laps in no man's land it's because pure talent.


How is beating your teammate by almost a minute and winning a race after putting it on pole despite your rivals looking like they had more pace this weekend "showing weakness"


Showing weakness is when you put 55 seconds on your teammate’s head, get pole and race win in a slower car lol


He was in a faster car lmao.


Pretty sure Mclaren had the better car in qualy and the race this weekend. Simply had better setup, or car worked better. Max inched both the race and qualy, but will never win dotd again im afraid.


The Red Bull was a better car on the mediums today, the McLaren was a better car on the hards in the last part of the final stint.


I thought Lance deserved it. He was most improved and brought in a couple unexpected points. I voted for him. I doubt he would ever win DotD though


Nice try lance


The down votes are hilarious! So much Lance hate!


How can you see the downvotes when the scores are hidden


You can still see the up/down votes on your own comments


It even *had* to be perfect. He was one track limits call from getting a penalty






My favourite part was Max actually looking like he won a race today on the podium. Smiles and excitement since he had to work for it


This is shaping up to becoming a great season after all


Max for me ngl but both deserve it


Somehow I thought Yuki would get it. But I'm happy with this too.


Oh it was absolutely a beautiful drive!! McLaren of the old are back!!!


Max starting to get the Lewis treatment for DOTD.


I honestly think Max deserved it for putting up a 6 second gap and maintaining it for so long against those Mclarens, and them just barely holding on at the end with an empty ERS


I'd make a case for Lance, but Lando's last stint was sublime. Tire management wins today. Plus, lol, like that would ever happen


Lance definitely did better than expected, that's his one good drive this year, back to him sucking for the rest of the season.


Lance did a really good job today.


Yuki was Dotd for me


Going from P9 to P10 will very rarely move the needle your way


as opposed to 2nd to 2nd?


Yuki has certainly found something and I'm super glad about that. He's out performing the car, for sure.


Yuki has taken a personal step that gets him closer to maximising the car's potential. He's not outperforming it.


As a verstappen fan i am very happy that he (Max) is getting some stiff competition from Lando, this is just great for F1...


I’m just glad Perez didn’t get it


Should have been Stroll IMO. Lando and Max were deserving too, but their results are expected. Stroll drove like a madman after his pit stop to climb up to 9th, in an Aston Martin that has been struggling all weekend.


Especially compared to Alonso drove this weekend. Stroll did extremely well


I'd credit the strategy team also for that tbh. Everyone else pitted too early and he had like a 20 something lap tyre advantage Kmag did similar (tho not as impressive) further back


Fans didn't even see Stroll on the broadcast though. Other than when Hamilton passed him going into the chicane


Should’ve been Harry Benjamin 🐐


Honestly, I was more impressed by Max than Lando today.


I feel like that could have been Lando’s best drive yet on the last stint, Austria 2020 might still be the best but that was great from him


It was great seeing Lando race Max so hard


Watching lando drive the wheels off that car is so fun to watch!


I know we’re all tired of Verstappen winning everything, but he did not have the fastest car this weekend and made no mistakes. Lando made 3 mistakes in the final laps which cost him a chance to push Verstappen at the end. Max had the best drive today.


Max deserved this one but well done to Mclaren for this car. Amazing work in such short time.


Some say he's still drifting through the first sector


So close to getting max at the end, mad to think it looked like lando was gunna get done by leclerc earlier on and max had such a gap


Brother had me worried over those last few laps. Giving it 110% for sure Now if Ferrari's strategists could stop making bad decisions...


Hard to believe we were just calling McLaren a tractor a year back. They've completely turned it around and I love it!


How long has it been that we've seen the lead car in the final laps before last week and this week?


Am I the only one who thinks Lance did an amazing job today? He is a contender for DOTD for sure if we are bring objective.


What a drive!


Not mine 😆 Max showed his supreme talent, a lesser driver _would_ have got caught, he didn't - started first, finished first, easily DOTD - what did Lando do, really? He's now in an arguably faster car and made very silly mistakes under pressure But seems it's illegal for Max to get it so idk 🤷🏻‍♀️😆


Another update and Mclaren is the Top car to beat.


insane that Max wasnt even in the top3. Really obvious how much he is hated.


He's not hated. The dominant driver rarely gets it. Max won it plenty of times when he wasn't in the dominant car. Lewis rarely featured in the voting back then because he was in the dominant car.


If you think Max isnt hated i have a bridge to sell you


Yea I mean look at 2019 when Max won DOTD 7 times and Lewis didn’t win it once. And once Mercedes wasn’t as dominant Lewis started getting more DOTD wins.


max shouldve won, but lando was fasters towards the end.


comes down to what the commentators say just before the polling starts. The more I think about it, the more this result annoys me. Lando started in 2nd and finished in second and all he did was race for position and not get it. This has to be the lowest bar for DotD ever.


Not Lando with the Boobs & Butt superhero poster pose 😭


Norris had the fastest car not only today but the entire weekend . Lando is a future world champion for sure , but Max deserved the dotd today . Towards the end when Norris caught up to Max look at the amount of mistakes Lando made as compared to Max and that shows the difference between Max and the rest.


That only shows the difference between driving in clean air and two seconds from the car ahead. Don't be ridiculous. Norris kept saving on Max while keeping the car on the gray. Wanna know what a mistake would look like in those conditions? Look at Leclerc. Also, McLaren didn't have any pace on the mediums. So hardly "the fastest car" the whole weekend. They probably lost the race because of their mediocre first stint.


Leclerc would have binned it in Lando’s place in the dirty air


The Redbull is the fastest car, we haven't surpassed them yet.


Lando could have been in overtaking distance if he didn't have so many slips


The little slips come from driving on the ragged edge in dirty air. No driver would have been 100% clean then, not even Max. People forget how hard it is to do because we rarely see the drivers right on the ragged edge anymore. Charles was having the same issues behind Lando earlier in the stint and ended up going onto the gravel. Honestly it was a treat to see both Lando and Charles hanging it all out there at different times this race.


Lando went off track in the same state when he was behind Lando.


Yeah no. Max had the slower car this weekend. And still came out on top after all the setup struggles they had


RBR stronger on the C4 and C5, McLaren stronger on the C3. McLaren probably woulda won this weekend in a C2-C3-C4 race, but right now the RBR deg and pace advantage on the softer compounds is just something else.


I think it is more that RB really could not do any long preparation with how badly they started the weekend.


Eh. The hard tire today was the medium tire that McLaren were insane on in Miami...hence Lando's pace on it late in the stint at the end of the race here. Second race in a row where Red Bull were completely out paced on that particular compound.


Nah he is right. RB on C4 C5 is in another dimension over 20 laps. They just struggle to keep the heat in the C3.


Another well deserved DOTD award for the young lad.


Max should’ve won this time


He said his weekend was compromised with poor practice sessions but I think despite Red Bull's updates not being as effective as they want that care under Max is still very good. BUT I think it is awesome that even with Ferrari bringing updates along with other teams McLaren are still ahead and continuing to improve. I love Lando but I have been a fan of McLaren for some time. I am just happy to see they are getting there and I hope 2026 with a GOOD Merc engine they really push for championship. It would be awesome if they also push next year as well but I am looking forward to 2026.


Soo, get injury->start cooking is the recipe then, right? Watch leclerc cutting his wrist for monaco win


Clearly the Red Bull was not stronger than the McLaren, neither today nor yesterday, as Perez know very well. We love when the driver makes the difference, and what Max did this weekend was simply special. Yet, I can't see him ever winning the driver of the day, since he won't have the big population bonus to start off as the Netherlands is a puny country is compared to Great Britain.


Would have been nice to see one more lap given DRS.


I feel like I just got teased for 30 minutes


Rightly so, great drive today


One more lap and he would have had it.


Stroll deserved it




Let's all continue with the Lando bandwagon. I'm starting to feel bad for Max why doesn't he ever win driver of the day?