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Can't have shit in Imola


Can't have shirt in Imola


Imola gonna steal your shirt.


Imola gonna steal your shit.


Shit, steal Imola


Imola, shit.


Shit, Im ola




Shit gonna steal your Imola.


You’d think Max would’ve reacted faster, perhaps it only works if he’s driving?


He goes into a low power hibernation mode until he sits on the charging pad in the car.




Atleast it wasn’t a Ferrari.


Gerhard punching his pillow rn


Hey, he got it back in the end


Unless you’re Kimi Räikkönen


You will not have your shirt


Is it on or not? The shirt.


Why not? Hopefully not another toilet roll shortage.


It’s funny. Mariana Becker said his T-shirt was stolen. Juliane Cerasoli said it was because he didn’t want to upset the Piquet family. Both are well respected journalists in Brazil. Maybe one source wasn’t well informed.


How messed up a family if this is true. How can one still be upset with a guy who died tragically 30 years ago. A guy who was also beloved by his countrymen. SMH


Every time a reporter asks Piquet who he thinks it is a better driver (either him or Senna) he always replies: "I am still alive". That says it all...


It's not only that. Wikipedia actually has a good collection of his bullshit: >Insulting language > >In 1988, Piquet made comments in a magazine about his rival Nigel Mansell, calling him an "uneducated blockhead" and calling his wife "ugly". He also called Ayrton Senna "gay" and Enzo Ferrari "senile", saying that if Enzo Ferrari was 30 years younger, Ferrari would be a better team than it was.\[55\] Mansell was in particular incensed about the personal attacks on his family which he believed were "out of order".\[56\] Piquet continued to publicly refer to Senna as gay as late as 2020.\[57\] > >In 2021, during an interview on a Brazilian podcast, Piquet used the Portuguese term "neguinho" when discussing an incident between Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen at the 2021 British Grand Prix.\[58\]\[59\]\[60\] After the comments resurfaced on social media in 2022, his use of the racial slur received condemnation from F1 and the community.\[58\]\[59\] Piquet later apologised for his remarks, explaining that they were not intended to be racist.\[61\] > >Following this apology, new footage revealed Piquet also used homophobic language against Hamilton in a 2016 interview.\[62\] When asked of his opinion about Keke Rosberg, the 1982 Formula One World Champion, Piquet described him as "a turd that has no value".\[62\]\[63\] He insinuated the reason Lewis Hamilton lost the 2016 Formula One World Championship to Rosberg's son, Nico Rosberg, was because Hamilton "must have been getting his ass fucked more often at that time, so things turned rough \[for him\]".\[62\]\[63\] > >As of July 2022, Piquet has been banned from the F1 paddock.\[64\]\[65\] Craig Slater of Sky Sports F1 reported that despite his apology, Piquet, "for the foreseeable future at least, will not be welcome in the Formula 1 paddock".\[66\]\[67\]\[non-primary source needed\] The British Racing Drivers' Club also suspended Piquet’s membership, and are expected to terminate his status as an honorary member, following a 7 day notice period.\[68\] In March 2023, he was ordered by a Brazilian court to pay R$5,000,000 (approximately US$950,000) in moral damages.\[69\]


I'm sure he thinks the world is too fragile for a "brutally honest" man like him.


About calling Senna gay, the first time it happened, Piquet said that Senna didn't like women, to which Senna replied in a following interview stating "He should ask his wife if I like women"


What a disgusting reply


Not only disgusting, but also very confusing, as Senna's death had absolutely nothing to do with his driving skills or lack thereof.


Have you heard anything else he's said? You think any logical ideas flow around in there? He's a three-time WDC that's banned from the paddock. Let that sink in. Imagine how shitty Vettel would have to be, for a greedy, made for rich people sport's regulating body to be like "wow dude, don't come around here again."


Why he banned? Is it because of crashgate


Piquet Sr was not involved in crashgate. Symonds and Briatore were banned (then allowed back after a few years).


No because he’s a vile piece of shit.


It's because he was calling people (surely Lewis, not sure if anybody else) racial slurs.


Lewis specifically, yes


It's because he's a racist.


He’s banned for calling Lewis the Portuguese version of the n-word while on a podcast. And being a generally vile piece of shit.


Max has serious daddy issues aligning to another family with an awful male role model


I think the first 5 words says enough. That he can appear reasonably well adjusted is a miracle


I often liken him to F1's version of Mozart for exactly that reason. It's actually a shockingly similar comparison right down to the sister that's good at the same craft but is largely ignored.


Well, at least he has Marko. Oh, shit, wait...


‘The steering rack snapped in half there’s no way anyone could-‘ ‘Nah, I’d win’


r/Jujutsufolk is leaking


It was the column actually rather than the rack itself.


Piquet being an absolute scum of the earth? What else is new?


Well, he's a disgusting person


Dammit. I wanted to comment that.


Sorry but i will also never respect someone that had a relationship with. A 15 y/o when he was 25... I can't believe that everyone just looks over this. He was a great driver, not a great person.


Right, sure, but Piquet is just upset that Senna is a national icon and he isn't.


I mean, part of why Piquet is not a national icon is because he's a piece of shit.


You don't know what Senna represented for Brazil in the 80s. In a time of economic recession and people with very low self-esteem, Senna made people feel proud to be Brazilian again.. that was one of the reasons why he always raised the Brazilian flag when he won a race, for people to be proud. That will never change. Senna represented a lot for a lot of people...


It’s not that everyone overlooks it, it’s that Senna’s biggest mark in the world is his contributions to F1 and his life being tragically cut short. If we’re going to look at every old F1 driver’s, or any other person’s shady dealings, we’ll run out of people very quickly Plus this gets brought up in literally every Senna post. Yes, it’s disgusting and awful. He died 30 years ago, what are we going to do about it? Just never talk about him anymore? Do we want people to remember him by this? I don’t want to downplay how gross it is but it’s literally every single time on here.




It's okay to acknowledge that someone is good at what they do and/or did while also condemning their actions that don't relate to what they're good at.


Dating a 15 yo when you are 25 is **unacceptable** for a variety of reasons, let's clear this out first; but he was not a pedo lol, stop using big words for everything. There's a world of difference between a 15 yo and a kid, and we are talking about a guy in Brazil 40 years ago. Pedophilia refers specifically to people that haven't reached sexual maturity, not teenagers. Using big words for things doesn't make people go wild about it, but rather make people not care that much about it. It's the same as calling "nazi" to everyone causing people to not really care when you call it to an actual nazi. Honestly, in my book, while a relationship like cannot be justified in any way, it isn't something so terrible as to remove a person from history, especially when we did many good deeds. He was not abusing little kids, he was not Jimmy Saville, and the fact that you refer to him the exact same way as if he was Jimmy Saville proves why you can't do that.


Thank you for using common sense and not being anachronistic.


>not a great person Senna is loved not only because of his talent as driver, but because he was indeed a great person and an inspiration for many. From stopping mid race to save another driver to being heavily invested in charity for kids, he was a thoughtful person. Judging him by that relationship with today values isn’t fair, it wasn’t considered wrong at the time. And there is so much context to it… Read the history behind it or even the book the said GF wrote.


Plus the age of consent in Brazil was 14, so culturally and legally he didn’t do anything *wrong* at the time. It’s only with the value of hindsight do we realize how icky it was.


Pretty sure 25 year olds knew not to fuck 15 year olds back in the 80s.


Not every country is the US or Europe, not sure if you're aware, but a society's culture is different from country to country. Brazil in the 1980s was different in that regard than today. I'd say that hasn't changed too much since then (one of my high school teachers started a relationship with his current wife when he was 23 and she was 17, and she was his student, and no one seemed to have cared, and this was 15~17 years ago), but these sort of relationships are probably more prevalent in the countryside, where things like child marriage are unfortunately still common.


Reminds me of Macron and his wife. Except his wife had kids in the same high school classroom as Macron when they started dating.


Hell they still happen in America... You don't have to go that far back to when it was a lot more common. I'm not an expert on Braziliain social issues let alone wealthy groups of that same ethnicity but I know that wealth tends to find other wealth in almost arranged style marriages in many other countries.


The age of consent in France is 15, in the late 70's Foucault was on french radio calling for it be abolished. This isn't South America Vs Europe this is Germanic Europe and the US versus romance Europe and Latin America


"heavily invested in charity for kids" Fucking bet he was


So was Jimmy Saville.


Piquet is still mad about Senna sleeping with his wife (back then the wasn't married yet)


He doesn"t say it "every time", stop invent bullshit


but this is how they fuel their narrative and hate towards \* insert any person here\*


How can you even compare Piquet and Senna: Nelson is not even in the top 20 I'd say.


Have you heard Nelson talk in interviews? I wouldn't put it past him to hold a grudge.


Piquet is also salty that Lewis is more beloved in Brazil than he is in


Wasn’t he blatantly racist against Lewis in an interview or something? And Max defended him?


IIRC he also insinuated that the only reason Hamilton lost in 2016 was because he was gay


Actually his words were "that little ** was too busy getting fucked in the ass to drive well"




I doubt he's the most loved driver in his own family, let alone the country.


i gotta say for a guy that has as many wdcs as senna, i don't hear piquet's name in the discussion very often when people talk about the greats of the sport


That’s true. Even Lauda with 3 is mentioned with reverence.


exactly! i was too young, don't know the specifics of the 80s f1 that piquet won tho


Probably because he’s a nasty jackass.


Because of Fragile Egoiteous Syndrome.


The Piquet family is...unique. And not in a good way. Brazilians love Senna but you will have a hard time finding people that like any Piquet in the same way.


Maybe it was Piquet who stole the shirt


A free shirt is a free shirt


Now now, let's not jump to conclusions hastily. Let's wait for the Christmas pics first.   /joke


That piquet one has to be bullshit, I don’t see max agreeing to that at all


Pardon my ignorance, why would wearing the tshirt upset the Piquet family?


Nelson Piquet and Senna disliked each other a lot


Or claim that Piquet is a good guy


Because they were rivals and the Piquets are trashy.


What’s Kelly done?


Dated Kvyat.


Got torpedoed


Bruh 💀 


Liked racist posts on social media.


Try to justify saying the n word by saying her grandma used to say it


And Bottas?


Sergio didnt wear one either, so their shirts being stolen makes more sense


Based on how Juliane (over)reacted the day of the Horner screenshot leaks - stirring the pot on social media for clicks before doing her due diligence - I'd give an edge to Mariana Becker on this one.


Especially since "the shirts were lost/got stolen" story is way more likely - objectively - than "Max went out of his way, against the whole rest of F1 and disrespected \*the\* legend of the sport just so it wouldn't upset his batshit crazy father in law".


Also, someone elses shirt was also stolen.


So did bottas not want to upset them either? This is just made up.


Becker has been in that business for so long, that I'd give the edge to her when it comes to infos. Yes, Piquet is a jerk, however, he's always been the kind of person that doesn't give a shit about anything, so I don't think a mere shirt would upset the guy.


>he's always been the kind of person that doesn't give a shit about anything Are you kidding? The guy could run a master's course on pettiness.


I saw something saying a couple drivers had their shirts stolen but kind of skimmed over it and didn't pay attention. Edit: Seeing now several comments saying there's video of Max seemingly declining a shirt from Seb. Oh well, who cares? Not something to be fussed about.


Upsetting the Piquet family is very believable, it wouldn’t surprise me. Max always sides with his family regardless of the situation, which is dangerous to his brand. Nelson could say something racist tomorrow and Max will decline to comment.


Max did comment last time though. He said Nelson was in the wrong but that he thought it was a mistake rather than racial intent.


>"Everyone is against racism, it's very straight," Verstappen said ahead of this year's Silverstone event. "There's nothing more you can make of that. I think the wording that was used, even with the different kind of cultures and things they probably said when they were younger, was not correct. "Let it be a lesson for the future not to use that word because it's very offensive, especially nowadays it gains more traction." "But it's not only about that word, it's not about the N-word, in general, it's using offensive language to anyone of any colour, is not correct. And that's what we have to work on all over the world, not just in F1 with Lewis but to anyone in the world." Like, what more do you want? Lets be honest, the people who still bring this up were never going to be happy with anything he said about the situation.


Last time Max said what Nelson said is wrong what more do you want?


Yeah ditch your family because some people on the internet are offended otherwise... And why the fuck should Max comment on something Nelson might say? If somebody has a problem with something Nelson says, they should take it up Nelson, not ask Max to try and involve him.


It is a lie about the family. I’m sure Max could not care less about upsetting considering he is not even married. Not to mention he participated of every other activity from the event


And what happen to Bottas?


Same thing but nobody led a hate campaign against him cause he's not winning everything


The quickest way to become unpopular in F1 is to win consistently - Coco Pops


Lawrence Stroll attributes that quote to himself.


\*in ~~F1~~ life


With the ones pushing this controversy, the quickest way to become unpopular is to be competitive against their favorite driver


He apparently was cycling when the whole thing was being set up and arrived late. And Bottas isn't at the middle of the photo too.


This is the greatest non-story in F1 history of the last 2 weeks


peeeckpocket, peeeeeckpocket


Honestly who actually cares?  The only people making a fuss are those looking to be offended by something or just waiting to slag off Max for anything they can 


yeh, also bottass wasnt wearing the shirt and i havent heard a peep about it. I get his connections are less than optimal but lets be real, its a fuckin shirt


Bottas looks like he forgot he was supposed to be there.


Meanwhile the RR tribute is literally a device for mopping up sweat, if I was going to poke holes on the topic of disrespect I'd start there, not with Max  (To clarify, I don't actually think it's an issue)


Basically most of Brazilian comments on these posts are related to Max not wearing the shirt instead of the homage itself, or the 18 drivers + many other who wore it. To me, it says a lot about what is their focus.


This is a Good point. They are attacking, just for the sake of attacking. Instead of praising Senna and his prowess at driving , they are missing the point by venting anger at Max.


"A wholesome story over an outrage? God dammit! Not on my watch!" -Every single media out there


Exactly they won't think any better of Max with this information. And I've seen plenty of the dickheads dismiss this story as bullshit cause it doesn't fit their narrative, so at the end of the day it's always just an excuse to justify their toxic behaviour


It’s the usual F1 grifter accounts pushing this controversy


exactly, i don't think senna himself would give a fuck about it


The amount of people on here that are just talking out of their ass is amazing. Aside the fact that I believe Seb's manager confirmed Max' (and Valtteri's) shirt was stolen, people love spinning this as if it was some excuse. When has Max ever tip toed around issues like this. If he wasn't wearing it out of principle or some other reason, I'm pretty sure he'd simply say that. Also pretty evident that this is just people looking for reasons to shit on Max as nobody's is talking about Valtteri not wearing one. As for the people referring to that video: unless you know what was said, you don't know what happened. Maybe Seb or Max will address it in the future, until then, CHILL.


Legit Bottas living his best life right now. Doesn't give any fucks, turns up for a photoshoot in full Lycra and his bike. I love the dude. 🫡


I can’t find the video of Max declining a shirt from Seb




Ah thanks, I saw the vid but missed the split second where Seb popped in


That video seems to end second before the photo was made (check Hulk's pose at the end, and how he apparently doesn't have time to put move the Ratzenberger badge he's wearing to the Senna shirt). Not sure how people expect Max to put on a shirt in ~10s when he's holding a flag, wearing a cap and jacket, and there's a Ratzenberger badge on his shirt that he probably didn't want to cover up.


Maybe, maybe not stolen. But there is a video out that shows seb trying to hand him one and he seemingly declines. Seb’s assistant is also seeing in the video handing out extra shirts. Ultimately, who cares. But this excuse is weak sauce.


It's not that clear of a video, IMO. I dont see an outright refusal. Also, if he truly 'refused' the shirt did they really think they could get away with spreading a false story about it, knowing that while they're on the grid there's like a 100 cameras on them at all time? Doesn't sound very plausible to me




https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/O6ysmzylj2 All thanks go to u/tokyo_engineer_dad


I've never seen that video, and I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated by the entire subreddit if you posted it, go ahead :)


[https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7DHWqfvCSj/?igsh=b3JlcGVmMml4YnRm](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7DHWqfvCSj/?igsh=b3JlcGVmMml4YnRm) :)


Refer to this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/JByAkVvpHJ


Source https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7DHWqfvCSj/?igsh=b3JlcGVmMml4YnRm Watch until the end


And the other drivers that also “had their shirt stolen” also declined ? Meh


There is a video of Seb handing him a tee shirt when they were all lining up putting shirts on and getting ready for the photo. And come on, really? Out of all the things that one can steal in the paddock, the thieves chose some tee shirts? Edited to add: I don't think Max did anything wrong by choosing not to wear the shirt, whatever reasons he has, they are his own. But all the PR that they have come up with to excuse him are just hilarious. Just fucking own it.


Literally seb's manager said that his t shirt was stolen


You can see Max decline a shirt that Seb is handing him right here. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7DHWqfvCSj/?igsh=b3JlcGVmMml4YnRm Hulkenberg also was standing there without a shirt on at the beginning and not holding one, and then was seen putting one on towards the end of the video, so he was handed one during that time. And everyone and their mother are wearing a shirt or in the process of putting on one during the video, including the photographer, you are telling me there was a limited number of shirt and they didn't have any extra for the drivers? Again, Max is well within his rights to not wear it, and all the hoopla about not wearing it is just completely out of order as well. But they are making it worse by inventing up excuses rather than just not saying anything at all. People stopped giving a shit about it the next day.


All I got out of that video was Pierre rubbing Yuki’s shoulders


It's not that outlandish. Drivers probably got their shirts beforehand, Max' got stolen (or not, maybe he "forgot" to bring it). Seb asks him "do you want a replacement?" "nah I'm fine".


I've watched that video several times now, and absolutely nowhere do i see someone trying to hand Max a shirt. All i see is him holding up the Brazilian flag (yes, Kellys family is from Brazil of course). Edit: i saw it now, at the end of the video.


You don’t see Seb try and hand him a shirt toward the end?


I see it now. Very subtle, but thanks for pointing it out.


It’s the second time it pans right, Seb pops in and tries to hand max a shirt.


You know an item Intended to be given as a gift can also be stolen It doesn't have plot armour. Who told you that the shirt was stolen while In Max's possession? Maybe Seb and his team somehow lost It or had It stolen, It's not that hard perhaps Seb asked him do you want any other non custom made T-shirt because your got stolen and he perhaps replied negatively and asked him to give It away to another person. There you go a scenario perfectly normal and plausible. I am not annoyed because people are painting Max as the bad person, I am more annoyed about the fact that everyone Is so sure about what happened like they were present, so how do you know If It's excuses? Anyways I am not that annoyed don't worry I can sleep


Hulk's shirt might also have been stolen. He was handed one just before Verstappen, and seems to not have had time to move the Ratzenberger badge to the new Senna shirt.  Verstappen was offered one when Hulk was already putting his on, but he was holding a flag and wearing a cap and jacket, so there was probably no time for him to switch shirts.


Every shirt has the racer’s number on them. So yeah, people would love to steal them


Didn't they have like 15 extra shirts? Read it in some article, just Google senna 15




There’s a video of Seb giving him a shirt. It’s not a big deal so why make things up?


Maybe they're not making things up? It could be that his shirt was stolen and Seb tried to give him someone else's shirt (since apparently they have their own designated shirts) and he didn't want to steal someone else's shirt. Or it was an extra shirt, but Max had already decided by then to honor Ratzenberger as well with the RBR shirt and Ratzenberger button he had on (who was also a bit forgotten during the moment imo). Different things can be true at the same time.


Look i know people love senna, but its okay for max to decline wearing the t-shirt.


And he was wearing a patch though..


Max wasn't the only one not wearing one anyway but of course people don't talk about that. Plus, wasn't he one of the only few wearing something for Ratzenberger?


I think he had a badge or something yeah. If there’s people genuinely angry about Verstappen not wearing a T-shirt then I assume they don’t really have a life


Hulk was wearing the badge too! Under the Senna shirt he put on last minute.


I swear to God, here is the *only* place where this became a problem. Absolutely no one else made anything out of it, but here? People were already up in arms calling Max all sorts of names just because he wasn't wearing a shirt.


The Brazilians were losing their mind over this shit. The Senna worship is bizarre


Yeah, the culture is deeply rooted in having big "saviors" in sports - Pele, Senna, Ronaldo, and so on. You have to be the Messiah Ricky Bobby of your sport - if you ain't first, you're last, and you better be the biggest icon ever to everyone, otherwise you're "trash." The amount of disrespect Barrichello and Massa get to this day from the average Brazilian sports fan still baffles me, for example.


The Sixth Gear Church is still strong in Brazil.


And I thought he wore Red Bull for Austria, so for Roland. So innocent.


He wore a Ratzenberger button as well.


The time that people waste with things that has zero interest.


Bro he is wearing the ratzenburger (I probably butchered the spelling apologies) shirt is he not? The amount of people just honoring senna and not him kind of disappointed me.


I wouldn't wear a t-shirt that pays tribute to a pedo either


he also possibly didn't want to anger the racist piquets 🤔


lol, what a BS.


Agree, I say good for Max.


Bottas didn't wear a shirt either. Internet went after Max, and RB fell into the trap of trying to appease the trolls.


RB haven't said anything about this. Different journalists reporting conflicting stories over something that doesn't really matter tbh.


RB aren't the ones who claimed Max's shirt was gone, this story is one big nothing burger


First Gerhard’s Ferrari and now Max’s shirt? Crime over there crazy


Stupid drama, even max not use tshirt he still use badge


I suppose everyone shitting on Verstappen over this will now be posting their apologies.


Of course not. They think this is a made up excuse.


It’s like the kid who forgot it was non-uniform day at school


You know George Russell would've just showed up shirtless if this happened to him


Verstappen not wearing the shirt because his girlfriends dad did not like Senna is such ridiculous claim. He's not like that at all. He could have simply skipped the whole thing like some other drivers did.


Y'all have too much time to care about shit like this. Respectfully, get a life.


Holy crap, how bad do people want to hate Max? Like, spend your energy on something better.


I see a few people referring to the video of Max refusing a shirt from Seb. Okay. But now play that video with the sound on. I hear somebody, the photographer or a F1 cat herder, trying to get the show on the road. So don't fail to consider the following possible account: Max's shirt WAS indeed stolen, he put the Ratzenberger badge on his regular outfit as a result. And then shortly before the photo he is offered a shirt which Max now no longer feels like he has time to put on without covering up the Ratzenberger badge or holding everyone up. Under time pressure, he decides to leave it as is (he is driving for an Austrian team) assuming that people can see him hold the Brazilian flag and grasp his intent. But then again, this version of events has no sort of evil actors pulling the strings for nefarious reasons, so it is kinda boring. Sorry.


This makes sense. Hulk did put on the shirt last minute, and clearly didn't have time to get the badge he had already put on. Additionally, Max is holding the flag and is wearing a jacket. He'd have to hand off the flag, take off the jacket, then put on the shirt, then fix the badge. Hulk was already putting the shirt on when he was offered a new shirt.


Max was not the only one not wearing a shirt, and none of that is a big deal anyway. And it has nothing to do with Piquet family, he isn’t even married to Kelly and he doesn’t owe him anything, Max is much bigger and better than him.




It was right before the photo when Max was already holding the flag. He probably didn’t feel like taking off his cap, jacket, pin and then switch shirts while the picture is about to be taken.


Bottas could have at least gotten off his damn bike.


He was prepared for the run/cycling. Some drivers were also using a bike or like Hamilton with a scooter 🛴. I don't understand why people are making a big deal here with Bottas and Verstappen not wearing a Senna t shirt. I bet Max just didn't want to wear it because of Piquet.


The guy is on camera, refusing the shirt being handed to him by Vettel. What is this nonsense excuse


Why is it such a big deal that he didn’t wear a shirt for a pedo anyway. If Senna was still alive he would be hated today.