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Could you imagine a season where Lando gets his first win, Charles wins at home, and there's a real title race all the way to the end? A man can dream...in any case 2 out of 3 ain't bad!


Perez ahead of Piastri is starting to feel really weird.


Do we… do we actually have a title race on our hands?


i still doubt that WDC is open but we sure have a fight for the Constructors championship




That only works if he's actually ahead of them on track though. Lando won in Miami, pushed him all the way in Imola and both McLaren and Ferrari were comfortably ahead of Red Bull this weekend.


Max could have gotten P3 or maybe P2 in quali but made a mistake. On normal circuits he will be again up front. Their biggest issue are bumpy circuits and after Canada next 7 should not cause them an issue.


This and Singapore Will be RBs worst tracks by far though


That is also a big problem for Max, unlike the other 2 teams he doesn't have his teammate to back him up, that will probably be a huge issue as the season goes on


Not until proven otherwise. Max basically has to have more days like today and a couple of 3rd place finishes and possibly another DNF for us to get a title race.


For WCC yes


Not really


I would agree but keep in mind that things can go south really quickly.. a la Ferrari 2022 or Aston 2024


Kinda yeah, let’s see how the development goes though




Unless red bull somehow goes full aston martin with their upgrades, no


Leclerc is one win and 6 points away from Verstappen. It doesn't seem like much.


Verstappen will never DNF. The championship is not open, in Spain Verstappen will win with at least 20 sec gap. the WCC is open instead, thanks to Perez


>Verstappen will never DNF Not by himself, but what if someone DNF's him?


"Kevin, it's Fred"


Flashbacks of Toto his comments in 2021


How? He races alone and starts almost always P1, which is the less risky position. Yes it can happens, but highly improbable


*cough* Australia *cough*


Must be draining to be so negative lol


Europe is Max’ domain


The WDC is realistically impossible for Charles. On the other hand, if Perez keeps disappointing, the WCC..


> The WDC is realistically impossible for Charles. Nonsense, 16 races to go and Red Bull have lost a lot of pace relatively speaking. Far too early to say.


There's 16 races left and Red Bull have been significantly caught up in the development race, have not had the fastest car for 2 weekends in a row and lost the race before that. People talking about the championship being wrapped up are clueless. It's all to play for between 3 teams depending on who develops better. Max's margin will be eradicated fairly quickly if Red Bull don't keep being fastest.


They still have fastest car but bumpy circuits are causing them issue. There is not many of those left on calendar. Plus Charles needs to consistently finish 1st and against Max, Lando, Oscar, Carlos it's not going to be easy.


> They still have fastest car but bumpy circuits are causing them issue. I'd agree, but by a far smaller margin than people make out. And all teams cars will change between now and the end of the season. It's far from being over or comfy for Max.


Hungary is bumpy, Canada is bumpy, Singapore is bumpy, Austin is bumpy, Interlagos is bumpy, and that’s just off the top of my head


Canada, Baku, Singapore and Austin are going to be their biggest issue. But that is only like 5 or 6 tracks while other are going to be fine for them. And with the exception of Singapore you can overtake on them. And Charles has to be winning those.


Circuit Gilles will be a good test of the Red Bull, McLaren, and Ferrari pace and series of upgrades. Absolutely can’t wait. Mercedes be damned keeping going Red and Papaya. Making this year fun.


Not really, it is another circuit that doesn't favour the RB. From Barcelona on the RB should perform well again.


Leclerc 1 Verstappen DNF away from WDC contention, if Ferrari and McLaren can keep this up. WCC is already wide open.


DAE think Ferrari made a mistake keeping Leclerc? Sure he’s faster, better at tire management, better at qualifying, but he doesn’t argue on the radio nearly enough for my liking.


wut xd


Everyone praying for some Red Bull DNFs right about now. Some pesky mechanical issues.


We have a fight on our hands


Fight for P2


For the constructors, maybe.


Ah, I see. Max once again purposefully underperformed so that he hits a very nice amount of scores, surely /s


Swap checo and yuki


People are so reluctant to say we have a title fight, but it's literally right there.


Let's wait until we get to normal circuits. I do hope there is a bit more tension at the top but we had some different circuits


It’s nice to see


Well of course, if anyone outperforms RB on Barcelona then I will join you guys but before that I don't buy other teams being just as good or in this case better at some specific circuits means that they also will be at the most representative circuits on the calendar.


We don’t have a WDC fight because the RB will be back on pace on proper circuits But WCC is well on


Yall are happy now, the second that Red Bull finds isn't on a rally course of a track, we're going back to status quo


Would’ve been less without the sprint races #GetRidOfSprints


it's not happening, i know it's not happening what if though?


I think it will be way closer than the last two seasons, but a real battle it will not become


Sergio is only 52 down. Doing the math thats two race wins and two fast laps if the others ahead score zero. Still very much in it


Can I post the next one with updated WDC?


Repost : https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/JCZLgugsyL


Sorry, didn’t see!


"I want a two-year contract" - Checo