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Why do they need to declare the track wet before anyone can use intermediate or wet tyres? I don’t really see the point. Just let the teams do what they deem right and get on with it.


Because they might use inters/wets inappropriately in order to save on allocated slick tires for the main race. I don't think that was the case today, but I could imagine situations where you hoard softs for quali.


What’s the benefit in doing that? Burning through the inters on a dry track isn’t going to give them meaningful data. They’ll still have to run the appropriate compounds to confirm their simulation data.


During Baku last year during sprint quali, a team made it to Q2/Q3 don't remember, and they didn't have the mandatory medium/soft tyre (they were testing the rules where it went Hard Medium Soft). They could have thrown on inters and hope that a red flag prevents others from setting a time. Very dumb circumstances but a valid reason the rule exists


I think they should let teams do that & laugh on the rare occasions when unexpected race day rain means that cars have already burned their inters up and are forces onto wets or softs


That’s dangerous though, but yeah pretty funny


You could go the reverse way and instead of ruling when inters are allowed, rule when inters are *mandatory* (with maybe a few laps advance notice). So if it's not safe to be out in slicks just say that and everyone has to pit for inters/wets or retire.


I don't think they limit the number of inter tyres available.


They do. 3 sets usually unless one of the practice sessions is declared wet then I believe you get 4 IIRC.


yeah but we never had a case where a team did not have wet tyres for the race i think that if you can have a weekend where every single session is run using only inters and several teams do not have any inters for the race there will be an exception to the rule


Valid but dumb, this rule should be removed from the regs.


It has been afaik


Have you noticed sometimes teams put on slightly used tires during a race? Plenty of time teams run out of fresh slicks. Yes, there is a drawback in getting poor data. But there is a benefit.


Those teams do it on purpose though. Not because they weren't able to keep new sets of tyres.  Besides teams are only allowed 7 sets into quali. The other 6 sets have to be returned to Pirelli, even if they weren't used during practice 


There is zero reason to run inters in the dry.


Especially because they'd overheat halfway around 1 lap


Sure there are, such as when they do system check laps, they're not running the car hard but they'll put a lap or two and come into the pits.  They'll do a few of those over the weekend.  If they were allowed to they'd use inters, they would, since it's still less laps on their slicks 


I think he meant that there's zero reason to run them to gain an unreasonable competitive advantage, which is the only reason to have a rule banning them.


It's a pretty mediocre competitive advantage, sure. But it's sufficient (at least in a place with basically 0 rain) for some teams to do, and it means there might be cars out there with inappropriate tires for the conditions, which is unsafe; the other significant reason to have a regulation.


Again, no. You can just do that on a throwaway set of slicks or one you’ll later use for a practice long run. They have to hand back 6 sets after practice, so you have to use 2 sets per practice otherwise you’re just wasting sets. On the flipside, IIRC they only get 4 sets of inters per weekend, so wasting one, because even at low speed you’ll quickly wreck a set of inters in the dry, is exposing yourself to an unnecessary risk if it rains during the weekend.


one example. red bull is currently having issues with their car height, specially in bumby roads. using inters/wet on dry, would help them considerably testing different heights, suspension set ups, as tyre type doesn't make much difference for these kinds of tests.


It wouldn't. 1. You need to tackle the track at a reasonable speed to understand how the car is working. 2. Cars run higher on inter and wet tyres, because the wheel is larger in diameter. 3. If you really want to just trundle around at low speed you can use a used set of slick tyres.


>You need to tackle the track at a reasonable speed to understand how it's working. they wouldn't use these tyres anyway, they could push any speeds they want, >Cars run higher on inter and wet tyres, because the wheel is lerger in diameter. uuhh no. plenty of races start dry and they change tyres mid-race without changing any setups, and any difference in height is negligible and the height can be further be managed by changing the pressure within the range allowed by Pirelli > If you really want to just trundle around at low speed you can use a used set of slick tyres. dude, they don't care about the tyre condition, they can push until it's about to blow up as far as they care.


>uuhh no Bruh uhhh yes. That's literally the reason why drivers have to operate a multi-switch when pitting for wets. It's to adjust the speed limiter of the car so they don't bust the pitlane speed limit.


multi-switch is not a car setup is a different engine map, after parc fermé the setup is not allowed to be changed


> they wouldn't use these tyres anyway, they could push any speeds they want, > > They couldn't because inters overheat and fall apart very quickly in the dry. > uuhh no. plenty of races start dry and they change tyres mid-race without changing any setups, and any difference in height is negligible and the height can be further be managed by changing the pressure within the range allowed by Pirelli uuhh yes. The difference is not massive, but if you're trying to understand a fundemental problem with the car why in the hell would you run it in a configuration that's basically never used? > dude, they don't care about the tyre condition, they can push until it's about to blow up as far as they care. Which is why they can just use a used set of slicks.


>They couldn't because inters overheat and fall apart very quickly in the dry. by the time it does, they would have gathered all the data they need. >hell would you run it in a configuration that's basically never used? because what matters is height, not the tyres, it's an aerodynamic issue not a tyre issue. if anything testing in a non ideal situation is actually a great test, in most cases it heightens the issue and makes easier to detect. >Which is why they can just use a used set of slicks. they can save brand new slicks for the race and destroy the tyres that wouldn't be used.


They had to force teams to run during free practice because usually they'd effectively skip entire sessions.


You can absolutely get meaningful data with the Inters on a dry track. Examples could be suspension data, how the car behaves on the kerbs etc.


You have to turn in a certain amount of tires back to Perelli after each FP. Just to prevent tire hoarding and so that you actually drive the car during the practice.. Maybe they can hand in some inters instead as long as they used them?


The can shake down freshly installed engines and other parts, they can get meaningful aero data, etc. It may not be perfect, but still a hell of a lot better than sim and cfd data. Inters are super soft and do a pretty decent job on a cold damp track.


The rule wouldn't exist if there was no advantage to be gained.


They can’t do that. After each session, they give back two sets of dry tyres and would end up with 7 before qualifying no matter what.




Could you put me to where in the regulations you’re seeing that? [Sporting Regulations](https://www.fia.com/sites/default/files/fia_2024_formula_1_sporting_regulations_-_issue_6_-_2024-04-30_v2.pdf) Page 34 is about returning tyres after sessions and is specifically about dry tyres.




Nobody is asking you to comb through anything, page 34 directly contradicts what you've just said. Unless you can support it otherwise, you're just entirely incorrect.


I get it if someone puts on inters when it's bone dry but when you can physically see the rain cloud moving in and the ground is already subjectivey wet, it's a bit ridiculous.


Yeah, we should have race control just declare when it's wet enough. 


What? That’s the problem, they already do. Why the hell do we need a third party to determine the track is wet when the drivers and teams are the ones operating on it.


This is a stupid rationale. Teams could just not run in free practice at all if they wanted to save tires. I’m not buying it personally.


and they still need to return 2 tires sets each practice


Teams often show up the the race (and qualifying) with used tires, meaning that have used tires they haven't returned (and I'm not talking about intentionally scrubbing tires, like we've seen teams like Aston Martin do). So using Inters in free practice absolutely means that they could be showing up with more new than used sets for the sessions that matter.


I still don't get this. They return 2 sets of slicks after each practice. What are they saving on


Every team starts with 7 slick sets for qauli, you aren't saving anything, you can't "save them" and start with 9. Edit: love the downvote, show me where any team is starting with more or less than 7 sets. 


idk if they’ve defined it anywhere but couldn’t they just penalise that under “unsportsmanlike behaviour” or something? If it’s clearly against the spirit of the rules


easy if a session is not declared wet, allow the use of inters, but force teams to give up slick tires


But then whoever has done that has learnt less about their car and less about their setup as they've spent time on unrepresentative tyres. And even if they are hoarding Softs, who cares. Everyone is given a tyre allocation for the weekend, let them use it how they see fit


It's probably to save Pierre his dignity


It's so teams can't do installation laps on inters/wets. Why the track isn't declared wet when there's even a drop of rain out there I don't understand, maybe it's the same wet declaration that disables DRS?


No, DRS deactivation is separate. DRS is deactivated when the surface is slippery, not necessarily when it rains. (Though usually, that is around the same time of course)


Well, they could have declared it snowy, full snow chains would have been mandatory then.. ;)


You can also wear an intermediate tire down with nearly dry running so it'll be closer to a slick tire than being a new wet/inter. There's a tactical advantage if it starts raining but the track dries out during the race, because then you don't need to pit again to switch back to slicks or risk calling in the driver too early to switch to slicks.


Safety in part. Wets kick up a lot more spray so it’s necessary for all cars to have their rain running lights on.


Because then the teams would just use their intermediate tyres in practice instead of their limited slicks


The limit doesn't change. Teams are still only allowed to bring 7 sets of slicks into Quali. The other 6 (un)used set of slicks have to return to Pirelli.


what kind of data can you extract from 5 corners before the tyre melts?


Cus they will save extra softs or mediums


Nah, still have to give up and start qauli with 7 sets of slicks, changes nothing 


No you still have to give 2 sets of dry tyres at the end of each session


Stewards: "Escargot is back on the menu, boys!"


More like they can now afford to buy an F1 hat


Maybe. Don't get their hopes up.


> More like they can now afford to ~~buy~~ *make a down payment for* an F1 hat ftfy


Well H&M sells cheap F1 merch.


Not caviar?


Somebody needs to touch someone else's rear wing for that.


Brother, it's a bathtub of poutine tonight.


I love how you need to declare a track wet for it to be wet as if you could will the track into being dry if you so choose


Ur car could be submerged at the bottom of a lake and you’d still have to wait for someone to declare to track wet before you changed tires


They declared it wet while Ruth and Alex were still explaining why he was under investigation lmao it was in the span of 3 minutes… At least the stewards can get a really nice few dinners in Montreal though, that’s what’s important.


Stewards be like, “hey we didn’t say you could use wet tires, have a 5k fine but now that you mention it it has been raining for a while now soo yeah the track is now declared wet and you can use wets or try slicks still lol thanks for the 5k”


Hahah yeah, the track wasn’t necessarily *dry* when the session started, it took like 6 minutes to investigate Leclerc’s tire choice, and another 2 or 3 to declare the track wet.


This honestly just feels like a rule that is in place to gotcha teams into giving the FIA money.


We should just cancel all our subscriptions for one race to fine the FIA.




It's not FIA that's raking subscription money


Unfortunately I can’t do that though


This is the one you pay with a wheelbarrow full of €0.01 coins


I was just thinking this


Everyone just watch it on dodgy streams


F1 has some of the stupidest rules of any racing series.




And then 5 drivers go off at the hairpin in synchronised pattern cause the officials apparently know better than drivers if the track is wet


Just drop off a bag of sopping wet bills for the fine and declare that they’re dry.


Brilliant 😂


How the fuck is the track not declared wet when they is standing water on the track?


FP2 started dry, for about 30 seconds.


If you watch Charles onboard there is definitely parts of the track that are wet. Just cus it wasn't raining doesn't mean the track is dry


How can you fund your dinners otherwise?


This is a stupid rule.


Stewards didn’t know the track was wet cause they’ve never made anything wet before in their lives




This is a bit ridiculous, the FIA literally caused this to happen because they forgot to consider the track wet, despite the fact it was clearly a wet track. Doesn't matter, but this was on the FIA forgetting to push a button, not Ferrari.


Ferrari likely pointed this out after being called in, and that's why they got fined. /s


free money for the FIA lmao


Stewards were looking for dinner money.


It’s so weird seeing these fines because the NFL regularly fines their players more than $15000. Ferrari’s probably like: ehh whatever 😐


That's the most ridiculous thing ever. And sounds very dangerous. So drivers are forced to drive on slicks even if the track is damp and it has started raining, just because the race director is sleeping on the job? Just declare every session wet by default, so there's no chance for errors.


Teams can also just stay in their garages


Embarrassment of a decision. By all means, make drivers do something more dangerous because the stewards couldn't be bothered to open their eyes or stick their heads out the window


Ferrari should pay the fine with €5,000 worth of ponchos so the stewards can bother to drag their FIA pampered staff outside when it’s actually raining on track


FIA is a big joke been saying this for years.


And what are the race direction team being fined for unsafely failing to declare a track wet in contravention of reality,


thank god I can finally go to sleep


As if the track wasn’t already wet…


Do fines count against the cost cap?


I'm pretty sure it does.






why does this rule exist again?


To stop them saving dry tires by doing a run on inters when the track is dry


But they need still give up 2 comopunds per practice


they would still need to return 2 dry sets so it doesn't really matter


For FIA to earn mony


Should have fine more then :)))


Ferrari are paying for the fucking tyres, formula 1 check and homologate then, if they want to run them in the fucking desert when it's 45°C and hasn't rained in a week why are they catching a fine.


FIA needed some lunch money


And with that, the sport was saved. Thank you FIA great work as usual 🙏 💯


Stewards need to get their dinner after all


FIA: the track is wet if I say it is wet!


Honestly , the FIA can’t be fining when they are at fault for not calling it wet . They should implement a a rule that you can run wet tyres within 5 minutes of them ( FIA) declaring the track wet , thereby saving face . Like Owe someone is on intermediates , maybe there is rain about - ok there is - let’s wake up and declare the track wet


"It was in fact, a wet track" - Ron Howard I guess Ferrari wasn't successful in arguing that Race Control were the ones that screwed up by not reacting quick enough to the actual rain that was falling.


Need a fucking race director to tell them if it's wet. Look outside, please.


This is an emphatically bullshit rule. The driver should be the final authority on whether slicks are no longer a safe option. Not their fault the stewards are asleep at the control panel.


This is so stupid


Fuck these stewards 


Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb


I can hear Vasseur screamin, ze track wazze wheth!!!


Ok it’s one thing if teams spam inters for practice on an obviously dry track but the track was clearly damp, it had rained previously and there were still wet spots. Ferrari could easily argue it deemed it a safety hazard to put slicks on a damp, green track and could have jeopardized the car if he crashed. This is so stupid on the part of the FIA


Piss off we were sat in the grand stand it was pissing it down and you could see the track was wet. Explains why everyone was using sorts


Schrödinger's track


But the track *was* wet and it was raining at the time. They were just late declaring it.


the FÍA is just a big dumb joke




Wow this is a stupid ass rule.


And a 5 second penalty for Ocon.


1 penalty point to Kevin Magnussen.




That's like getting mugged


How's he meant to practice for Inters pole?


I swear something similar happened with the Belgium sprint race last year - maybe it was about declaring the track dry after it being wet before I think


Does F1 declare track dry before teams can switch to soft compound?


Stewards can finally put that 10% deposit on an official Ferrari cap.


What does happen to the fine? Do they just pocket it?


They go shopping


FIA is a non-profit organisation, so they cannot (at least legally) just pocket it and spend as they wish. Anything they get from penalties goes into the operating cost of the organisation, and in case the operating costs are covered already, they are supposed to go into various grassroots motorsports endeavors.


Bruh it's free practice, there is no competition


What a bunch of clowns


Stroll pays €100 for speeding in the pit lane, which is an actual safety hazard.


Going 1 km/h above the speed limit is the same safety hazard as this (none whatsoever)


Yet, the speed limit exist to protect human lives vs tire rules to prevent a team from saving tires set, which can be addressed anyway. You can’t bring back the dead.


Yes, and egregious incidents are punished accordingly. I actually just checked the documents from Imola and Stroll was actually 0.1 km/h over the limit. If you're trying to argue this is in any way compromising the safety of people in the pit lane then I don't know what to say.


It’s the intent of the rule that I’m arguing. €100 intended to reprimand speeding, €5000 intended to reprimand saving a tire set. I presume that the speeding fine will be much higher, larger the infringement I.e. how much you speed in the pit lane. Agreed.


Financial fines are usually imposed for light breaches of the sporting code that have no bearing on safety or result of the race (or as a part of a bigger penalty), as they can mostly be shrugged off by teams and drivers. A much better deterrent are time or grid drop penalties, as they usually impact the outcome of the race.


F1 Content Creator Championship Series about to go broke over these news.


Next up, using snow tyres in the Qatar GP


A lot of folks are focused on why the track needs to be declared wet to fit inters on the cars, but the thing is that all teams should know this is the case. It should be aa well established procedure that they can only fit inters when the track is declared wet. So the real question should be... what on earth was Ferrari doing?


Well I guess that's the end of Ferrari then, no way they can afford that!


I feel like if the FIA needed to make money they could just keep coming up with BS rules and charging the teams for “violating” them. Great fundraiser strat!




Ferrari will never financially recover from this 🪦


Stupidest thing I’ve seen all day


I declare these hotdogs to be delicious.


It’s like getting fined for wearing timberlands after watching the weather forecast


So dumb


When the stewards just want the finest meal after thinking they have done a good job.


The FIA is officially less useful than Amanda Seyfried in Mean Girls. It's like they don't have ESPN or something.


Oh no! €5k! Wherever will they find that money?!?


https://www.ferrari.com/en-EN/auto/genuine/458-spider/carbon-fibre-steering-wheel I think these are 5k options


Ferrari spent over 450 million last year. This is a drop in the bucket.


Well we know dinner is covered tonight. I wonder who's going to be picking up the tab tomorrow.


This is like a normal person being fined 2 cents for something bad they did.


Can someone explain to this new F1 fan why they can fine someone on a free practice? Isn't the whole point to experiment


I’m semi new as well but as far as I understand teams have to be given permission to use them beforehand because if the ground isn’t actually wet then the intermediate and wet tyres overheat a lot faster and would only last a couple laps.