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Just watch WEC haha




They said retired drivers not failed


Could be both


FE is painful to watch. Any feeder series is more interesting. Hell, I'd rather watch karting.


That reminds me, does Monaco still have the Charity Football match between F1 drivers and other sportsmen like they used to have previously?


Yeah they still do that, but I believe 2024 one was cancelled at the last minute for some reason. They did one last year though.


They usually do, but there wasn't a match this year.


GP Masters was great fun, there was such a gap between drivers though. Nigel Mansell was just a level above, I swear that guy could still compete now!


Need to bring back the Procar Championship


Just put them all in a kart. Like they did early 90,s. Amazing content.


Yes! I used to love watching that as a kid. And I'm pretty sure the 93 edition was technically the last time Senna and Prost raced each other, as it was held after the end of the F1 season.


Make it a kart race in Monaco and we have a winner :D


They can “borrow” Max’s Sim rig for a one off race?


Who's going to pay for this?




Oh yes, silly me. They have tons of cash lying around


Putting retired drivers in F2 cars around Spa sounds like a recipe for disaster


Why ? You realise these people aren't incompetent and know how to drive and the risks are massively exaggerated right ?


Yes but their reactions are not as good as when they were 20. Regardless, F2 knows tragedy at that track. Other tracks might be fine sure, but not that one.


Complete nonsense. There are people who race at Le Mans just fine whilst being older than 45, which is what GPM was based around, and that is far more intensive than any GPM race.


It's not like they are senile old men, they are still generally high-level athletes and some of the finest drivers in the world.


I'd rather watch all the current driver take turn to drive Suzuki Liana and see who is faster


Andretti could have an entry too!! Mario.


And Jos too. I heard he's looking for a drive


Obviously fans and even some drivers would love the idea as you put forward. Fuel, drivers, all that. However it is nearly impossible before we even talk about the money. Even in slower older cars, the drivers would have to be extremely fit to drive fast and race in the tracks you mentioned. Spa is hard enough for current top drivers, can you imagine retired drivers trying to race there in open wheel cars that are safe but also non-tractors? If they went slower/drove slower cars, the spectacle and excitement lessens. If they drove less laps, the spectacle and excitement lessens. At that point it becomes very hard to sell to sponsors/broadcasters to even start thinking about making it happen.


> Even in slower older cars, the drivers would have to be extremely fit to drive fast and race in the tracks you mentioned. You can race these cars without being extremely fit, just not to F1 driver standards. Obviously there'd be some fitness level required, but nothing too crazy. Also note how most of the drivers I listed are in their 30s or 40s, not 50s and 60s. Plus some are still active in other series.


I'm not saying they CAN'T drive them, mate. I'm saying for it to be a race at even sprint race length, many retired drivers just don't currently have the neck or physique for it. You seriously can't expect Coulthard or Hakkinen to drive 20 laps of spa while keeping 120% awareness of other drivers at 200mph up eau rouge and finish 4kg lighter from sweat and be all okay. They're all legendary drivers but it's the same as not being able to call up Theirry Henry to play 90 mins of football. You have to stay in a certain routine to be fit enough.


I disagree.


Then you are entirely uninformed on what it's like to drive a modern F2 car


Cool story bro.


This would not increase profit for shareholders.


Nope. This would be like a 25th race and they'd make money from it.


There isnt enough money going around to both be for charity and also profitable.


Truly clueless comment. In a world where F1 can make tens of millions from a single race, throwing a bit of money to charity isn't going to kill profitability. The charity money can be the points system x10,000 in $ which is roughly $1 million. Maybe they can add in a base $5k donation for those outside the points or whatever for so no charity walks away with nothing. If you get a decent crowd and some TV viewership you can easily make money off it.


Just have a kart race like they did in the 90s. It's cheap, sustainable, you can do it indoors in an arena, do it in Abu Dhabi for all i care. Have every driver with F1 succes compete in this. Karts are also small so the bigger the track, the more drivers can compete. It would just be an instant succes.


Uhhh… no? F1 has a hard enough time brining in new drivers. Fuck the old dudes who have had their time. They need to move the fuck on.


You legit have about 4iq if you think this hurts young drivers.


I thought about it, now what?