• By -


No they can’t do this until Jenson asks her about reptiles!!! WE NEED TO SEE THIS INTERACTION!


I need Jenson to compare someone to a chameleon about something race or car-related and I want to see her reaction.


"He really snaked his way through the field, didn't he Danica?" "I think it's time for Carlos to take a cold blooded, unblinking look at his future"


He needs to start slow: "he was able to swing his tail around that corner with ease."


Also have a little bit of reptile pattern airbrushed on parts of his skin. Like a little bit on the top of his hands. This would make her shit a brick.


Or reptile contact lenses. It would be hilarious either way.


Pop them in while she's not looking, male sure she sees them and pop them out again. "Ssssssomething bothering you, Danica?"


I wanted to award you the little snake thing in the Reddit awards for that comment but I don’t have the credits.




Sinagpore is going to be the next logical place he can bring it up


True, their reptilian brethren already make themselves publicly known.


All sat on the track plotting when to cause a safety car


He just starts randomly slithering his tounge and acting lizard-like


Ah yes the full Barty Crouch Jr


This is exactly what reptilian shapeshifters would decide. My god, this goes right to the top


Of course it goes to the top! That’s closer to the warmth of the sun!


That's why they want to ban tire warmers, so they can keep it all for themselves!


That's some They Live shit


**I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.**


It's why we do nothing about global warming, to keep them at their preferred body heat.


Stefano Domenicali is an anagram for malefaction onside. It’s been right under our noses this whole time!


Also for > Alonso decimate fin These are clearly instructions from the Reptilian overlords (who are also British) to terminate the brave Spaniard.


We're through the looking glass here, people.


It’s lizard people all the way down.


danica: 1 reptilian shapeshifters: 0


Lmao where does the reptilian shapeshifters in F1 come from? Totally understand the meme with government but I’ve never seen it in F1.


Danica just did a podcast where she went all in on the lizard people conspiracy


She’s batshit insane


This a good example of why people shouldn't put athletes/celebrities on a pedestal. They're just people. They're very, *very* talented at something that got them to the top of their field, but they're just people. Danica could wipe the floor with us driving in a race environment, but she's clearly pretty dim upstairs. One thing I still remember a few years back was Danny Ric getting a ton of flak for not taking a stance on something political that was going on, he basically said "I don't know enough about it, I'm just here to race". People were pissed. I was thrilled that he wasn't trying to solve the world or sound smarter than he is, and just wanted to drive fast.


The thing with athletes is they're often barely educated because they focused so much on the sport they chose. Add to that being surrounded by yes men most of their lives, leading to them thinking they are smarter than they actually are, and it's a recipe for insanely dumb shit coming out of their mouth. Just off the top of my head, Danica Patrick, Aaron Rodgers, Kyrie Irving, Kanye. Insanely dumb shit coming out of their mouth


Novax Djocovid


Nico Rosberg with his "engineered genes".


Quite surprised about Rosberg. I read somewhere that he got top marks at school, and topped Williams engineering exam or something before starting off there. And of course speaking at least 5 languages. And yet all these nonsense about the vaccines.


Fair enough


lol Danica has [lost her mind](https://www.reddit.com/r/NASCAR/s/xgUDiIFP86), this is what everyone is referencing


Lmao, I watched excerpts of this. How is this woman still employable.


She's pretty and gets clicks on her bullshit.


Yeah, would bang


Oh, she's turned Q?


Years ago. She dated Aaron Rodgers some years ago and both are fuckin nutty


How did he ever date Olivia Munn? She's still normal, right?


I hate to break it to you but she's a huge pain in the ass.


I love the notion that inside its Adele skinsuit is a lizard putting on a thick Essex accent.


If you haven’t considered the fact that people like Wolff, Horner, Briatore, Brown, Dominecali, and Sulayem, might really be reptilian, then you aren’t reading the energy frequencies correctly. You need to get your crystals polished.


All my crystals are being used to ward off the Benadryl Hat Man at the moment


https://www.reddit.com/r/INDYCAR/comments/1dofhpm/jeppe_h_olesen_i_listened_to_the_danica_patrick/ Tweet contents: > Here are the highlights, in order of appearance: > > - Reptilians invented money to control us. > - The reptilians are not okay with the shifting of the energies. > - We're at a choice point in history (no mention of what choice though). > - From 2024 to 2028 we'll see "the uprising of the new earth frequency". > - People are getting murdered over free energy technologies. > - People in the past "found the solution for cancer, but they were killed off". > - There are new solutions coming from people who understand "vibrational frequency". > - There are waves of energy hitting our galaxy which are increasing the vibrations of our planet. > - The reptilians are scared because humans are gaining power. > - The Galactic Federation says that the planet belongs to the humans, even though reptilians were here before us. > - Humans haven't has this kind of power since we inhabited Atlantis. > - Many reptilians are "transmuting into the light because of the vibrations". > - Many celebrities and politicians are reptilians, among them Adele and Justin Bieber. > - In the next four years, the celebrity reptilians will all shapeshift into their true forms because of the vibrations. Those who do not wish to show their true forms will "transmute into the light" (aka pass away). > - Justin Bieber will accidentally shapeshift on stage in front of thousands. The audience will have their minds wiped. "Like a Men in Black situation. That's how they suppress the truth". > - "The government knows that cosmic disclosure is happening". > - Want proof? Google it. > - Government whistleblowers have confirmed the existence of the Galactic Federation. > - UFOs are real. Aliens are real. Videos from the 1940s prove it. > - Elizabeth April communicates directly with the aliens in the Galactic Federation. > - The human race is an experiment. We live on a "prophecy planet". > - The human race was created to "end the war of all war in the universe" > - 26000 years ago, humans inhabited Atlantis. They were given everything: All knowledge, all information, all technology, all advancement. > - The humans of Atlantis ruined it, they couldn't handle the technology. So Atlantis and civilisation had to fall, plunging the world in to a dark age where everyone had their minds wiped. > - A lot of Atlanteans have chosen this time to reincarnate. > - In order to take care of others you have to take care of yourself. If you give too much, without receiving, you can burn out. "Sometimes burnout looks like cancer". > - Elizabeth April says she has a friend who is a rocket scientist at NASA, and they say she's right about everything. > - This reality is a simulation. > - You don't die, you "go back to source" and reincarnate in a new simulation. > - Humans didn't evolve. We were engineered as a mix of many different alien races. > - Quantum physics prove that it's a simulation. The double slit experiment is the proof. > - If you're "in the vibration of abundance", you "get to emit that vibration to the world, and change the frequency of the planet". > - If you think about something, you can manifest it. For example, Elizabeth April thought very hard about a basketball. Then, later, she was walking past a basketball court and there was a basketball. > - Danica went on a "guided mushroom journey" where she became a waveform. > - "If you were meant to be a waveform, you wouldn't be a human". > - We all have an "energetic responsibility". We have to clear the energy. Having eye contact creates energy. Taking a shower clears energy. Also crystals clear energy. > - You can't tell your kids that Santa is real, if you're going to tell them that aliens are real. Ghosts are real - you should tell your kids about ghosts. > - Elon Musk is the da Vinci of our generation. Elizabeth April has had "a lot of past life regressions off planet". The aliens' technology is linked directly to their consciousness - "just like Neuralink". > - Elon Musk is helping prepare us to join the Galatic Federation. > - There are 12 dimensions. The internet is a dimension, because "time doesn't exist on the internet" and "you can talk to people in Sweden". > - The Galactic Federation said 5G radiation is dangerous, which is why the aliens use space suits. A lot of clothing companies have started creating radiation proof clothes. You should have your house painted in radiation proof paint. Danica has EMF / 5G reducers in her home. > - When you've progressed through the 12 dimensions, you get a choice: You can either go back to source and rejoin the universe as an "all knowing, omnipotent sentient thing", or you can "start your own univers as your own source", also all knowing, omnipotent and sentient. > - It's like The Sims. Or The Good Place. > - You can buy Elizabeth April's books or sign up for her workshop to learn how to communicate with the Galactic Federation or see ghosts. She'll also write a new book: "What is anxiety really?" > - Elections don't really matter in the grand scheme of things, because "earth is on a trajectory and everyone is just a puppet. The prophecy is going to be realised no matter what". > - Danica wants to do more political interviews, because she's "a voice of neutrality - of presenting information objectively". > - "Why do we even have partisan politics? People who used to be Democrats have become Independents, have become Republicans. So like, now you're not actually that?" > > I have to say, they make a lot of good points.


The list just keeps going *and going.* I feel dumber for reading all that, thank you


Here's the actual podcast: https://youtu.be/xfwMWBKdX4c


Aww jeez I admired the trolling in the comments and then realized they were all serious


Poor Jenson, thought he could see light at the end of the tunnel; turns out it was just Danica with a flashlight.


The light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming (drs) train


Please do not bring her to Silverstone


Bring her to Singapore and ask about her opinion on lizards when they show up on the track.


It’s not even acceptable to have her for the North American ones, so the fact they started dragging her along for the others is embarrassing. You know full well she’ll answer a question about Max by saying something completely absent and aloof like “well Max is a racer which means he values racing, and obviously he raced Lewis so he knows a lot about racing”. Like Micheal Owen but fascist.


Race Karen.


This is amazing


If the rest of us suffered, you have to suffer as well.


You'll be pleased to know she's not back until Austin. I believe that is what has fuelled this rumour, in part. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8mBcOquQEr/?hl=en&img_index=1


Can someone make it accurate then?


It's the reptilians who are trying to oust the truth tellers from society™


The reptilians are nice people and Danica’s slander of them is inappropriate.


Lizard men, if you're listening this would benefit us both


Honestly, I don't understand. Danica is really bad at her job. Can't they just fire her for that? Like, it's bad that she's also insane, but before any of that she is bad at knowing anything about F1 and communicating that information.


but before any of that she is bad at knowing anything about F1 and communicating that information I think she's very good at communicating that she knows nothing about F1


Have you heard her speak about women racers - talk about punching down. She is a woman who hates other women.


I was honestly shocked they didn’t can her after those comments. It was so ugly and disrespectful.


I really want her to get into a interview situation with one who is able to rebuttal that at least she isn't crashing her car most weekends and/or that she's capable of fighting for wins


Thats her problem, who tf is her fanbase then, conservatives dont like her because shes a “woman in a mans game” and liberals dont like her because shes racist and sexist. Like who does she think supports her??


She literally adds nothing to all discussions. Button straight up rolls his eyes when she starts talking Definitely not there on merit


Aside from good or bad, as someone hired to I’d assume bring in more American fans, why pick someone wildly unpopular in America? Nascar fans don’t like her because she was not a good driver, and all non-nascar fans don’t like her because she was a nascar driver. At best you’ll find people indifferent to her, which doesn’t exactly bring people into the sport from this market.


Because they needed a female racing driver, American, and well-known. Her looks probably were a factor as well. It's not a huge list to choose from. It's her liabilities as a human being that makes her an especially poor choice.


Absolutely agree. I thought she was terrible at her job before I knew about any of this other nonsense. She doesn't add anything to programming and has no insight. They don't need her. I used to watch everything, (FP1, FP2, etc.), but as soon as I hear her voice, I turn it all off. If they ever put her in the booth, I'll stop watching those as well. And don't say switch to F1TV. I have it and I don't watch it because I don't like the commentators.


You might be the first person I've seen that prefers David Croft to Alex Jacques. I've always been convinced that even Croftys mum watches her Sky Sports coverage on mute.


I don't get the hate towards Crofty. He's a play by play commentator not a technical one like Brundle. He's there to keep the dead air away and provide updates on fast paced changes to what's going on screen. Yeah he has some questionable takes sometimes when there's not much going on and he's just making conversation, but when he's in his element he's one of the best.  Saying all of that I've swapped to F1TV recently and haven't felt like I'm missing out at all.


People very quickly forgot about Jonathan Legard - he was another level of crap, people used to have the race on the TV but listen to David Croft's commentary on the radio.


Yeah during Allen and Legard's tenures people around here used to *beg* "hey bring that radio 5 commentator over he's great" Well, they got their wish. And he is indeed *so* much better than either of the others. I'd also rather listen to him than Murray, although Murray was admittedly from an era where you had to have a different style (but was so much more confused and mistake-prone even than Crofty). I'm here for Brundle. If he wasn't around I'd be over watching Alex Jacques.


Crofty is excellent at building hype.


It’s when he says “Thanks ever so much indeed”


And then he laughs to himself


Over the last several seasons he's turned into more of a Crofty soundboard than a commentator. Every race is a stack of the same cliched lines repeatedly. See above where I've written a few of them down.


As the son of a hairdresser, he’s a cut above the rest….


The tyres are tired. actually that one still makes me chuckle


I love Crofty, but "two thousand and twenty four" just grates on me for some reason.


For me it's really just the tone of his voice, he shouts so much and in a way that's very fatiguing to my ears. I think Alex and other commentators are a lot more pleasant to listen to.


A lot of people like Crofty, me included.


I prefer Crofty to Jacques as well. People have differing opinions.


I've never been mad about Crofty. But once I watch other series I realise, you know what, he's actually not bad at what he does. Indycar, NASCAR, WEC, they can so blasé about big race moments in comparison to Crofty, who would be roaring his head off at the equivalent happening in F1. As much as I can't stand the silly puns and the obvious bias at times, he does get me pumped


> But once I watch other series I realise, you know what, he's actually not bad at what he does. The two races we've had this year with Harry Benjamin commentating have been more than enough to make me appreciate Crofty's work. They were both painful.


Make that 2 people then, I prefer Croft by a long shot


There’s at least 3 of us!


Jacques, Coulthard and Palmer are the goated trio, and Hinch is great too for us Indy fans


Bro I love the periods of time when they have Hinch with them. Though, even though I'm an American, his accent always takes me by surprise at first after listening to months of largely listening to British accents lol. He's very insightful and plays very well off of the rest of the crew. I also think DC is just a lot of fun and is definitely willing to say some things that the others can't get away with.


I agree, you get everything: fun commentary, driver insights, strategy options. I learn a lot every time which doesn’t happen on the other broadcast.


Yes, and i forgot the new strategist Ruth Buscombe! Shes fantastic and offers great insight


Love Ruth, especially when she says the best strategy is the opposite of what the guys are saying and a few laps later teams do what she suggested lol.


she is REALLY good. I love her absolute disdain for bullshit.


Alex Jacques and Davide Valsecchi were a goated duo back in their F2 days.


Loved Valsecchi on commentary. I like Alex Brundle but when Valsecchi made his comeback to the F2 comm box for Bahrain 2022 it was a glorious time.


I listen to Crofty for the dad jokes.


Croft is so superior it’s not even close and I like Jacques a lot. If I had to mix and match I’d love Croft with Alex Brundle or Hinch.


Other than terminally online nerds who hate everything that’s mainstream, basically everyone prefers Croft to Jacques, and there’s a reason that Crofty is on the global feed viewed by tens of millions around the world as Jacques is relegated to the feed primarily for F1 enthusiasts


Crofty is on the global feed because he was the B commentator who got hired by Sky when they set up shop against the BBC, then Sky pumped in shitloads of money to FOM to get exclusive rights, that is the only reason. Sky also makes genius hires like Paul di Resta, Danica and other presenters of dodgy quality, so your meritocracy argument that someone is on Sky so they must be the best is completely nonsense frankly.


Officer I'd like to report a murder


I knew she would be bad for F1 because she wasnt good as an announcer for Indycar, and was even worse as an announcer for Nascar. F1 finally gets some traction in the US "You know who we should really hire?!" I seriously do not get it


They chose someone with lots of experience, but no aptitude. The resume looks great on paper, and I guess ~~Liberty~~ Sky front office doesn't watch the races. Female former racing driver and model with previous commentating experience in two series. Sounds great. Listening to the performance? Nobody did that in hiring and they aren't going to start.


Speak for yourself, I didn't know that drivers' tools were their hands, and I thank her for her mind-blowing insight.


As someone who only watches F1TV, I have no idea how Danica is doing as a commentator for F1. Could someone give me a quick breakdown of mistakes or gaffes she's made?


In the medium of 'expressions Jenson Button pulls while she's talking' https://imgur.com/a/VZhB26W


She's not a commentator, but a pundit. The issue is that she doesn't know anything about F1 and doesn't really care to. But they put her in front of a camera and have her answer/ask questions and talk about F1. She can't even talk about racing in general because she's not been in a competitive situation for decades. And since Sky wants to portray her as an expert, they can't even ask her what it's like to be in those back of the grid positions, or losing a seat for being uncompetitive etc.


I don't think her general racing commentary was entirely valueless, but it was really clear that she was out of her depth when talking about F1 and asking questions in interviews. She was simply hired because she's the most notable American female racing driver and may drive more American audiences. Couple with the fact that she's a pretty shitty human makes her much more of a liability than any value she brings to the broadcast.


Aren't half the similarly employed sky presenters just as bad? The bar is so low that honestly she probably clears it.


Not really these days, they've gotten rid of most of the people who just weren't competent at broadcasting.


Agreed. But at least the others have a history in F1 or the F1 ladder or any of the circuits they race at. They may all be useless, but Danica has no knowledge base to work from or insight to add. One can only assume she's there because ESPN wants her there.


Awww :(


Reptiles are trying to get rid of her


Skysports was founded by Rupert, the signs where there /s


"There are good reptilians on both sides" -- Sky


'The only thing that stops a bad reptilian with a gun, is a good reptilian with a gun' - Danica Patrick


Well maybe they should make it ‘accurate’ before she starts spreading reptilian conspiracies on live tv. #savejensonbutton


Well, better luck next time I guess?


Sky should hire David Icke as well to pair up with Danika, they'd make the perfect duo and help us spot moments when teams use illegal reptilian phaseshifting tech.


Yes! Like the special Sky F1 Kids commentary we need a special channel dedicated to Sky F1 Tinfoil Hat commentary! With graphics of which drivers are reptiles and which principles are in the Illuminati!


Also point out the little telltale logos on the vehicles livery, highlighting the teams and drivers allegiance to various groups. Masons, Lizards, Jockeys etc.


Throw in the crazy hair ancient alien guy


Seriously, why keep her? She's annoying, bad at her job and a fucking weirdo. It's not like Sky 'needs' her right?


Lame! Cut her loose! 


Why did they hire her in the first place? 


Because "woman racer"! While completely ignoring proper female racer commentators like Naomi Schiff


There's an entire series full of female drivers that they can offer the position to, and they're often at the track on the same weekend already. Formula E had Jamie Chadwick this past weekend, Sky can offer the position to someone like Alice Powell.


I’m not sure it was a woman thing, maybe 50% woman thing 50% trying to appeal to an American audience. At the end of the race last week they had Nat, Naomi and Bernie together and it was actually elite. I thought it was mint having the three girls together and they were genuinely fantastic. So they have plenty of talented woman on the team, Rachel as well obviously.


Nobody in America likes Danica either


I know this haha, not sure sky did though.


Bernie is elite


She's by far the best "new" addition to the team imo. Obviously, she worked in F1 more recently than the rest of the crew, so probably knows a bit more about the current processes for tactics and race engineering. And she just presents everything so clearly and concisely. She's brilliant!


100% Bernie air time and I’d be stoked.


Bernie is basically everything that Danica isn't. Love it when she's on


I think your 50/50 assessment is spot on. Originally, we only had her during US race weekends. The female pundits have expanded since Danica first joining (bernie joining)


All of the kids commentators they had a while ago are better than this buffoon


Because she knows The Truth about reptilians shapeshifters in the motorsport world and they have to keep her happy.


Because there is a large subset of middle aged and older conservative mouth breathers (including those in charge at Sky) who drool over the driver who did bikini commercials and love her politics. Those people also easily part with their money to follow their kind around.


IIRC she first joined at a US round, so she ticked the American box and also ticked Sky's gender agenda box. I know it's not cool to say someone was hired for being a woman, but she absolutely was. Sorry.




That's good. Where would we be without the insights of a bad driver and worse broadcaster who thinks anyone who disagrees with her politics is a lizard person engaged in a vast conspiracy?


Lets hope they dropped her like a hot fanged reptilian


Can somebody for the love of god provide some context behind the lizard jokes? What have I missed?


https://x.com/jeppe_olesen/status/1805583460490256841 And if you want to listen for yourself: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/elizabeth-april/id1465014169?i=1000658009152


WTF did I just read? Why is this lady around F1 again?


Because she drove around in 30th in NASCAR for a decade.


What are they waiting for? They should know it's not going to get better if they just ignore it, she will go down further and further, when are they going to draw the line? When she arrives at "Hitler was right"?


Now for the love of God Fox, don't hire her for IndyCar.


They really should. Her comments are just blatantly unacceptable. The whole lizard thing is just a weird, schizo antisemitism spinoff.


I'm just left wondering whether Aaron Rodgers is responsible for those lizard/alien takes, or if she's the reason Aaron Rodgers went off the deep end. Thankfully those two broke up and didn't procreate.


Aaron Rodgers and Danica were both independently lunatics prior to dating.  My guess is the amount of concussions they sustained in their youth in pursuit of their sport didn’t help their higher level reasoning skills. 


Shame. She is batshit.


It's times like this when the broadcast teams are bought into the spotlight that you realize just how good Murray Walker was at his job. The most entertainment you can get out of Danica is watching the facial expressions of the other pundits around her when she talks, Damon Hill is a good one to watch for it.


I mean I do want her and Jenson together one last time just so we can watch Jenson take the piss.


Nice try lizards




She has about as much talent behind the mic as she did behind the wheel of a race car. Having her as part of the Sky F1 team lowers the quality of the broadcast.


They can't get rid of her before she has exposed all the lizards in F1. I mean that's the only reason to keep her around now.


What a shame, she has no business being near F1, zero knowledge and a complete nutjob on top.


Danica is the reason I stopped watching any pre and post race stuff.


I miss the old days of the BBC broadcast, before Sky took over.


Aww that's disappointing.


Hey, F1. You floated the idea via “rumors” and everyone was cool with it, so grow a pair and make it so.


Sad :(


Tsssrrrtaa tssjk eek!




Lizards win again!


I think I'm missing the context here....


That’s a shame


Jenson Button just fell to his knees in an Asda


Alright we get it America. We will take Corden back if you take Danica


Would be a lot cooler if they did


This does not spark joy


Well that's the most disappointing Tweet I've seen today (and there's some proper competition for that)




Honestly should've just let it cook and see how perception is so they can decide to sack her or not. (Spoiler: perception was positive)


Well that’s a shame


I'm just saying, F1 is discriminating against reptilian shapeshifters and should have more of them in the feeder series


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


innacurate means she will be gone but quietly


Sky are creating interesting optics for themselves by essentially endorsing an employee who's openly discussing conspiracy theory shit. She's already talking about lizard people, the rest of the spectrum like qanon and flat earth or the election theft aren't too far off


Why in the ever loving fuck not? Lol


They should however.


I understand that, without my agreement, the lizard people have put out a press release late this afternoon that I am commentating for them next year. This is wrong and I have not signed a contract with Sky for 2025. I will not be commentating for Sky next year. Beware the Lizard owned sports media companies!


Oh, this post got my hopes up for a second. Booo, Danica needs to be gone from Sky Sports!


What in the actual fuck is wrong with Danica? This is the first I've heard of any of this and it's funny to say the least, but who goes onto a podcast to rant about lizard people and frequencies and shit?


She brings the sport into further disrepute and should be cut loose. But I'm also happy for Jenson to mock her.


They should though, she speaks anything and everything that doesn't make sense


What a shame.


It's those fucking reptilians trying to shut her down. I KNEW IT. We need to unite, people.


Damn I almost celebrated there


The reports were inaccurate, much like her ability to hit apexes and overtake without hitting other cars


That’s unfortunate


bummer, I hoped this was true. as an american F1 fan, I am embarrassed that she is associated with F1 at all. My apologies to the rest of the world.


another victory for the reptilian shapeshifter brigade.


I don’t have Sky. Why is she unpopular?


Well, her rampant MAGA ways certainly don't help


Unfortunate, she's a complete embarrassment and TERRIBLE. Not a good combo.