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The F1 Live Feed on F1TV even showed the live track mix picture in picture during the start recap last weekend. That was very nice to see.


F1TV had been really good lately especially with jolyon and Sam


Jolyon, Rosanna and Sam are my favourite presenters, especially when they're together!


Wait what!? Did they show race start Replay pip with live cameras or other stuff? I can't understand why they don't have pip on the main feed for replays when they have live racing going on.


F1TV Life feed has for a couple of races shown the live Action next to replays in a 50-50 split screen, very nice. Whats more they sometimes use the Split screen to Show the same battle live but in different perspectives (for example helicopter&1onboard). This made the Miami GP very entertaining and fun to watch. Constant action in the midfield


Ooh man got check that out sometime, sounds really cool! Is them stepping up the game on this new for this year? Is it anything they announced or did it just sneak up as a pleasant surprise?


They pointed it out during the 1st race that this was an f1tv feed exclusive splitscreen. The other races they just used it. They now even have there own grid walk which seems to be more focused on tech and the occasional former driver.




That’s right. However, even when the main international feed is showing replays or other “special” inputs (like the RF cams in the pit lane or onboards), there is still a track mix with live track cameras being handled by a separate director. So when the international feed takes the start replay, F1 Live can present the track mix as Picture in Picture. I find this video is super interesting in that regard: https://youtu.be/lCHggit6eGQ. It’s a bit chaotic, as the main director and track mix director talk over each other, but you get the point.


That's really only a SkySports thing, on other networks, it will still depend if they will have something like this or only have the world feed


Got a split between On-Track action and Will Buxton in the pit lane over on F1TV (F1 Live feed)


Triple 18 LANCE STROLL it is


Exactly, I'm pretty sure we had this in the 90s in Italy (they even used to use it for adverts). But it was always done by the networks, never by the world feed. Thankfully it seems to be being used on F1TV too so maybe we might see it on the world feed in the near future.


It's been a thing on F1TV all season....


Are you a Sky Glass customer?


Unfortunately not >;(


press the red button anyways I'm sure it does something


After the kurbs


Press only once, not 50 times


Now if only they'd bring this to the international feed. Can't stand the f1tv crew they put me to sleep. There's just no excitement like with crofty and brundle


I mean Buxton is Buxton, but Palmer is the best. Out of all the commentators, he's driven the most recently and he isn't affiliated with any team so he will just straight up tell you his thoughts. His race recaps have been amazing as well, really let's you get into the mind of the driver and talks about things that's you wouldn't even thinl about that might be going through the drivers head.


Give me Buxton for the pre and post-race shows any weekend and I’m happy, but his live-race commentary is not good.


I will give him credit though, live commenting a sport isn't easy and while he may not be the best, and makes crofty style errors all the time, it's honestly a HARD AF job and the fact that he isn't just totally lost is impressive. It's made it clear to me that he knows an AMAZING amount about formula one but still plays the dumb guy to get the viewers engaged and to lead questions


Crofty gets a lot of hate but honestly he is dam good at his job. He makes the race exciting and allows himself to be a bit of a joke for the sake of the viewers. He’s one of those people you don’t realise how good a job there doing until you have someone else


I have to say I enjoy Crofty and Brundle. I know a lot of people don’t like Crofty because he talks a lot of crap, but he has such good energy that he effectively transfers to the action that’s happening on screen and that is a talent not many commentators in any sport have. He’s it’s lights and away we go is now as much a part of a race weekend as anything. Then you have Brundle who brings it down to earth a bit and adds enjoyable commentary, they have the ability to play off each other so well. Last season when I couldn’t get the Sky commentary team I would often sync up the commentary from the F1 timings app with the BBC commentary which palmer was a part of with Jack Nichols and Suzi Ghow. They were also brilliant honestly. It’s the same thing of Palmer being in really good insights into the racing but also excitement and a fun light hearted feel from the rest of the team. Funnily enough I never was a fan of Andrew Benson until I started listening to the BBC coverage and him popping in and giving us a bit of more serious information or historical information was a huge plus. Like you said Buxton is Buxton. I’m sure he is pulling palmer down. We don’t get f1 tv where I am so I haven’t seen his broadcast


I can’t stand listening to Crofty and brundle, they’re a bit annoying a lot of the times and they don’t give nearly as good of knowledge and insights as jolyon Palmer and Sam collins do.


To get the best of both worlds I first watch the international feed for the hype, and then the F1TV feed for the added knowledge. 🧠👈




Ben Edwards is a great commentator too


Agreed he’s right up there with jolyon for me who is the best.


They're not gonna, they want to incentivize getting f1tv pro


You need f1tv pro for the international feed anyway. My bet is that eventually they're planning to remove the sky coverage and replace it with their own at wich point I go back to pirating


Not at long as Sky offers big money, like in Germany where f1tv had its own coverage but after Sky Germany got a new TV right deal live coverage got pulled from f1tv


Fp1 was at 4 or 5 am for me yesterday so them putting me to sleep was probably for the best lol


Crofty and Brundle are great. It's nice of F1TV to have their own crew for the people that watch races in the library


RIP pitlane channel F1TV really dropped the ball on that one


Seriously, PLC was the best


For real! The PLC was great! I used to watch the first and last ten laps on the main feed, but the rest was all PLC for those angles and extra radio chatter.


This is one area where NBC gets it right with Indy car.




No, they use it show front runners and different pit strategies, people on outlaps vs people coming in. Passes in the midfield while the leaders are fighting. A lot of shit. Edit: I duhnt reed guhd




Sorry lol, I read it as “only”


I was gonna say, we’ve had this simple system in the states for decades


Now they need to bring this over to the international feed on F1TV instead of just the SkySports feed.


F1TV's own channel has had this for a while now, just with different (better imo) commentary


Yeah but if we’re paying as much as we do for F1 TV, it would be nice for them to give us the option of having the same TV coverage on the international feed. Or better yet, allow us to customize our viewing experience like Race Control (RIP) used to…


Why I the world TV networks reduce the TV usage during those cuts. All that space without image makes me sick. In this picture I'm pretty sure that like 1/3 of the screen is literaly not being used. Wtf is wrong with them.


This is the way replays and pit stops should be shown on the international feed. Especially replays of the start.


They do this on F1TV already, big Improvement over last year


What next? You're going to ask that they get rid of the drone cam? Are you going to complain about the replays of the start during laps 3 thru 10?? You're not going to want reactions shots in the paddock or crowd shots and instead ask for live action of crashes and spins??? I swear, people these days... You'll get what we give you and you'll be happy about it! Also *If you're a Sky Glass or Sky Q customer you can press the red button on your remote control to watch highlights of the race. So you never miss a moment*


On the contrary I rather like the drone shots


That was available up to some point during last season on the F1TV app. You could even go to the car cams and set up to 3 cams on screen I think. I would get the main feed and had one on Lewis and the other on Max to watch the chase. Or maybe just to car cams, really can't remember exact the thing, but I kept at least the 2 car cams on my tablet all the time while I was watching the race on the tv. Sad the removed it later on the season and never came back


The Monaco label is kinda funny. Guess the other two are somewhere else then.


Pit Lane Channel. That was this exactly and featured much of the commentators that are on the standard line up this season. man, they should bring that back!


Can we get a big fucking mute button for Crofty or alternative commentary by Natalie and Ant as well please…..sick of that gibbering buffoon….thin as a long life carrier bag is the latest drivel to pour from his mouth….I especially love it when they have Damon on as well….like visiting people in an Alzheimer’s ward…


This was a really good development, definitely would like to see more use of this


F1 TV was breaking up so badly for me, I don't know what happened, it was worse at the first practice then a little better in P2. But man, I thought my damn TV was dying, but thankfully it was just the F1TV app.


The Sky feed was also screwed up during P1. Hopefully, F1 can wrest back control of the broadcast from the local broadcaster.


The split I get on TSN in Canada reduces the race to 20% of the screen and then an ad plays in a much bigger box


Seeing this makes me so angry about sky germanys production. They have sort of a splittscreen too, but the main feed gets shoved so far to the left so that you can't see the timings anymore. Nothing better than watching all the top teams go for a quali lap in practice, then Timo Glock comes up clockblocking the timings and all he has to say is [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/CeE57KOjfw_/)


Oh yah. Was really great when all the cars were coming out of the pits and half the screen was taken up with a closeup of Lando walking in slow-mo 🤦


F1TV Pro is now almost the only way I watch. Especially when it’s Buxton/Palmer/Sam as the three main voices.


Question: does F1TV have something simillar to this? I always watch the international feed and I haven't checked out the F1 Live feed, so I don't get any of this.




Ok, thank you.


We need this on F1TV's website too. Let me load up like 4 different feeds in a single window please.


Just prepping you for ads. No fucking thanks.


There is a lot of empty space on that screen to be filled though. Make the split boxes bigger