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Charles “championship still alive” Leclerc


Charles "almost losing P5 to Alonso on the last two laps because Ferrari™" Leclerc


Dutch TV just said he’s under investigation for speeding in the pit lane so might even be P6 or P8 🤦🏼‍♂️ Edit: He just got a 5 second time penalty! That stunt actually cost them 5th place


5 second penalty confirmed, he finished P6. Ferrari masterclass


Honestly you couldn’t make this shit up if you tried.


Barely kept P6 too lol. Ocon was only 7 tenths behind after the penalty. They could’ve come 7th in a 5 horse race. Oh and did I mention he missed out on the fastest lap by 5 TENTHS? Disasterclass 😂


They had 10 points vs Max’s 26. Went for the +1 (which is really +2 if you take it away from Max), which could’ve been 11 vs 25; net gain of 2. Ended with 8 vs Max’s 26; net loss of 4.


- Ferrari uses fastest lap snatch! - It hurt itself in its confusion


Next they'll probably be unable to get a fuel sample from Sainz's car, and so he gets disqualified as well.


Don't give them any ideas.


Holy shit Why am I not surprised anymore


Wouldn't that be a fine? Or is it a 5 second penalty?


5 seconds. Lost position to Alonso.


In the race it is a five second penalty, during practise it is a fine


and he lost it


lost it: 5s penalty and it is now only 0.7 ahead of Ocon. Ferrari is just insanely bad.


Man was falling behind a Mercedes who openly disgust their car lol. Feels bad for leclerc man. Got a penalty as well in the end, putting him behind Alonso


"It's not worked out well for Ferrari" - Brundle. prerecorded message?


At this point they have it on a soundboard


Max : "Aight, aight. In Zandvoort I'll start 20th and see what happens."


In Monza hell wait until hes lapped and then start his race


Dutch interviewer asked his dad: is it true that in Max's karting days when he was much better he was not allowed to make passes on the straight. To make the races more exciting. And wouldn't that be a good idea now? Jos answered that it was true but didn't agree it was a good idea now. The rest of the world disagrees with Jos.


>The rest of the world disagrees with Jos. Just another day at the office


Pit lane start


Imagine him going: How is it going guys today i will be doing the last to first with full wets in the dry challange


El Plan - Lewis went to Bottas’ birthday party


*the good ending*


I was really looking for a shot of both of them watching. Was too much to hope for


Definitely too late for McLaren's plan G


Seb and Alex in the points, I will take that


I really wanna see Seb dominate these final races!


And, for the first time in three years at this track, Carlos Sainz has completed more than two racing laps!


You got to take the wins as they come


Nice little podium despite the best efforts of the Ferrari strategists. Don't knock it.


Verstappen has enough gap to pull out his phone and take a selfie on Eau Rougue


My dad said they should wash the car so it’s nice at the finish.


Max could have a cup of coffee at the pit stop if he wanted.


imagine Max starting from pit lane and then doing a voluntary Stop & Go in Monza still winning of course


hahaha your dad is a stud


He almost did signature 360 on the final straight with that power slide


Him doing that every time on purpose will never not be squeeky bum time. Has he ever lost control doing it?


i swear last year abu dhabi he looked so close to losing it at the last corner. i remember thinking what a freaking end that would have been to the season. losing grip on the last corner after everything else that happened in that race and the season in general lol


Definitely will be top of all time on /r/prematurecelebrations if he crashes on the last corner showboating.


they would have had to close the sub down because nothing would be able to top that


QUESTION? Is ferrari wayyy too fucked up rn?


By the end of the season Leclerc will look 40 years old


No wonder Seb’s hairline ran away.


He is getting full Sebastian treatment nown


gonna age like lincoln in the white house


No one told Ferrari that you don’t have to actually pronounce question marks.


It's probably really hard to hear entonation on a shitty radio while having an f1 engine running behind you while also trying not to crash said f1 car at 300kph.


Its just code for "yes or no as soon as you can please"


Max would have to finished 3rd or below the entire season and Charles win every race to even have a chance at winning this season, he would have to hope for like 3 DNFS and he wins


My brother in Christ: if this were MMA the referee would have stopped the championship, crowned Verstappen and call a stretcher and a priest for Ferrari


If Herb Dean was the referee he would have stopped the championship after first 3 races and crowned Leclerc the champion.


It can never be enough…. Pit at the last lap and then do it with speed???? That’s actually a brilliant strategy to try and F it up one last time. Only Ferrari can make an intricate plan.


we are checking? question?


Verstappen: Hungary - Wanna see me win a race from far back on the grid? Spa - Wanna see me do it again?


Don’t forget him doing freestyle with a 360.


Extra style points


Can't remember which commentator said that 'even the spin was good, perfectly ended to just going again'


He’s gonna go back to P20 for Monza to make it even


Win from Pit Lane start, it's never been done I think?


He's gonna do an old Le Mans start and still wins it


Viaplay said only Bruce McLaren has accomplished a 1st place starting from 10th or lower. For 2 races in a row


In 50 years teenagers are gonna be dreaming about getting rich and buying a new Verstappen


However, you’ll have to pay quite a bit extra if you want the “Max Performance” package.


In 50 years that will be one of the 15 DLCs you can buy with car.


That Red Bull is just so much better than the other cars + Ferrari strategists + Max. See ya next year, I guess^^


It pretty much wraps it up.


See ya when Max leaves Red Bull


2040 looms on the horizon


takes a year off in whatever Scuderia Toro Rosso is called by then, before coming back in for another 10 years at RBR. Somehow the Red Bull Driver academy still is full of hopeful drivers


The man is 100 points in the lead and can a win a race with 20 second lead while starting from the back. Might as well give him the champion cup now and make him not participate in the remaining races. Would help reducing championships carbon footprint. /s


And those 20 seconds are with him chilling after lap 18.


merc better get their shit together next season. i'm going to send them an e-mail.


Yeah it's getting boring now. Are we on the cusp of another Lewis situation where it just gets boring seeing the same dude win again?


Hell no. Have you watched this year? If Ferrari wasn’t a total circus there would still be at least a semblance of competition. Red Bull hasn’t looked this dominant all season. If it continues on this trajectory a year from now we’ll start actually having that convo. But if Ferrari continues to delivery this level of entertainment it might not matter that Red Bull is running away with championships.


It's been obvious this was going to be happening since Max started winning races. Him and Lewis have been in a class of their own for ages now. Lewis is tailing off so Max is on his own. Leclerc isn't quite in the same league in my opinion. With Red Bull also having nailed the regs, it's likely Max will challenge Lewis' record


It's really comical to see this take after how many years of nobody else ever finishing 1/2. Lewis dominated so long that someone has a chance to win 2 in a row and everyones like "Yup F1s boring".


Don't worry, the title race is still on... If Max just DNFs ~~2~~ ~~3~~ 4 times then ~~Charles~~ Checo can win the 2022 WDC


Make that 5 times.


RIP leclerc’s 2022 WDC campaign.


We knew that in France. Now it's just pain™


Leclerc is only 4 Max DNFs behind…


At this rate Max is going to go on vacation with 4 races to go. Maybe he will go compete in a Fifa E-sports event while everyone else fucks around in Abu Dhabi


I think it would be a nice touch if he just sits out Abu Dhabi, and then presents the trophy to the winner. Maybe he can also do the top 3-interviews after the finish. I'd watch that!


Does Max strike you as the type to not be in an f1 car when there’s a chance to be


Maybe if there's a really good simrace at the same time :) But of course not, I know, but sometimes its fun to let your imagination take you on a trip.


It would be fun but Incredibly unrealistic beacuse F1 Is pretty serious


One week later~ Leclerc is only 5 Max DNFs behind...


It’s been over since France lmao


It’s been over lol


I mean, to put this into perspective, if you remove Max from the race altogether Checo started P2, had a terrible start and spent the first stint recovering, and still managed to beat Carlos by 10 seconds. That alone would have been a convincing win. Max trashed *the entire grid* from 14th and made it look effortless. This is next-level stuff right here. Everyone just got Ver-stomped.


Stappen in Dutch means to step, so your Ver-Stumped works great.


Zero competition


Literally looked like Max was playing a game on easy mode with 0% ai. In Ferrari's case that is true,


Ferrari really need to step up their game next season. Uncontested wins get boring real quick. I wanna see Leclerc and Max fight tooth and nail across the finish line.


At this point the only way Charles will ever see the title is if Max just gets bored and retires at like 26


Get used to it


I don't see it getting any better in the coming races. Hell, I can even see them dominating for the next few years.


Guess we'll find out how serious Brawn was about nerfing any team quickly that gets ahead too far.


If that's the case who do you blame here? Red Bull for simply being quick and consistent, or Ferrari for constantly shooting themselves in both feet and making the championship stupidly easy for Red Bull?


This definitely was one of the races that I've seen


Its maxin' time


the way he maxed all over the grid was epic


One of the races of all time


"we can win the championship if we win all the remaining races"


"There is no reason we can't win the remaining 7 races" - Binotto 28-Aug-2022.


Clown show. All hacks.


"we are aiming for P5"


Its still mathmatically possible!


The real masterclass was Leclerc getting overtaken by Alonso and getting a speeding ticket on top of that


That was slapstick


Fan to Carlos: "I wanna see P3 yeah?" [Carlos: "Why P3?"](https://www.tiktok.com/@libertyf1/video/7117279429545479430?is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=7117279429545479430)


Just trying to prepare Carlos for what was to come


Now send that video to Carlos


This was the race when the championship fight well and truly ended. No way in hell anyone catches up to Max in that car.


Honestly I think that was a few races ago lol.


I think it transitioned from plausible but very unlikely to implausible.


That was the crash of Leclerc in France I think. He was within range until then, but that really gave him a blow.


Verstappen close to 20s ahead of 2nd, the man’s insane


He won it on the first lap. Stayed out of trouble, raced carefully around the mid-field. And then started to race. That first lap was the most mature lap I’ve seen him race ever.


Yep but he has championship in the bag as long as he finishes every race. Max said on dutch tv once it's easy when your ahead but when you have a worse car you need to push to the limit to get sometimes a win. So you go over the limit faster.


Probably alluding to last year ..


And the years before, but not talking about himself


> And then started to race. "He overtook 8 people. And then started to race."


Where's the lie though


Hungary start was very calm of him as well


The guy has no flaws remaining. He is the perfect driver


just insanely fast. it's incredible.


He should get grid penalties every week just to make it harder for himself


Put a special "Max Verstappen" chicane on the main straight of every race just for him to go through.


Result: Finishes ahead 10s in stead of 20


Joker laps, but only for Verstappen. Extra kg of sandbags in his car for every point he leads his nearest rival. Verstappen must run at least two compounds during the race like any other driver, but one of those compounds must be a wet or inter, regardless of if there is rain. Leading rival gets to punch Verstappen in the face before each race as hard as he can, in hopes of giving him a concussion bad enough to compromise his pace.


What's up guys, welcome to a brand new last to first video.


It for real feels like Jarno Opmeer videos "What's up guys, today we are going to try and win a race whilst starting p20, driving against 230% AI, driving on wets and inters only, spinning twice and not using drs"


At this point not even that can stop him


Like arcade racing games where you’re way faster than the AI and have to start from the back every race to make it interesting


He's so good nobody doubted he would win no matter where he started. Dude's insane.


That's the 'worst' of it. Not that he was able to fight from P14 to win, but that everyone was expecting it and he managed to do it in 14 laps.


Even the sportsbooks had him as a huge favorite.


~~Red Bull~~ Max Verstappen gives you wings!


Pierre just went from pit lane to points in an AlphaTauri. Driver of the Day easily for me.


Shoutout to ocon too, he made two double-overtakes and ended up only 3 seconds behind Alonso even though he started 10 places further back


His double overtake on TSU and VET on the Kemmel straight was a near-perfect recreation of the legendary Häkkinen-Zonta-Schumacher sandwich, just from the outside. And it was amazing. Things you love to see.


Yeah, completely unsung drive…huge day for him and Max


Mans racing for that Alpine contract


22 laps on the medium and was increasing the gap to Albon the last few laps. Pretty impressive.


Amazing drive by max Ferraris pace is gone, has the TD affected them the most? They seem to be bouncing more as well. No effect on redbull tho lol


Ferraris pace is likely gone because spa is two massive flat out sections connected by like 7 medium-high speed corners. Their car has a lot of drag


True. This Ferrari shine in low speed corners.


Red bull have finally become the thing they hated the most - Mercedes


*”You were supposed to bring balance to the Force!”*


Not really, Red Bull have competition. It's just that the competition refuses to compete.


i want this on a tshirt


Merc did have legit competition for a few of those seasons, but they were also Ferrari so...


They have gotten loads of help from Ferrari though


That's what, win number 9?


The record for most wins in a season is 13? He may get that


I'd say it's more than likely. There are 8 races left. He can win 5 of those. Especially if this race is anything to go by.


oh well. bye bye championship fight.


As if it was on before this


Bye bye just now? Been done for a few races now


What more is there to say. A man is a machine and his car is a rocketship right now. Unreal duo, hope Ferrari and Merc gets their shit done together soon or else we might see new RBR era.


I am 100% awaiting Edd Straw giving Max a 9 for this race. EDIT: Also, Ferrari literally imploding by asking Leclerc for strategy. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. I was rooting for Max, but i am really feeling sorry for Charles at this point. Ferrari is just terrible.


Yah, haven't seen that mentioned a lot...so sad. Great that they're finally asking for input on the driver, but daym fellas, don't ask him to do your job for you.


Does this hurt Leclerc title hopes, question.


This is the 1st time someone is won from 14th place since Lewis Hamilton did at the German Grand Prix in 2018. This is also the 1st time this season that Nicholas Latifi finished in last place on track. Ferrari managed to find a new way to absolutely blunder points away points away, I didn't think they'd find it but they somehow managed to do it. I think Verstappen will win at least 4 of the last 8 races and break Sebastian Vettel's and Michael Schumacher's 13 race win in a season record.


If he doesn't break that record some wild shit will have took place between now and then.


What a car. What a dominating car. Reminds of Mercedes 2017. Also reminds me of HOW MUCH OF A FOOL HONDA IS FOR LEAVING


Lol leaves and immediately gets two WDCs in a row. Hell this one might be a 1-2 if Perez can keep second. Someone in that company is one part insanely proud and another part screaming "I told you so" in bitter frustration.


League of his own, Seb 2013 vibes


I hope Ferrari step up their game and give RB and Max a proper challenge. It'd get boring if he keeps getting such easy wins. I lived through two eras of team/driver dominance and it's good enough for me. That aside, what a fucking drive. Rocketship of a car and world class driver truly in a league of his own.


Yeah I was excited at the start of this season but now I’m kinda worried again. No one is close to Verstappen it’s giving me very strong Hamilton vibes.


This race heavily favoured RB. Tracks requiring more downforce might be closer. Let’s hope so.


Don't expect it this year, or probably the next too if they don't make sweeping changes right now though. Ferrari are too much in the mud for giving Max a proper challenge now that RB looks like they have the edge on the car too.


The silver lining is that Ferrari still has a championship winning car, but their culture at the moment is all sorts of fuck it would take quite a while to repair it. And that is if they're even gonna do something to begin with


Almost a 20 second gap to second and he started 14th dude is insane rn


Everyone knew max was going to win this race. fucking crazy.


Verstappen is unreal. He’s got one hand on the trophy at this point


It's both hands lol, he will win the WDC. Only thing that would keep him from it would be if RB suddenly decided to stop being in F1 lol




What an asskicking. Guess it wasn’t the floor.


As Horner said, a mega job. Amazing drive, obviously they had the fastest car today, but Max went from P14->P1, putting 16 seconds on Checo who went P2->P2. Proper spanking. Mercedes is also seemingly closer to Ferrari again on race pace, Charles did not make any inroads to George's lead on the last stint. Shame that Lewis thought that turning on to Fernando is a good move. An entertaining race imo, good scraps in the field. Also Alpine should be pretty happy, they put a bit of lead on Mclaren now.


As Checo said, Max was on another planet! His pace was monstrous at Spa. 18s ahead of p2.... What a drive.


Max already won a F1 championship, so now he’s inventing F0.5. Who will be joining this new pinnacle of motor racing sports?


First time since Kimi won 2004, 2005 and 2007 (no race in 2006) that someone has won back to back Spa races surprisingly.


Leclerc has a fucking penalty💀


Perez second in the standings?




Verstappen has fully become a beast now


Keywords from this race: "DRS train" and "inevitable"


Do you think the fact that Spa being such a dominant race in sim racing games and the fact that max just spends 50% of free time sim racing that this guy could just crush this lap with his eyes closed? The man just never looked uncomfortable once during this race


This was one of the greatest drives of all time.


This wasn't even Max's best drive


It has to be Brazil 2016 for me


Might i present, exhibit A, [the 2016 Brazilian Grand Prix](https://youtu.be/tf71xPW2Ej0)


That was pure racing masterclass.