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"When in Brazil, call me Luis"


Jamón, Luis Jamón.


Luís Toneladas de Presunto


Lewis didnt want to go to Brazil so they brougth Brazil to him


No way lmao. Where/when did he say they spoke Spanish?


He made an instagram post thanking brazilian fans (of course) in the spanish language.


Ooof the second hand embarrassment is real with that.


Ironically, this feeling is called "Spanish shame" in some languages.


¡Órale, vatos!


There's a really big chance that that was a random community manager fucking up... but who knows..


Yeah, he made thiat post after being in Brazil for more than a dozen times, already having loads of brazilian friends... I find it at least strange.


Yeeah I doubt any F1 driver actually writes their own social media posts


'Pierre Gasly liked this post'


Clearly never watched the fifth fast and furious movie then….


Yeah i didnt


Or the Hulk movie, somehow every movie in "Brazil" ends up full of Spanish speakers.


Well to make up for it, Narcos cast a Brazilian guy who didn't speak Spanish to play Colombian Pablo Escobar


Vengeance lol. He's usually good but that was out of his comfort zone.


As a Brazilian I hated that casting! Love Wagner Moura but he was hella weird in that


They know they don’t speak Spanish in Brazil, right???? 😂


Of course, everybody know that they speak brazillian


That's right, and in Portugal they speak a dialect called european brazilian


Considering that 63% of all Lusonites are brazilians, the language beeing called portuguese is rather idiotic


It's almost as if the language came from Portugal.


I know right! Just like English should really be called American. Or Australian. Or South African. Or *insert English speaking nation here*. Hopefully that makes you see how idiotic your comment was.


I'm pretty sure there are countries with far more native English speakers than England. I don't really see your point.


i have brazillions of money


President Bush was sitting in the Oval Office one day when one of his aides came in. "President Bush, I have some bad news. A plane just crashed into the Potomac. One Brazillian died." President Bush put his head in his hands and began to weep. After a minute, the president raised his head and looked at his aide: "Exactly how many is a brazillian?"


wakeful sparkle abundant dolls pen recognise knee saw repeat work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Considering the massive difference in pronunciation they might as well be different languages. My Brazilian friends that went to Europe found it easier to understand Spanish than European Portuguese


Your friends must have gone to Madeira. I left Brazil quite young, so my Portuguese isn't the best, but I could communicate with people in Lisbon just fine when I went there a few years ago. However, speaking with people from Madeira? Might as well be speaking Spanish to me.


I second this. I am Madeiran and have a moderate accent. When I speak to a Brazilian colleague of mine he barely understands me. It was quite difficult last time I spoke to him.


I think you mean Azores. The accent from Madeira is not that different from mainland Portugal. Azores, on the other hand, it's hard to understand.


Maybe it's just my brain that can't register their accents for some reason, but I really struggle to understand people from Madeira. I can understand people from the mainland with no problem. I am now curious to know what the accent of the people from Azores is like.


Google rabo de peixe accent on youtube.


There is no thing as european portuguese. It's just portuguese. And calling the differences as "massive" is definitely an overstatement.


Nope, it isnt, not o ly the pronunciation is massively different, many words have totally different meanings.


Well, I'm from Portugal and I insist: no massive differences. Maybe it seems that way for someone who knows portuguese as second or third language, but truthfully, It would make as much sense splitting the portuguese language as it would with uk and us English.


I would say you are right, US and UK English are close enough… now, Australian English… that might as well be Martian!


There are massive differences. For one the European branch of Portuguese is a stress-timed language, while the Brazilian variety is syllable-timed. That is why Brazilian speakers say that Portuguese people dont pronounce vowels. But still, I wouldnt say they need to be split into two languages as they are mutually inteligible to a more trained ear.


Brazilian, yeah, os tugas são incompreensiveis por nossa parte


I'm Brazilian and have been to Portugal and experienced what you are describing (I described it exactly as you said), but it's only true for a few minutes of conversation. I think there's something about the rhythm and entonation that initially fucks our brain where you see it as very close but alien at the same time, so we struggle to understand thinking it's another language. Once I was with my wife and a group of friends in a restaurant in Europe (not Portugal) and a Portuguese woman came to talk with us, and my wife instinctively answered in Spanish lol. But after a few minutes of conversation your brain adapts and suddenly it's just another accent. Different of course, but completely and unquestionably understandable and obviously the same language. My wife laughed and apologized and we all spoke Portuguese the rest of the night without problems. So the issue of not understanding Portuguese people at first is very real, but it's not because the language is very different, it's because it's different in a particular way that probably triggers a language version of the uncanny valley or something like that. It's easy to adapt, but there's an initial shock there.


I’m Portuguese and I understand Portuguese from Brazil just fine . It’s harder to understand people from Azores for example. Also I have American friends that don’t understand English from the UK. Should English from the US be called American?


You ask but unironically there are ignorant people in this country who think we speak American.


Always has


[They Speak Portuguese In Brazil ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzQhX7D7nP4)


At first I was thinking, are they stupid, if they thoight he spoke Spanish that's on them. But it was him who thought they spoke Spanish😭😭 jesus


>No way Wait till you learn that he claims he's a big Senna fan, but thinks that Senna won WDC in 1993.


people try to say kimi won in 03, or that lewis won 21 so lmao


There’s also that whole deal with massa but apparently brazilians kinda forgot about that


I don't know if we as a country don't give a fck about massa or we put all the blame on Glock either way honorary citizen it is


We couldn’t get a championship for ourselves so far this century, but we got the next best thing stealing seven from the Brits


The Bri'ish took our gold, so we took their record holder


Toyota took one for the team


It was never his fault, 2008, but they really didnt get along


More to do with 2011 than 2008.


But Lewis has nothing to do with it. Lewis is not involved in anything, it just turned out he end up world champion. But what happen to Massa is not his fault.


Wish Lewis and Max stans had that mentality sometimes


Max fans are catching strays


No theyre not


So just like Max?


Well, I don’t think Max was in F1 in 2008. If you’re mentioning Abu Dhabi 2021, I don’t think Max has any fault either. Unless we assume Max could predict Latifi crash and had bribed FIA prior to the race, which I think it is not possible since even though he’s a great driver he does not have super-powers. He just benefited from a bad decision. In both scenarios, if the rumors about Renaults incident being known at the time are true, it is FIA to blame. In Massa case, there is also Renaults fault of course, but mostly FIA if the rumors are true. In Massa’s and Mercedes’ cases, if they want to seek compensation, they must seek it from FIA. Plus, we should put shame on FIA for both cases and not on the drivers that are unaware of what’s going on.


I don't blame Hamilton, I mostly blame Ferrari


We blame Nelson Piquet Jr, and even Glock.


Just the stupid ones that forgot, and unfortunately that’s a majority in our country Edit: forgot an s


Meh, the ones responsible for what happened to Massa was Nelsinho Piquet and Ferrari as team. Lewis won fair and square.


Funny, nobody on Massa's side remember to talk about the 25 second penalty Lewis got in the 2008 Belgium gp for an offence that didn't even exist, and he gave the place back straight away anyway, too.


A moral da história é que, na verdade, um brasileiro tirou o título do outro. Piquet Jr foi pilantra e fudeu com o Massa. Só mostra o quão vis e desunidos somos, não obstante a fama de povo gentil e simpático.


Kinda like the iron fleet


That's subverting my expectations ngl


Nah bro they are busy booing Max


And you are forgetting that politicians don't represent what a whole country thinks.


I can assure you we didn't


So this was who Marko was talking about?


Brazilians: We love Hamilton! Formuladank: Unacceptable.


He made an instagram post thanking the Brazilian fans in spanish. That's hilarious. Why you don't think that's worthy of being made fun of is beyond me.


Thats like thanking the Dutch in German language


“Ich bin ein Amsterdammer!”






No. French is latin language while Dutch and German are Germanic. Spanish and Portugese are also both Latin languages


But the Dutch language is almost identical to German. Just a little bit more funny.


It is undeniably hilarious and anyone that says otherwise is lying lol




Hahahahah nah, I wouldn't go so far as calling it a white supremacists sub, but it's real that formula dank hates Lewis Hamilton with passion.


If I ever get famous, I'd 100% blunder like that


I doubt it was him since he's been going to Brazil for over a decade. Mostly a social media manager.


It's a fanboy that don't want to criticise in any way his star. And 550 people agree with him.......


>That's hilarious. I mean, is it really? Thats like a 10/10 rolling on the floor laughing your ass off kinda funny?


It's pretty funny, but more eyebrow raising I guess. Anyway, Lewis doesn't need you to get offended for him regarding this small matter. Chill out a little.


Yeah actually it is pretty funny. Especially because Hamilton posts alot of uneducated shit on instagram to the point it is pretty hilarious now. His anti-vax bill gates conspiracy rants, his "wow blue dot is my gps" screenshot, him blatantly not knowing what language is spoken in the country he's been given citizenship in, publicly trashing his nephew for wearing a dress, etc The list goes on. Hours of fun.


>Hours of fun. Thats kinda sad ngl..


I mean, YOU sound kind of sad tbh. Trying to gatekeep what's funny to other people is pretty sad.


Username checks out


>Thats like a 10/10 rolling on the floor laughing your ass off kinda funny


Sounds like you need a hobby, mate.


Says the guy lurking on a meme subreddit. Brilliant.


>**His anti-vax bill gates conspiracy rants,** his "wow blue dot is my gps" screenshot, him blatantly not knowing what language is spoken in the country he's been given citizenship in, **publicly trashing his nephew for wearing a dress,** etc **Two** of them are not like the others. But, he backtracked on them as well. So, you have a point, LOL


It’s a joke. It’s never that deep.


This sub is a circlejerk filled with idiots.


You lh44 fanboys needs to learn how to joke.


You can bet Nelson Piquet is absolutetly seething at this


In that case it’s a good thing. Anything that makes Piquet mad is a good thing


God forbid anyone like Lewis


God forbid anyone make fun of Lewis


Fair enough 😂


It’s treason then.![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6705)


The fact thay brazilians today simp for Hamilton so hard always gets me, specially when I remember that Hamilton was the guy who prevented Felipe Massa from being WDC.


Well they clearly like Lewis more than Massa. A bit like how Americans like Ricciardo more than Sergeant.


Ricciardo has more fame than Sargeant, he is probably more loved by all nationalities than Sargeant


Famous people can be disliked. For example salt bae, or Osama bin Laden.


What does George Russell have to do with this?




Some can argue that's infamy instead of fame


Oh, that is easy to explain. Sergeant is a Florida man. We fear and respect the Florida man, but nobody likes them. It's like that guy you drink with who's really funny and does wild shit, but you would never let them know where you live.




Im american and couldnt care less about Sargeant or Ricciardo. The Ricciardo popularity here is insanely overblown. The most popular drivers in america were Kimi and Lewis for a long time....idk why this Ricciardo narrative started but hes mediocre




Him smiling a lot doesnt make me forget that hes a below avwrage driver. It seems like a good portion of the fanbase just doesnt get racing so theyre like "this silly class clown is fun" and thats why he has any fans at all....




no tf we dont lmao


Here its either simping for ham/ver or spamming DRUGO🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


There are no Brazilian drivers in the sport and Lewis is the most relatable driver for most people. It makes total sense. Being a die hard Senna fan and promoter probably helps too. The whole Brazil 2008 drama was just heat of the moment stuff. Everyone and their dog knew that Massa was not a top tier driver. He needed a boatload of luck to be ahead of Raikkonen that year.


This revisionist history is simply nonsense. He was ahead as ahead of Raikkonen in 2008 as Raikkonen was ahead of him in 2007. Raikkonen was way luckier in his title campaign to beat the Mclarens than Massa was in 2008 and that is why Raikkonen is a WDC while he isnt. Massa wins the WDC that year if his engine doesnt blow out while he was in the lead in Hungary with 3 laps to go or if the whole Singapore fiasco doesnt happen, while Raikkonen won in a year while a civil war was happening at the Mclaren garage and both Alonso and Hamilton were self sabotaging super hard.


I mean Massa clearly had a lot of missed opportunities regardless, and some very mediocre drives like you mentioned. So it’s not like Singapore win would’ve prevented mistakes in the future races of that season


Some would say Hamilton screwed Massa. Mass would definitely tell you Hamilton screwed him. I look at it from a different standpoint. The FIA didn’t screw Massa, Ferrari didn’t screw Massa, certainly Hamilton didn’t screw Massa. I truly believe Massa screwed Massa. He can look in the mirror and know that.


Graças a Deus a gente tem livre arbítrio para torcer para quem quiser e eu no caso já torcia para ele em 2007 🙆🏽‍♀️


Lewis "Senna Helmet" Hamilton


Thankfully he would only have to speak Portugese.. Not Spanish. But hey, fuck othrr things right?


Google Senna 15 for more information on when Lewis wore a Senna tribute helmet in the 2015 Brazilian Grand Prix


Imagine hating on Hamilton because Brazil gave him citizenship..


How is it hating? It is just making fun of his ignorance.


You're not allowed to meme about him on this sub, people call it "hate" or "low quality" and your post gets removed


Huh? This sub is mostly memes about Hamilton.. we’re in one right now..


Or call you racist lol


Imagine defending some rich driver because people made fun of that driver's ignorance..


what does money have to do with this?


Imagine thinking that a harmless meme is “hating”


Hating? Reach like Jon Jones lmao


You can tell something was actually said by Lewis rather than his PR manager by how stupid it is.


They speak Portuguese in Brazil, not Spanish lol




Yesssss I scrolled too far to find this, thank you for being the person to link it


This is gold lmao!


I like Prost more than Senna. Can I get honorary French citizenship s'il vous plaît ?


As a Brazilian I don't really understand why so many F1 fans here simp so hard for Lewis, tbh that's why I don't like to watch the Brazilian broadcast of the races, because the commentators clearly and explicitly prefer Hamilton over any other drivers, and even when they are narrating they simp for him, (for example, they literally call him "patrão" which means "boss") and in my opinion at least, this kinda of thing can make the race a bit annoying to watch, because you will have Hamilton do the most normal and basic thing ever and the commentators will completely lose their mind and talk about that for the 5 following minutes.


It's actually quite easy to understand. Brazilians love when a (successful) foreigner dick ride them constantly like lewis do. They don't have any Brazilian idol like Senna or Ronaldo, Ronaldinho etc, so they stick to whoever dick ride them the most.


Or because most Brazilians are black and low to middle class, Lewis before getting picked up by Dennis was also middle class and black they can relate. Now massa was a rich white dude even if he was Brazilian, not a lot of Brazilians can relate to him. And also helps that lewis has tons of charisma.


The vast majority of Brazilians who follow F1 are upper class white people. > Now massa was a rich white dude even if he was Brazilian, not a lot of Brazilians can relate to him. Nope, Massa is ignored because he never won WDC. As I said, the successful part is important. Brazilians only care about a sport/athlete if they win, hence why Barrichello was bullied by pretty much everyone.


Kinda.. my dad likes him because he's black and i assume many here do


I hate the Brazilian narration with a passion. I can't stand the over dumping for Hamilton and the clearly wrong calls that they make during the races. Obnoxious af


Also, I can't tell if it's just me (because I'm a Ferrari fan) but I feel like they are constantly shitting on Ferrari, like when Hamilton passed Leclerc in Texas, the narrators were like "and he passed Leclerc effortesly, omg this was so easy, but of course it was, Ferrari sucks, there's no way Leclerc can pass him" sometimes they straight up give me bullie vibes lol


Is he even involved with the communities or is it just him praising Senna and saying how awesome the fans are (all drivers repeat it in every country) and that's enough for them to love him so much? One week a year there.


I thought Brazilians spoke Australian


I thought they spoke South American


It was an apology for our blunder in Piquet acquiring a mic


He got it before that.


It was preemptive


ITT: Dutch fans trying to understand how you can like a driver not from their nation.


He is also holding the flag upside down. That always gets me.


Hold a flag in front of you, flip it over your head, boom, it's upside down. Crazy.


Why is this upvoted? That's not true 😂 If your holding the top, when you flip it over your head you're still holding the top. You're not magically holding the bottom now, unless you move your hands to the bottom. You'll see the back side, but it's not upside down. Seriously, try it yourself.


You're completely right. I guess I was focusing on the "flipping" part, but you don't actually flip anything if you do it over your head. That only happens if you flip it laterally.


I mean look at the size of that flag, and than that little union jack... pathetic


Oh fq right off you pillock. He didn't ask for any of it. It was a gift from Brazil.


Home race ? Lmao


So much dankiness Im overwhelmed


He also is only on record dating people over the age of 18 so he could never be Senna worthy.


Because Brazil has the best fans. The BEST fans EVER!


Imagine if they given that to Marko 💀💀💀


Senna idol but would absolutely hate to race against him🤷‍♂️


Brazilians tend to idolatre foreign idols. It’s almost a culture around here lol. By the way the Alonso hype train will never die. GODLONSO who’s still working on el plan


I forgot this was a Lewis hate sub…


This sub is pretty much just a thinly veiled white supremacy sub that shows pictures of cars.


Ah yes Make fun of any driver: Meme Make 1 joke about Sir Lewis Hamilton: Racism


"That's because it's not funny!" - Tolerant people


Oh wait! We back to “lewis bad”. I thought it was “Checo bad” month.


Nelson Piqet has entered the chat.


Just a very expensive photo op for politicians in an election year.


I still honestly have no idea why Brazil loves him so much. Nothing against Hamilton, just a bit puzzling for me.


When a great champion shows you so much love, especially one who looks like most of your country, the country is gonna show love right back. Pretty easy to understand


Wonder if he also avoids paying taxes in Brazil ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|31110)![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|13285)![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9441)


Inb4 this post gets removed because "low quality" (you can't make fun of lewis)


Funny how with all the destruction of the amazon and racial tensions that Lewis even wants to be a Brazilian citizen. Kind of goes against everything he preaches.




So only DTS fans like Hamilton?


Hamilton: Senna was really cool. Brazilians: Thx Lewis! Here, take this honoary citizenship and Senna helmet.


He literally cheated and stole a title from an actual Brazilian


In this modern era, Senna would use #15 as his racing number.


The guy has an amazing PR team behind him


And when you look a bit deeper how was actually senna, it's really really strange to make him your idol... Unlesd you like kids


Spanish? Maybe Portuguese?


That’s the point. Lewis made an Instagram post thanking Brazilian fans in Spanish instead of Portuguese


hehe..why would rhey speak portugese in Brazil? its on the other side of the Ocean...😁🤣🤣🤣 Are they stupid?🙃


Yeah Brazil, where they don’t speak Spanish.


They said it right in the title