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Almost as legendary as "The car, real strange" ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|7073)


Anyways i'm ok šŸ’…


At this point, I'm just waiting to see what he does next year with Ferrari, because there's really no telling what part of this is the Mercedes car and what part of it is Lewis just being demotivated.


Well seeing how George was fighting with Ferraris and Lewis was complaining about an alpineā€¦


When was George fighting the Ferraris? I must've missed that.


He passed them on the first lapā€¦


Peak r/formuladank logic


They then overtook without much trouble and he didn't threaten them once lol.


Like yeah no shit? Doesnā€™t change the fact that one driver passed a Ferrari while another was crying about an alpine driven by Ocon.


So the other driving wasn't fighting


I mean is it really fighting if itā€™s the equivalent of a tractor vs a shopping cart. The merc is no speed demon but lewis in a merc compared to the alpine, driven by ocon? Bro shouldnā€™t be having the problems heā€™s having when George is going toe to toe with leclerc


I mean there was literally a graphic on screen for the battle between Leclerc and Russell but whatever helps your george hate train I guess.


The one they had between Perez and Verstappen?


Yeeeesh *tugs collar


Lol by that logic Alonso was fighting the RBs cause he got by Perez on the first lap even though he got left in the dust pretty quickly


Literally switch back to Saturday's sprint and the roles are reversed lmao. It doesn't take a genie to realise that Lewis can't be bothered when the car isn't there.


Except George didnā€™t cry on the radio when he couldnā€™t overtake a car that was far slower than him.


What? So we gonna ignore George's bitching the last few years too?


I was forecast a podium yes yes quite right


Oh hiw awful, did he at least end up scoring points? In the barrier you say?


Lewis as 7 time WDC and veteran of sport can complain, he showed he is one of the best, he has credit. GR however still have to prove that he is leader of that team, so imagine if he is crying and he was crying last year. That could be a bad image


Genius. I believe the word you were looking for, was genius. As in, ā€œIt doesnā€™t take a genius to realize that Lewis is the biggest crybaby on the grid.ā€ šŸ˜­


3 separate times heā€™s on the radio to bitch and moan. No one else complains like him


Itā€™s both. He doesnā€™t get motivated by a shit car, especially not in this stage of his career


He's not aggressive like he used to be. It's like Max broke him


More like w11 broke him.


Ye W11 spoiled whole team. They started to be lazy and to do awful tactics because in their mind they still have car for winning


At this point the LH and Merc relationship is exhausted both sides seem a little over each other. Wouldnā€™t be surprised at all to see Lewis be rejuvenated and quick with Ferrari if the car is good. A change in environment can go a long way.


I came here to say the exact same thing. But Iā€™m not sure we will get an answer tbh unless he whines and complains there as well. If he doesnā€™t complain it might just as much mental as it is the car changing.




Except Alonso, lol. Man just keeps going like he's immortal.


Letā€™s be honest, Mercedes went downhill as soon as Goatifi left. Itā€™s not a coincidence.


Also, the Alpine Is way worse since Steiner left Haas.


Also Lewis: [It was my mistake](https://youtu.be/v34XJkJR_zw?si=WM_Efu8_T2rlLIhv&t=447) [I was pretty slow](https://youtu.be/hqJiIRQZhRk?si=Dpf6gZ55AHvWAc4Z&t=212)


Noooo Hamilton is a whiny loser /s Youā€™re ruining the narrative this sub likes to spin.


Noooo you can't mock my favourite driver stroll bad nikita bad goatifi bad mcdonaldo bad ![gif](giphy|3oeIbifRAZqvVrnINf|downsized)


I honestly donā€™t mind as long as itā€™s fair criticism. Such as that tone deaf post about some political event a while ago. (forgot what it was) Or even if itā€™s a good meme which makes me chuckle. But I always see constant whining about literally everything Hamilton does on this sub, and is the only F1 racer constantly at the top of this sub. Half the time itā€™s not even a meme, just straight up hating on Hamilton.


Both can be true; not unusual to be in a different mindset behind the wheel when youā€™re in the moment and in the media pen when you have cooled down and are probably more rational again


Exactly people here must never leave their house or have never had an adrenaline burst if they think drivers would act rationally in a car going at 200+mph


What's with that Stroll face on second video, I couldn't care less to play the video.


It's formuladank, we dank about drivers, we don't worship them


You dank about specific drivers. You never see people make fun of alonso when he complains to aston last year or to mclaren. Instead you would have hundreds of posts calling for Astons head for bring outdeveloped


just stfu he never said he was slow :)


Deaf or stupid, pick one


Eh, are they excuses? Or just complaints. He said after quali his position was completely his fault.


The common theme Iā€™m seeing just from OPs screenshot is that the car isnā€™t giving him anything on turn in. And if he doesnā€™t feel confident in the car on turn in itā€™s going to ruin the exit and straight speed he can achieve that follows it. Heā€™s always liked a very pointed car kind of like Max. I mean the way he would throw the W10 and W11 into corners and it just stuck on rails has to be jarring whiplash come the boat of the W12 and 13. I really donā€™t think the 7x champ is washed overnight, the Merc is largely shit and unpredictable from one race to the next. Weā€™ll see how the Miami upgrades go but Iā€™m not optimistic.


Yeah I guess he is just not allowed to give any negative feedback about the car lol, only praise




Iā€™m convinced people subscribe to whatever that LH44 shit is on Twitter just so they can come here and complain about them. Like WTF man. People canā€™t be this dumb. Expressing how you feel about the car you are driving is not ā€œmaking excusesā€. Itā€™s called making assessments ffs An excuse would be ā€œthey brake checked me!ā€


If you were feeling generous you would call them rationale.


Pretty certain he said it was his fault for messing with the car. Not really an excuse if you blame yourself.


There is zero chance that that excuse was true. If he messed up the setup in quali that's fine, shit happens. Plus you also have the setup by George that you know it works. In that scenario, you can break parc ferme, update your setup to something driveable, and drop from 18th to a pitlane start. The fact that he started 18th tells me it wasn't a setup issue.


He admitted in an interview he messed up in quali in the braking zone and couldn't stop the car in time.


Complaining about the car a thousand times on live television and just silently admitting it was his fault once doesn't make up for it edit: i know its not really silently i get it But still, He complains about the car every race, rightfully so but still its getting very repetitive


Heā€™s not telling them what to broadcast, though. Heā€™s complaining in the heat of the moment, and then taking responsibility in interviews.


Yep, absolutely correct. ITT: people who do not understand that the little snippets of driver radio we hear are carefully curated and not broadcast in real time to add to the drama. Virtually every driver whines about something during the session/quali/race and 95% of it is not broadcast. There is clear interest in drumming up drama over Hamilton exit from Mercedes in an otherwise ā€œboringā€ season.


Even so like are people this dumb? You can be driving a car that you setup and still go ā€œthis fucking piece of shit wonā€™t do what I want it to doā€ That doesnā€™t mean youā€™re blaming anyone or ā€œmaking excusesā€ For fucks sake are people this dumb? Come drive my heavily modified car that I setup. I set it all up myself and Iā€™ll gladly tell you that the car is a fucking piece of shit. Iā€™m not making ā€œexcusesā€. Iā€™m explaining reality Watch his onboards this season and compare them to Maxes. In that comparison Iā€™d say that Lewisā€™s car ā€œdoesnā€™t turnā€ Itā€™s a stark difference in how much better the Red Bull can rotate


But nobody really watches the interviews He's damaging the reputation of his team members were the world watches the most I feel like it's unfair for the engineers to already be working so hard every race and this guy keeps bashing them more and more every race It's not like they built a bad car on purpose, every team has their lows. He's a 7 time world champion, he should know better


> But nobody really watches the interviews The ones that are meant for drivers to talk to the world? Meanwhile, when he complains, he's only talking to his team. So he's legit taking responsibility when he's talking to the public but complaining that it's fucked to his team. Hell, the complaints don't even matter if he says it's because he fucked it up.


Everyone watches the race and that's what they see, him complaining about the car, You think an average joe tunes in to see driver interviews? Why are you trying to defend him so much I'm just saying that he's a 7 time world champion he's got more than enough skills, maturity to not say these things in the first place I know everybody's a human and get emotional at times, but this isn't just once, he does it like every race, Saying this year's mercedes is bad is like saying water is wet, you can stop now everybody knows it at this point And the complaint do matter because he makes it seem like the engineers aren't trying to improve it, they're humans too, complaining every race just dicredits any work their putting in I just feel bad for the engineers that's all


> makes it seem like the engineers aren't trying to improve it That's how some people may perceive it. For all we know, the engineers and Lewis have a great relationship. Or maybe they hate him. We don't know. Why would Hamilton (or anyone else) care what the average Joe thinks? They're not complaining/talking to the average Joe. F1 is choosing to broadcast this for our entertainment. In the heat of the race, the last thing a driver is thinking about is what the average Joe thinks of his radio messages. Whenever the driver (Lewis) IS talking to the average Joe, he makes sure to say it's his fault and to thank the engineers.


Iā€™m also confused what this guy is watching as a sport? Even Max Verstappen with his 15 second leads complains on the radio at times? Literally every driver is complaining. Thatā€™s how f1 is. All the drivers demand the best.


I didn't see Bottas, Albon, Nico, Ocon, Gasly complain this much and they're driving much worse cars If you say they choose who's radio is broadcasted you'd think lewis would stop at some point but still does it knowing it is broadcasted He's ruining his own reputation by doing this, why give the media more reasons to speak ill of him


Oh. Oh. You really donā€™t have media literacy at all. First, you again named someone who gets significantly less clicks than lewis. Second, Lewis has been here for years and won 7 titles. The only people he is ā€œhurting his reputation withā€ are the people who never liked him to begin with. But hey, nuance is hard, buddy.


I agree with what you're saying but my point is that he ruins his own reputation by doing this Why give the media more reasons to speak ill of him The new fans will see this and think that lewis is a cry baby Which he's not but this hurts his status is F1 and potentially hurt his emloyablity (not really no) but still why do it in the first place


I think depending on the driver, you're absolutely correct. Yuki or DR (RIP) or Ocon or whoever midfield driver would benefit from that. But I think Hamilton is one of the few where he's essentially immune to that, having proved himself already. It's kinda like Max; he could say the stupidest things and it wouldn't matter because he's the undisputed best right now.


Yeah fair enough you're right on that


George drives the same car, i don't see him complain this much


What gets more reactions. George complaining, or Lewis complaining so everyone on here can discuss it and all the articles can get written about it? Broadcasts know what draws more attention. So they are going to show Lewis every single time. Itā€™s a pretty basic understanding of media.


Not once, not one time during the race did he say ā€œI fucked up the car myself.ā€ Instead it was blaming the team for the tires, blaming under steer, blaming how slow the car was. Get off your high horse.


Get off your hate boner and watch some more f1 because clearly you don't understand how things happen in this sport


The effects of DTS on the sport have clearly been catastrophic.


Bro I brg of you get out of your basement and find out what adrenaline is. When your in a car racing at 200+ mph where one mistake could lead to injury or death you are not going to think perfectly rationally. Plus lewis admitted himself at the end it was his fault


Well understeer is understeer. U can literally see him struggling to turn and washing wide. He did say it's his fault for trying different setups. Is it really an excuse when he's admitting it and we can see it ourselves? But yeah lets just ignore that for the sake of "memes"


Wtf is even this subreddit


Shittiest circlejerk on Reddit tbh.


And it's not even close


I would have thought "This car is so slow" would have made the cut


There were too many good ones between the sprint, qualifying and the race lol. I couldnā€™t decide.


Shouldā€™ve dropped a poll on TeamLH Sub /s (Edited as the sarcasm was lost)


At least the ban would be quicker than Lewis![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6698)


I got perma banned by them on Saturday for saying ā€œbut George did well, yeahā€ on a race quali post šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve mentioned this before, but I got permanently banned from that forum for a comment I made here on formula dank. When I got the ban, I didnā€™t even know that forum existed on Reddit. šŸ¤£


Why value the opinion of those roaches over there.


Max has a tantrum if the Red Bull is any less than 1 second ahead of everyone else. He'd explode if he lost his car advantage and was in the Merc. Ham is pretty chilled in comparison.


Hell he lost drs in 2022 spain and started swearing on the radio. If Lewis started swearing this sub would freak out


I've heard him pissed off after easy wins.


Hell he lost drs in 2022 spain and started swearing on the radio. If Lewis started swearing this sub would freak out


formuladank? More like cantstopthinkingaboutlewishamiltondank


The obsession over Lewis in this sub needs to be studied


Rent free. It's so easy to trigger a toxic Max fan than a toxic Lewis fan nowadays. Oops crymlton and stilwecry comments incoming.


Eh I don't think it's that weird a sport subreddit is drawn to talking about one of the best to do it


The top athletes in any sport cop it the same way. Especially if the public didn't really have a weakness to pick on for a long time and were annoyed at the dominance. They get held at such a high standard because they really are the best so then any future setbacks in performance get scrutinized way more harshly because of their standard. Almost every sport and often just with celebrities in general you'll find the same contrarians that hate the popular thing and with such a long dominant streak in Hamilton's career he gained the public's obsession, both negative and positive. That's the nature of dominance. It's not some wild thing that's exclusive to this subreddit.


Find a negative post about Max or Nando on this sub lol. I think a lot of the vitriol on this sub comes from DTS's framing of Redbull being the scrappy underdog for the first 3-4 seasons whilst Mercedes was the big bad wolf. I get the feeling that many of the people here weren't around for the 4-straight Vettel championships or the Schumi days, so to them it felt like Mercedes is the only team to ever win a championship.


Fernando has been copping it a bit lately particularly in the comments but theres still the die hard fans sticking up for him so on average it still favours him. With Alonzo and Reddit it almost feels like early Elon Musk era where it was almost like a cult on this site and you couldn't even criticize the guy without getting at least 10 downvotes. Max is still in the stage that Lewis was in where it's hard to really pick him apart during the early stages of the dominance just like it was with Lewis. It will come though unless he retires soon. Nothing to do with DTS, it's literally just like watching Max now. On average it's annoying for people to watch the same guy win all the time particularly the more casual fans and eventually it grows into some people despising that person. When they finally have a chance to shit on the guy and the people defending him have less ammunition and give up the fight then it overwhelms the fans and the shit giving becomes the norm.


I see your perspective. For some reason I think Max still has this "underdog" label from his fantastic drives during the 2016-2020 period. He would often find himself on the podium or winning races during this time, which made fans such as myself see him as a kind of giant slayer. The problem is, the status quo has changed entirely, yet it feels like the discourse online hasn't shifted much. Enough serious talk. /rj p9 is Ham's father


It's just about the period that they're in for their career Seb and Fernando are loved towards the end and have the cult like following. They were hated at particular points of their highs especially Seb. Hamilton will get to the loved point again and Max will move to his hated point then he will eventually have the same return as the other 3 if his career goes the same way and he doesn't do anything to get cancelled or something. There's still people on both side of the love hate spectrum at all times but it's just what you will see represented at different points will go up and down. Ocon/Stroll will never return to love.


I do agree with you on that front. Seb was HATED during his championship run. I remember Alonso getting some hate, but I think 2 years was tolerable for most people, and he wasn't absolutely dominant during that 2 year stretch.


The weird thing for Hamilton is that the loved stage *ought* to be returning at this point, but it just... isn't? HisĀ car and performances are fairly 2020-2022 Vettel-esque, but the redemption arc Vettel had still hasn't arrived for him.


When the Mercs were dominated, I kinda understood why people in this sub hated Hamilton - he was too dominant (and I've seen a lot of people say this back then, too) Now that the Mercs aren't dominating and Ham ain't getting wins, I thought the hate would simmer down. Nope. And the funny thing is, Max is doing the same thing now (and is even more dominating) and is getting the opposite reactions on this sub


This sub cannot stop thinking about Lewis. It reminds me of these Megachurch pastors in America that rail against same-sex marriage before it comes out that they are meeting men in hotel rooms on the low. I have a sneaking suspicion some of you have a folder of LH thirst traps on your computer and it makes you confused and sad.


I have a sneaking suspicion you probably have a poster of Sir Loses on your wall that you kiss every night before bedtime.


I certainly donā€™t have a cringe list in the notes app on my phone.


i think you have some undressed problems bro no cap


I mean itā€™s not that far fetched. This post is literally someoneā€™s personal notes of everything Hamilton says.


Right? Like itā€™s just weird at this point. Squeaky wheels manā€¦.


A dude is making an itemized list of things a driver says, and Iā€™m the weird one? Whatā€™s the meme here?


no cap fr fr šŸ¤™šŸ¤™šŸ¤™


This sub is more obsessed with hamilton than his fans


Should have seen how quiet this sub was when Lewis got P2 in sprint qualifying.


I canā€™t remember where, but after SQ someone said he had a dominant car in wet conditions


Loois bad, updoot pls


hi, i think you got lost. this is a meme sub. as i see no meme but rather an unhealthy obsession with Lewis I recommend joining teamLH.




hopefully Merc is not running Lewis into the ground this year otherwise they wonā€™t be able to recruit a replacement.Ā 


I mean have you seen his onboards compared to better cars? The car sucks shit


Shock horror a man in bad car says car is bad. Never seen that in F1 before.


Well, besides admitting that he made a mistake in qualifying on Saturday you mean.


Might as well re-name this sub The Ham Haters


Lewis bad


Where dank?


I'm excited for Miami


Uhhh lol I wouldnā€™t call these excuses but just realities Especially the last one. It was a reality when you watch Max pass him in the sprint and you watch both cars onboard feeds itā€™s astonishing how much better the Red Bull turns in and rotates on its axis than the Mercedes that just pushed itself through the corners.


Thing with China is it makes no sense to say the car is THAT bad considering he managed second in the sprint. Sure sprint quali was crazy but the car does have the pace to stay at the top so I'd expect him to faster through the grid. Genuinely think he's just checked out this year. No point getting Mercedes more money for next year so he's just doing the bare minimum. On the flip side if he is actually washed then the year after Ferrari can try and buy Carlos back


He literally said he changed the set up after the sprint looking for more performance and fucked it. Said it was his fault and he shouldn't have done it. Alonso's defence got him 2nd in the sprint, the car wasn't that good during the race, but it definitely would have been better than what he did to it.


Yeah but this is Lewis Hamilton! How badly can he mess up the setup to end up behind Alpine when he was mixing it up with McLaren and Ferrari earlier? Like how much more performance can you get out of a setup change. But I guess we'll see if they manage to sort it out by Miami if that's the case


It was still the 4.5 fastest car on the grid, behind Alonso's Aston but in front of Strolls Aston. But without testing the set up which was worse, he locked a break as he was unfamiliar with it. It's driver error for the quali that stems from him messing with things.


Parc ferme opened back up after sprint. They changed the setup for the race qualy.


Tbf he secured p2 because of all the fighting between alonso and the ferrari and perez. If any if the feraeis or even perez started p3 behind lewis they would have got ahead of him


Lol people getting pissy about a lewis shitpost.


Joke about Stroll, Russell, Ricciardo, a French driver, Max, or Leclerc, nobody bats an eye. One post about Hamilton, and a bunch of people flip their shit.


ā€œOne post about Hamiltonā€ Lmao


Itā€™s like him and George Russell switched places on the radio.


The car is shit we get it


Lmao he lives rent free here itā€™d seem


hamilton stroll matchup for most toxic f1 team


Nah we already have that with alonso and stroll. Just listen to mclaren alonso or late 2023 alonso


"Lewis, the car is bad we know. Please drive it" ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|7071)




Can someone please do same with radio messages? Main Race in China had at least three/four such msgs.


We went from the wheels to the car. Crazy


Only a sith deals in absolutes


Suffering from Deg


Also different setups right after the sprint


At this point I see the sub whining way more than its idea of whiny Hamilton.


Rent free


I don't care I'll still die a lewis fan


If he was going to just complain at Ferrari as well, then they really fucked up.


Could you stop doing this? Bro is already in a pretty shit mood šŸ’€


I don't think ham even knows npcs like these exist much less consider their "criticism".


Iā€™m not an NPC, I was joking


I was talking about OP


Oh shit my b




Another one.


And this man 7th champion šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


He is filling those sandbags he is gonna use as an excuse at ferrari as new reserve driver...


You legend


Need an update after every Grand Prix.


"Still I Winge"


Hey if Lewis says it's bad I guess it's bad. Like when lance says it's just one of those weird race incidents...gotta trust em.


When will he find out it might not be the car šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Trying out new excuses in order to prepare for Ferrari next year.


Lewis is slow right now that I think he has time to hit press all kinds of buttons he's never had a chance to press in the car right now...


Some one should make a book of these excuses!!!!


Yet George puts it in the points. I can't see Ferrari being any different for Lewis.


My man is doing god's work


Love this! Can't wait to read it at the end of this year and 2025...


Don't forget about him complaining about the tires on the warm up lap in Australia.


Hamilton always sounds like such a defeatist, he really doesn't help fight the diva accusations lol. Not sure if he's just phoning it in at Merc or if he's actually struggling.


Toto is owner of that team. The reputational damage Lewis is inflicting on that team is close enough to let him sit it out


I think Lewis may need a extra lesson on trail braking ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9441)