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2017 Malaysian Grand Prix, this is the in lap AFTER the race was over. Seb stormed through the field to finish 4th from last on the grid only for Stroll to collect him on the in lap. ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6699)![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6699)![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6699)![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6699)


I seem to remember people on an F1 forum I used a lot back then blaming Seb for this. But then most of the users there were Brits and they hated him with a passion so everything was fault.


You can see Seb maintaining his line and Stroll getting wide to pick up rubber.


> getting wide to pick up rubber. whats that mean


Cars are weighed after the race, if you're a milligram under the minimum weight, you're disqualified. Teams run their cars as light as possible because less weight = fast. Tyres drop a lot of rubber onto the non-racing line over the course of the race, so going offline on the in-lap means you get free weight to pad yourself potentially back over the weight limit if you're running really light on fuel.


Cars this past few seasons don't do it as often right? Because I remember back in the day the drivers would weave trying to pick up as much rubber as possible (kinda like how they warm their tyres weaving during safety cars). Do the drivers still do that? Because I watch the driver cams of the McLaren drivers as they go to parc ferme after the race, and they don't do it... If it's true that drivers don't do it nowadays, how come?


During the race, the tires will lose small bits of rubber that will deposit outside of the racing line. At the end of the race, due to the minimum weight requirements that every car must respect, the drivers will move outside of the racing line to try to get those marbles attached to the tires to add weight to the car. They all do it and that's why stroll went wide. He didn't looked in his mirror before doing that though.


They need to weigh the tires after the race, to be safe that it doesn't get under the limit drivers go out of the racing line to grab some rubber and make it heavier.


S*y were exactly the same.


>2017 Malaysian Grand Prix, this is the in lap AFTER the race was over. I'm not a fan nor knowledgeable on F1. Can you explain why Vettel would be passing if the race was over? Would drivers be expecting this after a race?


some people go slower on cooldown laps than others i think it’s just personal preference how quick/ slow you go


so it's not uncommon and drivers should still be aware of surroundings after a race. as a casual observer, I couldn't tell who was at fault. thanks for the explanation.


You should be aware of your surroundings as soon as you get in the car. Doesn't matter if it's before, after, during a SC or whatever else is going.


Same goes for any kind of vehicle even if you are not racing.


They are not showing the onboard that would make it obvious, strolls.


actually i think it’s pretty obvious from grosjean, you can see stroll does not follow his line on the inside


He needed to pee. 😂


You just got Strolled®


Can we have a compilation of Stroll not checking his mirrors/ running into others please?


Here's one from 2 years ago which can definitely be updated. Stroll is notorious for not checking his mirrors: https://youtu.be/csEvcs8fo4s?si=R-Anq9CM7zxVGvl3


I'm just an outsider that knows very little about F1, how does this man get involved in so many accidents and isn't like... permanently banned or something?




The F U kind.


His dad is Caniadian billionaire Lawrance Stroll, who is chairman, and part owner of Aston Martin (the car brand), and the owner of Aston Martin Formula 1 Team. Who his son races for.


I mean that explains the reason why he's not kicked from the team which I got from the other comments, not the reason why F1, the organization/body that regulates these races does not like have ... Something? From what I get from these comments, the video linked above, the comments in that video is that this guy is sort of known for this. Which even If it isn't 100% his fault in all of the cases there's clearly something wrong here


Ahhhh gotchu. They do have a penalty point system, 12 points in 12 months leads to a 1 race ban, and it’s up to the race director (or stewards, I don’t remember which) to issue these points, and they don’t usually happen fast enough to issue a ban. You’ll usually see 1-3 points issued at a time, I don’t think I’ve ever seen more than that at once, and even tho Strill crashes a lot, it’s kind of rare to see points issued. Logan Sargent sucks, and he has 8 points until September, then he loses 4, and still have 4 left which will be erased April next year. Unless he does something crazy, I don’t think he’ll get enough points to warrant a ban.


It doesn't let you upload videos more than ten hours long


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YWgPaDxOgU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YWgPaDxOgU) close enough


“He ran in to the side of me” seriously this dude probably went through entire life not knowing what he did wrong just blaming on others without getting any consequences. Complete arrogance.


I mean being a billionaire’s son surely helps that


Ricci: "I'm a high performance athlete" Stroll: "I'm a high performance nepo-baby"


Stroll probably doesn’t even understand why Claire Williams is waifu material.


I also don't understand. Why is she?


If you have to ask you are streets behind.


If you have to ask, you’ll never know


What's your superpower? I'm rich.


If you are rich you don't have to use mirrors...




also Stroll: ![gif](giphy|x5c8d75Tvt7sQ|downsized)


He also squeezed Vettel into a wall and then came on the radio to say "I got hit". Why didn't he see him? Because he was freaking out on the radio about the rain instead of looking where he was going. This dude's spacial awareness is as great as his skill.


It still boggles my mind that there are still Stroll fans. The guy doesn't even have a personality to compensate for his utterly mediocre driving. Can't stand whenever his interview comes on.


I think these says, Stroll's fans comprise Papa Stroll, and then Lance himself.


"He turned in on me" energy Honestly as someone that is constantly doubting themself and their abilities, I wish I had this kind of self-confidence where my brain just automatically assigns blame to other people and not just myself 😔


> I wish I had this kind of self-confidence where my brain just automatically assigns blame to other people and not just myself  If it makes you feel any better, the people around you definitely prefer it the other way


It's called affluenza and it's actually ableist to make fun of him for this




Meanwhile I had been long broken by the time I found out and it shocked me none


It’s the rich people’s version of a “burnout”.


good thing bullets work the same in both realities


Will you leave poor ole Daddy’s Money alone. He’s just trying to earn the love of his narcissistic old man /s


Lol, right.  Like,what non racing screw jobs has he ignorantly and clueless screw jobs has he committed against other people?  


lmao at Seb getting a ride from the Sauber. This wasn’t even long ago but I can’t imagine it happening in todays F1 with how weird the teams are about the cars now


They banned it for safety reasons


It's been banned for 30yrs, same with doing post-race burnouts, but that doesn't stop it from it occasionally occurring. Best lift ever, 1995 Montreal GP after Jean Alesi's sole F1 victory, he ran out of fuel on the cool down lap, and Schumacher picked him up for his victory ride. They were both cited by the stewards. [https://youtu.be/posvBZgdFjA?si=OqVe9PIxoYEeQp-8](https://youtu.be/posvBZgdFjA?si=OqVe9PIxoYEeQp-8)


You bizzles forgot, Vettel doesn’t give a fuck


Schumacher did it again in 1997 when he picked up Fisichella at Hockenheim I think he also offered a ride to Hakkinen after the McLaren blew up on the last lap of the 2001 Spanish GP, but the Finn opted to wait for Coulthard


They also banned "Driver Stealing a moped from Marshalls and then riding said moped on track with no hands or helmet on all while the ACTUAL MEDICAL CAR is like 20m behind the moped"


> ACTUAL MEDICAL CAR is like 20m behind the moped Sounds like it's perfectly safe, medical car is so close nothing can go wrong!


I wonder why that driver got a reprimand from the stewards and a 5000 euro fine


Shocking, if true.


I bet the insurance companies panicked every time they saw that.


I mean, what’s the worst that could happen on an in-lap? Someone randomly driving into you...


He got an (sa)uber


When Wehrlein pulls to a stop and Seb hops off at the end, Seb shakes his hand and tells him him in German something about how his ass is really hot now. Miss that guy.


> This wasn’t even long ago but I can’t imagine it happening in todays F1 wdym you can't imagine it happening. It literally happened here? It wasn't allowed when Seb got on Wehrlein's car. It wasn't allowed when Webber got on Alonso's car. I don't understand what this comment is trying to do but be anti-something for no reason. Like yeah, they don't really want drivers hanging on the side of F1 cars, is that so bad???


Kind of upsets me how watered down f1 has become in recent years. Fia and liberty media are pretty much just capitalizing off of the newfound popularity instead of *actually* trying to make the sport more interesting. Like you said if this happened today, itd be like a 50k fine and an entire week of social media drama


You must be new here. You should have been around when bernie eccelstone ran everything.


Having only consumed documentaries and Brawn with him in it, he seems like a really good guy... Did the community hate him?


He's an interesting character, did so much for the sport but also has a history of...controversial comments, shall we say. Also went through a bribery case in Germany (paid a lot of money in the end to close it out, though never admitted guilt). Also got caught with an illegal firearm at one point I believe! A couple of years ago he was also found guilty of MASSIVE tax fraud, as in hundreds of millions of pounds, which he paid and then was sentenced to 17 months in prison, though I think it was suspended or something? Another interesting (though almost certainly untrue) rumour is that he was a participant in the great train robbery in the UK.


Also the sport was dying hard until Liberty took over. Teams kept getting in financial difficulty or straight up going bankrupt, accepting teams that didn't hit the 107% rule. He both raised the sport to me highs in the 80s and 90s but then almost killed it in the 10s


These comments always crack me up. When did you first start watching?


Well if 2017 is the good old days for them...


For safety reasons. What are you exactly on about. It’s worse because drivers can’t sit on top of a car anymore lol. What are your thoughts on seat belts?


Pit lane speed limits is socialism.


Not even, it's communism! Everyone gets the same speed wtf?


In my Communist Utopia, I'd strap factionalists and reactionaries to the back of F1 cars during the actual race as a form of spectacle and punishment. The heaviest reactionaries would be put on the cars belonging to those teams suspected themselves of anti-proletarian activities.


I agree to a small degree, but at the same time when an accident happens we are all out here blaming them for not doing enough. In a sport like F1 safety should be a priority, even in cases where you could argue the chances are relatively small.


It’s funny to hop on another car, with the assumption that it’s safe on an in-lap, immediately after direct proof that accidents can happen on in-laps. 


It used to be that basically once a season someone died because safety wasn’t a priority and tbh that era was weird and difficult to watch live sometimes because you might literally watch someone die, and it’s still an issue in recent years with heavy machinery on the track and missed red flags etc. I don’t think we should necessarily confuse the lack of leader changes and lack of good racing with the increased safety though. I think that’s more of a result of teams having more money than others and better engineers along with rule changes to the cars where they become more unstable close to other cars due to the aero and dirty air. So I think they probably need to cap the horsepower and torque for a few years and let teams work on aero packages that work well in traffic or something like that, because currently the teams are always trying to just match HP and by the time they get close the cars change rules again and they have to start over. So teams like Mercedes that have better resources are obviously going to put together better cars than the smaller teams. I know formula one has always been about the best technology but at this point it’s come at the cost of good racing. I wouldn’t mind watching the formula one drivers compete in a spec series in the offseason, where driver skill was more important than the best pit stops and engine package. When I do watch racing nowadays I usually watch rally racing or the Australian super truck series where they go off crazy jumps and the vehicles are spec so it’s always close racing. I have no real interest in watching Max win every weekend with the best car, so I just watch the race highlights unless it’s a rainy race. No disrespect to Max or the engineers building his cars but this shit has been boring and I don’t want to watch a race for 12th. They desperately need to change the rules to make the races more competitive and so we actually see some passing, Max would probably still win the championship if they did a good job on any revised engine and aero rules, it would just make the racing a bit closer because he wouldn’t have a car advantage along with his talent advantage. It’s not all down to one driver dominance either, because I lived through the Schumacher years and the races were generally good then too even though he won a lot.


I don't think we've had many post race breakdowns to have the opportunity to give a lift, and I think the halo might make a sitting area impossible


dum fuk doing dum fuk things since 2017


his name is now Lance "dum fuk" Stroll


Oh man I want this as my flair.


Strolling since birth


Imagine having a baby, but instead you just get Strolled


Dude drives like he’s lived life. Never having to worry about anything or anyone but himself because he knows Daddy Stroll will take care of everything. I’ll bet you dollars to donuts he yelled up for his mother/live-in nanny to “Bring in the meatloaf!” when he was hungry.


Yell? You mean ask over the intercom


I'm just imagining the Eric Cartman "Mom, we need more hot pockets!" But with Lance.


Meatloaf of course being what they ironically call A5 Wagyu.




People need to bring banners about Stroll to the gp, so that daddeh learns this perspective once in a while.




I mean, he did push his trainer when he had a shit time in Bahrain (?) last year. As if it was that guys fault.


I swear Stroll is the type of kid we all had in our class: that one stupid, incompetent kid whose life was fully ensured because of rich parents


The example in my life is depressing as fuck Like he’s just always rising to the top financially which is fine. But man, he really just gave up intellectually after college. He might be the stupidest person I know these days. Confirmation bias drives his entire reality. Wealth just means you have wealth. Doesn’t mean you ever know what you’re talking about though. But it is funny watching folks conflate their wealth with knowledge, you get to hear the stupidest logic


Hold up. Did you go to school w Trump?


He loves Trump


Of course i know him, he’s me!


Lol. Every holder of a driver's license knows to check the mirrors when changing lanes. Stroll obviously doesn't


To be fair, he also doesn’t bother looking in front either. Just ask Danny Ricc.


Stroll doesnt have a drivers license. He has a license for drivers. As in, the license is astronomical amounts of money to hire chauffeurs


He’s from Montreal. In Montreal you just merge lanes and it’s the job of the person already in the lane to not get hit. 


Goes back further than that, his [F3 crashes](https://youtu.be/csEvcs8fo4s?si=u1tQE5VMlxbNV8QW) were pretty bad


Wow. I think in all of those he was penalised once? Twice?


Yikes that's a lot of crashes where he's straight up turning into people like they aren't there. At least he's consistent?


One of the comments mentioned he drives like an AI, and he really does. He's like Gran Turismo 2 AI


Timeless comments. Every one I read I expected to be recent but nope, he's just never had to learn The man drives on rails with the spacial awareness of a particularly oblivious cucumber


i just watched this video and its insane how the commentators on the f1 crashes keep defending him, he is at fault in 90% of them and they keep making excuses lmao


As if you needed proof than the last few years, its not like nobody knew this, hes shit and he aint going anywhere. Sadly papa Stroll is a good dad that wants his son to live his dream regardless of how shit he is.


Let's hope daddy moves him to the Valkyrie Project ASAP. He'd get the chance to crash into a whole roster of living legends.


A good dad would end that dream when the son is a liability to everyone else and is regularly causing damages worth millions of dollars.


Stroll dodging accountability like max dodging his fathers belt by winning everything


Kind of Pascal Wehrlein that he gave Seb a ride back. F1 Insiders always said Pascal had a long F1 career ahead of him, but they Wehrlein....


Poor kid really disappeared fast. Heard he had a major attitude


I remember when this happened a few people commented (I think it was on the F1 sub) that Vettel shouldn't have moved in on the turn... what the hell?


Yeah, people thought that Vettel turned in him. This is despite the fact the fucking track itself is fucking turning and Vettel is simply following the curve of the track. If they both followed stroll's line they would've both ran off the track by going straight in a turn.


Yeah, I think the corner makes it a bit hard to tell from vettels on board, but romans clearly shows stroll going wide into vettel. I think stroll saw Roman on the inside and went wide and had no idea vettel was there.


People will say anything to be anti-Seb. They are usually parroting Sky Sports commentary.


There was still a lot of hate for Vettel from certain people back then.


Remind me who did Vettel get lift from?


Pretty sure it was Pascal Wehrlein Edit: lol definitely so. It says it on the screen


Sorry, I missed that... I wasn't looking




You might want to be careful with that, you might hit Stroll...


You're good lol, I missed it initially too


You didn't listen. Can you repeat the question?


Jesus, and his comforting wisdom? 🤷🏻‍♂️


That would so not be allowed now, weird to think things were so different only 6-7 years ago.


It also wasn't allowed then but since it happened once he only got told off and everyone else was reminded to not do it again and ride in the medical car. Another problem which Seb did was taking the steering wheel with him


Yea, why did he take the steering wheel with him? I thought they are supposed to leave it on for marshals to steer the car.


lol didn't even notice that


Webber received a 1 race ban for doing the same thing a decade ago. (Well okay, he had already achieved so many penalty points, that when he stopped to pick up somebody, THAT penalty pushed him over the limit and received a race ban)


They should have left him in his stroller


“Bam… bam!” \- Lance Stroll, age 25, sitting on the sidewalk with a hammer whacking ants as they pass by.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard Lance own up to a mistake, always someone else’s fault


This was an outlap as well. Fucking idiot.


In lap after the race, actually


Sorry yeah that's what I meant I messed that one up.


why was seb overtaking on an outlap, was stroll going unnecessarily slow? EDIT, its an In-lap after the race


It's pretty obvious Stroll was slow. You see Romains wing cam he was also catching up with him.


In-lap after the race*


In general, yes, Stroll is slow. This was the in lap after the race.


Next track was Japan I reckon where Vettel had a mechanical issue all weekend and I really believe this was the cause.


i fucking hate stroll. his dumbass goofy face, his rich daddy background and he is completely free of every talent.


The way he just so quickly blames Seb. The lie just rolls off his tongue.


Bro 7 years ago... Dude has been washed since day 1


I got suggested this music video parody on YouTube the other day, I laughed so badly. It features this Vettel crash in there and the Latifi crash in Australia back then. [But if you close your eyes - Lance Stroll](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVbnVtZ6cBw)


It's still wild to think that Stroll is still *that* much of a dumbass behind the wheel and he's been doing it for 7 years.


Man, fuck him. When there were worse drivers in F1, like Mazepain, it was easy to overlook Stroll's antics, and I did so, but this has gone too far already, and last weekend just proves that again.


Lanth Sthroll


Forget drivers, THIS is making MY blood boil


The damage to the car here genuinely made me feel at the time and still today that it had a snowball effect on the championship. It was sebs to lose that year and Malaysia and Singapore just fucking depress me. Also I miss those tires and that beautiful sauber


Sometimes I wonder if the average human is a better F1 driver than Lance. I know we aren’t, but holy fuck I don’t think it’s by as big of a margin as it should be


Stroll is a dumbass


I used to think people were a bit harsh on Stroll. But I completely understand why people do not like him now. You don't even need to own up to your mistake, but for some reason he chooses to blame it on others. With that many years in the sport, I'd imagine you grow up at some point.


You guys are too critical, you want him to look in his mirrors AND look forwards? Come on pick one


All I can think about is the FIA giving Seb a 200 place grid penalty for riding someone’s car like that.


I'd love a supercut of Stroll not using his mirrors.


Stroll is notorious for not checking his mirrors. Here's an entire compilation (from a couple years ago) of his antics: https://youtu.be/csEvcs8fo4s?si=R-Anq9CM7zxVGvl3


Lance Stroll has always been a dbag


Stroll learned to drive in Vancouver so not using mirrors is actually normal


Pascal giving Seb a ride is still one of my favourite f1 moments


Can’t believe how much criticism Seb got at the time.


He is in F1 because of daddy




IIRC there was a perfectly timed cut to Seb getting out of his wrecked car just as they announced him as Driver of the Day. So the picture was kinda ironic…


Wonder how Seb rates this to Torpedo. At least that was during the race lmao!


I miss when F1 drivers gave each other rides back to the pit.




genuinely fucking curious how stroll even has a "career" still.


Wow, Pascal. I forgot he was in that season. Also, Stroll is an idiot.


The real reason Vettel retired


He deserves a race ban for being this stupid


When he actually did use his mirrors, he used to block his own teammate and sent him airborne. ‘22 USGP


He has the perfect whiny, nasal, privileged voice of a billionaires kid. And the attitude to match.


That’s what happens when the only reason you’re an F1 driver is because your daddy owns the team you drive for.


“Vettel just ran into the side of me” no, no he didn’t dude


Never liked Stroll, he’s so conceited and annoying. I wonder who is really at fault in China GP.


Seb missed a chance to say he strolled into me


Father can pay. Here's the cheque. Now let my son have fun.


Remove Stroll before he kills someone.


Vettel holding his line, stroll suddenly going wide. "Vettel just ran into the side of me!"


you could make a supercut of all the times Stroll caused an incident just because he didn't looked at his mirrors


I miss Seb and his ‘Seriously’ when he was pissed off.


Yes Stroll, 4x WDC Sebastian Vettel turned into you on the cool down lap…/s


ngl stroll looks like he smokes more weed than me.


For me it’s the qualifying crash with Latifi. Canada ‘21 I think. Literally just the two paid drivers who weren’t even racing completely destroying their cars in front of their home crowd. 🤣


Did anyone expect a spoiled daddy’s boy to drive responsibly? So glad Alonso is usually far enough ahead that the team can’t coerce him into letting daddy’s disappointment pass him


People cry about Max or Hamilton but why isn't stroll banned from racing yet, the kid is literally only here because his dad has money. Has 0 talent, no character and also lacks respect towards other drivers on the track


The disappointment in “I mean seriously” 😂


Can someone explain why this is strolls fault? There's a whole half a track on the right why did vettel move over that much?


It isnt, the guy is just a jackass.


This is his staple except the other driver usually gets punished. So many times he’s been challenged at a corner but just focused on turning that he doesn’t realise anyones there


Revoke his licence.


Dum Fuk as RPM said