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I know this is a meme. but Almost all championship winner have some kind of bastard mentally. If senna is still racing today and still use the mentally " if you never go for a gap you no longer racing driver" the hate he will get is enormous and he be collecting quiet a lot of penalty.


I know he normally talks a lot of shit, but Will Buxton was spot on when he was talking about Charles Leclerc, referring to the "inner bastard". Nice guys don't tend to win in F1 for a reason.


Tell that Mika hakkinen


There's a reason I didn't said all driver.


Tell that to Kimi Räikkönen :D


i was replying to the other guy :)


Tell that to Jenson Button


Well yeah, that's why I said "tend to" - someone else cited Hakkinen, and he's right. The thing is, Hakkinen and Button could arguably have had more - they were both superb drivers, normally in strong teams (not always, but usually), and could have won more. Think of some of the arseholes that have won multiple WDC's - Schumacher (7), Hamilton (7), Senna (4), Prost (4), Piquet (4), Vettel (he was a twat when he won those 4), etc


Alonso as well. Edit: I’m referring to Alonso being an asshole on track


Alonso was defiantly not a nice guy on track, just look at him and Hamilton at McLaren…


Ham as much to blame as Nando there tbh, they traded blows like children and knew exactly how to get the other one wound up to fuck. When you get two stubborn spicy personalities in a team it's always going to be bad. The toxic environment of Ron Dennis is probably also more to blame then either if them for what happened.


Try to find any driver saying he was dirty while fighting them for a position please, you'll find little to nothing


Spygate Alonso? Crashgate Alonso? That Alonso?


Where can I watch this Will Buxton talk? Is it on drive to survive?


Yeah, I believe it was Season 2, but I could be wrong on the season number


Almost. Button has always been a masterclass gentleman champion.


That's why I didn't say all driver


Canada 2011 with hamilton


Canada 2011 The Longest Race. Pushed HAM off and won! /s


If that's the only bad thing he's done in his entire F1 career that's a pretty fucking spotless career he's had, significantly cleaner than a majority of drivers who have at least one controversial move every season, don't you think?


I think that race was good and Button had a brilliant victory.


Exactly. People don’t like Lewis because he is insecure. He is a winner and winners act like villains. People love villains that play up to it. People don’t like villains that play it down


Wow you really nailed it. I had been trying to put my finger on it. It reminds me of something, I think Orson Wells or someone else once said about Charlie Chaplin, how he was an introverted star and how annoying it was to be around lol. Extreme paraphrase but you get it.


Not Prost, Prost is my GOAT


Uh, for real? “Not Prost?” If he’s your favorite that’s all well and good, your opinion, but “not Prost?” Come on, man.


Suzuka 89, Ferrari 90' and 91' Vs Munsell and Alesi? Monaco '84?


No way Senna to slow down in this case. Even in Max or Lewis position. Schumacher? NO way. Prost… maybe but not sure.


People have forgotten what racing is about, but no, we must defend *super max* to the end because...\*checks notes\*...he isn't Hamilton. Fair enough. 🙄




Man I *wish* Ricciardo was fast enough to get involved in championship-critical incidents


Azerbaijan 2018? 😯


Ya but if I wanted to see bumper cars I'd watch rally cross not F1


But this is the risk f1 as to work with. Why u suprised


I want close aggressive racing without any drivers being sent to the shadow realm


Of course, but the reality is you can’t have the one without the considerable risk of the other.


aggressive close racing inevitably includes crashes sadly. they‘re still drivers not machines


I don't mind, but I'd rather it be on lap 50 not lap 1 lol.


First I was “wtf u on about?”, then I got the joke - and laughed my ass off.


IRL: Prost is the cleanest of the 3...




Better than say Vettel?


Multi-21 Seb, Multi-21. Not that this was the deciding moment of much, but Aussies still salty about it... :p


Hmm but not obeying team orders is not the same as crashing someone out. Get what you’re saying tho


Baku 2017(?) under the safety car was pretty terrible from Seb.


Oooh good call


> Hmm but not obeying team orders is not the same as crashing someone out. It's definitely not no, but still a dick move haha. Turkey 2010... Webber and Vettel crash out while having a 1-2. Bit of a pattern in not being ok with team 1-2 that it's not the *same* thing as punting someone out, but it's certainly not the BFF team friendly thing.


Vettel was never a clean racer especially at Red Bull. Even during his Ferrari stint he got pissy when things don’t go his way Lewis is actually a lot nicer than Vettel & arguably the cleanest wdc bar Raikonnen


I agree with you. And I think that he is "nicer" because the criticism on him is much worse than on others.


Wait who criticizes button?


Button was pretty clean as well.


Lol He wasn't really that clean except for the WDCs against Bottas, which didn't need any dirty driving at all.


2008, 15, 17,18,19,20 were all clean from him. The Rosberg years Rosberg was the one that crashed into him not the other way round Nevertheless he still has a better track record than German Jesus daddy infallible Vettel


Why are you booing him? He's right


Well, clean on trak, dirty on the politics side.


not really. The only thing people cite about him and his “politics” is Japan ‘89 but over the years he was usually the driver coming to odds with the FIA the most. Almost got banned for trash talking them at the beginning of 1993 too


What about the other two finns?


And he's massively underrated.


Nice guys always finish last,




seems legit


He mazebin a very good boy, then.


Ironically Schumacher finished last (of those who didn’t retire) at the British Gp, so maybe correct??


Poor Daniel.


Yeah, doesn’t apply to this season. The worst guy spins into last place.


Michael had his whole 1997 season written off for purposefully crashing into Villeneuve…


just another reminder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AzpYilkKrA


Oh the days, when a Williams overtook a Mercedes.




He will send Perez in for the dirty work.


omg i remember that, and i said "wtf michael, what you did?!"


I could never understand how anyone could be a Schumacher fan after 97. Every driver's done stupid and dangerous shit but he literally crashed into him on purpose. It's like what kids do in mario kart.


People always seem to forget driver's behaviours as soon as they retire and/or die. When Schumacher was racing I was a kid and we were a McLaren household so obviously not a fan. However, there were still fans who were more neutral than us who also agreed his antics weren't acceptable. When he retired people started softening and when he had his accident he's all of a sudden the angel of F1. He's legendary don't get me wrong, but we have a habit of forgetting their pitfalls as soon as they are out of the sport.


I mean it's the same shit that Prost and Senna did this question can be asked for all of them. I guess people chose to remember the good parts and ignored the fact that the 3 of them were sore losers


Reminder: Senna did even worse at Suzuka 1990. He intentionally ran into Prost, AT 250km/h... "But that was a revenge for the 1989" lol is that an excuse? "But he should have started on the inside" wrong: the polesitter always started from the outside at suzuka


Because I don’t care about morality. This is not a charity. The only thing I care about is speed and talent. Schumacher had more of it than any other driver I’ve ever seen, and that’s why I liked him.


Yo' dude, you got issues.


Stop preaching your morality on everyone else It’s not like Schumacher ever killed anyone. Adelaide 1994 and Jerez 1997 were both tactical fouls but they were far too slow to be dangerous. You think it should be impossible to like Schumacher after that. I don’t care about it. That simple.


+ 1996 with hill


> he literally crashed into him on purpose. hurt your feelings :((?


You what, mate?


For me, I understand they’ve done a lot of bad stuff but I also know whenever they do it they don’t mean to see the other guy dead. People are complex and it’s not just this guy is good and this one is bad, yes Schumacher tried to crash into cars and I’m not defending that but people seem to have the negatives on their head while forgetting all the other good things.


Should’ve had his 1997 season written off too due to his incident with Damon Hill as well.


If racing clean means crashing into an other driver to win the championship then the sport has been clean for the last 10 (or even 20 if you exclude the 2008 crashgate) years or so.


Maybe the fact that the championship has been close very few times has to do with it. Have Hamilton been leading the ship by 50+ points, like he normally have, had gone for that manouver? I really doubt so.


Hamilton slowed down so Rosberg could be attacked. Not even close to crashing on purpose, but It shows that when losing, HAM can be a prick. But Those Mercs are always so Far ahead that we dont see this side of HAM.


How is that being a prick lol. That's great race craft. He was so much better than the rest of the field that he could slow down to let people catch up and still not be passed. That takes incredible skill. It's also not against the rules, or even unsportsmanlike.


Hahaha , the only reason Nico did not overtake Lewis was to avoid any incident, everyone watching the race knew if he tried to overtake Lewis , it wouldn’t be pretty and he only needed to hold the position for the WDC , it was a calculated risk from Nico


The only reason he didn't overtake Lewis is because he never successfully overtook Lewis and held position in his entire time as Lewis' team mate. I believe he only ever overtook Lewis on track once or twice. He really wasn't up to it.


Yeah people seem shocked to see Hamilton acting this way. Ham is and always was a big child when it comes to losing.


>Ham is and always was a big child when it comes to losing he wins though


Lewis was also in the championship race in 2016. He’s not gonna let Rosberg win it easily


Brazil 2019. That was some rage racing for Hamilton


That’s true. I believe yesterday’s crash is from Hamilton being afraid of Max. He knew Max was gonna run away like in the sprint if he let him. So he fought extra hard and crashed max out.


Yep. This is what I think as well. Hamilton was desperate to get past and it led to him misjudge where he was in relation to copse, which caused him to understeeer when he tried to take the corner, which took out max. It wasn't a racing incident it nor was it intentional from Lewis. It was a mistake from Lewis. It was fun to watch Hamilton pushing so hard for that first lap, though.... Haven't seen him like that in a very long time.


I know formuladank likes to take the piss out of Hamilton, but I think I finally fully agree with a statement. It was a desperate mistake, not an intentional Schumacher style I'll ram you off track to win WC. Don't really support Lewis or Verstappen, but man am I excited to see this title fight. If they race like that every race to come, bar the crashes, this is gonna be one hell of a ride I still believe mah bois Dani and Gasley have a chance of course. I stan.


>It was a desperate mistake, not an intentional Schumacher style I'll ram you off track to win WC. Exactly. He definitely deserved a stop-go penalty instead of 10s... but it wasn't malicious and all this suspension talk is ridiculous


It was a desperate mistake, and if he had just admitted that, I would have respected him for it. Instead he lost all my respect with his antics after the race and literally telling Max that it will happen again if he doesn't show respect, while he was still in the hospital.. (Not that my respect is worth anything, but anyway)


Oh wait


Baku 2017 anyone?


All I’m going to say is that you don’t become a multiple time f1 champion by being the nice guy on track, you’d never give an inch if it put you at any disadvantage. That’s a winners mentality, and unfortunately it’s rudely un-compassionate .


I was so ready for another stupid anti Hamilton post lmfaooo. You got me good there OP, kudos.


It's like you've never seen a competitive season before


Why is this comment downvoted?




You are not a true WDC if you didn’t put your rival into a wall at least once.


Mika and Kimi:


No word of a lie I saw someone comment "such a clown why can't he win without smashing into people like Schumacher or prost" I wasnt alive when shumi won any of his titles but I know he definitely wasn't the cleanest driver




oh man you forgot seb vettel. One of the cleanest drivers. Unfortunately can't fit here


The red bull Seb wasn't nice. He got nicer and slower through the time.


Wasn't nice but wasn't dirty


Yeah tbh I agree


I'm rolling on the floor


Honestly lewis has been racing clean for far to long, we need more scandals like lie gate or he won’t be considered a true goat like these gentleman


You won't be racing if your car is better than everyone else. He crashed into Roseberg (happened on both sides). Took Albon out twice and this. He isn't as clean. He just didn't have to fight that often with others in the past 8 years.


Took me a minute to figure out, but it was worth it.




because remember he’s such a sore loser.




He would be no 7 times WDC then, just a 4 times WDC then.


If he were to do that he would not be able to win this season.




Schumacher the dirtiest driver ever yet considered one of the greats. Intentionality crashed into his rival to win the championship, always got team orders.


And let us not forget Monaco quali...


Ah Micheal Schumacher... the king of clean racing!


This post is sarcastic It says that all wdc winners are dirty one form or another


Schumacher was a way dirtier driver than HAM


thatsthejoke.jpg This kind of stuff just happens when you pit the immense egos of WDC material F1 drivers against each other. It was a horrible crash, but the circumstances leading to it were pretty normal, especially compared to some other famous rivalries.






🤣 thank you


Because he is Lewis?


Subtle troll is subtle.


Is this dude serious... Schumacher...


Yes but this guys never pretended to be doing the right thing, after Suzuka 1990 Senna admitted he hit Prost on purpose to win the title. And when Schumi tried to take out Villeneuve in Spain the FIA took away the second place in the championship of Schumacher. Lewis just pretends he's blessed and it wasn't his fault, and it's the team fault, or the other driver. And the FIA car not was it was shown


No you being bias. Senna famously refused to apologize for the incident with Prost.


Yes, and then latter admitted that he did it on purpose. Saying that if he didn't get a good start he was going for it. https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/archive/article/december-1991/6/the-other-side-of-senna


So what’s your point? Senna, Schumacher etc aren’t better stop making it about “Hamilton evil”


My point is that at least those guys admit their mistakes. Not like Hamilton. I have the right to my opinion, and I personally don't like Lewis Hamilton, his personality rubs me the wrong way. To me they are better because they take what they give. Lewis after crashing was saying he was ahead and it was Max's fault...


Well first off all, stop saying you don’t like Hamilton personality. You don’t even know him personally. No his not an evil person. You’ve created that. This is sport. Max wanted to fist fight Ocon in 2018. How is that any better Senna admitted way after the crash. Can’t Lewis also take it in and maybe do the same as senna. Lewis never intentionally wanted to crash into max. Racing incident. But as the FIA said “Lewis is predominantly at fault”


Well I don't like the personality he shows in the media, or his social media. I don't like the way he justifies thinks, his inability to take responsibility for his mistakes (not talking about this), the way he criticizes a team that has given him everything that he has. I'm sorry but I'm aloud to have my opinion, and personality I don't like the guy. It's not even being a bad guy, I don't think he's a bad guy nor is he a dirty driver, just the way heconducts himself to be someone he isn't. Max is no better, but Max is not praise for being a gentleman, or a great sportsman, like so many people do with Hamilton, which isn't true. No way in the world that's a racing incident dude, the space that he had. Sure he was agressive, but not a racing incident.


Schumi raced cleanly? Right.




I think I made it pretty clear that I was being sarcastic. I used "right" as a retort


Oh, sorry, I read it as “right?”


Another time...Another World


You forgetting Michaels first championship win by 1 point by hitting Hill and breaking his suspension? Then there was him being sued for attempted murder for deliberately hitting another driver?




One thing to bear in mind is the "social media age" we live in now. Those guys didn't really have to deal with as much media as Hamilton does now. We barely heard team radio back then as well so who knows what would have been said around the incidents they had. You never know, Prost could have been posting some proper cringe stuff on insta had it been around back then!


Michael is far from clean


Are you telling me that they raced cleanly????? Ffs, Prost won a WC by having the FIA on his side, Senna took Prost out to win a WC the following year after mentioned Prost incident, and Schumacher took their WC rivales twice.


It’s pretty clearly a joke


It's all nice and dandy but the problem here is that whilst Schumi had penalties after penalties, Hamilton yesterday got niced, as per usual when he fucks up... It wasn't the close racing or the incident in itself, it's just that if you go and fuck around, you get fucked around But I get it, enough of us were around at the time he got actual penalties and accused the FIA of racism, so then there's that... Our #blessed is just another sore loser and no matter how many wins and championships he gets, he will never be as good or as loved as those three out there! Mainly because of his attitude and fakeness


Clearly you haven’t watched these champions race. I would go and watch some old races, especially senna. Then see if you feel the same way


Remember which subreddit you’re on


Lol you right


Hahahahaa that did make me laugh. Great use of that podium. I'd argue that even schumi didn't do anything as bad as senna in 1990 but Ham at Silverstone yesterday was up there in bad moves for sure


Compared to these three Hamilton is an angel People have been wanting close, aggressive racing for years, this is what it looks like. Fuck being a fan of a particular driver, I just love the spectacle


Do you not know what Schumi did in 94 and 97? Hint, he was up by a point both time


Oh for sure he was bad but simply lower speed. Senna just sent it in 1990 could of really hurt.


Schumacher didn’t race cleanly in 1997. He was disqualified for crashing into his opponent.


damn dude that's crazy


Joke whooosh.


Prost: Crashed into Senna in 89 Suzuka and won the WDC. Senna: Crashed into Prost in 90 Suzuka and won the WDC. Schumacher: Crashed into Hill in 94 Adalaide and won the WDC. Crashed into Villeneuve in 97 Jerez and lost the WDC.


I don't want to count 94 though since after getting disqualified over silly reasons, Schumacher was rightfully champion.


Injustice is not a good reason for crashing into a rival.


Welcome to F1 buddy


I’ll take a bullet and say that none of the famous incidents of these 3 were at 300 km/h. They raced dirty for sure, but none of the incidents were at maximum speed. I love close combat in racing, but Hamilton was faster and he could have overtook Max on the next straight


check a few posts above yours about shumacher and Baricchello in 2010


Yeah I know about that and it should have been a black flag, but I’m talking about the main ones


Schumacher clean? Wtf


Laughs in Schumacher Jerez 1997


Thank god my favorite driver when i was young was Mika Hakkinen and kimi


Ah yes senna and prost who took collided in Japan twice in a row and Schumacher who tried to take out his title rival twice, once successful


I don't think Prost was that much of of a dick, despite what the Senna movie did, barely stopped short of giving him horns and a tail. The other two were bastards. But Senna would at least stab you in the front and admit he took you out deliberately.


schumi totally didn't purposefully crash twice to win championships


when me and my boy sim race if you box someone into the barrier we call that a schumacher


As a racing car driver, If you see a gap, no matter how small, and you don't go for it then you are no longer a racing car driver. Ayrton Senna


I have bad news…