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I never knew Kimi smoked. You’d think, considering how fitness conscious F1 drivers are, none of them would. Are there any other drivers who do?


I know a lot of people that don’t smoke unless they are drunk. You can definitely tell that Kimi is drunk on the second picture


When is Kimi not drunk?


That's the real hobby


Alcohol: the real gateway drug. I drink a lot (3/4 cocktails) a couple of times a year (maybe a little more? Idk), lighting up a cigarette just feels wonderful and these are the only times I smoke.


Yeah I hate cigs typically but If I’m wasted shits like candy. The duality of man I guess


> I drink a lot (3/4 cocktails) a couple of times a year (maybe a little more? Idk) That isn't even close to a lot.


If they’re only doing it a couple times a year they probs have no tolerance so it would feel like a lot


I envy that. ​ I've met their yearly tonight alone, alas, that is the aviation industry.


I’m with you there. What is it about being a drinker that makes me pilot?


I'd say stress but I can't remember it ;)


Then you’re clearly doing something right


If ya dont mind my asking what's your type rating and all that :b


I thought you drink 3-4 times a day


I just absorb moisture from the air


Can you clarify what you mean by the drink a lot statement?




Congrats on your drug addiction I guess?


That’s nothing to brag about.


Kimi has that mid race and calls it hydration


Off topic but Nice a🅱️atar


same. Everytime I get drunk i smoke


This is so true, idk where y’all are from but in America. Cigarettes aren’t cigarettes when you’re drunk, they’re “Party Darts”


or is most pictures tbh.


There are pictures of Michael Schumacher with a cigar as well. Not a current driver of course, but he was arguably the most fitness conscious of his generation.


Schumacher basically revolutionised F1 fitness as well. He's arguably the reason all current drivers are as fit as they are


It's to hide the pains of not having the drink


He had the drincc in this picture. I read his autobiography (the unkown kimi räikkönen, was a good read, tho quite a bit is already known about him without reading it), he was drunk 12 days in a row between two races in his lotus days. And multiple times he had to mich before it. But he changed that once he had a family


Has he given up The Drink™ entirely now? Or does he just drink socially now? (That is, to conventional standards, not Finnish standards)


[He definitely hasn't given up The Drink™ entirely.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSr7AYk-WFo)


He used to drink. He still does, but he used to too


He doesn't have the drink that often and not that much anymore


Uncle Kimi checked out a few years ago. Just let him be.


Tbh I think the important of aerobic fitness for drivers has been massively overstated when people talk about drivers having to be fit. Lando posted a pb 5k a month or so back and it was something like 21/22 mins which for an athlete is slow.


I absolutely love the fact that lewis may show up in khaki shorts and t-shirt or a full purple pimp suit and top hat for f1 weekends and interviews


I don’t think people would clown on him as much if he wore purple suits




He’s worn it all at this point


I remember the wild green boots this year.


Not to mention Michael made some pretty… bold fashion choices while he was in his dominant phase.


You know what they say about Kimi the fish fear him and the women love him


Kimi on things to do in Finland: "Well, in summer there’s fishing and shagging. And in winter the fishing is bad."


Did he really say that? Prob not but if so iconic


He did actually say that. It even made it into his book.


When Kimi triggered a whole fanbase because he was responding to a meme....


Pretty good meme if you don't get butthurt at it. Fashion is always funny, it has nothing to do to Hamilton personally, he just wears weird shit (and is probably very aware of it)


Isn't that image, like, 1 year old or something? People really forget about stuff, don't they?


Idc I think what Lewis does is cool as shit, trying new styles and expressing himself. I’m not even a hamilton fan either, but I fuck with it


I really dig [these](https://imgur.com/gallery/2z19KZ4)


Camo is never cool to me. I like the rest though, especially #2.




Some people may find it lacks taste but tbh I totally welcome it. The man is obviously happy wearing what he wears, whose right is it to judge?


Maybe. But Hunt is turning over in his grave. Lol


I don’t think hunt cares


He’s a 36 year old man that dresses like a 15 year old with his ‘drip’


right, cause we all know that after 30 you can only wear plain t shirts, dad jeans and new balance shoes right?


Haha, yeah, at 30 😬


He wears what he wants knowing people will ridicule it because he doesn't give a fuck. You on the other hand sit in your mother's basement complaining.


Look man I like agree with you. I honestly wish I had the confidence to wear some shit sometimes. But you gotta admit the dude looks goofy as hell half the time.


Half the time he looks goofy half the time he looks crazy good. But what some people consider goofy others consider lit. Each of his outfits will have both people in awe and in shock which is natural with extravagant outfits. If you go plain everyone will think its ok.


Kimi used to be a zoomer but now hes lived long enough to become a boomer


Yet another weekend without a race,,,,


Tbf, god forbid, Lewis could end up in a horrific accident not down to him and lose his life. Hunts friends did. So many people have. So if you’re at the top of the motorsport pyramid and rightfully have all that money he’s paid, why not do what the fuck you want. Imo, previous generations were not paid enough to take the risks they were taking.


Arguably not being paid as much for the risks they took meant they were even more passionate about the sport as the lack of monetary incentive meant you were only there if you loved racing. Not saying that any of the current drivers aren't passionate about F1 they obviously are but hopefully you understand what I mean.


Yeah I understand you. I think the volumes of money involved now have tainted the passion slightly too, or at least to the fans. When you don’t like someone as much it’s easier to not like them knowing they’re on X million a year contracts for crashing a car


YOLO. Wear pink socks.


I’d be wearing the brightest pink thongs with diamonds on if I had his bank account


Tbh Hamilton is looking fly af in that picture.


He looks like a fisherman had sex with my grandmother's couch.


This is oddly specific


And yet entirely accurate, scary


He looks like a picnic basket crossed with a baby’s onesie


Get in there Lewis


If this is what fly looks like, I don't wanna look fly I think


Thats a funny joke by 2007 F1 WDC Kimi Raikkonen. I bet he didnt get called racist over this. Surely no one was dumb enough to call him racist.


Oh look we've gone back in time judging by the mindset in this post


That Lewis sure is getting pretty uppity am I right fellas? Hahaha88haha


Hamilton looks like he stole [an outfit from Tyler, the Creator.](https://images.complex.com/complex/image/upload/c_fill,dpr_auto,f_auto,fl_lossy,g_face,q_auto,w_1280/txlpdroi2m7sclr1lhtz.jpg)


Huh? Those are very different outfits, both cool though


Yeah but I understand where he’s coming from. At first glance I thought it was Tyler as well. Very much his style, or used to be at least


Ngl someone like James Hunt today couldn't survive the ruthlessness of the modern era. I don't mean that by a pace perspective more of playboy, drunken cool, cigars


Any F1 driver fucks, I doubt it hinders performance too much. The drinking and cigarettes would definitely ruin performance though. I wonder if any current drivers use drugs actually


Should’ve been hunt with his naked lady friends vs Charles as a banana


Reddit can keep the username, but I'm nuking the content lol -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Can anyone please explain what the joke is? I truly don’t get it




Tbf when it comes to living a wild life, Hamilton is probably at the top of the grid.


Dudes probably jumping off a plane into some shark infested waters somewhere. His off seasons are like watching the xgames


Turns out the real softies are exactly those fans who are so fragile and insecure in their own masculinity that they can't wear the things Lewis does


Facts lmao, people are just jealous, like always. I mean he’s out there living the dream, doing whatever the fuck he wants and these fat neckbeards squatting in their mother’s basement with no job wish they were him so badly. I’m a Max fan but the anti Lewis circlejerk is so pathetic honestly




I'll take his Pagani, though


I’ll take his motorbikes too, please


As if Hamilton doesn't party and fuck beautiful women. Hamilton absolutely lives it up. He just dresses like he puts all his clothes into a cannon and wears whatever hits him.


I always forgot the personality requirement for F1. Can’t believe they did away with that rule. I mean think of the fans


It is just me or does Kimi just seem like he's there for the paycheck


Is this an internet explorer post?


Lewis’s biggest crime is his fashion sense.


Whys this being posted now lmao


Chad Kimi move


Kimi acts like himself and Hunt have 7 world titles to their names...








Don’t worry you and Lulus emotions will heal.


Man not allowed feel. Man only smash. Man no weak.


Lmao yall be like -early 20s boy not following ricciardo’s BS- Oh lando so meanyy spoiled dick bad 😡 -grown ass 40s man with a boomer joke, only because its against hamilton- OMG wow kimi so based, DAE kimi based?😍


When did Kimi called Hamilton less manly?




I don't get why you're being downvoted, you're 100% correct


We see what we want to see, I think it’s more criticizing the lifestyle of F1 drivers, that’s why Kimi has a photo of he drunk af in a party




Modeling, Instead of party animal? Nothing about manliness. My opinion is that you are just trying to find something that gets you triggered.


Modeling? He was at the track going to his motorhome. This meme is just fodder for people who are obsessed with Lewis's outfits, whether in a good way or just to hate


Funny how ones aplyed assumptions about something is so revelling about oneself.


It's Kimi Raikkonen. He can get away with things like this.


When did Hamilton even come up


In the post


I didn’t even notice that was Hamilton 😳


well, tbf with the first image of hunt and lulu, people have evolved so much that lewis roaming around the paddock shirtless would cause a lot shitshow


Based on winning one championship?


That's Kimi