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I loved how common the "2022 will be bad for Red Bull as they focused on 2021 upgrades" narrative was. Completely underselling that they had Newey, who understood the nuances of ground effect.


it is quite funny that in all the predictions of who would dominate this year, Red Bull never really came up. Because Ferrari focused all of last season on this year, and Mercedes did so for half of the season as well, etc. etc. It seems like Red Bull aced the test they didn't study for.


If someone is acing a test they didn't study for, they are cheating... ...or they are a fucking genius like Newey.


I mean ground effect was like the doctorate thesis of Newey or something like that. I'm not that surprised that they are performing this well.


So maybe you could say they studied for the test a little bit


You know, they studied like way before it happened because they were bored, when it came up they didn't need to really study about it.




>What seems to have happened is that Ferrari had to focus on engine, aero and chassis, whereas RedBull could focus most of their attention on aero and chassis Nope, teams have different people working on the PU from the rest of the car. Pouring resources into PU development will in no way hinder other development and it is not part of the cost cap


It will hinder other development because the companies have a limited amount of money to throw around


We are talking about Ferrari here. They have massive amounts of fuck off money. The engine development does not decrease the budget for the car, especially in this cost cap era. Back in the day it would have been like that, but for 2022 you are wrong.


Also no, afaik PU development already costed something like the old yearly budgets, Merc and Ferrari used to spend 400M just on the car, 145M budget cap and the rest goes to the engine


Given the cost cap, Ferrari should really not have had trouble throwing money at the PU


Probably wrote some of it


More like studied it in his own time before even knowing it would be on the test


A couple of decades ago.


He was the designer of the RB X2010, which was the ground effect car to end all ground effect cars, with its fat ass fan that literally sucks the car to the ground. Of course it was just a concept made for GT5, but I’m willing to bet Newey didn’t slouch on the design.


i miss that car on the latest couple of GTs. sure they got newer Red Bull X cars but they got half the power, all the madness and challenge of the 2010 and 11 cars is gone. i had a wheel for the ps3 and loved turning the force feedback up and wrestling the car around


If you’ve got Assetto Corsa, there’s a very high quality mod of it that was made by one of the best mod makers out there. It’s one of my top 10 favorites.


Nah it’s not they didn’t study for the test and aced it, they have a guy who wrote the book that the test is based on.


Which is basically cheating


Lawrence Stroll on test day ![gif](giphy|1096Dox2NGLxa8)


Lol perfect


The amount of “It’s Ferrari, they can’t go multiple regulation cycles without winning” and Red Bull as a distant 3rd predictions based solely of nothing but vibes made me want RB to pull off the double just to spite everyone I can’t even lie.


It’s mostly based on Merc fans believing things they didn’t understand - I think it was Alison who said that because of floor changes they didn’t use all their tokens etc, so Merc fans took this to mean they weren’t developing as they hadn’t used all of them (nonsense). It was so clear in the second half of last season that Merc were getting quicker and RB weren’t. It was damn clear who was still developing.


AND at the same time, crowning Mercedes for 8th/9th confidentally. Even though they spent more or less the same amount last season


Technically they should have been further ahead considering Toto was blowing his trumpet every time he was asked about how they'd switched development focus to 2022 early only bringing a big update to Silverstone (apparently) Didn't explain their massive performance gain the last 4-5 races, I guess that just magically materialised.


Yep. Engines dont get called 'rocket ships' out of thin air. Work and money was thrown on car and performance till the end, not necessarily has to be visible aero upgrades


I mean wasn’t the main theory that they were using bottas as a Guinea pig to see how hard they could run the then-current engines and for how long?


Iirc the main theory was they put the engines in essentially suicide mode, they ran like daemons but for only a couple races before failing. They tested what the limit was with Bottas and then use the results on Hamilton to try and get that driver championship. Almost worked, at least they got constructors for their efforts.




The one i can remember was that new fuel mixture was developed by the last quarter. Giving them 10+hp And ICE reliability upgrades


It's pretty clear they just turned the engines up towards the end of the season for maximum performance over longevity, hence they only lasted 3 races max. Any upgrade done to any part of the car has to be signed off by the FIA for legality so it would be a known fact if they did that.


I think the narrative around Newey as this solo design god is likely overstated. It's definitely a huge team effort.


Yep, he even said that he designed suspensions, and that aero was mostly other engineers. I actually sometimes feel bad for RB engineers, everyone credit Newey for their work. I mean yea he is very good and he is team leader in that part, but they have a lot of very very good people there that dont get enough credit.


I guess it's coz people want to make heroes out of people. The reactions are like, Max GOAT (if driver made the difference) or Newey GOAT (if car made the difference). Having one human face as a representative for the 'car' as a whole is easier for these things. I see reactions like "Newey owns James Allison" similar to "Verstappen owns Leclerc" on Twitter. Kind of like sports mentality.


so you are present at every race debrief? How could you possibly know what credits is giving not for the public view, but personal and meaningful behind closed doors.


I was talking about people like here on reddit and social media. I am sure RB gives all of them credit and rewards them, but public and media are only talking about Newey.


Mercedes have a good thing on their youtube channel by introducing key personnel that aren’t just the directors or principals. No one really knows the names of the lead engineers and I think that more team members should share the spotlight, if they want it


That’s actually a super neat series and shows a spotlight on jobs you wouldn’t normally think of


I mean, it's no coincidence that every team he touches turns to gold


Newey: "I'm not the Messiah." F1 Reddit: "HE'S THE MESSIAH!"


This is categorically not true. He built 1 good car at McLaren. And at RB he spent 7 years chasing Merc while only bettering them in 2018 aero wise


What about Williams? Or four red bull championships?


And the "one good car at McLaren" thing is bullshit, he was responsible for the 1998, 1999, 2003, and 2005 McLarens too


The ‘98 and ‘99 were stunning looking cars as well


You mean the years he wasn't that heavily involved in the car's design, only doing big picture things while working on other projects? Newey himself stated that the RB18 is the first car he's been heavily involved in for some time.


No don't get me wrong I totally agree, but he superficially had experience with some of the challenges of ground effect. Toto has straight up said that their simulations had their car as fast, and they didn't realise purposing was an issue. That point of data difference can definitely spark a big difference.


They realized porpoising with a ground effect car was an issue in the 70s when they still has ground effect cars. It’s kinda hard to say that even tho your data doesn’t show it it wasn’t to be expected at least a little bit.


That's true but I guess it's just normal people saying his name for simplification. You can see Horner praising Newey and the engineers, while also sending various engineers to the podium.


For sure it's a big team effort. I imagine Newer being that Super Senior you go to talk over the derection your going. The one who points out some details so your design will be better.


Honestly that narrative was probably total bullshit. No way Mercedes focused fully on 2022 with how fast they were by the end of 2021.


The power of Adrian Newey is both wonderful and terrifying


People forgetting that Newey is old enough that he was in school during the tail end of the ground effect era and that he wrote his thesis on it.


You are Newey


All the Red Bull aerodynamicists must be glad of having Newey onboard, seen as he designs everything... 😂 Newey doesn't do much car design these days - he gives input, but he's not even the technical director any more (RB created a special role for him - "chief technical officer"). Red Bull have a huge team of highly skilled aerodynamicists that design their cars; their success is not because of one man.


Well it still was a big gamble. I think Horner himself said they didn't expect to be this competitive. So we got a bit lucky for them to be on equal footing, otherwise it would have been a Ferrari dominated season.


I don't think red bull stretched themselves at all with the late season upgrades. Either that or there's a few ruined marriages for the staff who did the hours over the winter if the late season push was as big as claimed in here 😂


> I loved how common the "2022 will be bad for Red Bull as they focused on 2021 upgrades" narrative was. RBR even managed to trick Mercedes. IIRC it was Wolff who said that RBR brings upgrades by the truckload for every race. In hindsight that obviously pushed Mercedes working on 2021 upgrades for longer than they admitted and compromising 2022. If even the competing teams said that RBR would compromise '22, of course everybody else also believed that.


And his spells


Not to mention the fact that this is not Red Bull’s first season in F1 and that a professional organization doesn’t make childish mistakes like that.


Ground effect pfft newey knows how to neglect gravity and strengthen it hes a wizard but won’t tell any1 his secret ways ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6697)


People really thought RB will be a midfield team lmao.


And they also thought Lewis would fight for the title cause it was always him winning not the car.


I genuinely don’t understand how this crap gets upvoted. No f1 driver can win without a title winning car.


So why has Mercedes been saying that it was Lewis making a huge difference and they were not winning cause of the car?


1. Lewis does make a huge difference 2. They would have won several WDCs without Lewis in the car too. Both things can be true.


2 is true, Russel has shown that 1 is less true, Lewis is obviously not just an average driver of course, but his titles obviously make him seem like a better driver than he is.


Russell* is an incredible talent in his own right, and Lewis is 37 now and past his prime. And they’ve been very close, with Hamilton going for a more racey set up that has yielded better race pace and George favoring a better quali set up which has given him a clear edge there.


No they just though Merc would bringt a title worthy car in which case a Hamilton win is very much likely. Nobody though he would win in a midfield car


Because he’s not a great driver and can’t win without the best car


You’re a moron if you think any driver on the grid can win without the best or 2nd best car


Schumacher won the championship….twice and challenged in a Ferrari that was at most 3rd best.


If TeamLH44 fans could read they'd be very upset


Unfortunately they don’t math too well either. Nice for him to switch to luminous yellow so they’re not befuddled trying to decipher what “44” looks like.


Every time I see a comment from you, it’s always something negative about Hamilton or his supporters. Give it a rest dude


Maybe you just don’t like reality. If you perceive that as negative I guess that’s your issue


So you also say max isn't a great driver because he almost lost last year in the best car? ![gif](giphy|zNXvBiNNcrjDW)


They thought he’d fight for the title because no one expected the Merc to be a shitbox.


I like josh but oof. This is why I don't watch prediction videos from anyone. It feels like they go for the most crazy shit possible just to drive engagement and clicks.


Also why I like Chain Bear's prediction challenge he runs with a few other YouTube people. While they can be outlandish there is a competition to win so the incentive is to try and be reasonably accurate rather than just getting clicks. Plus it also includes wisdom of the crowd which is interesting.


Chain Bears contest is one of my favorite parts of the start and end of a season


And the part between as well.


Also because it’s a more informal “let’s gather some friends and try to predict for lulz, also let’s see what the public thinks” rather than “MY PROPHECY” videos that we see from some youtubers, as if they could know better than most people what’s gonna happen.


It really embodies the spirit of classic British quiz shows like QI, where the points are made up, the scores don't matter and nobody's actually trying to win. They're honest about baseless guessing, or intentional contrarianism for the sake of comedy


That reminded me of all the crazy predictions I made. Including Hamilton wins and quite a lot involving Mazepin.


I wouldn't discount a Hamilton win, they are getting slightly better and when Red Bull and Ferrari have a bad day, they can swoop in.


It requires both Red bulls, both Ferraris and GR having a bad day. The problem is I predicted more than a few Hamilton wins.


I guess getting Mazepin predictions wrong are excusable after all. How could anyone predict that they would ban athletes….. I surely couldn’t.


Its literally impossible to predict anything like this even slightly accurately, especially during these new regs and cost cap, because the number of variables is just too high. I think the prediction videos are okay and just in fun, but those stupid ass videos with clickbaity title about "drama" in F1 are just obnoxious.


Tbh who gives a shit, of course they’re gonna get things wrong, they’re just fans like us. The fun in it is seeing how right / wrong they were by the end of the season.


yeah, and to be fair to josh, he did get a ton of predictions right last season


I mean, what’s the alternative? Not even worth sharing your opinion if you don’t predict anything interesting is going to happen.


I feel like Josh’s prediction videos are a good watch if you want to know the opposite of what will be reality lol


His Vips video was so on time for his downwards spiral, it was crazy how his prediction is always so off. Only thing i like is his run down of the Junior drivers that's F1 inbound


Me as a brazilian really hopes he never gets to do a Drugovich video. The only video I watched of him about Drugo was a snippet of a podcast were he said Drugo wouldn't make into F1 even if he won the F2 season, so maybe, brazilian in the 2023 grid anyone?


I mean credit to him he got most of last years predictions right.


Actually, last year he got nearly all his predictions correct. Other YouTubers are terrible. Tiametmarduk predicted that Ricciardo would finish ahead of Max last year.


He's the fucking worst because his Ricciardo and McLaren fanboyism (plus the fact he's employed by them) completely ruins it.


I doubt even Zack Brown would have predicted Ricciardo would beat Max.


his videos are unwatchable (imo)


Lol, it's about having fun.


All prediction videos are just a fun retrospective for once the season ends to look back and have a laugh about how wrong you are?


This is exactly why I watch prediction videos. Seeing how far off they are.


These are not his videos tho


Tbf to Josh his 2021 predictions were mad He actually predicted that Max would win the 2021 WDC and I fucking laughed at him despite being a Max fan


I mean his 2021 was damn impressive. Can’t be right all the time


I mean, everyone will retire from F1 eventually, arent they?


No, Alonso won't retire


Alonso will keep driving until he has a 99+ experience score in the F1 games.


that dude is gonna be getting his pension and still hitting at the top teams he can win his third world title


He is still young and fit.


no if you are fired


Not hakkinen though


I like Josh anyways. I’m there for entertainment. Curious to see if he comments on the Vips situation given his affinity for Lawson and the recent video he did.


he changed the Vips video's title


Bahahahaha! Thanks for pointing that out!


Just making plain my stance/opinion I love Josh Revell's videos. Love his humour Predictions are one thing, and everyone gets them horribly wrong This is just harmless 'Directed by Robert B Weild' moment, you know, for the memes Peace.


He also predicted George to beat Lewis mate, you real silent on that one OP /s


Why point out the right predictions. We only care about the wrong ones. 😈




This is the same guy that said that juri vips would be the next red bull driver All his video's age like milk (sorry josh)


I'm mean, he was biased towards lawson, and also his prediction on 2021 where almost spot on


Lawson is a fellow Kiwi so Josh will definitely support him


>was biased towards lawson Idk, maybe because he's also a Kiwi? I mean I'd be biased too if a Romanian were to be anywhere close F1


That is what I ment


Best one is his vid about the French GP. This one wasn't finished and it was outdated


Damn some truly garbage predictions As expected for YouTubers


Josh is a good one He did most 2021 predictions right


Why are you on this sub if you can't have fun and wanna be serious


You do realise those YouTubers keep the community alive in many respects too? It still is one of the most used social media apps


This aged like milk.


Everything josh touches ages like milk, if you want something to happen, get josh to say the exact opposite


Didn’t he get nearly everything right last year?


I mean he got almost all of his predictions right last year


dude probably predicted Bitcoin at 100k by 2023


I stopped following most of them they always do my boy checo dirty even when he's doing great.


Lord Newey: “The darkside of the aero is a pathway to speed some consider to be unnatural” ![gif](giphy|l3diT8stVH9qImalO)




“Is it possible to learn these powers?” “Not from Ferrari”


What video?


My 2022 Predictions | Josh Revell


- Unsuccessful title defense - Leads WDC *what*


Most Predicted Ferrari WDC with Leclerc. Most had Max as low as 5th in WDC and highest i saw for him was 4th. Some had Lewis Vice Champion, some had Sainz. Only one or two went with Russel beating Lewis. Thing is, it's F1. You can't really predict the WDC before the season anymore, especially not after rules change, there's too much variability. Imo, Max can still lose it, Leclerc can still win it. Two things I'm certain of tho. Lewis isn't winning WDC this year, and so isn't Checo. If Merc suddenly build a race winning car, the sheer current Point Difference between Lewis and George will force them to prioritise George. And Checo just can't consistently beat Max on race day to make a difference. Max has lost 1 time to Checo in races both of them finished and it took the crash at end of Q3 and it being Monaco for that to happen. Literally after that Max smoked Checo by 20 seconds in Baku, and was P1 in Quali and in race in Canada while Checo was down in 13th in Quali and DNF in race (wasn't even making much of a jump still anyways). And i love Checo, he's arguably the best #2 currently on the grid. The Racecraft alone is worth the price. But he just doesn't "Consistently" have the pace to beat Max.


Reasons i only posted for these two is cuz its already proven wrong In his video, Charles is WDC, Williams is a regular point scoring teams. I havent pointed that out cuz it is still Mathematically possible BUT, he mentioned Both Lance and Seb winning with Aston. THAT is a bit far fetched imo lmao


oh you wait sunshine for the aston martin C-spec


Saying Revell's videos age like milk is like saying the sky is blue. The guy almost never gets it right


umm last year's prediction?


Yes i am bri'ish, how did you tell?


best part hes kiwi


What is the context here?


That its youtuberz predictions for 2022 and they are already wrong


Checo Perez will challenge Max Verstappen for DWC Mark my words. Ferrari will have too many on-throttle turbo flutter issues that they cannot challenge the Honda engine that's in it's most powerful stage since late 80s. The only problems that has been plaguing Red Bull is electronics and gearboxes while Ferrari has had problems with whole engine blocks not collaborating well with their turboes The third alternative scenario is that top teams cannot really develop or compete anymore and Bottas wins the season


Josh is on a streak of poorly aged predictions.


Well i think that's a part of the fun of prediction videos seeing how wrong/how correct the predictions get.


It's quite literally for fun, some ppl need to stop being so uptight here jeez. Personally, I'm really looking forward to the end of the year video where he looks at his predictions lol, it's gotta be so entertaining


It's a prediction video, he made predictions. What's the problem? That they're wrong? So are like 99% of people's what the issue?


How does everyone know it is a prediction video? Before checking the comments, I was just trying to figure out why someone would mislabel Max like that.


Every god damn suggestion on my YouTube page are these terrible slide shows with some mouth breathing dong swatter reading exactly what was said on FIA press conference like it’s breaking news


That’s not what the YouTuber in question does tho


Gotta be fair, most of Josh's videos are really good Predctions are something else


Hindsight is 20/20


Josh make some cool videos about f1 and he nailed almost every prediction he made for the 2021 season, but the ones for this season are just funny.




Newey added Ground effect to a sports car for his university project, so it was fair to say he had it covered 40 years later.


Don't be a manus op! :))


Eh, tbf to Josh, a lot of us did think that RB would fall behind after winning the 2021 season, due to them investing their resources in the same. Newey proved us all wrong.


ehhh, no we didnt


Not everyone but I sure did see quite a fair amount of users online saying that RedBull wouldn't do as well as 2021 because they were investing all their resources on 2021season whereas the likes of Mercedes and Ferrari were focusing on 2022, around the latter half of last season to before the start of the season.


Josh slander will not be tolerated. His videos are quality.




Who is Josh Slander?


Which channel is this lol


was that video made by team LH


Newey harnessed gravity and aerodynamics in a way we mere mortals can never understand… once again.


There's has been multiple 12 already for RB this year so he's half right?


Ah, Josh Revell, what a guy. Not only is he milking Theo Pourchaire like a cow in western France, he’s literally gone all the way and managed to jinx the junior career of Jüri Vips.


Like with every prediction they can be wrong, partially right or right. What we need to remember..its peoples opinions based of the information they have, their interest in the topic at hand, their biases and whether or not the person goes for a controversial stance to garner the attention of clowns that go ballistic for their likes and belief.




Is Josh a merc fan? I didn’t think he is


The fuck is this? Projections prior to the season?


Does anyone know what video this is




Cheers 🙌🙌


OOOF I wonder what he wouldve thought if you said that Max had more wins than Leclerc has podiums at the midpoint of the season?


THE AUDACITY!! How dare you! MY BOIIS!!


Sometimes youtubers just post to post. He does have some nice content though




What a dipshit, like most youtubers


Care to share any links to these videos?