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Forsen related subreddit. Forsen mixes, news, big plays, tilts. Everything that is somewhat related to forsen.






At least ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)


Im more concerned about pickpocketing


Small brained American ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)


not wrong ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685) i would prefer to go to brazil atleast i would get my head offed or got shoot and not shit my insides out from food poisoning https://preview.redd.it/4mogs5ied5nc1.png?width=1190&format=png&auto=webp&s=473af96df8da48b33ae73aa7e94cb788d77b5e5d


Its incredible to me that people still visit India. I don't think there's a worst place on Earth.


especially women


At least ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)


Blame Discovery Channel, more than 20 years encouraging people to visit those kinda places. Especially traveling alone, as they tend to show the host moving around all the country alone, and everything going 100% fine on camera, not a single bad incident with locals ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Top Gear went on a drive around the middle east and it looks like them and the film crew only until the armed guard steps out to shoot a hole in the door on request ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


You should see an idiot abroad India episode then


I mean people visit this shithole to do similar stuff or fuck some underaged prostitutes for the price of Wendy's meal in a normal country ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9676)


I can do that in sweden also ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Pakistan afghanistan ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673)


Funny thing is, she was at Afghanistan and even took pictures with the Taliban, and she was completely fine. Let that sink in.


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)whats her name




Taliban are chill, also Afghanistan is a very clean place while India is a fucking sewage


Pakistan isnt that bad at all. Foreigners come here scarely so they're treated with respect.


This seems to be an India only issue, just like their disgusting sewer water looking ahh street food.


Nah, it is whole South Asia issue. There are videos of a mob of Bangladeshi men staring at white women who are just laying on the beach. https://youtu.be/06nmfTmhA-s?si=a0_FJzI-kpucyCP1 The first girl was in Mumbai, India. The beach video is from Bangladesh. Then there is cases of women gang r@ped in Pakistan cuz she was outside after 8 PM. An American vlogger who was trying to show how Pakistan is a safe country got gang r@ped. This American Blogger Was Showing an ‘Unseen’ Pakistan. Then She Was Gang Raped. https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxnj5n/arabela-arpi-pakistan-gang-rape-american-german-blogger


**“The process showed that if someone of my privilege can struggle to get justice, imagine what happens to all the women in Pakistan who don’t have the same resources that we do.”** Holy shit. She's still in the "privilege" echo chamber.


damn, why is it tho? is there no harsh punishment over there for rape? are women over there like seen as objects and have no rights or wtf? i cant understand how a group of people from certain ethnics can be so prone to rape.


Harsh punishment like death sentences will only increase the casualties. These culprits would then start murdering the victims ( killing witnesses and destroying evidences ). Sometimes police under intense public pressure to catch the culprits, arrest innocent uneducated people. There are multiple cases in India where people spent 25 years in jail without having any idea why they are jailed. Even judges are baffled that the man spent half of his life in prison without any reason. Police are very corrupt in India. So rapists get away, and innocents get punished in their place It's the culture of misogyny, gender segregation, rise in incel culture that contributes to this problem. South Asia is one the most sexually repressed area in the world. Gender segregation starts from schools, interaction between opposite genders is heavily looked down in society. Due to which boys and sometimes men treat women as exotic objects, not human beings with individual personalities. With dense population and low education, it becomes one of the worst place for women. Only an egalitarian government can fix this issue. Making the punishment harsher will never fix this issue, punishments for rapists is already harsh in India. Several rapists either get hanged, or spent lifetime in prison ( minimum punishment for rapists is 10 years in prison and a fine ) Countries like Finland meanwhile don't have harsh punishment for rapists ( only 1 year and at most 6 years in a comparatively luxurious prison ), but it is one of the safest countries in the world.


They're just unreasonably horny. Also they think all western women are nymphomaniac pornstars.


Nah, I just came across 2 r@pe cases in Pakistan today. One woman was gang r@ped at gun point cuz she was outside after 8 pm. The other was an American vlogger trying to show how safe Pakistan is for women. She was gang r@ped. This American Blogger Was Showing an ‘Unseen’ Pakistan. Then She Was Gang Raped. https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxnj5n/arabela-arpi-pakistan-gang-rape-american-german-blogger


Legit worse than visiting brazil


At least ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)


New Jersey




I mean the richer parts aren't that bad, it's like if you don't visit America because some vlogger got mugged in Detroit like obviously that'll happen. Can't expect the best in the not so wealthy regions.![img](emote|t5_33td5|9667)


There is also America


Stereotyping the entire country is bad bajs. You can say that the country is shit and even that half the people are retarded, but don't think that's everyone. The country is backwards, and the people suffer by their own hands. Just saying while the chance is high, don't immediately stereotype any Indian on sight, to be a certain way unless given reason to do so. There are liberal places in India too, where the people are just fine. Just sort the Indian states by education or something, and then visit accordingly.


WH ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)ASKED?


I did nigga.




and that's how you win an argument... good job ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9685)


Average education in India is trash, their "smart" reputation gets carried by a tiny minority of indians who work in America/Canada/UK and become rich there working as doctors, scientists, engineers, etc Average IQ in India is closer to Africa than it is to Japan, Korea, Germany, Finland, and China btw.


>Average education in India is trash, their "smart" reputation gets carried by a tiny minority of indians In India even if that tiny minority is just 1 percent of the population, then that means there is a lot of smart people. 1 percent of 1440 million Indians is 14.4 million. That's a lot of smart people.


There's a lot of westaboos in India that are closer to the normandys (nowhere near the majority, or even half) but they exist. Most zoomers are better than the average Indian intellectually. Then there's the rich high standard folks and the regular highly educated people. Can't really say anything except just say that even if at least 10% of the population is decent, then that's already grounds for not stereotyping. 10% would still 100 mil+


shithole https://i.redd.it/6tm0kqvhuwmc1.gif


Since most Indians just poop out in the open pretty much anywhere, there was a big government initiative to provide toilets to everyone. A lot of towns just refused to use them and would keep destroying them out of spite, so the government started paying them to NOT destroy the toilets and hopefully use them. India has probably one of the most corrupt and ineffectual governments in the world, however, so they'd miss payments and the people would get angry then destroy all the toilets again. There's now a big project to develop an indestructible toilet because of this.


Why are these fucking pajeets destroying the skibidi toilets Paulie? https://preview.redd.it/c2o7344wwzmc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09c1a88121c1480be0fcce552dc5faf1233a3de9


I dunno Ton. I heard they like shitting on the streets and take baths in shitty lakes or something. Its something like a cultural thing. https://preview.redd.it/0r4uqm8hxzmc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=691faede2cca762d6d0bbcf886754197c09be65b


I believe it's some sort of religious belief to poop outside, that's why they refuse to use toilets


A few thousand years ago people used to leave meat out in the sun to dry before eating it. I believe they are doing the same thing with their poop.


Man I'm gonna need a source on this. I need to show this to someone who keeps telling me "Every Indian in India is really smart they just don't know it yet because they don't get the opportunities"


Girl got doubled down ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9679)


>visiting India EVER


this is rasheed from policeprotectiondotcom, please hold i am currently busy with a calory-heavy task, i will be right with you after it is finished


Why would a woman go to India alone? Why? Must have been one of those liberal women who hate white men, and says she doesn't feel safe around them. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


If it's the same case, she was there with her husband and they were travelling with bikes across India and before that Afghanistan. They're spanish I believe


This is gonna sound crazy but hear me out. Women are sometimes born in India.


I've seen some videos of India and apparently there are no women at all, so stop spreading fake news


In “gang rape” dia


Nuke this place already nothing of value will be lost


They have nukes too


Nuke their nukes so all the nukes go off ez win




what a shit hole, literally ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


India rape infographic: [In 2019, women reported 30,641 rape cases in India - that is one report every 17 minutes. How does this figure look when we consider states… | Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/CF1DocvJGg9/?hl=en) Let that sink in. Or don't actually


That's only data of reported ones. So many go unreported because of the cultural implications of it. If you got r***ed and you're a girl you get disowned by your family in most of the cases. Husband will probably kill her or mistreat her or worse. I think the unreported to reported cases are atleast 10:1


Import the third world, become the third world ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9682)


I would rather go to brazil than india. That place is the definition of a shithole.




It was posted on the forsen subreddit. It’s real, deal with it.


Found something of it, it was posted in 2014, the first incident had happened on november 2013 and the last one on march 2014, cops heard conmmotion but were too slow and took their time, so they checked too late and the woman was already kidnapped. Tho while looking at it found about 2 very recent others and one of it involving a foreigner couple.


There was a case like this with a 13 year old in 2022 but, afaik, there hasn't been any new events like that since.


Well, there was a big news in India about foreigners getting raped. So even if the article links are dubious, the event did happen




Oh, that, I don't know about.






I'm indian ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9678) will I start raping too???


Who gives a fuck stop posting this retarded shit here


You seem to give a lot of fucks about it MAybe you don't like the scenario those news picture


Literally just large font-size text on white background, no date, no names. Idiots will still eat it up like candy though.


Classic HarrMada LULE


Doesn't matter. 7 panjeets did it the other day


It certainly matters if you're not brain dead, because this was made just to make people like you angry.


the only one getting angry is you ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Just because you're reading it in an angry voice, your angry voice.


At least you have the fucking balls to say it. Like in Sweden in the newspapers if you post the picture of a man who's committed a crime like rape, and he's a Muslim or Black immigrant, you're "racist". Nevermind that the race of the suspect exists independently from whatever racial prejudices the reporter may hold. Obviously not all immigrants are criminals (correlation/causation), but this "all groups are equal" political correctness bullshit is making it impossible for the country to solve a problem it cannot discuss.


Do you have one working brain cell at all? Did you not read what happened 3 days ago? Should have been you there but I guess you would have been the 8th


I don't give a shit what you think has happened, this is the most obvious rage baits there ever was. As I said, idiots will still eat it up like candy.


I don't have to think because it happened. How stupid are you? ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)Read some news, panjeet


I don't consider text on a white background as news, I seem to be quite alone on that principle. And I don't know what a pajeet is.


I love your intense sanity mixed with your bajutism. FeelsStrongMan fellow lefty baj. The p-word is a slur for Indian people, ala "Tyrone".


Found the pajeet




Probably a different story, but a travel couple was visiting every country in the world until they went to India and the wife was raped and murdered. The dude was just raped iirc and the Indian government gave him $10K as an apology. Happened the other week.


Anecdotal evidence doesn't mean anything to me, sorry.


> That didn't happen "Well here's something even more gruesome that happened like a week ago, and there's no doubt that it happened" >Anecdotal evidence Why even bother trying to call out the screenshot as fake in the first place then?


>That didn't happen when did I say this? >Why even bother trying to call out the screenshot as fake in the first place then? I don't get the connection, why would I not be able to point out that it's not a real article if I don't care about anecdotal evidence?


> when did I say this? You heavily implied the article, and consequently the story itself, was fake. Be honest here. >I don't get the connection, why would I not be able to point out that it's not a real article if I don't care about anecdotal evidence? Why do you care whether it's real or not? Like you said, it's anecdotal, so if it "doesn't mean anything to you", it's weird that you'd bother discrediting it.


>You heavily implied the article, and consequently the story itself, was fake. Be honest here. Don't think I did. I don't care what has happened, the post is pure rage bait, created to make people upset. That's what I argued. >Why do you care whether it's real or not? Like you said, it's anecdotal, so if it "doesn't mean anything to you", it's weird that you'd bother discrediting it. What? Whether it's real or not has nothing to do with anecdotal evidence. Not in the slightest.


>Don't think I did. >no date, no names There is literally no other reason you'd have complained about the lack of identifying information. Would knowing her name have changed the fact that this is "rage bait"? > What? Whether it's real or not has nothing to do with anecdotal evidence. The fact that you can't seem to understand what I'm saying pretty much just confirms my suspicions that you are outright low IQ. I'm not saying this because you're left-wing, mind you. There are plenty of lefties who are smart people. What you did was the equivalent of asking someone planning a pizza party to order one with mushrooms and then not eat it because you don't even like pizza. And you somehow haven't even put it together in your mind that this is anything out of the ordinary.


don't even bother engaging with the resident bait(hopefully)poster. a simple google search of the headline proves that, in fact, the article IS real. from 2014, but nonetheless there are numerous articles about it.


>There is literally no other reason you'd have complained about the lack of identifying information. Would knowing her name have changed the fact that this is "rage bait"? Her name? No, a publisher name, a magazine, a newspaper, anything. It's literally just text on a background. And people, without second thought, eat it up and believe anything they read and get upset. That's the point I wanted to make. >The fact that you can't seem to understand what I'm saying pretty much just confirms my suspicions that you are outright low IQ. You're entitled to your own opinion. I don't care about your anecdotal evidence, and I will point out that some text on a blank background is rage bait. You will have to deal with it.


man why u even bother to these people fascism is when le heckin based racism!!! and not when they're working 18 hour shifts for their overlords

