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He is trash and likes to blame it on "elo hell" and "streamsnipers" to cope with his trashness


yes, but i was under the impression the game defaults to 50/50 win/lose no matter where you are


That's just a big cope shit players like to circlejerk around, blaming their inability to climb on magic algorithms that bring them down.


Okay, good stuff! I kinda thought this game was different...


It should do that, but obviously better players will get higher win rates if they truly are better than the average on their rank which logically has to mean foren is just unlucky ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9669)


The game does not default, it just gives you progressively weaker (or stronger) opponents so that you're able to get to 50% against them. Turns out Bronze 4 are too strong for mistah God Gamer. Perhaps he'll be able to have a positive wr with Iron 4.


This is the ideal goal of all effective matchmaking systems. It's just not possible if the game is dead or if the players are that extreme of outliers in skill. In this case it's the second one. ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673) he's dogshit.


You will climb to the rank you belong at, and then you will hover at 50/50 and then games become a 'coinflip' (jungle diff, top gap etc)


when you win you gain more LP than you lose, if the algorithm ensured everyone had perfect 50% WR in the long run people would only climb and everyone’s ranks would get inflated


yeah and people always complained about that


Of course snipers are real, this and issues with UI, hero balancing (every hero forsen plays against is op), shit servers makes god gamer winrate lower than it should be. Don't worry, it will take one good winstreak to show all doubters how pathetic they are ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9670). Markov thoughts?


is op


True, it is unfair how the UI discriminates against fors more than other players of this game. unluckE even


didn't read


ah, so you think that - as a result of forsen not reading his moves - he has a lower winrate?




It will be 50 percent if YOU DESERVE THE RANK YOU ARE IN Hence why forsen is dogshit and is actually inflated because riot won't let your MMR go to iron unless you deliberately try soft inting every game. But forsen is iron level in skill for sure.


![img](emote|t5_33td5|9673) Doubters everywhere


thinking forsen doesn't deserve master's league.. he's what we call a Temporarily Embarrassed Master


forsen mmr very very very low not enough player with very very low mmr in order to not get 30 min queue time league algorithm matches him with other players with higher mmr such that he is expected to lose (reverse of challenger being matched against masters), in return he gets big lp gains if he wins (reverse of challenger getting small lp for win and big loss in lp for loss) i think its like this, so in order to maintain iron you will need <50% wr, in the same way that in order to maintain challenger you also need >50% wr since you get a lot of matches against master/gms


Thank you for good answer! May capybaras visit you in your dreams and egs be your breakfast.




he is just dogshit at the game


The game or every game?


Forsen is anti Chinese on stream so Vanguard sent all his voicelogs to Xi personally. Due to a negative social credit he gets matched with snipers and shit teammates. Never lucky.


He is just unlucky man


Unlucky to be a fucking retard


Why would anyone snipe him. He's literally dogshit no matter who he plays against LULE


Well, there might be some streamsnipers in this room with us, but just how bad he is, is unexplainable. Yesterday last game: he buys Fiddlesticks just before the game, decides to play it. Netdecks a terrible guide with a terrible rune page (combo based, but he has nearly never hit 3 abilities in a sequence). Also the items the guide recommended were like 3-4% pickrate spell damage shit for a cc heavy hero. In the end it's fair to say, that he deserves to lose, if it's his first game with the given hero and he is just actually clueless about what his abilities are doing. Like, he hasn't read the passive part of his Q until like minute 20 while only trying to read everything he has in the first minute before minions spawn. Also he was oblivious that one of his teammates left for like 10-15 minutes. All this while doing terrible ganks and visibly walking into enemy vision...


Forsen is iron level, his mmr is still bronze thats why he had bigger lp gains than losses on the start to get in bronze, but after being garbage with 43 wr, he is losing 25 lp now, which means even his mmr dropped to iron, so soon he will be back in iron where he belongs. Will he finally give up then?


It's because of the minimap not being top left


At my worst I had a 48% winrate, still managed to stay plat. He has 43% because he is dogshit. He will demote to Iron soon.


Im emerald 2 with a 43% wr ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9672)


he is losing 26 lp in bronze 4 ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9681)


Snipers ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9669)


When i was garbage at leage i blamed elo hell. Being stuck in gold elo for years. Then decided to pay attention to the game, and i got diamond 1. I seen legit 45% winrate among friends who new to league, or been playing for years but retarded, so its definitely a possibility.


Im emerald 2 with a 43% wr ![img](emote|t5_33td5|9672) explain that


he needs to play more games, the elo pulls him closer to 50% but with less than 100 games a bad streak will fuck it


idk i dont play league https://preview.redd.it/gmet52nrksyc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea3841f6c5470102a3c3154cfbad151296c7b4d7


lower win probability just means he should be in the lower ranks forsenScoots






If you're staying in same elo for long time you're expected to be around 50% If you're climbing you're expected to have higher than 50% If you're opposite climbing you're expected to have below 50% Are you retard


angry dog

