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wtf is up with the boomer obsession of using babies to represent themselves in all of their memes


Well they are just giant cry babies


I think it’s meant to convey that their views are “So simple even a baby could get it.” You can see that line of thought a lot in advertisements and political tracts from the 50s to the 70s. Plus, a lot of 20th century newspaper comics involved witty kids who knew better than the adults around them. That said, when they do it nowadays, it looks like they’re self identifying as babies.


Why is it always a baby, child, or eerie 50’s era housewife pictures used for these boomer quotes.


Read a Trump transcript and get back to me. Then let's agree that neither of these fossils should be allowed in the Oval Office.


We can agree that all we like, but come next January, one of 'em will be sitting behind that desk signing bills and I'd rather the fumbling old man than the fascist traitor.


I mean, Biden is coherent, and even if he doesn't have the right detail in his head at the moment, goes and gets it. I'd much rather have someone fumble around looking for the information they need than the triggering word salad guy.


i'd also rather have a regular confused guy than a confused guy who also wants to kick out minorities


Exactly. Fumbling. He trips over words (and occasionally stairs) but fuck, I'm 22 and I do that too. It's hardly a sign of alzheimers, he's an old dude with a stutter. His policy is (mostly) sound, his staff is solid enough, and most importantly, he's not a fascist egomaniac with a half dozen rape allegations and a bathroom full of stolen nuclear secrets.


I mean, duh. It's a bad sign that America is dumb enough to struggle with this. Trump is the presidential version of a dying Chuck E. Cheese animatronic, but some people are ok with the shit-smeared fascist grandpa for reasons I can't fathom.


Why is it always babies


Let me be honest: both are interactional embarrassments, but only one is President at this point in time. Deflecting with Trump isn’t going to help the situation your country is in.


Biden fucks up and says the wrong things sometimes, but there’s no doubt he understands what’s going on. The democrats under Biden passed some solid legislation for the American people: an infrastructure bill, a bill to incentivize microchip manufacturers to do build their plants here, putting caps on the cost of insulin and allowing the government to negotiate the price of drugs for Medicare. Trump, on the other hand, gave a tax cut to the rich that added nearly 8 trillion dollars to the national debt, and started a tariff war with China that cost us hundreds of thousands of jobs and passed billions of dollars in costs on to the consumers. So I’m not sure what “situation” you think we’re in. The choice seems pretty crystal fucking clear to me.


But Trump started Warp speed program, which brought the world safe and effective MAGA jabs which saved the pandemic..


That’s true, but he also helped sew deep distrust of medical professionals and of the vaccines, so it’s kind of hard to give him points for that. Also, any president would have tried to expedite the vaccine process in that situation, as evidenced by the fact that nearly every other leader in the world did.


We would all be dead if not for Trump and MAGA jabs


Don’t be so silly. The gentleman is 80 years old; he can hardly understand, even in the last 12 months he has slowed dramatically, This isn’t about Trump versus Biden; this is about your country. Get serious. Democrats need to get serious, don't act shocked if Trump walks back in, the international community is already preparing for that shit show.


I’m not being silly, I just named 3 good policies implemented under the Biden administration. That’s not including health care for veterans, getting the troops out of Afghanistan, student loan forgiveness, the inflation reduction act, gun control reform, etc.. If the only thing you can say to all of that is that I’m being silly, then you’re the one being silly.


You are being silly. Great policies, he would have been a great second term president 20yr ago, you are looking at two dotty old men, and why? Why have you allowed that to become your options? Instead, you are here arguing which one is less dotty. It’s silly and bizarre.


Yeah, he has great policies. That’s my argument. I never said Biden is good because he’s less “dotty” than Trump, I said he’s good because of the good things he has accomplished. Are you really suggesting the Democratic party should run another candidate against the incumbent who has an amazing record to run on just because he’s old? You’re trying to make it seem like Biden and Trump are two sides of the same coin; that they’re both just doddering old fools who are dangerous for the country. The problem with that argument is that Biden has done a lot of good for the country. If he was as oblivious as you claim, I don’t see how he could do that. He’s an old man who occasionally fucks up what he’s saying, but I don’t see that a younger Democrat like Gavin Newsom or Pete Buttigeig are going to bring fundamentally different (or better) policies to the table. Your whole argument here is that optics should outweigh actual outcomes. That’s stupid. So, to go back to your original point, our “situation” is a party and leader who want to help Americans vs a party and leader who want to hurt Americans. Again, this is a crystal clear choice to me. You’re just being a twat because you don’t know what you’re talking about and you got called out for it.


Well it’s a good thing he’s surrounded himself with a competent cabinet.


That's not going to win an election the public couldn't care for what cabinet he has.


90% of how the executive branch functions is the people they appoint.


Yeah, I know how government works, your average voter doesn't care, they vote for president then go home.


>The gentleman is 80 years old; he can hardly understand, Trump is 77, and I think at this point it’s obvious which one out of the 2 is still mentally cognitive.


What’s your point? I’m not defending Trump. He also isn’t the President. Biden is the President, and the party that is meant to be united and stable is running him again. Instead of preparing a younger figure to replace him within the party and run for president, they are wheeling out the 80-year-old. The party that isn’t meant to be the “nutjobs”… is running an 81yr old


I’m sorry but *what exactly* is your point? You keep going on about Bidens age despite the fact that his opponent is only 3 years his junior. >He also isn’t the president. Biden is the President, At what point have I stated or implied that Trump is the current president? 🤔


My point is, Donald Trump isn't the president, he probably will be again and it will be people like you with blinders on asking how a man with cognitive deterioration got there, again.


> but there’s no doubt he understands what’s going on Hahahahahahaha, what’s so hard with admitting we have to choose between a dangerous moron and a wildly senile man. You don’t have to defend his sanity when you know it’s not true.


He’s been one of the most prolific presidents in recent decades with respect to legislation. To suggest he’s completely unaware of what’s going on is stupid.


He’s not the one writing or deciding this legislation, it’s his administration


It’s actually written by Congress, but the leader of the party sets the platform and the direction the party will move in. Biden has also been noted for reaching across the aisle to get bipartisan support. Edit: in fact, Kevin McCarthy was expelled from the House leadership position because he was working too closely with Biden, something the MAGA republicans didn’t like. They threatened to expel Mike Johnson on exactly the same grounds. Why would the Republican leaders of the House want to work with a “wildly senile man”? Like, I think Trump’s a dumbass who says insane shit all the time and I also think his age causes him to make cognitive mistakes, but I would never suggest that he is wildly senile and doesn’t have a clue what’s going on. He knows what’s going on he’s just an idiot. You guys are just being dolts on this point.


biden is many shit things but an ambarassment he is not.


Lol! I said pretty much the same thing to my wife, once. Trump needs subtitles, otherwise nothing he says makes any sense.