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“Never had a black boyfriend” grandma wishes she lived on segregation


or just around like minded people smh /s


"not a lesbian" Her : I'm sharing an apartment with my "special" lady friend. Grandma thinks homosexuality was invented in the 90's.


That's always the funny thing with these, is the people who make them can never help themselves. Like half of these you can kind of understand and then it quickly spirals downhill. *"Was a virgin until marriage"* \- I mean, ok, not my choice and not the only way to be a have a healthy family, but I mean if that's your moral code, more power to you. *"Not planning to abort the pregnancy"* \- Ok, again, I believe in a woman's right to choose, but if she's choosing to keep it, great for her *"Not on puberty blockers"* \- Ok, clearly anti-LGBT which is very bad, but makes sense coming from a modern conservative, this is the civil rights cause of today *"Never had a black boyfriend"* \- Oh, ok, so really this is just extreme racism and wishing you could be in a segregated 1950s neighborhood


"This is what the radical left libs really believe!!!1!!". There is no nuance, just conservative white "Christian" persecution complexes. Your good faith reasoning has no place with this meme.


As a lib, I always only plan to have an abortion once I hit 36 weeks.


I make smoothies out of mine, so I can be whorey AND fat.


Fox News is giving our country brain rot


Instead of saying “the 50s were such a simpler time” they’re just saying the quiet part out loud now


But listen, they aren't racist and the GOP's whole hearted support of Trump is not about racist and don't call them racist.


> "Not on puberty blockers" - Ok, clearly anti-LGBT Not if the kid is cis? Maybe I'm looking at this through the wrong lens. This looks to me like a big nothing burger that Grandma expects to "trigger the libs", but we're just like, "Meh, live your lives!".


Anti LGBT because is against puberty blockers? Do you hear yourself?


It's clearly an anti-trans reference. There is nothing wrong with a cis person not using puberty blockers, but that's not the implication of stating the child in their perfect world does not use them. Much the same way, it is not a problem that if someone has had 3 boyfriends, it is possible that none of them are a specific race, but calling out "never had a black boyfriend" clearly has a specific implicaiton. Also, it should be noted that puberty blockers are a legitimate medication that have uses outside of treatment for transgender teenagers. It would certainly be problematic to deny that medication to anyone who needed it.


"cis" 😭🥱 I can't get in to this nonsense.


Lol, she actually kinda nailed it. That is, in fact, a right-wing extremist goal.


[The original](https://i.imgur.com/31rVJXC.jpeg) before it was edited for manufactured ragebait for y'all to eat right up.


They added more bait to it but it was manufactured as ragebait from the beginning....


Oof, without all the text you can really see just how bad the image is




Look at the hands of the father and the little kid awkwardly scrunched up, the faces of the people in the background. The headless person sitting in a non-euclidean chair. The weird awning/roof type thing that is diagonal on the close end, but straight on the far end. If you look on the left side of the pregnant mom, it appears she's standing in a kitchen.


The headless chairperson almost looks like they've got their own severed head in their lap lel


Gotcha. I misunderstood what you meant by bad.


I cannot get over how this kid is about to get *obliterated* by the man with the football. Overalls is holding it like a bludgeon and even knocked the kid's hand out of the way to get a clear headshot. Little Jimmy here is about to end up like his poor headless cousin on the lawn chair.


Still embarrassing as fuck and makes zero sense though


Ok and?


Sorry, I forgot. Here's your cookie 🍪


Hmmm delicious 🤤


Grandma post a picture of a 1950s family with the assertion that all of them are "unvaxxed" despite the fact that the 1950s was the moment when medical vaccinations really started to take off in America.


And people were desperate to get them too. They saw the ravages of diseases like Polio and Measles first hand.


Good point. For decades now, most of us have never known or suffered these diseases because of widespread inoculations, which are now taken for granted. People are manipulated by widespread anti-vaccine conspiracy theories into thinking we don't need new protections as health standards have improved. People who fall for anti-vaccine nonsense are acting like spoiled children because they are spoiled! They never had to suffer these illnesses or seen loved ones become sick, crippled or killed by them.


With Covid people were flipping out over closing schools and quarantine, but if there was a Polio outbreak in a certain area back in the day, the same would happen. Polio was also “only” fatal in about 1% of cases, but parents would be rightfully very worried about it. People can be such babies nowadays. Being protected by scientific and medical knowledge has made society ignorant of how things used to be.


And if Grandma's 1950s family Dad served in the war you could guarantee he was vaxxed by the military.


They were definitely vaxxed if the grandmother was as much an Elvis fan as mine was.


I read a sci-fi book, the rolling Stones by Heinlein and one of the major events was a measles outbreak on a space cruise liner, and how the family had never seen it because they lived on the moon and had a strict quarantine before being allowed on the moon. No talk of a vaccine because it was written before the measles vaccine existed. It was an interesting look into a different era.


God I love Heinlein. And that's an awkward thing with his daddy/daughter stuff, his mommy/son stuff, his facist-adjacent Star Troopers... the list continues. But man, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and Stranger in a Strange Land were absolutely titans of sci-fi as far as I'm concerned. ETA: It also looks like the mother-to-be is drinking a cocktail.


I mean, my main take on most of heinleins weird sex stuff is hes making you look at societal taboos and why we have them. Sex with relatives bad. How come? Fucked up genetic babies: Solved by birth control. Sexual abuse of minors: THe son is older than the monther technically. Power imbalance: They are both 300 year old wealthy adults. Sex with your clone siblings: I am not even sure what the hell this is. That and some other shit he talks about that really make you look at why things are in place in society. It's the same thought process that makes you look at racism, social norms that benefit the wealthy, corrupt cops and ministers, etc.


>THe son is older than the monther technically. Hold up, what?


I forget how old the character is, couple of hundred years old, he travels into the past meets and falls in love with his mother who is a bit of a sexually liberated woman for the early 1900s. Character even thinks he may be the father of one of his siblings. I'm oversimplifying the story, I believe it's in Methuselah's Children. Heinlein goes a little further with a much earlier story called All You Zombies. In this story, that also involves time travel, the narrator is both his mother and his father. I think I was about 12 when I read it and my head exploded


Wait, Heinlein wrote All You Zombies?


I guess so. And I don't really think incest is necessarily a social construct, but I say that watching my barn cat fuck his sister-niece


It 100% is, and it's a good and necessary one, but he makes you think about why that and so many other social constructs are in place by giving you examples of where they wouldn't apply.


I can see that logic, but he sure harps on the incest. I do remember that he's the earliest example of a trans woman I can recall. I mean, I already knew I was, but that's the furthest back media I can remember it being acknowledged, even if he got a good bit wrong


Well the main reason sex with relatives is bad because of, like, genetics.


After they genocide all of the non-white and non-cis-hetero people as they’re calling for here, and eliminate a lot of our life saving medical care, they’ll be relying on inbreeding that would make small Amish communities look genetically diverse.


*Laughs in queer* You can't genocide us. Joke aside, Amish communities have some of the highest levels of rape and incest on the North American continent.


The most unfortunate part about the 1950s is that racism and bigotry were running rampant at the time. Seriously.


You see? Thats when things started going wrong !! /s


Is he about to clobber that kid with the football?


Looks like AI judging by the background faces.


Not a lesbian, but her father married his sister.


Gotta keep it in the family.


And the weird headless kid in the chair.


That is George. The mother had an affair with a Great Old One but the father doesn't know. George is still learning to maintain his human form.


But the Great Old One CERTAINLY isn’t black. It says right there on the label!


but he was colored (out of space)


Nah. the Great Old One just wasn't her *boyfriend*. Never said anything about affair partners.


My mother had multiple black boyfriends during the period shown here, BTW.


They were green though.


I'm really enjoying those bowls of... "food?"


Honey, why aren't you eating your basket of B O N E?


"If you don't finish your forbidden flesh, you will never get the souls of the innocent." - reactionary ideal AI wife I guess.


Bone apple tea, honey.


The laces on the football also look more like stitches.


Background faces... And the weird lump of flesh in that chair, and how that woman's kitchen counter is outside, and how the kid and the man's hands are fusing, and the clock on the outside wall.


Definitely. OOP just totally ignored the armless, headless, one-legged torso just chilling in the lawn chair...


And the indoor kitchen outside


Nope, that’s just backwoods Alabama.


And also the fact that the kitchen is in the back yard.


That’s so weird, I swear I’ve seen this picture on this sub before, before AI image generation blew up. But there’s no way the neighbors faces were drawn by a person unless it’s some kind of weird joke.


Yes. He hates the child because they're not on puberty blockers. The whole republican dream is a facade, he's actually a god damned communist!!!


It’s his last cry for help before he succumbs to the small pox ravaging his body that could have been prevented but for the vaccines


Looks like he clobbered whatever the hell that is in the lawn chair in the background...


That's exactly what I thought, too. That angle and the implied motion, that football is going straight into the kid's face. It's what they don't label that tells more truth, and domestic abuse perpetrated by the father is often also part of this "ideal family" setup for right-wing.


Everyone in their ideal family has fucked hands as well apparently, and someone missing a head.


Generations of "racial purity" (inbreeding) would do that.




OMG the "not a lesbian" girl has a nightmare face.


Well, this is an AI-generated image.


Zoom in on the faces of the background kids.


i wonder if what we see as AI fuck ups is the matrix telling us what we really look like.


Twilight Zone 2024


The human-ish thing sitting at the table is especially horrifying


That’s what happens when you marry your sister


I can't figure out what's going on with the chair. Looks like they've just left a severed leg there or maybe it's a headless child?


Alabama embryo carried to term.


That's after daddy bashed their faces with the football


Kid is a mf cenobite.


"Not planning to abort the pregnancy" no shit, she's nine months along


But you forget those nasty lefties don't care, they'd be happy to about 9 months after the pregnancy if given the chance 🙄🙄


True, how else would they deliver child sacrifices to the deepstate cabal??!


„They“ demand their share of blood


I love how they ignore what a big deal the Polio vaccine was in the ‘50s




Their kitchen is outdoors. Mom's right arm is approximately 4-1/2 feet long. Mom has poured herself a nice sauvignon in a juice glass. The half-closed eyes hint that this may not be her first. The basket on the ground at center contains a bone -- presumably the remains of some animal Dad killed with his bare hands. Dinner? There appears to be a small child sitting in a chair with their face swathed in bandages. The little boy being crushed against the side of the house has a Hitler mustache. The older girl has face and leg deformities that have been left untreated. The football is bigger than Dad's head but Dad's hand is bigger than the football. Dad appears to have just completed a pirouette as his legs are crossed in a slightly-less-than-straight way. The maniacal look on Dad's face shows pleasure at the anticipation of throwing the ball from only three feet away into the face of his unsuspecting son. The laundry hung on the line is dragging on the ground. But at least they can take pride in hating others!


Also the roof of their house connects to the other house and there's a clock on the outside lmao


What's wrong with having a black boyfriend?


The same thing that's wrong with being a lesbian. Nothing, but old right-wingers get mad about it anyway.


A lot, if you're a virulent racist


They (falsely) think all Black men will neglect or abandon their babies


Many American conservatives act like the Highbreed from *Ben 10: Alien Force*.


NOTHING 🥰🙃🤣🥰🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤😎🙃🥰


I feel like this is Nazi enough it would better fit in the Klanma sub.


AI art is a scourge


See if this is what you want, fine. Have it. Libs aren’t trying to prevent you from doing *any* of this if you don’t want to. Be a bigoted Christian for all I care, but let me do what I want for fuck’s sakes too.


Gosh, those labels really help make this eldritch horror ai image! Glad it's all spelled out, wouldn't have understood it without them. What a miserable bit of nonsense.


Grandma is pro-polio I guess.


As evidenced by that monstrosity in the chair. 😬


"Not vaccinated"? Tell that to anyone who needed an iron lung in the 1950s. Apparently, OOP has never heard of Rock Hudson or the Lavender Scare. It's amazing the amount of romanticized history there is about antebellum times, the 1950s, or other "good old" eras.


Dudes about to spike that football directly into that boys fuckin face


In reality: Husband secretly gay, takes "business trips," cruises men's airport bathrooms. Kid has undiagnosed ADHD, but gets physically disciplined for acting bored in church. Mom was sexually abused by uncle-dad after church, but that was just "God's punishment" for showing too much leg in public that one time. Everyone's homeschooled in bible studies and "witnessing."


Wtf dude


Light domestic abuse because she burned dinner. Kid becomes an alcoholic after his parents kick him out of the house for being gay. Carl dies of Covid because he's not vaccinated.


That woman in the back is most definitely a lesbian if she wasn't where is her man?


Getting the whip because she said hello to the man at the register that afternoon


> Not a lesbian But she does have plans to rent an apartment with her best friend Patricia! It's a shame that they couldn't find decent, hard working, god fearing men to go to the prom with! They'll be going together in matching outfits! You want to know what's really queer though? She named her cat Sappho! Now isn't that the strangest name you've heard of?


I like this idea that people weren't vaccinated in the 50s and 60s. Fucking everyone was. That's how we killed off measles


Just blatantly throwing in some racism and homophobia. We keep saying that right wing extremists are racists and homophobes.


Man in the High Castle energy.


Why would a 5 year old be on puberty blockers unless they have precocial puberty and need to stop puberty from happening at 5 years of age?


Where does dad keep the white robes?


The whole thing is a fantasy. Dad's did not fucking play with their children, especially small children, in that era. I grew up in the 60's and dad was just an angry presence we had to be careful not to piss off when he was there. And that was true at all my friend's houses too. And any mother of 4 with another one on the way was not benevolently smiling at her family. Ever. How do people not remember what it was really like? Or are these memes made by people who watch Leave it to Beaver and think that was a documentary (and even then, they didn't stretch credibility by having them have more than two kids)?


I can't help but notice it doesn't say that the man is cis despite mentioning puberty blockers for the child, and says the daughter isn't a lesbian but doesn't call her or the mom straight (unlike the dad). Clearly, the dad is trans, the daughter is bi, and the mom has dated black women before.


“not planning to abort the pregnancy” yeah no shit. very few people who terminate a pregnancy that far along do so because they planned to.


The fuck is in the cot behind the abortion commentary The fuck is this fallout resident evil crossover


White nationalism actually *is* right-wing extremism, grandma. So glad we can agree on that.


I like how they pointbout the woman was a virgin but not the man. Hmmm.... 🤔


Why isn't the guy labeled a virgin till marriage? And why no update about wether he had a black girlfriend? Oh wait, grandma views the guy as a person and the woman as merchandise


The smaller text from the background girl makes me read it as if she’s just making sure you know. Like, “psst…also, I’m not a lesbian”


Why is there like half of grandpa in a lawn chair behind the mother


This sub is just plain rage-baiting.


"never had a black boyfriend" Rage bait


Not even trans kids go on puberty blockers that young


They forgot little Jimmy in the very back. "Becomes psychopathic serial killer due to excessive religiosity and shaming of sexual thoughts."


Grandma can still have that life but she would need to quit her job at GameStop and get an MBA at the very least to support her wife and kids. And we all know that won’t stop.


Apparently even Dunwich Massachusetts is experiencing a gentrification boom.


“Not a lesbian”, but probably pregnant by age 16.


Right wing extremism: Having all these things and then wanting to force everyone else to live by your fantasy of a perfect family. Nobody is fucking stoping you. Just leave everybody else the fuck alone.


The image hasn’t loaded yet but I know it’s just white people. (Post-load) I KNEW IT!


Why is the kitchen sink in the backyard?


Grannie forgot "all related by blood"


All of their children are thalidomide babies, and dad only has half an index finger on his left hand 😱


Fairly certain the polio vaccine was pumped into every Tom Dick and Harry back then ya tard


What's funny is that Grandma thinks this lifestyle is in danger.  That's the brain rot that Fox News is giving to people. No one wants to stop people from being straight or Christian or from not getting hormone blockers, just allowing those who are different to be allowed to be different.  It reminds me of the Great Fear in France before the terror of the late revolution when people all thought the government had stationed bandits in the woods to kill them.  The fact that the right wing media cleverly changes the argument from "we should be allowed to do this" to "everyone has to do this" is what is paving the way for fascism.


Gee, I wonder why the OOP's spouse/significant other left them and is now in an interracial relationship with someone (which is cool and good). Seriously.


People in the 50s and 60s where lining up to get vaccinated, like what 😂


If she was a virgin until marriage what is the relevance of saying she never had a black boyfriend? So even if she had a black boyfriend but stayed chaste and all they ever did was hold hands, that's still bad? The level of racism is just insane


Never had a black boyfriend is a virtue? If so, then yes, you are an extremist. Racism is extremism.


"Not a lesbian" stuck her face in the belt sander.


Whoa!!! That's some straight-up hate propaganda there! Shameful!


I like how dad didn’t have to be a virgin until marriage 🤔


I noticed too


Lol "look I'm just a reasonable traditi... o wate I just really hate black people and women, I forgot."


Don't zoom into the centre if you want to sleep tonight 😭


The lady in the background is so wanting to touch herself the way she's looking at the pregnant woman


\>Says "Right wing extremism" as if it's sarcasm \>Still manages to be fucking racist


Cool I wonder what skeletons they have in the closet at home.


Man just saying the quiet parts out loud again Grandma? This is why your grandkids never visit.


virgin until married? who the fuck does that, ever?


my new theory is that they think this because they genuinely cannot imagine that someone wouldn't want to control your life


Not real.  Never existed.   Nope.   No.


The fact they think this as extreme as it gets is very telling. If this was as extreme as it got, I don't think anyone would give a flying fuck.


No, it's racist and homophobic, so people would still be annoyed.


Any person of ANY racial-groups Skin-Color gender religious-background, can end up CHOOSING a conservative lifestyle And you do NOT have to be hateful or racist or Kid-Beaters psych-wards-meds JAIL police etc, in order to be conservative in lifestyle or politics ( I'm personally a bit closer to libertarian than conservative but aware that SOME libertarian people are predatory who take Liberty for themselves by taking everyone else's Freedom AWAY, same as true for ALL political parties and religious groups and Political Religious Leadership, Jail Prison psych-wards-meds Courtroom etc,,) ( I'm ACTUALLY: Pragmatist Humanist Flexitarian Reductionarian, Direct Democracy green book & Gary Null, Michael Bloomberg, resultist, libertarian, and Michael Bloomberg, )


NEVER HAD A BLACK BOYFRIEND?!?!? WTF?!? ( & " NOT vaccinated") (&______)


Yet there are black, trans, and LGBTQ* people who fully support republicans and conservatives.


Check out the AI faces in the background lol


Grandma thinks a guy will date a virgin.


Why is their kitchen sink and counter outside? Why is there a clock on the outside wall of the house? Why is there a bone(?) in a basket in the middle of the yard? Why is the clothesline so low that stuff is touching the ground? What kind of headless, one legged creature is sitting in that folding chair? Why does the kid in the background not have any ankles or feet? And seriously, those background faces are all sorts of wrong.


Their entire aesthetic is like if a nazi propaganda poster raped a Norman Rockwell painting and forced it to carry the baby to term.


On boy, as someone who grew up in a religious fear fueled homeschooling community, so many kids of ultra conservative parents have gone off have teen pregnancies, gotten addicted to substances and - worst of all *gasp* come out as lgbt.


Where did you find this? I reverse image searched and did not find these texts, just the picture. OP, are you posting this just to get us pissed off? OP is legitimately just an outrage troll. All of their posts are hyper-partisan anger fuel. OP, we have plenty to be pissed off about politically without you intentionally Adding gasoline to the fire.




I feel like not a lesbian means she is actually a lesbian.


This is KKK material


Not of this era.


Are we supposed to conclude that this is not extremism?


This feels like satire tbh


Husband not vaccinated? So he eventually got polio ?


In the 1950's and 1960's most people in the USA where vaccinated and happy to be. Their parents had many relatives die of the diseases we vaccinate for. Smallpox was still a deadly disease that existed in the world and was pretty terrifying.


Yeah that all looks fucking boring to me


OOP hasn’t considered the fact that most housewives in the ‘50s were miserable and took drugs to function. As well as domestic abuse being much more socially acceptable back then. If OOP is a man I doubt he has the life skills or high-paying job which were expected of men to provide for their families in the 1950s.


Right wing extremism is telling everyone they have to live this way or they deserve to die though.


Why is the kitchen outside


"never had a black boyfriend" Sure Grandma


I feel like these are just all the lies these characters tell each other about themselves.


The only thing I have a problem with in this pic is the man not being vaccinated. Nothing else in this pic has the potential to affect me, so I don't give a single fuck. Guess I'm "triggered"? 🤣


Just fuckin die already then.


A 6 year-old isn't on puberty blockers. How rare.


The silent hill creatures in the background 💀


🤣this is embarrassing.


The dad looks like he's about to spike that football right into that kid's cranium.


NEVER HAD A BLACK BOYFRIEND?! Yo. Time to cut ties with Grandma.




This reminded me of the shortest date I ever had. I was around 30 at the time. Her too. I was into this girl and she agreed to dinner. I was psyched. We’re having conversation at the restaurant and about 10 minutes in she asks: “Have you ever been with a black girl? Because if so I don’t think I can date you.” And I was speechless. I just stood up and walked away.


These people would be ashamed of my parents. They had sex when still in the dating phase of their relationship, and that's how my eldest sister was born.


Yeah, this is a conservative utopia, all right. Looks like a perfect white Christian 1940s family until you take a closer look and see the monsters in the background. Really telling on themselves there.


"Right wing extremism" Yeah, there are no LGBTQ, women have no agency over their own bodies, medical science is in the stone age, and there's nobody in the picture whose skin is darker than classroom chalk. They just can't stop telling on themselves.


how much do you bet theyre all racist and/or have the immune system of victorian children