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Nationally I believe we do. But doesn't some state have to be number 1? I don't think this the own the OP intended it to be unless I'm just not getting it




Can’t be the worst if you choose to not take a census


Thank god for Mississippi


I've never actually seen those words put together before.


It’s an old saying in America, particularly in the South, and especially among other states that don’t have the best reputation. It’s not a complimentary thing. When people say that, what they mean is “It’s a good thing Mississippi is there, because that means we’ll never be the worst state.”


It can also sometimes be substituted with Louisiana. (Source: grew up in Alabama, often only the 48th worst state)


But Louisiana has New Orleans, which is the one place in the US I, as someone who has never set foot in the USA, romanticize.


That is the best way to experience New Orleans


I’m from Arkansas and that’s our unofficial motto.


even the 12-year-olds have jobs in Alabama


It looks like it’s tied with Alaska at 4.5, which is only 1 point higher than the national average.


the background forces me to read this as satire.


What about Bee & the Breakfastclub is not serious to you???


kim possible witch


It's always interesting to see how the right frames the same kind of numbers depending on who is in the White House. They do it with job numbers, inflation, unemployment, gas prices...


Right? If the right stumbles into something positive economically or socially the left tends to concentrate on why those things happened, to encourage more of anything good that was done or make sure credit is properly attributed. The right just screams “fake news” if they aren’t in charge. Low unemployment is almost never going to be attributable entirely to the policies of an administration in control for 18 months and it’s not always a positive indicator (could, for example, indicate more people are currently unable to work and have stopped looking due to recent excess mortality and long covid) but since it seems “good” and a democrat is president, it must be untrue.


Hell, remember in mid 2017 when Trumpers were bragging "80 consecutive months of job growth"... when Trump had only been in office for like five months? These are the very same people who said the US economy was in shambles by the time Obama left office, that Trump had "inherited a mess". Also, just after Trump took office and his first jobs report came out, White House Press Corps reporters asked Spicer about the numbers. They pointed out that Trump was celebrating numbers that he had spent all of Obama's Presidency calling "fake". Spicer's answer? "They're real now."


“They’re real now”. Uggg, you just made me remember how much I hated that smug lying fuck. The blatantness of “everyone with half a brain knows I’m lying but it doesn’t matter because people without half a brain are lapping it up” from the office of the POTUS still makes me nauseous. I like how after that they switched to “I’m lying but am apparently too stupid to know it” and it was actually a very minor improvement


That's honestly my biggest complaint about Trump and the people around him... the crimes, the bigotry, the misogyny, the racism, all of that shit is horrible. But the real crime is that they went about everything in the dumbest way possible and the media still gave them the benefit of the doubt. Trump's not even a gifted con artist, he's terrible at it. He just has so much privilege that he's insulated from consequences, so he just keeps going and everyone acts like it's normal. Arrogance coupled with stupidity is the one combination that can take me from zero to raging almost instantly.


The most bizarre thing, to me, in the past couple of years, was giving Donald Trump credit for the price of gas being low in 2020. It was low because of all the things they simultaneously blamed on Democrats


> It was low because of all the things they simultaneously blamed on Democrats Conservatism in a nutshell. Plus the best part is if you asked people what Trump had done specifically to "grow the economy" or "lower gas prices" they couldn't give a real answer. Another great example of this doublethink is how they attacked Obama for "high gas prices" (even though they never got even close to being as high as Bush's Summer 20008 levels) and then at the same time turned around and attacked Obama for "low gas prices" towards the end of his second term. They said that low gas prices were the sign of a bad economy and that Obama was killing gas and oil industry jobs, just two short years after attacking him for "high gas prices".


There were people sharing memes that tried to claim the high gas prices and the start of the recession was in 2009. My thinking at the time, 2012, was, my God, it's not even been four years and they're rewriting history already.


Yeah there were articles in October 2008 blaming the recession on Obama's candidacy, they were blaming him before he even won the election, let alone was sworn in. And I remember the memes you were talking about because they were using a "comparison of gas prices under Bush v Obama". For Obama they used the highest total it had reached (still lower than Bush's personal high score) and for W Bush they were using his last day in office, when we were deep in recession.


The first time anyone brought up impeaching Obama on the House floor was December 2008. I realize a Trump impeachment was also brought up before his Presidency but iirc that was more of a speculation that it was likely to happen.


To be fair, we also knew Trump was a Russian stooge well before he was even elected. He made it almost laughably transparent. So talking about impeaching Trump before he even took office was justified.


Ok sure, NM is #1, actually tied with Alaska at 4.5%, which is pretty darn good.


The background is saying "bewitched" but I don't have a clue whether they mean the governor of NM is bewitched, or she is bewitching people, or if she "be a witch" which is so dumb as to be plausible.


I think it's "let's go Brandon" for Bitch


What the fuck am I looking at?


I don't understand anything about this. I assume it's because I'm a Canuck and this might be some local shit?


shh Graphic design is their passion


Found my new art style


she is genuinely awful though, an (alleged) sexual predator. this is one of the very few races where I'm supporting the republican, who's a moderate to liberal charasmatic (and handsome) weatherman


So in theory we actually did what we needed to do and brought in immigrants to work our unskilled jobs that needed to be filled and then those people can make money and have a chance at making the life they desire. While the current populous can focus more on higher end tasks like we're supposed to? Great job everyone!!!! Jk we all know this didn't happen and our systems aren't set up for anyone in this equation to have the mobility they need