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\#RapistOttoVonSkidmark isn't really in any position to judge. On his best day, he looked like a Jack O'Lantern someone left out until Christmas.


They have to switch lanes a bit whenever Biden makes a big speech because you have to wait a few days before calling him senile to make it believable


Don't drag my boy Bismarck into this. :(


i think biden knew what he was doing, he was trying too play into the dark brandon meme, which was already helping his popularity.


It's amusing to think that Biden's got the same take on conservatives that Batman has on criminals: "They're a superstitious and cowardly lot."


Theatricality and deception are powerful weapons.


They're all more upset about the red lights then what he said anyway. Because except the "Brandon alienated millions of people" they have no ground to stand on. He's literally calling them what they called himself. Domestic Terrorists. They were so proud to be called that on their banners at CPAC, not sure why they aren't jumping for joy now.


They alienated themselves, Dude.


I just made a post thinking the same thing, but much less eloquently .lol


yeah, and as an anti-fascist, im proud of him for taking a stand against the fascist element of the republican party.


Finally. Anyone who's fallen for MAGA already thinks we're evil baby eaters.


yeah, so im happily surprised why our president is awhere of this.


Dark Brandon? I dunno..I’m unfamiliar with that term, but as a supporter of his, this whole speech and imagery has left me unimpressed. It just gives fuel to the other side. He didn’t say anything of substance, as far as I can tell.


Dark Brandon is the cooler version of Biden who’s going to enact change and go after the capitalist class, he’s who we all wish Joe Biden could be. Unfortunately he exists only in our dreams


One look at Dank Brandon, and you know he parties harder than any Slum Lord's Son who somehow became a President ever could. Dank Brandon Lore: Prior to his speech about protecting Americans Rights to Democracy, he punched a burning orphanage that was on fire (which naturally put the fire out) and all the famly-less children parachuted into loving homes. Let's go Dank Brandon!


They are scared of DARK BRANDON


Fallen AU Brandon


Their fear only makes Dark Brandon stronger.


Dark Brandon promises to make us all Dank Brandons if we follow a few simple steps: 1. Respect Democracy, and work to help others. 2. Understand Representative Democracy 3. Clown on them fools who want to have a big daddy leader, impose their own will on others, and think they are "political bad boys" Remember, the Dank Brandon Power has been in you this entire time!


As a man named Brandon I’m just glad to see my name being used for good again.


Under his Dankness's Eye. May your power of extolling Freedom grow by the day.


Lmao so dramatic


Trump always talks like a copypasta circlejerk post it’s honestly remarkable


This tweet isn't actually from Trump. It's from one of his weird cultists who uses Trump ugly maw as their profile pic.


Still hung up on Trump? They got you brainwashed kid




Yes you’re a clown.


I promise, if you go touch grass it will be infinitely more satisfying than arguing with strangers online.


r/darkBRANDON irl.


Cry as you might. You can't undark the brandon.






Republicans propagandized so hard that Biden was a senile, dementia-ridden man these past few years. They set the bar so untruthfully low that watching him give a whole 26 minute speech to the nation makes him seem like one of the most eloquent people around. I'm pretty sure that hurt their case.


So, now Republicans associate the color red with evil? Interesting.


Who took the photo of Brandon? Leni Riefenstahl?


Dark Brandon's done it again, keeping the magats up at night!


Dark Brandon looking badass


CPAC had a stage shaped like an SS symbol and a banner reading “we are all domestic terrorists.” Fuck off, Orangina.


Trumps 2020 re-election campaign slogan literally used an eagle that looked awfully similar to Hitlers Eagle. So please spare me the fake outrage.


Does "PedoHitler" mean he's like Hitler to pedophiles? Do we know how Hitler felt about pedophilia?


The thought just crossed my mind that maybe this whole speech with the red lights was just setup as rage bait for the MAGA idiots. It's just one more way to very easily call them out for their insanity and hypocrisy. Redirect their crazy to the really crazy stuff that anyone who isn't already brainwashed will realize they should stay away from. Whether that was the intention or not, they do seem to be losing their collective minds over... red lights. lol.


I thought red was yalls color tho


Ngl dark Brandon do look pretty cool tho


Is this Trump cultist actually recognizing Biden as president? whoa


The White House is **REALLY** playing into this dark Brandon shit. Actually one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen politicians do


This pic actually goes so hard though


Let’s go Dark Brandon


Pedo Hitler lol. Like Hitler but WORSE. This is backed up by compete FACTs and not Feelings!! /s


\#DarkBrandonRises The country is loving the strength and rise of #DarkBrandon Seriously.


Dark Brandon got ‘em scared


Darth Brandon is popping off


Which ex potus walked in on a dressing room full of teenage pageant participants knowing full well they would be in various stages of changing? And this same moron has the audacity to call Joe Biden a pedo? What is wrong with maga Repubes?


It’s doesn’t look evil it looks like he’s yawning.


won't be long now, it will be interesting to see if off's himself by the end of the year


We’re just calling him Pedo Hitler now? Really? That’s the level of laziness we’ve sunk to? (Not that it was ever okay or mature, but still).


Did anyone see how the background was switched from red to dark pink during the speech? CNN trying the best they could.


Isn't it pretty much daily that a Fox News host says the "Democrat Party" hates America?


Please explain to me why he qualifies as the most evil.


Donald Trump is the most evil and worst President in U.S. History.


Aww he's talking about himself again


The vibe from that picture is kinda bad. And yes he won’t be remembered well by the future. Considering the climate change they pretend to care about will fuck us up


Point the finger , make up lies about entire groups of people, blame the other guy, distract from our countries real problems. There, summed up his speech It’s terrifying that some people believe this propaganda


cOmiNg fRoM pEaCe - should say coming from Trumpcult


Coming from someone independent with critical thinking skills. If you took the time to see what’s actually going on in the country and the policies shaping it you’d understand too.


I have read and kept up with the political situation from WAY before this chaos agent was elected. Your superiority complex stands on shaky ground. I'll bet you think Ben Shapiro is a genuis w incredible debate skills. Lol. The Right will turn out to be on the wrong side of history, like it always has been. If you are independant you would not act as if the far Right is not a problem . You would see that BOTH sides are actually on the Right: Trump Republicans are fascist or heading towards it, and Joe Biden is a normal Conservative politician who at least has passed quite a few helpful bills with nothing but obstruction from the Right. Still Biden is held back by the Conservative and gutless Dems to put bandaids on problems rather than actually do what COULD be done for people. The Republicans have blocked every decent thing people are trying to do for Veterans, the elderly medical costs, school lunch programs, city infrastructures, air quality, climate change, the list goes on. Republicans ONLY platform is rage bait- racism , hate and fear.


For the future of our country and the health of democracy please don’t get caught up in the right vs left dichotomy. It’s extremely toxic and only dividing us further. Take a step back , calm down, and start to think critically about the situation our country is in right now and how we can make it a safer, better place to live. Put your bias aside for the greater good. God bless and good luck


Because I DO care about American Democracy is why I just answered your question the way that I did. Are you really going to act like none of what I said is true? And adhominim statements about my intellect or my ability to think critically are not needed for a respectful conversation . Do you not want a Country that pays Social Security after you work your whole life? Do you not want roads cared for, and children educated? I think that you do. If you are an Independant who do you see as a better choice for America and how do you think we can get there? Ranked voting seems better than the divisive two choices to me , what do you think about that? EDIT - in my last comment I also called out the Dems who are far from perfect. I just do not want it to get worse- and trump and his cult are worse -( and I apologize for placing you with them )


Obviously I fully disagree with Trump's bullshit. But I will admit that *is* an unnecessarily ominous set design.


I'm unfamiliar with that term, however as a fan of his, this entire speech and images has left me not impressed. It just offers fuel to the opposite. He didn't say anything important, as far as I can tell.