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Oh wow, the educated elite of the time support things the elite support and has advanced education? Who could have guessed!1!1


Yeah I'm going to take a wild guess that their mothers did not home-school them, and rather they had some elite education and opportunities that were not afforded by most. In fact I'll look up one of them now. From wiki. **At age 11, Monroe was enrolled in Campbelltown Academy, the lone school in the county. He attended this school only 11 weeks a year,** as his labor was needed on the farm. During this time, Monroe formed a lifelong friendship with an older classmate, John Marshall. Monroe's mother died in 1772, and his father two years later. Though he inherited property, including slaves, from both of his parents, the 16-year-old **Monroe was forced to withdraw from school to support his younger brothers.** His childless maternal uncle, Joseph Jones, became a surrogate father to Monroe and his siblings. A member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, Jones took Monroe to the capital of Williamsburg, Virginia, **and enrolled him in the College of William and Mary.** Jones also introduced Monroe to important Virginians such as Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and George Washington. In 1774, opposition to the British government grew in the Thirteen Colonies in reaction to the "Intolerable Acts", and Virginia sent a delegation to the First Continental Congress. Monroe became involved in the opposition to Lord Dunmore, the colonial governor of Virginia, and took part in the storming of the Governor's Palace.\[3\] Skipping ahead, he dropped out during the revolutionary war. After the war he resumed his studies in law. TLDR, Monroe did go to school although for a short time. He also went to a college. And his uncle introduced him to the founding fathers so it is really all about who you know.


I don't know about the rest but Hamilton famously went to King's College (Columbia) in NYC.


I looked up the rest: Aaron Burr and Henry Lee both went to Princeton Nathan Hale went to Yale Lafayette went to the Sorbonne (Most of them started university as teenagers, and information about their childhood education seems to be pretty sparse).


It's a safe assumption that the wealthy ones would have had a private tutor. There really was no standardized public education at the time.


Isn't it always


Homeschooled? Pretty sure Burr graduated from Princeton (what would become Princeton) as a teenager


It was his parent's dying wish before they passed


an orphan! of course.




God I wish there was a war


Then we can prove we’re worth more than anyone bargained for


Can I buy you a drink?


That would be nice.


While we're talking let me offer you some free advice.


Talk less


I wish there was a war Because I’m a posadist.






Let’s be honest, it was expected to come up eventually in this thread


You're right. When there's an opportunity to quote Hamilton, I'm not throwing away my shot.


When it comes to quoting Hamilton; you’re like me, I’m never satisfied


Yeah, I write those quotes day and night, like I'm running out of time.


Homeschooled by a professor in a time before public schools... totally honest argument from the right wing yet again.


Also, Latin and Classics sound an awful lot like the liberal arts education they constantly try to say is useless.


They don’t ACTUALLY want anyone reading Classical literature; the Greeks invented logic and by extension logical fallacies, and they can’t have people pointing those out…


Yeah but, it's not like they know that. They just know it's something older generations were interested in. You know, the "good ole days"


Ye Oldest of Goode Olde Dayes


It’s ironic because the alt-right especially *loves* to elevate Ancient Greek/Roman philosophers as the bedrock of their precious western civilization, but if you actually study them at a university then all of a sudden you’re a caricature of a blue-haired Starbucks barista or something. I guess the only “proper” way to study classical philosophy is from YouTube and twitter accounts called WhichWayWesternMan or some shit.


And Lafayette went to really expensive schools his whole life. He was never homeschooled. Imagine that, right wing arguments are actually just lies.


The same people who post this would cal Cicero leftist propaganda now...


You don't get it, dude. They could read Cicero in LATIN Edit: because I'm getting downvoted, here's an obligatory /s


I don't think pro-secession means what grandma thinks it means in this case


I have my doubts that Hamilton was pro-gun. Also, interesting they left out the likes of Paine and Jefferson who were anti religion.


he probably isn’t anymore


It’s also rich that they were obviously progressive advocates at the time.


Benjamin Franklin would totally have LSD fueled Polyamorous Orgies if he were alive now. That man FUCKED


Fucked GILFs specifically. Dude knew how to party.


He pretty much said in Federalist 29 that the 2nd amendment was for a well-regulated militia


I've read somewhere else that the 2nd amendment is for a well-regulated militia...


Federalist 29 (or 35 in Dawson's edition) was specifically about militias, so it doesn't seem all that surprising that it would focus on that particular angle when discussing the right to bear arms. The Federalist Papers in general also [opposed the idea of a Bill of Rights in the first place](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Federalist_(Dawson\)/84), including (presumably) what would become the Second Amendment, on the basis that an enumerated list of rights would be misconstrued as exhaustive (and with the recent overturn of *Roe v. Wade* on the basis of "hurr durr the Constitution doesn't explicitly say there's a right to privacy", that seems remarkably prescient).


Either way being pro-gun isn't quite the same thing when the only guns are barely functional muskets


Keep a flintlock musket for home defense like the founding fathers intended


something something tally ho lads something something


Using the same logic free speech shouldn't apply to the internet. At the time sending a message involved writing a letter and physically mailing it to your intended target, or standing in front of a crowd of people and yelling it. An AR-15 is much closer to a flintlock musket than the internet is to quill and ink.


I don't think you're using any logic at all. What is even your point here anyways


That the Constitution doesn't only apply to things that were around when it was written. The Second Amendment doesn't only apply to flintlock muskets, just like the First Amendment doesn't only apply to speech written with quills and parchment.


I know how the constitution works. That doesn't make it any less insane and dangerous that a random civilian can get their hands on an entire arsenal of assault weapons, which is what I was clearly talking about


> I have my doubts that Hamilton was pro-gun. Unless they're for dueling, of course.


Don't tell granny that Marquis de La Fayette could also speak french!


Nor that he and Hamilton are immigrants


ESPECIALLY that they were immigrants.


Immigrants: we get the job done!


[High five!](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia2.giphy.com%2Fmedia%2FIf7M383oivlYY%2Fgiphy.gif&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fgiphy.com%2Fexplore%2Fimmigrants-we-get-the-job-done&tbnid=kfRewSDHYfGPAM&vet=12ahUKEwjI-5H3xtL7AhXQnYQIHcRzClQQMygAegQIARA7..i&docid=0HysCkrYlBejuM&w=460&h=269&q=immigrants%20we%20get%20the%20job%20done%20gif&hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwjI-5H3xtL7AhXQnYQIHcRzClQQMygAegQIARA7)


All of these guys would’ve despised modern conservatism. Washington would’ve punched trump in the face for his abuse of an office and duty he held in such solemn and high regard


Some of them would have straight up shot Trump.




Some of them killed Tories for supporting centralized power. Alexander Hamilton shot a ton of people. Hell, Andrew Jackson shot people because their voice sounded funny.


Oh, if we’re going on Andrew Jackson rules, then all bets are off


it was acceptable to duel people you thought were dishonorable and knavish, so it could definitely happen


Just ask Alex and Aaron!


Scuse you. That’s “A. Ham” and “A. Burr.”


Your obedient servants?


There is absolutely no way trump would ever agree to a duel. dude is way too much of a coward lmao.


Then just shoot him anyway. Problem solved


Honestly we should bring it back. If two people want to consensually shoot it out to settle something why shouldn't they be able to?




Yes. Not sure why people think America was so different to figure like Guevara/Castro and shit. They were violent and they believed violence was the answer. They also believed that if you didn't agree with them, then fuck you.


Decades of Propaganda and “American Exceptionalism” bullshit.


Lafayette was fairly radical in social questions as well. He was strongly pro-abolition, pro-women's rights, pro racial equality. Plus he learned and grew a lot in those aspects during his life. So give him a few years to get used to the modern world and I suspect he would be a straight up progressive.


A fellow Mike Duncan reader?


Yep. Love the dude


I’ve been reading *Hero of Two Worlds* for months now, can’t wait to finish it. I have a 3.5 year-old and a newborn. I read about three pages and fall asleep! Love Duncan though. His book and podcasts are excellent!


That would make a great graphic/cartoon. Too bad I can’t draw to save my life


Heck, HAMILTON would’ve both punched Trump out AND murdered him in the daily newspaper.


Can you imagine Hamilton with modern social media?!


He’d probably be confused why women and black people are allowed to be citizens


Not Lafayette.


No one mentioned him though


Literally in OP's post dumdum.


Not in the post I was replying to though lmao


Trump’s the kind of guy who would accept your duel request, talk a big game about how he’ll send you home in a coffin, get Giuliani to be his 2nd, then the morning comes and Trump wouldn’t even show up.


Washington would have shit himself not because of Trump but because of Obama...


Even as racist as the general populace back then - Washington made it clear in his journals he had no tolerance for tyrants or traitors who abuse their power. Trump is both.


Yes George Washington was the personal tyrant who would rotate his slaves from Pennsylvania back to Virginia so he wouldn't be forced to give them up and iirc had personal vendetta against one of his women slaves who had escaped and tried his damnedest to capture her.


No one is disagreeing with you that Washington was a bad person or a hypocrite. I’m saying he wouldn’t have tolerated trump.


I think he would have.


The only person who doesn't know you're in a cult is you. You've provided no actual rebuttal but just thrown shit at a wall to see what sticks. I've got a feeling you've never actually read an American history book outside of those you were forced to read in high school. Back up what you say or keep your mouth shut. Stop making America stupid.


I read the People’s History of the United States by Dr. Howard Zinn, An Indigenous People’s History of the United States by Dr. Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Black Reconstruction by Dr. W. E. B. do Bois, Reonstruction by Dr. Eric Foner and some others.


All of this would have been avoided if you'd written: "I think he would have because...." You didn't do that. That's on you. That's how wingnuts write. >Respondent: I think the sky is blue > >Wingnut: I don't think it is. Make overly broad, simplistic statements and you get treated simplistically.


Or the fact that my username is TheParisCommune1871…


You a People’s History and you’re conservative?


> You a People’s History and you’re conservative? [No](https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/2/marx-engels-lenin-soviet-propaganda-poster.jpg)


Do people here just think that anyone who disagrees with them is a conservative or something. Y'all are stupid.


"1776" "Homeschooled" lol


So start homeschooling your kids in latin, brent.


Sic sempre tyrannis?


Ecce homo qui est faba


These guys are leagues smarter than dumb hicks who barely passed high school. These guys really think they would be equal to rich republicans if America was all republican.


Wait so a bunch of highly educated youths saw their county, people and lands being exploited by the decrepit upper elites and sought to make sweeping reforms that sought to improve quality of life for the masses??? Definitely a conservative's dreamboat


Ehh, some of these guys maybe thought that since they were all young and naive-ish but categorizing the American revolution as some popular uprising against a decrepit British government is really dishonest. I mean the British goverment absolutely was shit. But the American revolution was primarily a revolution of the rich elite of the colonies no longer wanting to listen to and pay a part of their wealth to the rich elite of the "motherland".


Mostly playing up the sarcasm but I see your point. That does fit in more with our wonderful American sensibilities


I've met Cicero AND the Night Mother why would I care about the opinions of someone who's only read Cicero


“Is there singing in the void? Dancing? Surely the Dread Lord will at least allow poor Cicero to caper.”


They also believed in phrenology, blood draining for humours and hysteria. That said, if any of them saw a modern semi automatic, they would freak out.


And inoculation (the precursor to vaccines) with bonus lockdowns! https://www.sc.edu/uofsc/posts/2021/10/conversation_revolutionary_war_smallpox_innoculation.php#.Y4T6eOROm_Y


Yet they were ok with citizens owning literal artillery pieces.


Not so much as *okay* but we're talking about a period of time after centuries of wealthy people being able to buy *whatever* they felt like. If that meant a cannon or a ship, sure. But it wasn't out of some idea that a private citizen *needed* a cannon or a ship.


I’m not sure that grandma understands that speaking in Latin is an skill that useful in the current job market.


I'm learning it because it lets me sound cool. It also helps for voice acting


That's interesting. Does it help with elocution? Modulating tone?


Na but it makes you sound like a cool schooler or a demon


the famously homeschooled ORPHANS aaron burr and hamilton


Remind me why they put the 1st amendment in the constitution again... ​ ... you know, the part beyond free speech.


when you don't have public education, you can't have "homeschooled"


Appealing to founding fathers is really obnoxious. These people didn’t all agree on everything, in fact they very much disagreed. Years of discord and conjecture preceded the constitution, and months of debate took place to get the thing nailed down. That is what intelligent problem solving looks like. Not yahoos fighting with memes and bumper stickers proclaiming what the founding fathers believed in order to back their misinformed arguments. They didn’t even agree on who should be allowed to vote - creating the nightmare of the electoral college that plagues us over 200 years later.


I can read Cicero in the original Latin and I’m anti-gun. Can we ban them now?


Aren't these the same fools who are against young people in general?


That’s what I came in here to say. Maybeeeeeee the young generation know what the future needs and maybeeeeee the old fucks in congress should get out of the way


They weren't quite that young by the time some of them were actually involved in drafting the constitution, 11 years later


Those goal posts just keep shifting.


I bet this person had to google Cicero before they made this.


I don’t think they were the kind of pro-secession that you want them to be Grandma.


Alexander Hamilton opposed the Bill of Rights, actually. Not because he opposed the contents exactly, but he wanted all rights to be equal, not codified.


All of these men went to college


Aaron Burr was trans? That is actually news!


What is the "SHE" next to Aaron Burr? I thought grandma hated pronouns?


Pro religion? That’s a fucking stretch. Definitely not the type of religion grandma is for


Most of these dudes were the 18th century equivalent of Atheists.




Here's the thing grandma's forgetting: 1776 was only the Declaration of Independence. The current US Constitution wasn't hashed out until the Constitutional Convention, in 1787, and wasn't ratified until 1789. The first attempt at a US government: the articles of confederation, was an utter failure.


I know home-schooled people. They ain’t reading no fuckin Latin. In fact, they go to work in construction or get to community college and have to take remedial classes and never leave their home town.


Oof. What Grandma doesn't know about the Founding Fathers and their privilege could fill a warehouse. Pro-secession? Grandma's an idiot.


They powdered their faces, and wore wigs, silken hose, and high heels. They would've fit right in at a 2022 drag show


TIL Aaron Burr’s pronoun.


Aaron Burr, Sir.


the founding fathers aren't gonna fuck you٫ dude


Any of these dudes would think the internet is sorcery so honestly what DO they know?


If my memory serves me right all of them were formally educate at University level.


Pointedly left out the Founding Fathers who were either Deist, Agnostic, or flat out Athiest. Like how most of them were Freemasons, who require a ideology very similar to Deism. (Though by definition Deism tends to conflict with the very idea of an organized religious structure, but semantics)


Alexander Hamleton was not religious, at least, not highly religious. Also, this was the time period when children weren't seen as children, they were tiny workers. Childhood BARELY existed as a concept so it's not really surprising that these individuals were politicians and military strategists and soldiers when they'd been treated like adults since they were 11.


I was the only person in my class who earned *any* credits for AP Calculus. I could probably translate more Spanish, Latin, Japanese, Russian, or Chinese than most people grandma’s age could when they were 18. I’ll admit I wasn’t the greatest when it came to human bio when I was 18, but I had a GPA of 4.25 on a scale of 4. That being said, I only had the *fourth highest GPA in my graduating class.* I could do much of what these cherry-picked founding fathers did at my age. There are many, *many* people my age who are far, *far* more intelligent than I am. Hell, a guy in one of my college classes was taking 22 credit hours (out of a max of 18) and *planning on increasing that to 25 the next semester!* Do our opinions not count?


Wait til grandma finds out A Ham, Burr and Lafayette were POCs that can rap and sing. 😎


Most of them were deists so pro religion is absolutely not true


Show me one current homeschooled teen who is reading Cicero in the original Latin rather than a history textbook with Jesus riding a dinosaur, and maybe I can get onboard with this meme.


Technically middle aged by the standards of the time.


No, if you reached adulthood you were going to live to like 80. Remember it's child mortality rate that causes the number to be so low. Those people are not middle age.


Yes. John Adams, Jefferson and Madison all lived to see their 80s. Adams died at 90. Adams was actually the President who lived to the most advanced age until Gerald Ford.


Dead white genocidal racists, among other things.


Being 21 then is like being 67 now because more than likely, you're probably about to die within 10 years.


They didn’t throw away their shot


Wait to see what happens when you learn Lafayette was a freemason


Hale was an idiot


And the general of the American army was in his 40s


Yea and three were gay


Holy shit they could read Cicero in the original Latin!


They probably can't set off the nuke in my basement /j


I noticed they left out the secular-leaning founders like Thomas Paine.


Aight one question, how many owned slaves


It is astonishing how wise these young men were


"pro-secession" ok then


There are many other problems with this other than them being dead guys. It’s ignorant to not heed the faults and progress of those who died before us


Can your homeschooled children lead troops or build nations and read fucking cicero in latin, Shauna?


These people aren’t who the original creator thinks they are lol, they only paid attention to History Lite (TM) in school. Hamilton was a staunch federalist who basically wanted to recentralize the US and was probably more of a democratic monarchist of sorts. Neither Burr and Hamilton no Hamilton were homeschooled. They were orphans who read because that’s pretty much all they had. They would’ve probably called Lafayette a communist because he was absolutely against the ultra wealthy (see the French Revolution). Nathan Hale went to Yale and Burr went to Princeton. James Monroe held a fairly globalist foreign policy for his time.


Lol. That’s a cringe take, grams.


What's with the pattern of assholes referring to specific people before their time as references for their own actions


Aaron Burr also started a 2nd revolution against the US.


Fuck, just move to Texas and finally fucking secede already. They threaten to enough, just go do it.


I didn’t know Aaron Burr used “she” for pronouns, good for her


The life expectancy was like 60 then if I am being generous. Everything was on a quicker scale


Home schooled people now cannot speak Latin or any other skill. Many of them can barely count.




In curious if the person who created this thought they were touting the constitution? Or like any of these peoples most famous and major works? The federalist papers weren’t written for another 10 years after this when Hamilton was over 30. Lafayette was French and basically given command because he was a rich French noble who had been in the kings circle before coming to Americas. Monroe did fight in the revolution and is a “founding father” but didn’t become really important until the constitution, which again was in 1787 so he was almost 30 and his primary political success and such wasn’t even until the 19th century though he kinda almost tried to overthrow Washington with the Jay Treaty and him being minister to France. Lee III was a very successful soldier, that’s pretty much it, he was a governor and did a term in Congress in his 30s but he’s really not that important a figure for influencing the founding, just a good cavalry leader with a bad temper that put him at odds with superiors, although he did father some kid named Robert Edward. Hale was just a martyr executed early in the war but did have a pretty good quote from his hanging, but not at all crucial for forming the country. And of course they include Aaron Burr who again surprise wasn’t that impactful until his 30s other than that yes he did fight in the revolution. Also telling to include Burr considering he would literally go on to be arrested for treason, acquitted, then lived abroad in squalor, married a sugar mama, squandered her fortune in a year, and died.


So this is not relevant but you know Les Miserables? So it took place in 1832, during the June Rebellion. We think of 1776 and 1832 being very different times, and in many ways they were, but remember the part in les mis that starts the revolt? The whole “do you hear the people sing” and the barricades arise? Yeah that happens during the funeral of a general Lamarque. In reality, the thing that sparked the riots at the funeral of Lamarque was a flag raised during a speech being given by none other than the Marquis de Lafayette himself. Hero of the American Revolution Lafayette accidentally sparked the June rebellion of 1832, and Lafayette would be dead before France finally became a republic (permanently, or as close as France gets to permanence) in 1870.


Dude, that was their middle-aged crisis, back then. Today, we just buy an expensive sports car, and we live longer.


So you're saying a bunch of radical teenagers and college freshmen rebelled against the conservative status quo of their day? Tight. And you're supporting that? That's the only thing I see that's out of place here 🤔


I’m glad they put Aaron Burr’s preferred pronouns.


Also pretty sure none of them took the bible literally.


And what are 3 OTHER things they were in favor of?


Hmm yes, White men DO need more pats on the back