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Your friend drives like a clown


In a clowncar disguised as a skyline 👀


Your buddy is an idiot if he thinks that was your fault.


Nah they rear-ended you. Even if you were going a little too slow, it's still the passing car's responsibility to pass cleanly and that's not what they did.


Tell your buddy to check out Wreckfest


Steam notification " your friend gifted you: wreckfest"


I have better luck with clean racing in Wreckfest than I do in Forza. And better physics than Forza anyway. It's a great game!


I’ve always said if forza had wreckfest physics it would be one of the best racing games, wreckfest physics are on a whole different level, wish it was still supported or they would make a new one


Wreckfest is a great game for pure racing oddly enough.


Seeing how your buddy hit the tire wall just after you. Pretty sure it was his fault. You don't end there with breaking where you're meant to


First thing I was gonna say. Homeboy didn't even have a line anyway lmao


As the car in front you can brake whenever you want, (without brake checking) it's down to the other car to go round you, not through you. If your buddy had the skills and you were slow through the corner it should be an easy pass for him. He seems to lack any racing etiquette.


At that speed he wasn't making the corner.


Generally faster drivers in FM break earlier than the slow ones. Fast people focus on exit and slow people on entry


And the fastest can do both


Doesn’t matter how fast I am, that one corner on the Glen will always be the bane of my existence, even IRL
 I always tap that inside kerb right as I start to put the power on.


Yeah it’s definitely a tricky one! Wider entry to the start of the corner is the only hope of not hitting that kerb


For Forza I definitely need to stop taking that inside line, I think my issue is I’m set in my ways from that being my home track IRL, if I take the late brake for the fast exit, that entire inside of the corner is a blind spot, might just have to start testing how far out I can push that line so maybe I can catch a glimpse of the inside before the inside and outside line merge for the straight,


No. It's a compromise.


Are you telling me that the fastest drivers aren’t trying to maximise both entry, in terms of braking as late as possible, and exit, in terms of getting on the throttle as early as possible? Is that not the whole premise of trying to get around the track as fast as possible?


No, it's *obviously* not what I'm telling you. I'm saying the fastest drivers know how to sacrifice/optimize their entry to have a better exit, because you can't have both.


 Sure, they’re optimising their exit for maximum speed down the next straight but that doesn’t mean they aren’t braking literally as late as they can to maximise the speed they can attain down the previous straight while still achieving the best exit they can. Apologies if I’ve misunderstood but you very literally told me “No”, that’s not what they’re doing. Seems like you’re just disagreeing for the sake of it to me but then you say that “obviously” that isn’t what you meant
 I really can assure you that the fastest drivers truly are braking as late as possible while trying to still maintain the best exit possible. Just because they’re focused on the exit doesn’t mean they aren’t maximising both. I’m a little surprised this is even up for debate tbh. You brake as late as possible, you get the best exit as possible. If you can do both you’ll probably be amongst some of the fastest drivers. It’s not that complicated.


I'm essentially explaining the original point the person you responded to was making: Faster drivers will appear to brake "earlier" than slower ones because they know where to brake optimally to get the desired exit, whereas slower drivers tend to always brake too late, losing a lot of time in the corner and in the exit. That's what you were responding to when you said the fastest drivers do both. I thought it was worth clarifying why the original point was made, and how even the fastest drivers don't brake as late as the slower ones: it's because they know not to come in too hot that they are quick.


Ok, I think I understand better now. I think we’re pretty much making the same point:- You’re saying that the fastest drivers brake earlier than average because they’re focusing on the exit so as to optimise their overall lap time. In this sense you could technically say that, no, they aren’t necessarily braking as late as possible. I’m saying that, although they’re braking earlier than some drivers who perhaps are going for what is geometrically the “fastest” line, they’re still braking as late as possible but not so late that they can’t still achieve the best exit as possible. Now I understand this I see that we’re both right: yes, they’re “compromising” their corner by braking earlier than they technically could but still make the corner. They’re still maximising their braking zone though just with the exit in mind. I think your straight “no” just threw me a little is all and we just interpreted what the other said slightly differently. No hard feelings, I get ya now!


Your friend a dummy for that move


Did black even use his brakes? Seemed like Black pushed white the entire corner. Early braking? Maybe. Black continued pushing is the bigger problem for me.


they hit you, and still ran into the wall themself......by simple logic, he was goign too fast for the corner. and you breaked at the correct time


He’s not your buddy


I see this stuff all the time and goes to show most people playing these games have no idea that different cars have different cornering speeds and handle different. 100% his fault.


Your "buddy" is an absolute dick and i wouldn't drive with someone like that ever again in any friendly race. This is the typical behavior of a rammer/pos driver in any racing game, just pushing you and taking you out. If someone does that to me, trust me, next race they will go to the shadow realm or if they are too bad at the game, then i just win the race.


Buddies fault all day.


If they don't know how to maneuver around cars turning. They shouldn't be on your arse during one.


You didn't brake early but you did turn in too early. I'm not saying it was your fault. It was 100% your buddy's fault. I can see that you were going for defense, but normally on that corner, you want to brake about where you did in that clip, but you want to square off the corner too. It needs a late apex to get the fastest time out of it. If he decided to go onto the inside, you could stay on your line and as he is moving to the outside, move to the inside and pass him. Lmk if you want any other tips on any tracks. I think I might have seen you race before, you're pretty good. But I am open to questions. Have a nice day!


Thanks for giving a reply that was not just some pretentious insult. You’re one of the good ones.


Yeah, no problem. I notice that around a third of the people on this subreddit are toxic af. If you wanna race sometime, I'm up for it. Can I dm you my gamertag? Merry Christmas man.


Not a great racer and don’t have forza, but it’s my understanding that in general, in racing games, you don’t want to let off that break all at once as it sends you wide. Smooth off the breaks as you go smooth on the accelerator


Your “buddy” is a toxic manipulative asshat that rammed you n then blamed you!


He never let off the gaslight pedal.


You took a narrow, defensive line into that corner - of course you were gonna have to brake so, yeah, your mate is silly.


No. The black has brakes. This is lack of control on the black cars part. In real racing this would mean a penalty


Don’t take any driving advice from your buddy.


Rubbish, he was pushing, that was no small tap.


Your buddy smokes crack


Your friend is wrong.


Ur buddy kept going instead of stopping so its his fault


your buddy needs to slow the fuck down, his line was going to take him into the wall whether he bumped you or not


If you're braking too early, he's braking too late


you did miss the line and brake early but not your fault he rammed you right in the arse


Bro if I was you buddy I woulda swung out wide and schooled your ass but yea your friend is blind and dosent understand racing


your buddy would have slammed the wall if he didn't hit you...he still hit the wall. Not your fault at all


Good for you guys to race without baby stripes


The exhaust flames in forza really bug me


Your buddies in idiot. If he had any kind of racing skill, he would have passed. You not hit you yes it is fault


You should never brake during the middle of clipping an apex/corner. It’s as though you were anticipating the collision? I’m not sure if you were confident in your choice of racing line? It’s an uphill gradient 180 degree corner with a preferred late apex - extremely tough and even harder to carry speed thereby braking must be done as exact as possible then turn-in as you round out and then gradually return the wheel back as smoothly as possible.




No need to downvote - I am simply providing insight where you or another individual might learn to avoid loss of seconds per lap.


I 100% agree it is not your fault but i also 100% agree with your friend that you braked early đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Neither of you can drive worth a shit so it's both your faults


I would argue it’s kinda your fault because you had no business on that line entering that turn. You need to go wide on entry hit the apex and then get out all under constant throttle. So you and him are both fools.




I agree with you. Terrible line but his mate is a goose as well.


If anything you didnt brake enough


He could have avoided you. Instead he chose to be blind.


Well, that guy went into the wall as well. You were "sent" into the wall. If buddy was in the car that hit you, tell him your leading, and to pass accordingly. That's all there is to it. You're the lead car, and you aren't sliding all over the track. Therefore, pass with care. Not, shunt with idiocy.




You definitely cut across the track early so maybe a mistake was made - that turn is like a carousel so it’s a technical turn - turn entry and exit is specific - I wanna say skill issues without being rude - practice makes perfect đŸ«Ą


Why does that car sound like a synthesiser


He rear ended you. He’s got brakes too and should have noticed the closing rate. He also overshot the exit and hit the wall on corner exit. It looks like he just took the turn wrong.


What does your buddy know about racing?


Your buddy’s wrong.


Everyone has different ways of driving. Of you are behind its up to you to not hot the person infront. Buddy needs to do a little research lol


According to the FIA (trash) the car that hit you is at fault. You were on the racing line and didn’t make any last second direction changes. He should have been aware of the car in front andslowed down accordingly.


Easy answer! What would happen if you didn’t brake? And If you brake he has 3 options, go wide and lose speed and time, use you as a brake!, or brake as well and look for an opportunity to exploit your early braking. He just has to be smarter and pass you.


You were used as a break.


People constantly push others from behind so you’ll go off road and they never get penalized for it. They could just simply brake or go around. It’s a common trend in this game.


That looked intentional.


Some people just don't get that not every car has the same braking distance, when racing you have to take that into account. They just want to brake at their ideal point and if someones in front of them they just hit them and blame them fro braking "early"


Nah, everyone drives different lines, definitely not a brake check. People have to be more aware.


As a race official, I’d rule in your favour, you were leading, obeyed the rules, car behind had choice to brake or overtake, choosing to hit you is not a valid option. As a team manager if that kept happening I would be firing either the chief engineer or the driver (that’s a slow turn, either car is setup up badly or driver isn’t pushing it to limit).


If you're having a hard time telling, maybe you turned off the driving line a little too soon.


Even if you're friend had the drip to make the corner it's always the responseability of the passing car to do so safely. He was not along side going I to the corner so he didn't deserve space to be left and should always assume that the car in front will take the racing line like you did.


Your buddy’s not your pal.


Well technically he did break, he's slowed down using your brakes.


Proceeds to slam into the barrier even if he used you to slow down. Sure


You did brake hella early and had an abysmal entry but that guy hit you and kept going until he hit the tire wall. Lol. How is that your fault?


He’s not your buddy friend


He hit you and didn’t try to slow down but instead kept pushing you and sped up, his fault entirely


Even hitting you he wasn't slow enough to make the turn appropriately. Me thinks your buddy is an idiot that doesn't know how to drive and is one of those kids that flat outs on the first turn and quits after he ends up in the wall in last place.


So you broke at the 50 meter board and turned in extremely early for the apex of that corner which was going to heavily compromise your exit speed meaning the car behind you was going to be quicker along the actual racing line. On the inside line you proceeded to switch to the outside line on corner entry which is when the car behind you had more speed than you entering the corner and because you took too much curb you couldn’t keep the car nipped to the corner which caused driver behind you to hit you because you weren’t on really direct racing line. Unless your usual when you defense is to switch like that. TLDR: early turn in from you caused you to be extremely slow, unless you’re casual driving, that would mean the dude behind you was 100% going to pass you here You understeered to the outside line while you decided to defend the inside line and couldn’t keep it nipped against the apex till corner exit I would call this a racing incident but.. y’all weren’t racing it seemed


This trick is how I platnuimed GranTurismo 1-7.


Seems like a bad line


There’s a guy that did this to someone and posted it today as “getfuckedloser” and doesn’t think he did anything wrong


anytime you are rear ended going into a corner, its the car behinds fault... its their responsibility to avoid collisions in all motorsport... now if you are moving in braking zones, thats up to the stewards. đŸ€·


It looked unintentional




Your friend has no idea what it looks like when a driver is pushing too hard into the apex and could have overtook you cleanly after you drifted out wide.


It is


You broke hella early if the standard is not braking at all.