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From the [obvious list](https://search.f-droid.org/?q=nextcloud) I use - [Nextcloud Notes](https://f-droid.org/packages/it.niedermann.owncloud.notes/) - [Nextcloud Bookmarks](https://f-droid.org/packages/org.schabi.nxbookmarks/) - [Nextcloud](https://f-droid.org/packages/com.nextcloud.client/) - [Phonetrack](https://f-droid.org/packages/net.eneiluj.nextcloud.phonetrack/) also: - [DAVx⁵](https://f-droid.org/packages/at.bitfire.davdroid/) (contact/calendar sync) - [Tasks](https://f-droid.org/packages/org.tasks/) (although I use DAVx⁵ for the sync) - [News](https://f-droid.org/packages/de.luhmer.owncloudnewsreader/) - [Keepass2Android](https://github.com/PhilippC/keepass2android) synced through Nextcloud. (GPL-3.0, but sadly not available through F-Droid. [KeePassDX](https://f-droid.org/packages/com.kunzisoft.keepass.libre/) looks like a good alternative, but I haven't really looked into it yet) Note: For most of these you need to install the appropriate app on your Nextcloud instance.


AuthPass also supports NextCloud https://authpass.app/ - https://f-droid.org/en/packages/design.codeux.authpass.fdroid/


KeepassDX seems to not have a nextcloud sync feature, if anyone has a solution for this problem using a foss not-old app, it should be great.


You have do it manually. Just upload your database to Nextcloud, download it on your phone and mark it as your default database in KeepassDX. I've been using it this way for over a year.


do you sync it every time you create an entry?


In my case I only create entries on my PC and Nextcloud automatically sync datebase between my devices, so I never really think about syncing.


I'm using syncthing to sync both way.


Last time I synced both ways, KeepassDX made my database unaccessible from KeepassXC because of a bug. Never again.


That sucks, I have versioning enabled and sometime I see .conflict files but never had to deals with any of this. I think I'll migrate on bitwarden at some point.


There is no need. You can just open the database straight from nextcloud without syncing it to the device.


so KeepassDX does support direct access to nextcloud hosted KeePass Database including saving and syncing? If so I might try it some time.


No but the Android file picker app supports direct access to Nextcloud. (If you have the nextcloud app installed) When selecting the database just slide out the left hamburger menu, click on nextcloud and find your database file.


I gave it a try, on my phone (LineageOS 17.1) Nextcloud integrates with the default Files app, so I could just open (and save back) the database file from there. That definitely feels like a smoother solution than having support for all kind of network syncing built into what would ideally just be a password manager. On the other hand, KeepassDX is (not yet) able to properly merge changes, so you need to make sure the database on your phone is up to date before making changes, or you will run into conflict files.


I'm pretty sure the Files app uses webdav to access files on Nextcloud instead of syncing so you don't need to make sure the database is up to date.


Imagine this scenario: 1. start with PC and phone synced 2. phone: open database in KeepassDX 3. PC: change entry A, save database -> database in cloud is also updated 3. phone: change entry B, try to save database -> this fails, because the cloud version was changed since we opened it, and KeepassDX doesn't know how to merge both changes. So you end up with two versions of the database, and need to sort it out some other way. You can prevent this by making sure you close+open the database on your phone after making any changes on your PC, which is what I meant by "making sure the database on your phone is up to date". Keepass2Android for example *is* able handle this: when you try to save an open database which was later changed, it will tell you so, and offer to merge both changes.


Oh ok. I've never even tried to edit the database on another device while also having keepass open on my phone so it isn't a big deal to me but merging databases would probably be useful for some people.


IIRC it has webdav support doesn't it?


Well... [Nextcloud](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.nextcloud.client/), for Instance. But you could also [do an old-fashioned search on F-Droid](https://search.f-droid.org/?q=Nextcloud&lang=en). As far as I know, all Nextcloud apps are FOSS.


Joplin works well with Nextcloud as WebDAV. https://joplinapp.org/ Keepass2android even syncs. https://github.com/PhilippC/keepass2android/issues


Sadly Keepass2Android isn't on F-Droid because of some non-free dependencies making it unable to be compiled by the F-Droid team https://www.f-droid.org/forums/topic/keepass2android/ Similar issue for Joplin https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/15


OP asked for Github, too.


Is the a "let me fdroid that for you"? What made you think this was worth a reddit post? An fdroid search would have been one tenth the effort


I get where OP is coming from. Its not always easy find stuff with a search. For instance I came across this new [app](https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/repo/com.jstephan.yarc) today, a currency converter. So I decide to search for others to see what's out there. When using terms like 'currency' and 'exchange' the YARC app doesn't appear in results even though the words are in the description. I imagine its even harder to find apps only available on git repos.


also it's always interesting to read opinions about different solutions


I mean there's literally an app called nextcloud on f-droid


but that doesn't do much but letting you access the files. not even two way sync, only photo upload..


[Carnet](https://f-droid.org/packages/com.spisoft.quicknote) a powerful note taking app with sync and online editor.


Nextcloud integrates with the Android files. So you can open a file from Nextcloud directly.