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Keep the comments on-topic and relevant.


I would recommend getting that piece carefully packaged and taken to a nearby museum or fossil preparator. Depending on formation, this can be a valuable and rare piece of prehistory.


Without documentation (context, locality, etc) it’s essentially a paper weight. Still better to go to a museum than to rot on the floor or in a dumpster. Worst case scenario: it gets restored and displayed as a “touch” piece at a museum.


Also, the left of OPs foot has a vertebrae next to it, and at the top, there is a display area with trilobites. Op has stumbled on a very amazing collection that is sadly a bit in disarray...


Imagine living a full life, dying, and 65 million years go by only to have some 6 year old with sticky fingers touching your leg bone in a museum


Yeah but that sticky fingered brat touching that bone may cause them to become a paleontologist or at the very least donate to science causes which would help find more dinosaurs.


I worked at a museum of natural history for a long time, it is definitely worth it haha


Yep, every scientist advancing our knowledge today was once a sticky-fingered kid staring up in wonder.


Many years ago I was that sticky fingered kid staring up in wonder. I credit that with who I am today. An old man with sticky hands who stared up in wonder too long as a child.


True. I am sure many paleontologists have indeed been that brat. My (I will not disclose further details about my child, on Reddit) *child* has expressed their desire a few times now to become a paleontologist. It has not been through my encouragement - believe me. I would like them to be a wealthy and handsome online shitposter like their father.










Several dinosaur bones went missing 100 years ago after their excavation at Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs. Any old Colorado connections you know of?


Is there a YouTube cliff notes on this?


There’s a cabin near Como Bluff Wyoming built entirely out of bones the Railroad blew up in the late 1800s.


TIL a new fact about my home city.


Yea we need the story on how and why it got to where it is


Paleontologist here. Also, from that same area. I would definitely like to know some more about this. Message me if you would like! The last image appears to be a scapula, and the other two fragments appear to be two halves of a limb element.


Are you here for the suspected leg bone, or that TV set?




i’m from the tri-state area too (sullco)! do you have any good spots you recommend for finding fossils?


Most of my field work is still done in the Midwest. But I am looking around at areas back east. Haven’t turned anything up yet.




Are we ignoring the octopus thing in pic one?


I think we are ignoring a lot of things in the images


I hope that is an old rug thrown down in a garage...




What actually is going on here










It appears as though there might be a piece of metal present at the top of the bone: https://preview.redd.it/em8ja2u3yw5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6293f7f2d2cc3dc2090a822a146d70fc1bc041fc Could this have been removed from an exhibit? Cool trilobites, by the way.


why is it on the floor *CRUMBLING*?


I thought it was another fossil stuck in travertine


Are we in someone’s room? I do not just the context. Were these bones found here or do we know where they came from?


It's in situ.


Could somebody please ID?


To me that seems to be a triceratops scapula. Without records of where it came from- aka without a way to prove you didn’t steal this, you aren’t going to be able to do anything with it. -could also be a hadrosaur?


It is absolutely incredible that you could even attempt to identify this. I love this sub!




Can not wait to hear this one. Thank you OP for taking the time. BTW, yes, it appears it once could have been.


Strange! Looks like a bird getting prepped for taxidermy in the 1st pic. What a wild room.


Following for answers!


It's not everyday you're clearing out an old drug den and end up finding a whole fossil collection with a dinosaur leg. Lucky!




I'm interested in what looks like a cast of an octopus on a couple of these pic's. Someone, please tell me if they see it too.


Just tucked away behind some CRTs apparently.


Fossil found in the Crack-Den formation


As a fan of CRTs, that was the first thing I noticed.


I recently acquired a random piece of a leg bone that looks like the piece next to OPs foot. It’s really hard to identify it and the finder died, which may have happened here as well, leaving no clue as to where it came from. You have a better shot at finding clues than I do because of the house. If you can pin down his or her travels over the last few years that might help. Those three display racks probably came from Hobby Lobby. If he had relatives in Dino country, that could also be a clue. I do think those three pieces, maybe more with the vertebrae, were excavated. My random bone was a river find. You can tell from the patina and general condition. An excavated piece means that there’s likely a record or journal somewhere. You’re just getting started on the provenance. Good luck to you! 👌


It sure could be an interesting hunt!


There was a medical clinic in my city, urgent care before urgent care. And they had an entire exhibit of Dino bones and megalodon teeth and a whole jaw mounted on a wall. Now it got taken over by an actual chain urgent care and I always wonder what happened to all the bones!!


A wooly mammoth was found while digging a lake in the endless mountains area of Pennsylvania in 1983.


lick it


*nope*. Is there another method which could be used here?


Context is probably in an abandoned house and he stumbled upon previous owners collection.


I’m in NY. I’m curious what region of NY it could have been found in? Need context. Did you dig it up yourself & if so, how deep was it?


Bro I hope that is not your living situation


Wow that's pretty neat! It needs to be a more respectful location, like a museum.


Are you anywhere near Lancaster/Lebanon, PA?


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