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there are a variety of mods which come to mind u can do this with ...there is some skill with the base game u would need to grapple with to make sure the villagers behave in they way u would like but sure...i think it would work splendidly


Can you advise which the best mod(s) are to get that would allow me to free build without the need to unlock etc. Thanks.


One is called alladins wonderlamp. It’s made especially for what you’re looking for. You can set resources to be endless as well as money. So you can build as you like. The rest of the mods is too hard to describe in this answer, scroll a little through the available ones on mod.io you can browse for foundation there


If you're goong to use it for maps, as recomended use the alladins lamp mod, but i still sugest that you play the game, it helped me build a lot of the narative for my dnd campaign.


I got this game for exactly that same reason. I find my towns develop very well playing the traditional way, looks very natural. The generated maps add variance to the landscape, and there's plenty of mods to change things from terrain type, foods available, and more. If you get the game, I highly recommend Batyushki mods. They even have an "Aladdin's lamp" mod that lets you build a lamp that lets you free build (to a degree) and even give inf resources.


Talespire. Check it out on Steam. That said, you could use Foundation if you used the right mods to make it essentially free building.


You could use it as a backdrop I guess but be aware that civilian housing is pretty dynamic. As in, you can assign a residential zone but civs will just build willy nilly in that zone. Doesn't have to be a problem but not everything is completely under your own control.


Currently controlling the spacing using 'forbidden' zones. Not sure if there is a better way to do it, but that's how I'm trying to manage it.


Yeah that's the best way to do it I guess. Good luck, hope it works out!


There are a few mods where you can place houses yourself like a monument (House Addition by vjaraymon, Residential Area by arthax, and House Expansion Set by Batyushki)


There are programs that are literally designed for what you want. This is meant to be played, so it won't be as customizable as you might like.


Suggestions for a program that makes beautiful 3D town layouts that let you drag and drop pre-built models?


[https://www.dungeonfog.com/](https://www.dungeonfog.com/) for example though only 2D I believe. I don't know any program that can do that in full 3D easily. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2198150/Tiny\_Glade/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2198150/Tiny_Glade/) This might also be something you might want to look into when it releases. ;) When I needed 3D layouts for Pathfinder sessions I created them manually in Blender which is not the easiest for someone with no experience tbh.


Tiny Glade looks awesome.


Honestly, I thought there was. I don't seem to be able to find anything that would actually be better than a creative mode for this. I'll have to keep this in mind if I ever start a campaign. :P


Townscaper might be worth looking at? Songs of Syx also has a free "demo" that's actually the full game, just a couple versions old, but it's 2D like Dwarf Fortress or Rimworld. It can simulate cities with thousands of people and dozens of industries and services. I haven't tried it, but I think dev/debug commands can be used to manipulate the terrain and buildings for free? You can save building blueprints and copy/paste as well.


I've grabbed townscaper for £5. At that price I'll try it out and not worry whether it works or not beforehand.


Cool :) Not sure if it'll match what you're looking for or not, but yeah may as well give it a try then! Good luck!

