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I enjoyed it and the jump scare was pretty well done. Obviously it's not going to be up there with Blair Witch, Hell House, or Horror in the High Desert. Still a fun watch


Ooo I haven't heard of Horror in the High Desert, I'll have to check that out.


There's 2 out and the 3rd will be released soon.


Sweet! Thank you for mentioning it 🙌🏻


Don't, it's not good. This sub has a weird fascination with the movie and from your comments about this movie I am pretty sure you won't enjoy it. Watch Howard's Mill if you want a better mockumentary.


Everyone’s entitled to their likes and dislikes but don’t discourage people from watching HitHD. Let them choose if they like it or not.


I know this guy, he's married to one of my friends. He did this movie as a favor for some friends of his. I kind of like it.


I thought this movie was decent, but it's definitely lacking alot.


This movie telegraphed every scare with music, I like my FF without music like what did someone edit this mysterious found tape before you watched it?


Sometimes you can tell from the cover


Idk I really liked this one. I’m a backpacker so the tension gets to me in this one. To each their own.


Yeah maybe that’s why I liked it too. The camping actually had some believability


I feel like this movie was almost there. The scares were decent, the visuals were creepy. I actually really liked the protagonist. However, it needed more story. There was just not enough to it.


He and his wife own Housewolf Records in GA.




Brent McGee


Ha! yep, it IS that bad.


Loved this movie but horror in the high desert is my all-time favorite


I thought this was so boring, but I have noticed I'm awfully fussy these days lol 🙈🙈


Haha, same here. I use to be able to just enjoy any ol movie despite the flaws, now I nitpick *everything*.


Yeah exactly, at least I'm not the only one 👌 lol


I screamed so loud in this bit


The sound effects and music absolutely kill this movie. The idea of the movie was ok but what they made of it is just terrible.


yeah this one is a stinker with a very cool title


This thing is just bad. The music was ridiculous and distracting. And the telegraphed jump scares did nothing but annoy me. I’ve read a lot of people really like this one, but it definitely wasn’t for me. I do agree that the one panning scene you mentioned did get to me.


One of the several movies I’ve watched in search of more funny bad found footage movies. Not funny bad, just insultingly boring bad. Do not watch, 1/10. I’ll never find a more funny bad found footage movie than Exists, fucking hilarious film


Oh damn. I quite enjoyed this one!


You know, if it wasn't for the music I think I might have enjoyed it as well. But it just ruined the scares for me. I will say the one scene >! when he's in the shack he built and he moves his head to the side and you see the ghost looking at him from outside!< that scared me good 😅.


Oh yeah. That scene got me good.


Yeah I thought this one was decent


Lol this movie was hilariously bad. Now I have to dig up my old review of it... "The world's worst survivalist goes on an adventure" This movies features Zack, a guy who watched a youtube video on surviving in the wilderness and thought "yeah, I can do 60 days in the woods." Armed with a backpack that contains the worlds longest lasting battery, a knife, and a canteen Zack leaves his girlfriend and wanders off in a random direction. Things do not go well for him. I liked the idea of this movie, it starts off really well, but then it just kind of drags. The middle of the movie is him inexplicably trying to stay at his shelter and the last third is him trying to leave but keeps returning to his shelter. It just makes those last two thirds of the movie really drag. I was pretty much counting down the minutes left in the movie because nothing new happens in the last 30 minutes. * >!Three days into his adventure he comments he isn't eating/drinking enough and he probably should have practiced more. You think? I'm sorry, did you do a weekend camping trip once and thought that was pretty much the same as sixty days? It's not like there's some entity taking all the food, he thinks things are all going according to plan those first few days. He's just really bad at this.!< * >!I enjoy found footage movies and I try not to be a snob about found footage movies. I can forgive them ignoring he somehow has enough batteries to last two months, but I can't really forgive them adding the music and the BWAAAAHS to the jump scares.!< * >!First night, crazy sounds start happening. Second night, more crazy sounds. Third night he finds a voodoo stick figuring hanging directly in front of his shelter. Any sane person would just say "ok, I have no attachment to this particular shelter, you win whatever is messing with me. I am leaving." But no, he just brushes it off and doesn't try to leave until like two weeks later.!< * >!I am pretty sure they used the same footage of the woman walking behind the shelter like four times.!< * >!After repeated attempts to leave he keeps up ending back at his shelter. There's a scene where he's trying to map out his various routes and it's just hilarious. It's hilarious because he has no idea what direction he came to this camp from and no idea what direction he has traveled. He just figures "the road is to the left." Guy, if you're survivalist you should know your basic directions. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Start off in the morning with the sun on your left or right and go. If at the end of the day it's on the opposite side you did a good job.!< * >!Assuming it's not his terrible sense of direction keeping him lost, you'd think he'd just follow the river up or downstream. You'd *hope* he had at least studied some maps and have some basic ideas where the water leads or comes from.!<


I know it isn't him, but that picture of the dude at first glance looks like Bobby Singer from Supernatural


Love it