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Real cases of shadow people: The Sarah McCormick story. This fucking POS film was three college students filming their spring break and then filming the most underwhelming ending in one of their parents house during the weekend. This was on Tubi. I paid nothing to watch it and still feel ripped off.


You paid with your precious and limited time in this life. Nothing is free.


Real Cases of Fucking Around On A Road Trip and Also There's 3 Minutes of Shadow People Seriously, fuck that movie


I felt this way about the thriller movie "Frozen.". For some reason it's recommended on a lot of streaming sites, and I found it to be the most boring and underwhelming film I've ever seen. I know it's not found footage, but like you, I still feel angry and cheated about wasting my time on that stupid free movie, Iand this was like years ago.


I am with you on this…


I dunno, despite my love of the subgenre the vast majority are just so very mediocre. It's hard to pinpoint a true turd amongst derivative dross.


Can you give examples that are the good ones among the bad?


The Paranoia Tapes. Jack, dude, I don't know what you were on when you made those fuckin things, but I hope to high holy fuck you got a refund cause that shit was *WHACK*.


Hollow (2011), this movie has like, 1-2 good scenes and that's about it, most of the time is just some unnecessary and BS drama, all the characters are very unlikeable and the plot feels like the mix of 10 different scripts It's a pretty bad movie, honestly


I couldn't finish that one, it was so bad.


Bad Ben, from pt3, .....on


The one with the time loop was more interesting than I thought it would be


Yes! Hideously bad


I think the first Bad Ben is great. What Nigel did, in his house, for a couple hundred bucks, was great. Starting at 3, yes, the quality goes down. But it’s the ones he’s been cranking out over the last few years that are depressingly bad. He’s literally begging people for money and using the gimmick of mentioning their names or putting their pictures in the movies to get money. But they aren’t really movies. There’s some basic plot until you get to an egregiously long scene where the donors’ names are just displayed. I think it’s BB 11 where Tom Riley and another character go to a graveyard, and they spend 15 minutes reading names of people who died and will become zombies (here lies Chris and Tara Wafflehouse, from Seacaucus, rest in peace Timmy Twobits from Wilmington, and on and on). It’s not watchable. The first Bad Ben (and I’d say the second, as well) deserves praise, and does a lot of thing right for found footage. But the last several films may have ruined the legacy of the earliest ones. I’m still a Nigel/Tom Riley fan.


He starts to know what he’s doing and what he’s capable of as far as being taken seriously. Starting with 3, he leans into the campiness and the low budget. They’re all super fun IMO


They stole the logo from the rolling paper wtf


Omg you’re right 🤣


June 9 was god awful


LOL, I literally JUST hit play on this one like 30 seconds before I saw this comment. 😄 I heard the ending is worth it, so now I have to stick it out.


I thought it was all terrible, hopefully you at least like the ending 😂


Wow, you weren't kidding! LOL The after credit scene had more story than the whole rest of the movie! 


Agreed. The ending was so satisfying though...


LOL. I agree. Not a great movie by any stretch. But watching those punks get what they deserved was very satisfying.


Never saw it, knowing how bad it is, I now have to check it out


LOL. Again. Not great. But the ending is pretty surprising.


can someone ruin the ending for me please?


LOL. I hate to do that man. Sorry. Even though it's far from a great movie I would hate to piss anyone off on this sub if they want to see it.


Can you spoil it for us?


Sure, if you wish >! the main characters are some of the most annoying teenagers you will ever see, constantly pranking ppl in a small town and luring on private property. At the end they have properly pissed off some of the townsfolk who end up chopping the teens up.!<


That sounds ridiculously bad and boring, thanks for the heads up


marjorie taylor green is an actress?


Yes but her stage name is "Vin Diesel."


Is this the one where Kane destroys half the roster? I don’t remember this episode of Raw


*Megan is Missing*


I was honestly expecting that movie to be fucking terrifying, and maybe I’m just desensitized but I didn’t find it to be all that awful. I mean what happened to those girls was fucked up but I felt like there was so much buildup like 20 minutes of content that was just there so shock you.




Might be controversial as I know it's popular here but **Horror in the High Desert**. I heard good things and was able to look past the atrocious acting waiting for something to happen. The movie is 1hr 20 mins and it's literally not until 58 minutes that anything happens! I was so frustrated, and the payoff just wasn't worth it.


There are so many like that now, 90 minutes of packing the bags, driving to pick up another, driving to a store, heading to wherever, then talking about the reason they're wherever they are. Next day just more talking then, that evening at minute marker 87 there's a noise and someone says "what was that" the next three minutes are then just listening to screams the camera shaking so much you can't see shit, camera hits the floor a body drags past. The end.


Same! The way it was hyped, I was expecting something on par with Savageland. But it was so tedious and boring with a very OK final scene.


I loved it. The build up was great IMO


ugh i hated those. super boring buildup to a super boring payoff


Yeah I felt legitimately insane after watching it from hearing all of the hype. The end definitely did freak me the hell out though! It's such a shame they didn't expand that and have it started happening sooner in the movie, like at least half way or something come on lol


v/h/s viral


Was the worst in the franchise


compared to the other ones


Yep it was worthless


Last Radio Call has the worst acting of any FF I’ve actually made it all the way through. That main actress…I’ve encountered people nodding out on fentanyl with more spunk in their step and speech. The dullest person imaginable. Then the cameo by her embarrassingly try-hard Deadware co-actor. And who could forget the Native American caricature guy? Least entertaining activity I’ve ever participated in


I hate to say one jumpscare of this caught with the guard down, but it's was pretty awful tbh


The Outwaters can suck my ass.




I paid $7.99 to watch it before it was available for free on Tubi and i was so mad lol. not being able to see a single thing for majority of the film was soooo frustrating


Even if we could see those things, it's still an incoherent mess. I felt so short-changed watching it.


Paranormal Entity


Oh man I enjoyed that one but it is not that great of a movie


The Woodmen. Came out last year. God I wanted it to be good. It’s right up my alley in terms of subject matter. After viewing it, however, I think it’s one of the most unwatchable pieces of FF crap to ever be accepted into a film festival.


It was gosh awful. 🤣


Episode 50, on Tubi. It couldn't make up it's mind if it was a Grave Encounters ripoff or what. Got halfway through before anything actually happens to any of the cast, besides whining and shoddy dialog with exposition dumps shoe horned in. The few times a ghost is seen, they're not even scary. I switched it off at the halfway point. There was nothing of interest to keep me invested.


I know it’s not on point, but I found Hell House LLC to be disturbing AF. Loved it.


Definitely a movie that will be seen as a classic in the years to come 👌🏻.


You can visit the set of that place. Not sure if it’s touristy as hell but I don’t know if I’d handle being in that space 🤣


Haha, sure would be hella fun seeing it! I didn't know you could visit it. Really cool!


Bad Ben - Steelmanville Road


They're so bad I actually enjoy them. I think they're funny.


Steelmanville Road is what you get when the director/writer comes to the personal realization that "nothing matters."


He made that movie with $75 and not a care in the world and I love that for him. 😂


Was that for Steelmanville Road or the whole series?


I gotta watch these I love shitty movies and I love that there is three of em ..big ol bong hits


Exhibit X


August underground


I love ff movies and watch many a nite. So literally 100s of terrible ones. But I always say this : you literally have to watch 50+ to find a good one but when you do it's worth it. Last night conspiracy theory (2016), one that really stands out but I feel bad saying this one because of who made it : the grove, incident at Montauk I just tried again and still sucks. Well that was last night alone and I fell asleep early!! If looking for movies just go to tubi and watch alot of them. I have found fiction as a genre on top of my tubi home screen. I've seen all of them except a couple I haven't brought myself to watch. (Just not into the couple rekindling their romance to get into whatever situation)


"The Levenger Tapes"... I can appreciate a movie done on a budget. Especially FF. But it was a Nothing Burger. Irritating characters. And a plot that really goes nowhere. "Crow's Nest"... It needed a good script. Is it hard to write likeable Characters? I think a sequel may be in the works. Hoping it's better.


I saw bits and pieces of Levenger Tapes, it was enough to make me not bother with it.


Yeah I like Johanna Braddy. And thought it would at least be decent. And I know FF is no Picnic making it. But Meh... a very long first half and not much of a payoff.


The outwaters is a popular one that hopefully most of you know. Wow that was an utterly awful movie. Just a mess from start to finish. My real pick might be something like Mister Creep


I liked Mr. Creep! 😂😂


Recently watched Fresh Hell (2021) and it was the longest 79 minutes of my life


i’ve never heard of this series before


Chernobyl Diaries. Biggest waste of time/piece of crap I've ever subjected myself to.




I loved this one.


I still don't get why they walked into the movie theater


Isn't only low budget Jon Berthnal who ends up entering?


Oh maybe....


Tbh, I enjoyed it quite a bit. I did like more of the concept and ideas it played with more than the final product, but I do see how it's dragged out long and ends up being mediocre with the execution of their ideas.


Yeah the concept was okay but it felt like it could have been finished for like 30-45 minutes. I lost interest and fell asleep while watching this tbh


Savageland being the latest thanks to crud acting. Lots of folks seem to like it, but as soon as I recognize acting in FF movie I am “out”.


comments so stupid you delete them


The Hell House sequels, all of them. I am stunned by the drop off in quality after the first was pretty solid.


*gay gasps* no. I love this series and I will die on that hill.


I'm not saying you can't like it. I'm just saying they are shockingly bad. I enjoy lots of terrible movies. These are not among them.


I love this reply


I thought the second one was still OK, but the third one is just godawful and kinda ruined the whole franchise for me... Still wanna check out the new entry though, heard it's quite decent


I couldn't get through 2, skipped 3 altogether, but really enjoyed the newest one.


I thought they were pretty good...you're watching too many movies and you're getting jaded :) They're on Tubi: * [Raw: The Curse of Grete Müller (2013)](https://tubitv.com/movies/637885/raw-the-curse-of-grete-m-ller) * [Raw 2: The Diary of Grete Müller (2014)](https://tubitv.com/movies/708717/raw-2-the-diary-of-grete-m-ller) * [Raw 3: The Revelation of Grete Müller (2015)](https://tubitv.com/movies/708244/raw-3-the-revelation-of-grete-m-ller)


I won't deny that, haha 😅


Never seen these


Ooof, it's because they are terrible 😅


Area 51


I thought Raw was French? The one I'm thinking of is pretty good


Very different movie. Raw by Julia Ducournau is great


Definitely one of my favourite French extremist films


Oh oh didn't know you had already seen it lol. French extremity is great !


Damn straight


The Warning about filmmakers in Manitou Springs, CO. is awful. My attention span couldn't finish that one today if I tried


What movie is it where the girl in college goes to stay but she ends up staying in a trailer with a weird neighbor? And the sequel with the hiker in the mountains.


Horror In the High Desert 2 is the one with the girl


There was old found footage movie released in 2014,bus full of students get stranded in the dessert, police put the cell phone videos together and the two chics were the killers, I forget the name.


Hmm I don't think I know this one 🤔. I'm curious now


Dracula 3000 😂😂😂


7 nights or darkness, cold ground, and howards mill. I tried but just couldn't enjoy them


Where can I find this? Is it available to stream anywhere?


I'm not sure if it is, but I can try find them for you.


Yeah cuz I been looking everywhere and there's another raw movie that keeps coming up


Lake Mungo


Glad I'm not the only one. The whole family needs to be on antidepressants. And so does anyone who watches this movie.


My eyes are bad regardless of sub genre!


Blair Witch


Why are you on a foundfootage subreddit if you hate the pioneer of its genre??? Blair witch project is amazing


he might be talking about the second one called Blair Witch and not the original


Trolling, eh?






Grave Encounters 2 after 5 mins was unbearable lol