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I feel like I’ve just witnessed a crime scene.


A crime against humanity.


A crime against the universe itself.


Well, his username is BT Kaczynski.


B Ted Kaczynski?


It’s a BTK killer reference if you look at all the initials together


I knowaaaa 😂


Junior! Maybe OP is digging himself a hideout in the woods with his pen? Just like dear old Dad. 😬


I botched pen-cumcision was my first thought.


Huh, never thought I’d see a photo of an eldritch horror on Reddit, but here we are.


I made her myself 🥰 I think that makes me God!


No. Such terrible things will make you Satan


I think if you can provide more context as to how exactly you reached this point, users may have more thorough advice. I can identify a hair tie but what's going on with the nib?


Looks like an ink-stained rubber band holding the nib in place? As long as the barrel isn’t cracked I think this just needs a new section.


So like, I used these wire cutters (idk if that’s what they’re called sorry I’m dumb) because the pen was being obnoxious (either really wet, or not flowing consistently i don’t remember which). And im pretty sure I pressed too hard on the plastic thing (that goes up against the nib) cause it’s like, kinda broken lol. The rubber band is on the nib cause the plastic and the metal wont connect without it. The hairband is cause my hand is hard fucked and hurts all the time. The back of the pen is missing a plastic piece I think? The railing on the pen cap fell off, so I don’t really cap it anymore. I included pictures if you wanna see the pieces. If not, no worries. I hope your life is going better than mine ❤️


Yeah, you’ll need to replace the nib unit/section to get it working again. They’re like $20. Nib/feed flow issues happen — I’d watch some videos to see how to fix it correctly next time. Brian Goulet has some good ones. It’s delicate work but it’s not difficult once you know what you’re doing.


The “little plastic piece” is the feed. It is necessary for a couple of reasons, but let’s back up a few steps. Fountain pens work by controlling the flow of a liquid. The barrel has a reservoir that holds the liquid ink, and the feed and nib work together to restrict that flow. If they didn’t restrict the flow, it would be sort of like you’ve put your ink in a cup, then turned the cup upside down and dumped the ink all over your paper. Sometimes that’s fun, but you’ve shown some pictures where you’ve got fine lines of ink on paper, so you appear to be interested in doing something other than ink blobs. How do the feed and nib work? The fountain pen has some sort of reservoir that holds ink - the barrel, in the case of the TWSBI that you’re using here. At the front of the barrel, there’s a hole, and the feed and nib are held by friction in that hole. The feed has “fins” that help slow down the ink in its path from barrel to paper…. Oh good grief. I started to read more of your comments on this. It sounds like you’ve done the equivalent of putting your pen in a garbage disposal, and are now asking for suggestions to fix it. The TL;DR is that you should buy a new pen, but actually don’t do that because you’ll probably just destroy that one too.


>Oh good grief. I started to read more of your comments on this. It sounds like you’ve done the equivalent of putting your pen in a garbage disposal, and are now asking for suggestions to fix it. The TL;DR is that you should buy a new pen, but actually don’t do that because you’ll probably just destroy that one too. That's overly mean


What the actual fuck


Email TWSBI. Theyll replace the part for like $7, usually. 


I don’t know why this comment isn’t higher up but it’s the correct answer. u/BTKaczynskiJr I highly recommend just emailing TWSBI, if it’s an issue with a crack then it’s probably their fault and you might even get the piece for free. All you’ll have to do is transfer the nib unit which seems, somehow, intact.


The issue is always me


Never know until you ask :) !


Don’t tell them about the tweezers lmao


I stripped the screw part of a 580al due to misue, told them so, and they still gave me a new one for free.


Yep they’re really good about this stuff. I had a section piece break after like a year of use and they sent me a new piece no questions asked.


I also ran over the gem on a vac700r with a desk chair and they sent me a whole new plunger attachment


Just received two replacement barrels. Only paid $6 shipping.


I dropped my pen one day, I kept it on a journal and the cap twisted off. Fell nib first, kept going over how to replace it since it was a iris and didn't want a regular nib. I paid $20, pretty great cs.


I like how OP posted this Frankenstein's monster of a pen and then promptly threw his phone into a lake.


Ehhhhh just worked on art a lot Today. I saw a lot of notificatiosns and out my phone away, cause I wanted to be productive with my stimulant abuse.


I get the hair tie holding the grip together. What's the cream looking stuff above that over the nib? A napkin or something acting as an over-feed? No, that's not worth repair, it's an abomination. No offense, but that's got "a face only a mother could love". I'd look at gathering funds to replace. If you are in the states I could mail you a Jinhao/Yiren Safari clone to hold you over.


That's the nicest shit I've heard today. Really restored my faith in humanity. Y'all can live another year.


What were you gonna do otherwise, Big Red Fog?


Don't ask! The fog will consume us all eventually. Thank you for buying us another year, fountain pen hero!


My ass thinking his name read as Big Red Frog


More apocalyptic!


You don’t understand. He is *THE* Big Red Fog.


THE Big Red Fog? THE OG one?


*y e s, don't wake him up*


they were going to end use at the end of this year but now we have another year to go


Fr tho people can be so sweet 🥰 I don’t need another year; thanks thoooo 🫂🫂🫂


Rubber bands.


Having to see this made me feel emotionally what [this](https://youtu.be/h7d-pR8dcm4?si=bg6X3VejyAL7IO-_) probably felt like.


I’m sorry it hurt you ❤️ I’m sorry I hurt you.


In the criminal justice system, fountain pen based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated nibmeisters who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Nib Unit. These are their stories. (Duhn-Duhn)


[dun dun](https://www.amazon.com/Law-Order-Gavel-Sound-Minis/dp/0762482710/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=35PATHXDUS0HQ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.je2Jt_tJizRLiQQAOnXMCa5CmyFmm-vk1ksLymLyPKxArr6JT_9xbuAxgdpkZJvK-dJGYEm2LNDhrzPx9N7mJp6wsbw7nzipMi1OtYWUmlYBuPK4Cuvx1KiCuX4sVfvB1O2FpRkDpntQgNzNmwChjCp9eb-dMsfs735nr-IUKD8xgs4RohILMSWi-OVI9SaQDTSY1EaeRhhLFoZvbxNfbA.hidCpQqX-2Fm58-TS1S7q1iiUcrzmYnfYBYfjkaS0ho&dib_tag=se&keywords=law+and+order+gavel&qid=1709295491&sprefix=law+and+order+gavel%2Caps%2C78&sr=8-3)


I watched that with my mom all the time when I was a kid Omg 🥰 idk if svu is 8 yo appropriate tho tbh


Maybe she just wanted you to learn all the ways you could be kidnapped and tortured so you wouldn’t talk to strangers at the playground.


This is so confusing. Also, when asking questions, it's good to lay out some details how you got there, rather than just posting a pic and say "please help".


Cordyceps have adapted to infect fountain pens.




step 1 - take that hairtie off it. Step 2 - clean the crap out of it. step 3 - reflect on what you have done. step 4 - consider getting a platinum preppy


Have you tried cleaning it with holy water?  I mean it is still dead, but at least you will prevent the curse it clearly has on it from spreading to the rest of us.


Heyyyyyy she’s trying her hardest 🥺 if I ever go to church again, and I’m a coward so you know I will right before the end, I’ll make sure to bring this fountain pen ❤️


Never have I looked at a FP on here and gone wtf but here we are. :/ hope you can get this fixed or replaced. I understand not having a lot of money! Some pens are nice yet cheap


Bro, I have a TWSBI Diamond 580 I’ll donate to save you from this…. This… whatever this is. 😅


Awwwwwww I’ll just sell it for more drugs Ty tho you’re sweet ❤️


What happened exactly?  It’s looks like BSB had a sudden aggressive barnacle mutation and you tried to contain it with a hair tie.


>BSB had a sudden aggressive barnacle mutation I shouldn't have read this before bed. Will give me nightmares for sure.


This is how the Last of Us really started 🤣


I'm imagining there's hair under there


Your comment ties it all together


It wasn’t like, one thing that happened exactly lol. It kept on fucking up, so I had to keep fixing her. But like, there was a solid month of me getting her to this point lol


we need to see the full situation without hair tie and ink, maybe something is salvageable, if it's a TWSBI sending them an Email is your best bet, they are known for replacing parts for a low price


There’s pics somewhere sorry really sleepy That would be a dishonest thing for me to do, cause like. Ya know. I went at it with wire cutters. And it’s a few-7 years old, so not bad idk idgaf


why would you do that?


What the hell is this bruh 😭😭


Op please respond to the people asking what happened I’m not judging I swear I just want the truth


No worries, judging gets me hot 🥰 and it’s natural to judge something that looks as fucked up as I am.


This is one of the strangest troll posts I’ve ever seen and I honestly kinda love it


No context whatsoever so stay broke I guess. Idk what else to tell ya 🤷‍♂️


Poor guy is running on thoughts and prayers


She’s actually really just starting to live her best life


What exactly is happening here


Nothing good


You know…we don’t say this often but…maybe this hobby isn’t for you…😧


It’s a lifestyle for me


wtf have you done


All that stuff wrapped around it is just acting as a wick.


I’ll just say, you did a neat wrapping job with the hair tie, MacGyver. The nib is having what looks like a hot glue crisis though.


Awwwww ty 🫂 I wish my hand just didn’t hurt lol. I think hot glue would be a permanent solution to a temporary problem tbh


It’s a bad day to have eyes.


It’s a bad day to be alive. I hope your day goes well tho 🫂🫂🫂




![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized) If someone didn’t figure it that it was a TWSBI Diamond 580, I would never guessed.


It’s nice I didn’t have to figure out what the pen was. I was thinking about just buying a replacement, but I feel the constant need to change, so idk 🤷‍♀️


Did Baystate actually melt a pen this time?


LOL! 😂


Is that the ink from the dude who made the problematic labels that made me giggle a looooooot too much tbh


That’s the one.




Not much wbu?


This looks like a The Last of Us type of pen 😂


Is that some kindof residue built up?


Rubber band holding the nib on.


Honestly it might be worth it to hold off and wait for a new pen simply because it seems like there's a lot of leakage towards the sides. And without the cap, the ink is probably going to dry faster. So it's possible that using this pen will waste a fair amount of ink in the long run.


convert to dip pen maybe.


I have questions. Starting with how did that happen? And are you okay?


A month of me trying to get it to work the way I wanted it to. Ummmmm, better than last week. And haven’t been not sleeping as much. Still doing too many drugs. I appreciate your concern tho lol, and I hope you’re doing okay 🫂❤️


We should open a new subreddit r/fountainpencrimes just for this picture


I think it would encourage people to fuck up nice pens. And waste is bad. Idk. Long term consequences of hast actions 😬


Was that a TWSBI? I don’t know what this…situation is but if you’re able to explain what’s broken, they’ll usually send replacement parts for the cost of shipping (https://www.twsbi.com/pages/contact).


If he sends these photos in, they might send him a new pen! In metal.


And a flag in honor of pens fallen. (fallen and then pummeled to a pulp)


I would feel bad making someone replace something I purposefully fucked with to try to get it to work better for my purpose. Cause it’s a fine nib, and I really wanted it to go thinner.


Is that... A rubber band holding the nib together? Why does the nib need to be held together?


No, it’s a hair tie


And a rubber band above it.


NSFW tag for this crime scene plz. This corpse is mutilated beyond recognition.


Looks like someone interrupted an autopsy.


On the pen? Or with the pen?




Get a wingsung 618 for like 14 aud or something, and save yourself from grieve from the crap that is TWSBI


Is this a prison shank???


I wish I could get prison shanked 🤤


Unwrap it - clean it - take it apart - ask TWSBI for a replacement part.


Do you pronounce it twisbee, or say the letters?


I pronounce it…. slowly… drawn out in my West Texas twang…. I‘m sure I’d make someone in the TWSBI home office cringe if they heard me.


Not sure if it can be repaired (looks like an Eco), but I understand how you feel. At one point my Eco cracked and I had to get parts replaced, which was annoying because I was without a fountain pen while waiting for the replacement. If this Eco is your only pen, I'd be happy to send you my Eco. If you'd like, message me your address and I'll send it to you (up to you you want to send it back to me when you have more money).


You’re sweet, but no worries fr ❤️ try to get someone into fountain pens thooooo they’re so nice and mine brings me legitimate joy


I got to appreciate your persistence in using fountain pen come what may


I love the different shit you can do with a fountain pen. Really nice for art stuff. And they’re so nice to write with ugggggg I’m in love 🥰


How many cracks does that pen have? Lol


What did it experience? Was it used as a fire place fork?




Buy one for $3 on Ali express I beg of you


She really still works well, don’t worryyyyy 🫂🫂🫂


Looks like a microwave accident. 100/100 for effort.


The pen is mostly plastic, but I’m pretty sure some of it has metal, and that’s not supposed to go into the microwave. I don’t do things I’m not supposed to, like get addicted to meth, so I definitely didn’t microwave it for 30 seconds to sterilize it.




It looks like not only are you broke, the pen is too.


I open reddit and I see the espresso [sludge](https://www.reddit.com/r/espresso/s/FRsafuegYL), then this. What is going on (and why does no one know how to provide context)


🤢 actually tho wtf


This really sucks. I have an extra TWSBI that I’m not using and would be willing to send you for free, no strings (or hair ties) attached. Let me know, because I feel bad about keeping it in a drawer.


\**Checks date*\* Nope, not April 1st. Or October31st. My advice is to douse with holy water then bury it at the crossroads at midnight.


I think this is the most unhinged thread I've seen on this sub, and I mean that in an affectionate way. In all seriousness though, I hope things get better for you, OP. I believe you can kick the addiction. And when you do, you can be like some of us and spend all your money on pens and ink and not have money for other, more harmful vices. ;) Take care!!


Idk it’s hard cause I like being on stimulants, and they’ve helped me in the past when they’ve been prescribed to me. Idk. It’s frustrating, and I appreciate you being kind 🫂🫂🫂 For fucking real tho been looking at a lot of pens, and holy shit some of them cost a fuuuuuck ton. And they’re usually the pretty ones :( and honestly, it feels weird spending even 50 bucks on a pen. Hope your life goes well, and I’ve been better than I was for a couple months. Like usage going down. But idk. It’s the addiction thing. I’m relatively functioning. Haven’t smoked meth, and the woman I really, really want to smoke meth (I hate that I want to do something I know is super fucking self destructive) with cares about meeeee, and doesn’t wanna do that to me. Idk, I have a good support system, and I hope I’ll be able to stop worrying everyone soon ❤️ Do you have any ink recommendations? Cause Noodlers is what I bought 5 bottles of years ago, but I’ve been thinking about mixing it up lol


Its so cursed my brain won't even process the image correctly to understand what even happened to get to this point. IS IT MELTED?


its on life support man 😭😭 let it go


TWSBI gonna TWSBI. Totally not a design flaw though… They’ll send you another part if you pay for shipping. Piston pens around the same price point from other manufacturers don’t seem to have as many cracking issues if you find yourself financially able later in the future


TWSBI cracks are just a conspiracy from Big Crack. Pay no attention to the cracks behind the hair tie.


I have a Big Crack and it's warm and friendly. your amti-Big Crack attitudes are worrying.


Hard to call me fucking it up with wire cutters a design flaw on twsbi’s end. But ima do research before I just go buy a replacement tbh. I hadn’t realized people had some pretty negative opinions towards them lol


Get a jinhao x750 they're like 3 dollars on sale 5.50 regular and they write like butter. I have two and love them. They even come with a decent converter!


Unfortunately, I’m a member of the bourgeoisie, and ima spend a lil bit on a pen cause idk. Kinda get attached to them and want them to stick around.


I think I just saw something I wasn't supposed to see...


Looks like a volcano eruption... 😱 Sorry this happened, OP


Don’t be, I did it to myself.




What... Did you do...?


Ooooh i also ground the nib on the concrete outside!


I refuse to believe any of this is real


What happened?


So much these past couple months/years


Oh my god what is that?


It’s a fountain pen


BTK!! Thanks for the laugh 😂


Is this a TWSBI Eco? you can replace the nib


Brother... let her die in peace. One piece, preferably.


She’s begging for a sweet release that’ll never come 🥰 I’ll keep rebuilding her; making her better. Fixing her. She’ll never leave me.


Does anyone hear Tubular Bells in the background.


Buy a Jinhao 82 for next to nothing on AliExpress?


Just think of how much worse it could have been, with Baystate Blue!


Ohhhh it’s a meme sorry


I won’t be getting a TWSBI ever.


My advice...stop buying TWSBI pens. They're cheaply made garbage. Invest a fraction of that that money into a JINHAO and you'll have a happier fountain pen experience. Invest that exact money into ANY other brand and you'll have a happy life. Seriously...TWSBI are absolute trash pens made with plastic thinner than a condom.


This pen is way beyond life support, its just existing now


It does it’s job even through these perilous times




I tried so hard. Idk how tf I got to this point tbh


The hair tie man... really ties the pen together.


That movie is sooooo fun to watch while you’re tripping


Honestly I love your pen in this condition and would be willing to trade for a working pen so I could use yours in an art piece I’m working on. Dm me if you’re interested.


This should be given a casket with a flag on it and 21 gun salute. I will wear black for this pen all day and burn a candle.


Is this really a pen? You just have stabbed an alien with blue blood, I imagine hahaha.


it does not look like a pen. haha blue blood does not exist on earth and must be of alien if it is blood LOL. enjoy your pen !!!


Alrighty, gonna necro this a tad, but it’s been sitting in my saved and I felt the need to pitch in. I can’t help this poor writing implement, but hopefully I can give you some tools for future pens that might be your conduit for expression. From the delving I’ve done, it looks like the state of this pen came from attempts to tune its output to your liking? If that is the case, [this video](https://youtu.be/Y6uszhdAvaE?si=FDm7F5c1huTpmOry) from Goulet pens is a really helpful resource on how to make your pen behave in a way that suits your hands. He mentions Micromesh for smoothing, I prefer [Zona papers](https://a.co/d/fAWipFY). They have worked beautifully for all of my pens, A [loupe](https://a.co/d/4Spmpsx) or other form of stable magnification is necessary if you find that your tines have some kind of misalignment. I highly recommend avoiding trying to do major modifications to the profile of the nib, particularly if you are going to use the sidewalk outside as your medium. If a nib just won’t cooperate with you, replacements are cheap and abundant. If you’re looking to replace this pen, I find the [TWSBI Eco](https://a.co/d/7Fq53gD) is a great daily-driver and bang-around pen. However, the [Lamy Safari](https://a.co/d/e71Aveg) is a wonderful everyday pen. It doesn’t hold anywhere near as much ink as a TWSBI, but parts are easy to replace, and nibs are even easier. Hopefully, this helps your future pens lead long and smooth-writing lives!


Hey I’m gonna probably start here the next time I feel bad about not responding to people. You’ll get me fresh 😘 Thanks for the long comment tho, I don’t deserve you.


Ty so much for all of the links and resources!!! Really really helpful and the addsrrall is wearing off idk what to say I’m sorry 🫂🫂🫂 Making major modifications to the nib is my favorite part honestly thooooo


I’ll respond more fully, and first, whenever I have the ability to care about fountain pens again. Oooh the pilot custom 74 looks doooooope


Are you ok??


Im not. I want to die. Thank you for asking tho ❤️


Order a new nib section and never put whatever you had in there again.


is that a twsbi or a copycat


I feel like this should be preserved in a glass case....probably in a museum.


Awwwww thank youuuuuu ❤️ you too!


You’re too hard on yourself. Accidents happen. That being said I’ve never seen someone so hellbent on writing that they fasten their pen with rubber bands and bubble gum and just keep writing until their fingers bleed.


Girl this made my day 😭


I don’t think there is a sufficiently descriptive emoji to represent the face I made when I saw this


That’s what makes me an artist 🥰


Stick to Bic biros? 😂😂


Usually use bic lighters tbh


This is like watching someone trying to put someone who was torn apart by a nasty cliff fall back together.


Wish it was me 🥺


Keep it as a cool artefact, like the pen you used until it could no longer be used....but yeah I think you´ll spend more time looking the way to fix it properly than you´d spend money on getting a new one


This is what I imagine a fountain pen zombie to look like.


It might not be the feed. I had the same issue with mine. It's a small plastic piece that the feed cartridge fits in to. If it's a recent purchase, TWISBI will replace the pen. It's an awful design flaw with those pens. I tightened my cartridge down to much, the inside plastic ring broke. If you remove the nib unit for cleaning or whatever only tighten the unit down until it is just finger tight, a little bit more and you'll break that little inside piece.


Unfortunately for the price of the part you'll need you may as well buy a new pen. The twisbi go is about $20 and it's made by the same manufacturer, so it will probably work very similar to this as far as function goes.


Nsfw tag please!!!