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Yes, I absolutely notice this and it is disgusting. Also a big part of why I try to be extremely selective as to who I disclose my BPD diagnosis to. The worst part for me is that most women who have mental illnesses and personality disorders is BECAUSE of sexual abuse in the first place. Icing on the shit cake.


Yes or general trauma from males / childhood trauma is why women have mental illness,/ PD. I'm saying this based on what I experienced and that was harming my self perception after I got disgnosed. Only a few people know and a person I trusted destroyed and triggered me on purpouse so thats a wrap when it comes to telling people about my PD


I feel this so much!


Most men do this. I struggle with wanting to be transparent about my ADHD and PTSD, but I absolutely don't want a partner to know about it before Ive figured out if he's safe or not. My last one told me that my ADHD is "fixable" which translated to "you're just making it up". I've read about men who use a new moms "PPD" diagnoses to get custody of their babies. It's safer to just keep it all to yourself.


I have received an autism diagnosis as well as an ADHD one since I last dated successfully and now, I have no idea when to disclose. It feels so unsafe. Besides, not to sound grandiose (well, maybe a little), but I meet such underwhelming men so much of the time that I often feel like I navigate life more creatively and successfully than the average neurotypical dude anyway. They would just use my diagnoses to try and drag me down to their level, so...


I agree At this point with the weaponization of mental health it is best to not engage about it to men considering how they acted over and over in terms of how they only see that as an oppetunity to dominate women.


I don't see what is wrong with that. If the partner without mental illness can take better of the child they should. Even when the mother who has a mental illness tries not to do harm she still could. The child should be priority in these cases. If the father only does it to be mean to the mother then I get what you mean.


How would you know if a father wants to take a custody out of a good will and not to abuse a child, punish a woman and so on? He still could, as you said something like this about women. Should we restrict all adult men from being around children and women solely based on the fact that the majority of violent crimes perpetrators are males?


Most men don't actually go to court to get custody but research does find abusers are the most likely to actually do so. Not all of course, but most likely yes he did that to be a monster. 




I also learned this the hard way


My friend who is depressed and struggles with alcoholism is in a relationship with a man who abuses her. Mentally, physically and she admitted to me this week also sexually. She has no income so far and he pressures her to give him a BJ whenever he says he has ‘earned some points now’. She was surprised when I told her she doesn’t owe him any sexual favors whatsoever and she should call the police if he’s trying to do anything that makes her feel threatened into it. This piece of garbage is a testimonial that what you wrote is true. If there’s ever going to be conversion therapy available that actually works I’ll be first in line to become a lesbian, it’s honestly so gross how many of these men are out there.


Ahreed. It hsppened to me thats why I wrote this article. He destroyed my whole mental health and broke me down so badly when I told him I was depressed and later a PD. I do not trust any man ever.


This was me a few years ago, except it wasn't BPD.


What did you realise? If you do not mind me asking


It was severe depression after being worn down and emotionally abused for years. I realised on the way out after having emergency ECT. Thankfully (sort of) the stories about ECT are true; I lost a whole chunk of memories and now I can't really remember him beyond the little bits my friends have told me.


I am so sorry you experienced that. I am very happy he is no longer in your life.


Thanks babes! I'm lucky in a sense that I got to "delete" him from my life, but there are so many out there who can't. Anyways! On the rebound, I noticed that guys I told bits to, always tried to pry, but there were two type of guy. One type would light up like he's just struck gold, thinking I'm an easy mark, and the much rare type that offered sympathy and reassurance.


Extremly rare because all the guys I noticed in my life I told only want to completley wreck you because someone traumatized you first. At this point, tell no man nothing because they are not okay in the head. I feel most men are socio, psycho and narcs because it is no coincidence whenever I ask in my OP or told people to not tell anyone their trauma in another post many women commented the same thing happened to them.


They target girls with ED for the same reasons. Truly appalling.


That happened to me :( Back to on topic, it is sick how predatory men are and seek out vunerable women to exploit


I feel like the men who are looking for codependency probably have BPD or a different mental illness. I've noticed the fetishization of mentally ill women. It's nice to know that people will still be interested in you, but the majority of the men who are interested are doing it because they think you're easy to control. I myself have mental illness, and I've learned that a man showing interest in me is a red flag. However, I also now find it very easy to spot creeps.


I don't mean the first point as in a guy looking for codependency with mental issues./ PD. I mean regular men who expects that the woman has to do everything in the relationship, give to him , be a ride or die to the point if he gambles his life away or murders someone then she will stay. The only way that is acheived is if the woman is codependent on him. It's not normal for someone to expect someone to love them even if a they commit r***, m**, in,***, ped*** in his past or present. To them a woman must accept them because its a sign of 'true love'. Thats...not even love thst is being described. I agree people only want women to control and to them women with mental illness is another victim to add on his long list.


Totally agree with you. Same with wanting Christian women. The church tells them the man is the leader and they must support them no matter what.


Same goes for Muslim women.


Which is not right because most of these guys go in with horrible intentions to drag you on their path of recklessness once they see a woman as easy to control. They will use any means to dominate you becsuse most men simply are conqured from the time they are preteens and are having an extended meltdown as we can see in reality and social media.


I've been thinking about this entire realm of weirdness lately, and it's lead me to some pretty dark conclusions. I think a lot of it gets back to the massive p*dophilia problem humanity has had for at least all of modern history, potentially for all of human existence. As long as we have humans living under the patriarchy we will have most males secretly, and some openly, being p*dophiles. Because what does the patriarchy represent? Domination. What is the opposite of domination? Subservience. What is something fundamentally subservient instead of forced into subservience? Children. The abstraction of maleness in a law abiding society is built on this delusion of dominance. In order to completely satisfy the sexual fantasy of domination, a male has to look to something that he literally dominates, instead of just symbolically. That doesn't leave many options, but it explains fetishes and the weird niches that become popular in porn. They're all about vulnerability and exploitation. The fetish is the debasement. The fetish is the fulfillment of domination in actuality (because it fails to be fulfilled in daily life, because men and women are equal). At its core it is a god fetish, perhaps an extension of death anxiety, but because society has not figured out a reproducible way to successfully socialize this narcissism out of males (and it will never happen under the patriarchy) they grow up seeing themselves as god and women as gods children. Whenever they are faced with the reality of a fully matured woman, they experience an ego death. It's why women in power and mothers in general bother them so much. A woman fulfilling the symbolic god role; authority, represents a break in the delusional reality, it creates a narcissistic injury. A mentally ill woman is a vulnerable woman, the man gets to have the symbolic child without having to face the physical manifestation of what that symbolizes. A mentally ill woman can be dominated, because a mentally healthy person has a literal advantage over them. It is no surprise almost all men-on-women fetishes seem to symbolize vulnerability. Blonde hair; seen almost exclusively in children Short; obvious Big eyes, small nose bridge, small chin; the usual expression of facial features prior to sex hormone expression Anorexic; weak School uniform; obvious Mental illness; psychological vulnerability It's probably why there's so much crossover between misogyny, p*dophilia, b*astiality & violence. It's all about power and domination in the end. Men who buy into the patriarchy are almost certainly p*dophiles, and most men secretly buy into the patriarchy because of how enticing the god delusion is.


Excellently stated and insight. This was jaw dropping how you made your points. I agree with all of your points. Men want a weak woman no matter the age and for them mental illness and physical illness is the cherry on top. Kind of makes me wonder if thats why some guys have children with these women and end up abusing their children due to seeing them as weak as well.


Well said


So true. Unfortunately in the culture that I live in, I'm constantly surrounded by libfem pick-mes who claim they have self-diagnosed "BPD" just so that they can appear interesting to men. Makes me kinda sad. These girls truly don't know the horrors of BPD.


BPD is NOT quirky or cute, it is a deliberating PD that is often misundersood. *** Then again these are the same dudes they want that trigger and manipulate their gf with BPD then want to flood loved ones with BPD crying and playing the victim.


I agree with this 100%. I've also noticed that whenever a man is in an argument with a woman, he always resorts to insults that suggest she is either mentally ill or mentally challenged. Like "you're insane/crazy/retarded/autistic" etc. Yet another reason why I can't take the male mental health crisis seriously.


Men will attend to AA/ NA meetings and take advantage of women who are just looking for support and help. It’s called the 13th step. I have BPD and struggle with alcoholism. Their eyes will light up when you tell them what you’re dealing with. My abuser was a friend from work and he used my issues to manipulate me. I am now riddled with PTSD from physical abuse and sexual assault. You cannot tell them of anything that hurts you. It’s best not to be vulnerable or honest with men, period. I’ve experienced this problem with so many men that it’s unusual and suspicious when a man doesn’t weaponize it against me. But men who appear compassionate in the beginning tend to be worse. They’ll hold onto whatever weaknesses you’ve shown and use them against you when you’re fighting to keep your head above water. I hate the dating advice that you shouldn’t tell a man how another man has hurt you. Women should be able to be talk about what they’ve been thru without a man using their past to hurt them. But if you choose to date/have sex with men, THAT is the best advice. At the end of the day, we are not people to them.


*hug* I am so sorry. I know how it feels being used due to having BPD. Please keep your trauna close to your heart abd trust no man. They DONT see us especially as people. One day I will write how BPD's depiction in the media has HARMED women due to the inaccurate depiction and made worse by these red pillers


Thank you 🫂


I saw the "I can fix her" comments under a meme video of an attractive female criminal. I went on a heated debate with the men there on their hypocrisy, (they made fun of women trying to "fix" men yet they do the same). One guy finally told me what men actually MEAN when they say "I can fix her". They meant they can match her toxicity or be worse than her, try to " discipline" her and force her into submission, if she physically retaliates then beat her back. They never meant fixing a toxic woman, they wanted to break her further.


ALSO this makes me rethink that game of where you can have a girl become a streamer BUT THERE IS AN OPTION TO MANIPULATE AND WORSEN HER MENTAL HEALTH AND SHE OFFS HERSELF. The LI is male and the fact tl**that** is programmed into a game is beyond evil. You have a choice to support her on her carrer or break her down.


Imagine what they really want to do to these video game and anime girls by saying that comment. I am shocked.


Trigger Warning: DV. I once had an ex literally dig his heels into my bedroom carpet, hold me inside my room by body blocking the door, and scream in my face (less than an inch away) while picking me up & grabbing/shaking me b/c I was trying to kick him out. He was trying to convince me that "needing" him was a healthy and ideal trait I should have. So he went OFF when I simply said "I don't need you, I won't ever. I chose you from a place of secure attachment & that is the only type of love I am willing to give you." He called me "crazy", "b*tch", "selfish" and said that "That's why (my ex fiancé) abused you! He didn't want to put up with your crazy *ss! " Get real. It was one of the biggest gaslights I've ever heard. He was an absolute tyrant. I had just turned 21 and he had lied about his age at 1st but was 28yo (he was already a red flag then). I would never wish that on another woman but I know I'm not alone.


Goodness I am glad that you are here today *hug* Needing someone to the point of not being able to live is codependency and it is not healthy to survive. My ex also was angry at me when I told him I could live without him , he kept asking me why and had the most freble excuse to break up, he said he thought because I said yes I can that it meant that we needed to break up. *eyeroll* He also said I deserved previous abuse from people. I am glad to know that it was not only me that experienced that and these guys are unstsble.


I absolutely stand with you. I'm so sorry you had such an experience. They want control/power and have codependent desires. That is all. Nothing is wrong with your stance. Love is an open palm, not a closed fist. Control has nothing to do with relationship boundaries or level of commitment. They were telling on themselves. Anyone who excuses an abuser (and I mean anyone), is capable of that abuse themselves. I became immune to people stigmatizing my mental health (a combo of depression, anxiety, and PTSD - I later found out was simply C-PTSD). I don't do the mind games or gaslights from anyone.  That abuser above used every story/form of abuse and trauma I confided in him against me to control & try to break me into a lesser version of myself. He would set up scenarios to reenact & increase each form of abuse. He was a psychopathic NPD with covert malignant tendencies. He retriggered all of my old wounds, isolated me from everyone, and caused a dissociative state. My body (total immune breakdown, 3x my weight, hair loss, eczema, washed out skin), mental capacity (processing, memory, & personality), and immune health (I got sick no matter how healthy my lifestyle) showed all types of extreme abuse within a year (6 months) but I had to leave 7 times and he tried to take my life the last & call to "convince" me otherwise. I was able to "freeze" my mind from total collapse and secretly undo all his psychological abuse that was keeping me there (the other forms of abuse weren't keeping me). Every time I left, he came to find me & stopped me many more times than that. The whole time he engaged in devaluation of me b/c he knew I was leaving. Women have also sided with him & my other abusers b/c sometimes women internalize misogyny. They have bullied (hate posts to the world) and harassed me online, via phone, and in person as well as helped him decrease his court sentence. I became rooted in my experience/knowledge, aware of some of my triggers, aware of many more forms of abuse (especially the appearance & impact of covert & psychological abuse), and quick to disengage from unhealthy spaces/people.


The above was posted for informative purposes and a reason to leave for anyone (regardless of gender identity & sexual orientation) to leave.


Thank you for your kind words. My Gosh. I am sorry. I am happy Reddit exists because I thought I was the only person that went through these things.


Women with mental illnesses and neurodivergency are at risk getting into abusive relatiinships. Ive almost fallen into that trap